When Cobra Kai launched back in 2018, fans of the original Karate Kid films were excited at the prospect of not only seeing what happened to their favorite characters 30 years after the events of the movies but also getting to see a new cast of characters learning the martial art and showing off their karate skills.

Plenty of original Karate Kid characters returned to reprise their roles right from the beginning, including, of course, Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso. But fans were extra excited at seeing many other characters who returned. Some of them were rumored or confirmed to be appearing before each season commenced, but others were a complete surprise.

Johnny Lawrence

Starting off the series, fans got to see a depressed and dejected Lawrence at rock bottom who is, of course, one of the main characters of the show and the returning ones from Karate Kid. Drinking heavily, unkempt, and starting bar fights, he had nothing left. He found new purpose when he met Miguel, reconnected with his son Robby, and finally reconciled with Daniel.

Johnny’s was the first face fans got to see on the show and he continues to be a mainstay in the storyline. While he remains the same old Johnny at his core, he has also found a new lease on life and more things to fight for, both figuratively and literally.

Daniel LaRusso

The other main character, Daniel from Cobra Kai changed in some ways and stayed the same in others, both through the seasons of this show and the original Karate Kid movies. Daniel lost his way a few times, and came across as a bully, which was in stark contrast to his morally sound younger version in Karate Kid. But he always found his way back to his center and the teachings of Mr. Miyagi.

The rivalry between he and Johnny was a driving force for the series’ first few seasons, alongside the rivalry between the students in their dojos. But as new characters have been introduced, including returning ones from the movies on this list, the focus has shifted as the pair work together to take down mutual enemies.

Lucille LaRusso

She only appears in a few scenes in Cobra Kai, but Lucille first returns to Cobra Kai in a season one episode when she visits the LaRusso family home for dinner. Playing the typical critical mother-in-law role, she passive-aggressively insults Amanda’s abilities as a cook and a mother when she serves pre-packaged salads.

She goes on to remind everyone of when she worked as a single mother, then returned home every night to cook from scratch. In another scene, she is consoling Daniel after he is down and in a fight with Amanda. Like in the movies, she has only a small supporting role, but she’s a big force in Daniel’s life both then and now.

John Kreese

Still the same horrible man he was since the ’80s, Kreese continued to do terrible things to Johnny on Cobra Kai. Kreese wtook over the Cobra Kai dojo and ran it like it was a boot camp. He hadn’t changed his ways at all, and even after being incarcerated and betrayed by Terry Silver, he continued to show his complete lack of morals.

While Kreese didn’t appear until the end of the first season, he became a bigger part of the second season and every one since. In season three, he was the primary antagonist and the driving force behind Johnny and Daniel finally working together. With his future up in the air for a potential season 6, fans can’t wait to find out what happens next.

Bobby, Jimmy And Tommy

Bobby first appeared in the second season when Johnny went out for a night on the town with his old high school buds, including Jimmy and the terminally ill Tommy who, in the original movie, famously yelled “get him in a body bag!” They all enjoyed a night of trouble, including getting into a bar fight. They also celebrated what would likely be their last time together as Tommy was ill. Sadly, actor Rob Garrison who played Tommy was ill in real life as well and passed away not long after the season was released. His character also passed away on the show, leaving the men to mourn together.

Bobby was the only friend who appeared once again in the third season. He was in two scenes: first when a drunken Johnny crashes his church sermon, and second when he meets with Robby in juvenile hall, intending to accompany Johnny for a visit but he never shows up. One of the Karate Kid movie references fans might have missed in Cobra Kai is that Bobby was the second-best student and most notably threw his black belt to the floor in front of Kreese. He quit Cobra Kai over his disgust of what Kreese asked them to do to Daniel, so it’s no surprise that he went on to find redemption in the eyes of God and became a man of the cloth.


Originally in the movie sequel The Karate Kid Part II, Kumiko was Daniel’s love interest, a dancer and the niece of Mr. Miyagi’s former girlfriend and long-time love Yukie. Daniel ends up fighting with Chozen, the nephew of Sato, the man Yukie refused to marry, to defend his uncle’s honor. Chozen holds a knife to Yumiko’s neck and challenges Daniel to a fight to the death.

