What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web application by using MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is released under the MIT license. Therefore its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a reliable PHP framework as it follows expressive and accurate language rules.

What is CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework. It is built for developers who like a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter is one of the best options for creating dynamic websites using PHP. It provides complete freedom for the users as they don’t need to depend on the MVC development pattern. Moreover, it allows third-party plugins which can be useful to implement complicated functionalities. It also offers awesome security and encryption procedures.

Difference Between Laravel and CodeIgniter

Why use Laravel?

Laravel offers version control system that helps with simplified management of migrations Modular packaging with composer based dependency manager Support for Eloquent ORM, the advanced ActiveRecord implementation for working on DB Support DBMS platforms like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer Offers features like blade templating engine Support for artisan command along with sample codes line interface Has great documentation Laravel allows you to enforce constraints between multiple DBM objects by using an advanced query builder mechanism The framework has an auto-loading feature, so you don’t do manual maintenance and inclusion paths The framework helps you to generate new tools with the help of a LOC container

Why use CodeIgniter?

Great support and immediate answers provided by a very active CodeIgniter community support Clear and structured documentation Offers enhanced stability & supports It offers a simple routing method It allows you to cached website for improved performance and loading times

Larvel Vs Codeignitor Google Trends

Features of Laravel

Easy Integration with third-party libraries Modular packaging Dependency manager fully composer-based Query builder as potential ORM alternative Easy to use the blade-templating engine Built-in authentication mechanisms and caching mechanism Unmatched quality session control Offer better IO capabilities

Features of CodeIgniter

Larvel Vs. Codeignitor StackOverflow Questions

Simple and easy to use MVC framework Extremely Light Weight framework Form and Data Validation Security and XSS Filtering Offers session management Image Manipulation Library Support for paging and Data Encryption File Uploading Class Offers Data Encryption Error Logging Offers calendar Class, template Engine Class and Unit Testing Class Search-engine Friendly URLs Support for Hooks and Class Extensions Offers form and data validation inbuilt class support for sending a mail

Laravel vs. CodeIgniter which is better?

To conclude this, we can say both of these PHP frameworks have its relevance and benefits. However, It entirely depends on your project that which one you should prefer. Despite that, we can say that Laravel has a little edge compared to CodeIgniter because of its elegant and advanced features.