In order to make the most optimal use of a particular cloud deployment type, you must understand what each deployment model can do, its characteristics, and its advantages and disadvantages.

Type of Cloud Deployment Model

Here are some important types of Cloud Deployment models:

Private Cloud: Resource managed and used by the organization. Public Cloud: Resource available for the general public under the Pay as you go model. Community Cloud: Resource shared by several organizations, usually in the same industry. Hybrid Cloud: This cloud deployment model is partly managed by the service provided and partly by the organization.

Common Adoption Issues for Cloud

Here are some common adoption issues you will face:

It is impossible to provide 100% availability without a high-availability architecture. Vendor lock-in is also a concern that users always have, but in practice, they live with it. It is almost impossible to guarantee 100% of security and privacy protection. Enterprise users must maintain business legal documents.

Public Cloud Model

As its names suggest, the public cloud is available to the general public, and resources are shared between all users. They are available to anyone, from anywhere, using the Internet. The public cloud deployment model is one of the most popular types of cloud.

This computing model is hosted at the vendor’s data center. The public cloud model makes the resources, such as storage and applications, available to the public over the WWW. It serves all the requests; therefore, resources are almost infinite.

Characteristics of Public Cloud

Here are the essential characteristics of the Public Cloud:

Uniformly designed Infrastructure Works on the Pay-as-you-go basis Economies of scale SLA guarantees that all users have a fair share with no priority It is a multitenancy architecture, so data is highly likely to be leaked

Advantages of Public Cloud Deployments

Here are the pros/benefits of the Public Cloud Deployment Model:

Highly available anytime and anywhere, with robust permission and authentication mechanism. There is no need to maintain the cloud. Does not have any limit on the number of users. The cloud service providers fully subsidize the entire Infrastructure. Therefore, you don’t need to set up any hardware. Does not cost you any maintenance charges as the service provider does it. It works on the Pay as You Go model, so you don’t have to pay for items you don’t use. There is no significant upfront fee, making it excellent for enterprises that require immediate access to resources.

Disadvantages of Public Cloud Deployments

Here are the cons/drawbacks of the Public Cloud Deployment Model:

It has lots of issues related to security. Privacy and organizational autonomy are not possible. You don’t control the systems hosting your business applications.

Private Cloud Model

The private cloud deployment model is a dedicated environment for one user or customer. You don’t share the hardware with any other users, as all the hardware is yours. It is a one-to-one environment for single use, so there is no need to share your hardware with anyone else. The main difference between private and public cloud deployment models is how you handle the hardware. It is also referred to as “internal cloud,” which refers to the ability to access systems and services within an organization or border.

Characteristics of Private Cloud

Here are the essential characteristics of the Private Cloud:

It has a non-uniformly designed infrastructure. Very low risk of data leaks. Provides End-to-End Control. Weak SLA, but you can apply custom policies. Internal Infrastructure to manage resources easily.

Advantages of Private Cloud Deployments

Here are the pros/benefits of the Private Cloud Deployment Model:

You have complete command over service integration, IT operations, policies, and user behavior. Companies can customize their solution according to market demands. It offers exceptional reliability in performance. A private cloud enables the company to tailor its solution to meet specific needs. It provides higher control over system configuration according to the company’s requirements. Private cloud works with legacy systems that cannot access the public cloud. This Cloud Computing Model is small, and therefore it is easy to manage. It is suitable for storing corporate information that only permitted staff can access. You can incorporate as many security services as possible to secure your cloud.

Disadvantages of Private Cloud Deployments

Here are the cons/drawbacks of the Private Cloud Deployment Model:

It is a fully on-premises-hosted cloud that requires significant capital to purchase and maintain the necessary hardware. Companies that want extra computing power must take extra time and money to scale up their Infrastructure. Scalability depends on the choice of hardware.

Hybrid Cloud Model

A hybrid cloud deployment model combines public and private clouds. Creating a hybrid cloud computing model means that a company uses the public cloud but owns on-premises systems and provides a connection between the two. They work as one system, which is a beneficial model for a smooth transition into the public cloud over an extended period. Some companies cannot operate solely in the public cloud because of security concerns or data protection requirements. So, they may select the hybrid cloud to combine the requirements with the benefits of a public cloud. It enables on-premises applications with sensitive data to run alongside public cloud applications.

