#CNNisGarbage is now trending on Twitter. CNN has come under fire lately with accusations that it has a political bias. Accusations that have also been similarly leveled at other news outlets that are often collectively referred to as the mainstream media. At times, these accusations have also come directly from the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Yesterday saw CNN host the latest Democratic presidential primary debate with a number of top Democratic hopefuls facing off against each other. Two of those thought to be leading the race is Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders and this particular debate was expected to be all the more fiery due to Warren confirming that Sanders has told her in private that a woman could not win the presidency.

With the debate now over, #CNNisGarbage is now trending on Twitter due to the sharing of videos that appear to show CNN ignoring points to further the ‘women can’t be president’ narrative. During the debate, Sanders was directly asked “you’re saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman cannot win the election?” with Sanders replying “That is correct.” Immediately following Sander’s denial, the moderator turns to Warren and asks the Senator “what did you think when Senator Sanders told you that a women could not win the election?” The apparent ignoring of the Sander’s denial was immediately met with laughter from the crowd. The reaction has not just facilitated debate on social media either, with MSNBC also seemingly puzzled as to why the CNN moderator acted in the way they did.

Alleged Media Bias, “Garbage” Not A Great Look For CNN

It is not just #CNNisGarbage that is currently doing the rounds with other variations, including #CNNisTrash also hitting Twitter. Regardless of which hashtag is used, they all amount to the same idea with CNN being accused of bias and favoring an outcome that’s more sensational. CNN itself published a longer version of the conversation to YouTube where Sanders not only elaborates further on the denial, but also makes the suggestion that continuing this story might be “what some of the media want.” Like the response on Twitter, comments on the video are also full of bias accusations. So far the video has received ten times more dislikes than likes.

Similar accusations were leveled during the 2016 election cycle when the media at large was accused of a ‘virtual media blackout’ of Sanders compared to other Democrat candidates. At one point, this also resulted in a Sanders supporter-led protest taking place outside CNN offices in LA and utilizing an #OccupyCNN hashtag. A hashtag that also now appears to be doing the rounds once again. Of course, there could be a much simpler answer to what has happened here where the moderator was just reading from a script instead of adopting a more dynamic approach to the debate. However, even if it is just as simple as that, it’s probably not the best way to monitor a debate, let alone one that has the impact to help influence who is the next president of the United States - as many on Twitter are now pointing out

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Source: Twitter