Luckily, Comcast has been working with Intrinio to build a unique solution using our comprehensive datasets and real-time market data. Using Intrinio’s solution, Comcast was able to quickly identify where their customers were spending the most money

What Is Comcast?

The name “Comcast” is a combination of the words “communication” and “broadcast”. The company was re-incorporated as Comcast Corporation in 1969, following a merger with General Electric’s subsidiary RCA Broadcasting (formerly NBC). In 1981, Comcast was one of the two companies which launched the first two commercial cable television channels in the United States, namely QUBE and PRISM; these would later become Cable News Network (CNN) and C-SPAN respectively. In 1986, under the leadership of Brian Roberts, son of founder Ralph Roberts, Comcast became a public company. In 2002, Comcast acquired the assets of AT&T Broadband for $72 billion. The acquisition gave Comcast 5 million additional high-speed internet customers in 33 states including Washington D.C., Ohio, and California.

All About Comcast Debt Collection

Comcast has been involved in legal disputes over its business practices since its founding. In one case, Comcast was accused of violating federal law by failing to disclose information about a service outage that lasted for two days in June 2014. That same year, a group of customers filed a class-action lawsuit against Comcast alleging that it had violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by making unsolicited calls or text messages without permission. In addition to these legal challenges, Comcast has also been involved in several debt collection lawsuits filed by customers who claim they were charged unauthorized fees on their accounts after canceling service with the company. If you don’t pay your bill on time, the first thing you will receive is a notice from Comcast stating that payment is due by a certain date. If this does not resolve the issue, you will likely be contacted by a debt collector hired by Comcast. You can expect that your account balance will be inflated by at least 30% to 50% of what you owe and that any fees associated with your account will be added on top of that amount as well as interest charges if applicable (although this varies by state).

Who Handles Your Comcast Debt Collection?

When a customer doesn’t pay their bill on time, Comcast will send a letter informing them that they have an outstanding balance and will be disconnected if payment isn’t received within a certain period (usually five days). If you fail to respond within this timeframe or make payment arrangements with Comcast, then it becomes responsible for collecting the debt from you. Here are some of the most common Comcast debt collection agencies:

Collectors Plus Inc. Collector’s AdvantageFirst National Collection Bureau (FNCCB)National Debt Relief

How Does Comcast Collect Payments?

If you still haven’t paid after this initial letter has been sent out, then Comcast will send out another letter indicating that it intends to refer your account to its third-party debt collection agency — Midland Funding LLC. This letter should include information about the amount due, as well as details of what happens if you don’t pay up within seven days (such as further legal action).

When Can Comcast Call Debt Collectors?

Comcast can call debt collectors when a customer has an outstanding balance. The telecommunications company has a policy that allows it to contact debt collectors if a customer’s account is 30 days past due. Comcast may also engage in collection activities on its behalf, according to its website. 

What Are Comcast’s Collection Tactics?

Comcast’s collection tactics include:

Calling you at workCalling your family members or friendsSending letters to your neighbors and employersReporting you to credit bureaus


By far, the most important component of the Comcast debt collection is ensuring the managers you choose have experience in handling such cases. While some might be tempted to hire a consultant they may find online or opt for someone who is less well-known and thus cheaper, this could be a huge mistake. The efficiency with which your debts are collected depends on how well your company is. Comcast debt collection is a crucial part of the process that helps to make sure that Comcast gets paid. Calling customers and talking to them about a bill they may owe can be a part of Comcast’s debt collection. If no one calls and convinces you to pay your bill, it can get harder and harder to get paid.