Characteristics of Private Cloud

Here are the Characteristics of the Private Cloud:

Provides betters security and privacy Offers improved scalability Cost-effective Cloud Deployment Model Simplifies data and application portability

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud Deployments

Here are the pros/benefits of the Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model:

It gives the power of both public and private clouds. It offers better security than the Public Cloud. Public clouds provide scalability. Therefore, you can only pay for the extra capacity if required. It enables businesses to be more flexible and to design personalized solutions that meet their particular needs. Data is separated correctly, so the chances of data theft by attackers are considerably reduced. It provides robust setup flexibility so that customers can customize their solutions to fit their requirements.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud Deployments

Here are the cons/drawbacks of the Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model:

It is applicable only when a company has varied use or demand for managing the workloads. Managing a hybrid cloud is complex, so if you use a hybrid cloud, you may spend too much. Its security features are not good as the Private Cloud.

Community Cloud Model

Community clouds are cloud-based infrastructure models that enable multiple organizations to share resources and services based on standard regulatory requirements. It provides a shared platform and resources for organizations to work on their business requirements. This Cloud Computing model is operated and managed by community members, third-party vendors, or both. The organizations that share standard business requirements make up the members of the community cloud.

Advantages of Community Cloud Deployments

Here are the pros/benefits of the Community Cloud Deployment Model:

You can establish a low-cost private cloud. It helps you to do collaborative work on the cloud. It is cost-effective, as multiple organizations or communities share the cloud. You can share resources, Infrastructure, etc., with multiple organizations. It is a suitable model for both collaboration and data sharing. Gives better security than the public cloud. It offers a collaborative space that allows clients to enhance their efficiency.

Disadvantages of Community Cloud Deployments

Here are the cons/drawbacks of the Community Cloud Deployment Model:

Because of its restricted bandwidth and storage capacity, community resources often pose challenges. It is not a very popular and widely adopted cloud computing model. Security and segmentation are challenging to maintain.


Multi-cloud computing refers to using public cloud services from many cloud service providers. A company must run workloads on IaaS or PaaS in a multi-cloud configuration from multiple vendors, such as Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud Platform. There are many reasons an organization selects a multi-cloud strategy. Some use it to avoid vendor lock-in problems, while others combat shadow IT through multi-cloud deployments. So, employees can still benefit from a specific public cloud service if it does not meet strict IT policies.

Benefits of Multi-Cloud Deployment Model

Here are the pros/benefits of the Multi-Cloud Deployment Model:

A multi-cloud deployment model helps organizations choose the specific services that work best for them. It provides a reliable architecture. With multi-cloud models, companies can choose the best Cloud service provider based on contract options, flexibility with payments, and customizability of capacity. It allows you to select cloud regions and zones close to your clients.

Disadvantages of Multi-Cloud Deployments

Here are the cons/drawbacks of the Multi-Cloud Deployment Model:

Multi-cloud adoption increases the complexity of your business. Finding developers, engineers, and cloud security experts who know multiple clouds is difficult.

Comparison of Top Cloud Deployment Models

How to select the suitable Cloud Deployment Models

Companies are extensively using these cloud computing models all around the world. Each of them solves a specific set of problems. So, finding the right Cloud Deployment Model for you or your company is important. Here are points you should remember for selecting the right Cloud Deployment Model:

Scalability: You need to check if your user activity is growing quickly or unpredictably with spikes in demand. Privacy and security: Select a service provider that protects your privacy and the security of your sensitive data. Cost: You must decide how many resources you need for your cloud solution. Then calculate the approximate monthly cost for those resources with different cloud providers. Ease of use: You must select a model with no steep learning curve. Legal Compliance: You need to check whether any relevant low stop you from selecting any specific cloud deployment model.


Cloud deployment is the installation of hardware and software accessible over the Internet on a specialized platform. Four most important cloud deployment models are 1) Public Cloud, 2) Private Cloud, 3) Community Cloud, and 4) Hybrid Cloud. The public cloud is available to the general public, and resources are shared between all users. The private cloud deployment model is a dedicated environment for one user (customer). Community clouds are cloud-based infrastructure models that enable multiple organizations to share resources and services based on standard regulatory requirements. The hybrid cloud deployment model combines a public and private cloud. An organization that uses a multi-cloud model incorporates public cloud services from over one cloud service provider.