If there is one thing that really irritates me is when game companies make exclusive content for certain game systems, stores, or regions. I know it’s a marketing strategy, but it still hurts. It’s like a punishment to players for not doing what the companies want you to do.
Now I don’t play CoD, though I would like to. I feel bad for those people who learned about this last second. It’s a slap in the face and it isn’t right. I think gamers everywhere deserve to have the same content that other gamers get to have no matter the region, the stores, or the system they play. If there is a special deal for pre-ordered games, I think that is fine. People who dare pre-order a game deserve some sort of special gift. But I don’t think players should be punished for not choosing the “right” pre-order outlet.
I’m interested in what the rest of you have to say. Agree or disagree with what I have said - I’d really like to know.