Marvel TV brought Cloak and Dagger to WonderCon 2019 ahead of its season 2 premiere, where series creator and producer Joe Pokaski discussed Tandy and Tyrone’s arcs in season 1 as well as where their stories go in season 2, along with what all that means for Mayhem. Screen Rant had the opportunity to speak with Pokaski about Cloak and Dagger season 2 in a roundtable interview with other entertainment news outlets at WonderCon. Unsurprisingly, Pokaski wants to see Spider-Man (any version of him) in Cloak and Dagger just as much as the fans do.

How much time has passed since season 1?

How do you account for that in the show? Do you guys have a time jump?

Eight months. I once did this interview with Joss Whedon, where he said, “I like the characters to take off as much time as the audience.” And it made so much sense. So we tried to do that between these seasons.

Were there any storylines in the previous season that you want to flesh out in season 2?

Yeah, you know, we pick up eight months later. Tyrone’s still living in the church, still on the run from the law. Tandy’s back with her mom, but she’s into it. Eight months and trying to take ballet classes, see what a regular life is about. And we just start our story for season 2 where they are uncomfortable in their comfort, and then we blow things up.

Is the tone going to be the same in season 2 or are you going to try to change things up?

Yeah, I mean I think some of the fun that Marvel and Freeform allowed me to do is to leave some dangling threads. At the end of the last episode of last season, we see Detective Connors be sucked into Tyrone’s cloak. We have no idea where he went. We have no idea what happened to him, what happens when you get sucked into Tyrone’s cloak. And we also haven’t see Tandy step in there, so that was kind of a storyline I was excited to hold on. We’re going to explore what happens when Tandy Bowen steps into the cloak of Tyrone Johnson.

Are there any new challenges this season? Everyone’s back and they’re kind of used to what they’re doing, but is there anything new?

I think the tone is going to be similar. I think part of the fun of working with actors like Aubrey, and Olivia, and Emma is you get to see how good they are. And the first season we cast them and we crossed our fingers; we knew they were talented, we knew they were some of the most beautiful people on the planet. But I was amazed, episode after episode, what they could do. So I think the tone is pretty much the same, but the hurdles we give to them emotionally are kind of bigger and more challenging.


I think, honestly, the budget living up to our ambition is probably the toughest one. Some of the beauty of the first season is we got to do a little bit of a slow burn, not only emotionally… we got to do a whole episode with them talking inside a church. I think they’d kill me if I tried to do that this season. But it really worked. And now, not only do we want to tell - the training wheels are off - we’re telling bigger stories with a bigger scope. We’re also… when Tyrone knows how to use his powers, Tandy starts getting angry and creating light bombs. All of a sudden things get a little more expensive, so that’s probably the biggest challenge. But we have great teams in L.A. and New Orleans, and our actors always pull it off, so it turned out okay.

Since New Orleans is a city that has such a character… so you got to shoot in New Orleans [for season 2]?

What’s an aspect of the comics that you’re really excited to bring to life on the screen?

Yeah, it was fun. It was really impressive; we had a lot of crew members kind of text us, like, “Are you coming back? I’m holding off on a job.” We had almost all of our crew return. They love Olivia and Aubrey, first and foremost, and they’re great leaders. But it was really fun because we got a lot of people back so there was a lot less discovering the show and more executing kind of a better version of it.

Does she have a much bigger role in season 2?

I do like finally stepping inside Tyrone’s cloak. I think that’s going to be very fun. I’m very excited for the Mayhem character. It was really a blessing, you know, when I first looked at Cloak and Dagger, I was like, “There’s no mythology to play with.” But we had this great character who starts off as an ally and then becomes a scary-as-hell vigilante. And when we cast Emma Lahana for the role, it was a blessing because she can do anything. I think you guys are going to be really impressed. I don’t want to spoil anything, but watching what she does, with respect to being Brigid and being Mayhem, is one of the most amazing acting jobs I’ve seen.

Do we get that answer this season?

Absolutely. She… gets a few more scenes [laughs]. You know, season 2 is really about Tandy and Tyrone. If season 1 was about answering the call and deciding to become heroes, then this big question lays, what kind of heroes are we going to be? And when you’re trying to figure out what kind of hero you’re going to be, one of the touchstones is going to be, what about this person going around killing people and not asking questions? She becomes this thing… they’re trying to decide whether she’s good, whether she’s evil, whether the answer’s that simple. And they kind of find their own moral compasses by way of her.

There are some emotional scenes in the first season, should I get my box of tissues ready…

It’s Cloak and Dagger, everything’s grey [laughs]. We get several answers to that question - all of them valid, many of them conflicting. That’s kind of our show.

What other superhero would you love about Cloak and Dagger to meet, ‘cause I know they started…

You absolutely should. At the end of episode 8, if you don’t cry, you might be a robot. Like, captcha should just do one of those things, like… Did you cry at the end of episode 8? Also, how many cars are in this picture? And if you can’t answer it, you are indeed a robot. We have a lot of cool… every episode ends with the impulse to wait seven days for the next episode.

More: Cloak & Dagger Recap: 6 Biggest Questions Going Into Season 2

It’s the most boring answer, but Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Like, I’m a Peter Parker guy myself. I’ve watched [Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse] an uncomfortable number of times for, like… it’s been out on DVD for, like, a week, and I’ve probably watched it five times. It’s so good. But I think, you know, always the theme of great power there must also come great responsibility, so we’re universal. And, I think, Tandy and Tyrone kind of are cousins to that universe. I think it’d be fun to see them crossover at some point. Now there’s like 15 Spider-Men, just give us one. We’ll take the pig!