Regulating chief and co-maker of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dave Filoni, has at long last said something regarding an Order 66 plot opening made by the show’s last season. First debuting in 2008, the adored Star Wars animation wrapped its last and seventh season prior this year on Disney+. The arrangement was restored following its undoing that came in the midst of the acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney, and this permitted Filoni and his group to give The Clone Wars the best possible consummation it merited.
The Clone Wars season 7 brings the occasions of the energized arrangement up to and through those of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In doing as such, the animation offers another variant of Order 66, this time from the point of view of the previous Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and the clone trooper, Captain Rex. At the point when Order 66 is given, Rex is seen battling against his programming to murder the Jedi, however it demonstrates hard to completely stand up to. In the long run, Ahsoka can break through to Rex, and keeping in mind that utilizing the Force to quiet his psyche, she finds his chip and evacuates it, counteracting his drive to follow Order 66. In any case, during Star Wars Rebels, which is set a very long time after the Clone Wars, this isn’t actually how Rex clarifies what occurs, making what some consider a plot gap. Filoni, however, can clarify why he trusts The Clone Wars season 7 hasn’t generally made a plot opening encompassing Order 66 and Rex’s chip.
In a meeting with Nerdist, Filoni talks about numerous parts of The Clone Wars’ last season, remembering the alleged change for Rex’s chip evacuation. At the point when Rex later clarifies the evacuation of his chip to Kanan in Rebels, he doesn’t go into any of the detail watchers observer in The Clone Wars season 7. There’s no notice of Ahsoka’s contribution, and it’s nearly suggested it occurred before Order 66 being given. This why some consider what Clone Wars decided to appear as making a plot gap with respect to what Rebels previously settled, however Filoni doesn’t concur. He clarifies,
“At the point when you contact him in Rebels and he says, ‘I took out my control chip’ to Kanan as a method of clarifying that we as a whole can settle on a decision. I think he considers that to be valid and I believe it’s single direction that he’s adapted to things. He got it expelled. Kanan doesn’t have to know the moment subtleties of Rex’s life.
I imagine that is the place you can get hung up on coherence so much that you don’t really recount to a story that is about genuine individuals. So Rex at that point discloses to Kanan the perspective Kanan needs to comprehend what rex’s identity is and what he’s extremely about. Later on, do they have a scene where they get into reality of it that was much more frightening? Most likely, however I think Kanan likewise realizes that.”
Like most media properties that have traversed decades, Star Wars has collected in excess of a couple of plot gaps. Actually, Star Wars even has its own expression to help hand-wave away inconsistencies – “from a specific perspective,” first spoken by Obi-Wan in The Empire Strikes Back when he admits to not revealing to Luke every bit of relevant information about dad and Darth Vader. The short form of how Rex’s chip was evacuated that he tells Kanan is a lot of a “from a specific perspective” clarification, yet as Filoni appropriately brings up, it doesn’t really make a plot opening.
Rather, The Clone Wars season 7 gives more prominent setting what exactly precisely happened to Rex during the horrendous accidents of Order 66. Instead of just having Rex evacuate his chip at some obscure point in time, it happens is the middle of all the mayhem, with Ahsoka helping him through what’s ostensibly his hardest trial. Presently when watchers watch his trade with Kanan in Rebels, they’ll see precisely why Rex wouldn’t really need to remember the recollections of how close he came to nearly killing his closest companion. What’s more, The Clone Wars has made a lot greater plot openings before that this one doesn’t simply appear to issue such a lot.