Daniel happens upon Kumiko in the Okinawa village and they catch up over drinks. Having inherited her aunt’s home after her death, Kumiko shares a box of letters Mr. Miyagi wrote to Yukie over the years, including one in which he speaks Daniel’s praises. This, along with Kumiko setting up a meeting between Daniel and Chozen, finally leads Daniel on the right path. While she hasn’t been seen since, she is referenced several times, including when Chozen reveals to Daniel that he is still in love with her.

Chozen Toguchi

While fans knew Chozen would be reprising his role ahead of the third season, his appearance was funnier than fans expected. After some awkward conversation, Chozen shows Daniel that there are teachings of Miyagi-Do than Mr. Miyagi never taught him. He also fights him in one of the less exciting yet still best fight scenes in Cobra Kai, pretending that he’s about to hit him hard only to honk his nose and laugh hysterically.

Chozen, a clearly changed man, admits that he had to fight to regain his honor and went through some dark times since their battle. He then goes on to teach Daniel new techniques using pressure points in the body that can take an enemy down. By season 5, Chozen and Daniel are close friends who team up to fight a common enemy, and have a little fun along the way.


A surprise appearance, right before heading back to America after believing that he was unsuccessful in securing a lengthened contract with the Doyona automakers to save his dealership, Yumiko surprises Daniel with an old friend he doesn’t recognize.

As it turns out, this young woman is Yuma, the little girl from the village in Karate Kid II who got caught in a typhoon. She was saved by a brave and heroic young Daniel who took her to shelter. She never forgot him risking his life for her. It turns out Yuna grew up to be a successful businesswoman who just so happened to be the Senior Vice President of Sales for none other than Doyona. She was only seen in the short cameo but she got Daniel out of a massive jam that saved him from losing his business.

Ali Mills

Fans hoped that Ali would show up, but how? There was lots of fan speculation that she might be the talented surgeon brought in to save Miguel’s life in season 3. But after a quick blonde-headed fake-out, it was confirmed this wouldn’t be the case.

After chatting with Johnny on Facebook and returning to California to visit her mother, she and Johnny have a sweet date where they reminisce about the good ol’ days. Ali then reunites with Daniel as well at a posh country club party where she helps the pair realize how much alike they are. Was that the last fans would see of Ali or will she be back? Fans will have to wait and see.

Terry Silver

Terry Silver was co-owner of Cobra Kai back in the day, the money behind the operation who, it is revealed in Cobra Kai, bought the dojo for his once friend John Kreese so he could continue his budding passion for the martial art and teaching kids.

In Cobra Kai, he returns still a wealthy man, presumably having left his old tricks behind, opting for a quieter, simpler life. But when John Kreese draws him back in, Silver proves he hadn’t changed one bit. He becomes an even more formidable enemy, not only to Daniel but also Kreese. Silver first appeared in season 4 and became the primary antagonist for season 5. He remains one of the biggest villains on Cobra Kai.

Mike Barnes

Mike Barnes was also from the second Karate Kid movie, a ringer for Terry Silver who is hired on to help him terrorize Daniel, turning him into a brutal, violent fighter. He uses tricks and torturous training exercises to make Daniel forget all of Mr. Miyagi’s teachings and become a worse version of himself.

In Cobra Kai, Daniel and Chozen visit Mike, suspecting he might be working with Terry again. It turns out he isn’t, and after sharing helpful information with Daniel that could take Terry down, Mike finds himself unwittingly a victim as well. He becomes a redeemed character, marking yet another villain who proves that time can heal all wounds.

Jessica Andrews

It was a really clever way to bring back a character from The Karate Kid II. After having had enough of Daniel and his obsession with karate, the rivalries, and Terry Silver, Amanda decides to leave for a while with the kids and spend time at her mother’s house. While there, she goes out with her cousin to a local bar.

Her cousin is none other than Jessica, who played young woman in the sequel movie who rebuffs his advanced after having just broken up with a long-time boyfriend. The two still become friends and she works with Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, making pots for the bonsai trees. She was integral to the torture Terry Silver put Daniel through back then, and alerts Amanda to how serious it was and that she should cut Daniel some slack for how he is acting as he still carries a lot of the trauma. There’s even a cute callback when Jessica bursts into the front door with pounds of mac and cheese for Daniel, recalling when he mentioned he loved it in the movie. Another callback: the woman who antagonizes Amanda and Jessica in the bar is the same girl who Jessica’s ex cheated on her wife when they were younger.