If you’re asked to name a color that starts with the letter G, would your answer be either green or gray? These two are the most common colors that start with the letter G, however, did you know that according to Colorpedia, as of May 2017, there are approximately 213 colors that start with G?

I know you’re curious, so here are those colors:

Gable GreenGaddafiGainsboroGalatica GalaxyGalaxy Red GalleryGallianoGambogeGamboge OrangeGannet Grey Gargoyle Gargoyle GasGarnet OrangeGarnet Red Gauntlet GeasGecko GeebungGelato Generic ViridianGeneva Genie Genie PurpleGenoaGeorgia ClayGeraldineGeranium RedGerman Grey Geronimo Get Reddy GeyserGhostGhost WhiteGhoulish Graham Cracker  Giant’s Club  Giants OrangeGigasGiggle GimbletGinGin FizzGingerGingerbreadGingko GivryGlacierGlade GreenGlaucousGlistening White GlitterGlitter Purple Glitterati Glitterbug Glossy Grape  Go BenGo Go Go GO GreenGoblinGobstopper Goddess Goethite GoldGold Coast Gold DropGold Dust Gold FoilGold Fusion  Gold Rush Gold SandGold TipsGolden BellGolden BrownGolden DreamGolden FizzGolden Flesh Golden GlowGolden GrassGolden PoppyGolden SandGolden Sand BeachGolden StrawGolden TainoiGolden YellowGoldenrodGoldfish Goldmine GondolaGondola Grey GooGood ApolloGooseberry  Gooseberry SourGordons Green GorseGossamerGossipGossip Green Gotham GothicGOV Position  Governor BayGovernor Bay Purple Graceland Grain BrownGrain SandGrand Canyon  GrandisGranite Gray  Granite GreenGranny AppleGranny SmithGranny Smith AppleGrapeGrape JuiceGraphiteGrassGrass GreenGrass Stain Grasshopper Grasslands GravelGravity GrayGray AsparagusGray BlueGray ChateauGray NickelGray NurseGray OliveGray SkyGray SuitGreenGreen Blue  Green Fields Green GrapesGreen HazeGreen HouseGreen Kelp Green LeafGreen Lizard  Green Meets Blue Green MistGreen PeaGreen Room Green Sheen  Green SmokeGreen SpringGreen TeaGreen VogueGreen WaterlooGreen WhiteGreen YellowGreenback Green-Blue  Green-CyanGreenstone GrenadierGrenadier Red GreyGrey Chateau Grey Friars Grey Granite Grey Green Grey Nickel Grey Nurse Grey Olive Grey Suit Greywacke GrizzlyGroovy Groundbreaker GrulloGuardsman Brown Guardsman RedGulesGulf BlueGulf StreamGullGumGum LeafGumboGumboot Gun PowderGunmetal Gunmetal GunsmokeGuppie GreenGurkhaGuru 

If you’ve noticed the list listed less than 213 colors that start with G, that’s because some of these colors have more than 1 variation. It’s great to know all of them but that’s not what you’re here to know today. However, if you’re truly interested to know more, don’t procrastinate and look them up when you have time.

Now, you can already name more colors that start with G. The next thing to do is to know their RGB values. But first, what is RGB? According to TechTerms, RGB stands for “Red Green Blue” and it refers to a color model where the three hues of light are mixed together to produce different colors. This color model has 256 levels that range from 0 to 255; where if the maximum level of each color was used, which is 255, it would produce white and if the minimum level of each color was used, which is 0, it would produce black. There could be millions of colors that could be produced using the various combinations that we could make using the RGB. However, in this article we’ll be focusing on combinations that would result in colors that start with the letter G, and here are 40 of them:

Who knew there were these many colors that start with G? Not only are these colors captivating but their names are also interesting. The RGB values also surprised us with the many color variations that can be produced depending on the values we combine. So if you ever want to use the colors as font color, you can simply enter these RGB values and use them to bring color to your work and to your life. Or you can randomly try different values and see what color would come out. Knowing that there are millions of possible colors that could be produced using the RGB, who knows what you’d find. You might even stumble across another color that starts with G. 

Learning about colors fills us not only with color, of course, but with millions, to almost endless, possibilities. And after getting to know the look of these 40 colors that start with G, the world seemed to be more colorful. Don’t you think so too?


RGB Color Search – http://www.procato.com

Colorpedia – http://colorful.fandom.com

Techterms – http://techterms.com