Local Area Network part shares a major role in the history of gaming. This is where you gather up your friends, sit together, connect, and play together. This experience is unlike any online multiplayer. With a LAN setup, you are with your friends, sharing emotions live. The older game of Command and Conquer had this major setup, which made the game an actual success.

As the remastered collection of Command and Conquer is coming into the scene, players are concerned about LAN support for the game. The LAN support played an import role in Command and Conquer and the same will apply to the remastered collection if it supports LAN. In this guide today, we’ll look further into this matter to see if the newly coming game has this feature. So without any further ado, let’s see if Command and Conquer have LAN support.

Command and Conquer Remastered: Is LAN play supported?

The short answer is that the LAN capability will not be available at launch. Don’t worry if this disappoints you, though. The development team always had the plans for implementing the LAN feature in the game right from the initial stages of development. However, Jim Vessella, a producer on the team of the remastered collection, came up with a clearing statement in a blog post on their website that they couldn’t make it happen as the global pandemic scene arrived. The desperate need for social distancing prevented the developers from testing out the feature for the game. However, Vessella also mentioned that bringing the LAN capability into the game remains a top priority on their list for the game so we can surely expect an update regarding this in the near future. Until then, we are to enjoy the as it is now.


Summing up our guide, Command and Conquer Remastered won’t support LAN at the launch of the game. However, one of their team members showed up in a blog post on their website stating that implementing LAN was one of the many things they planned for the game in its initial stages. But this had to be kept aside because of the global pandemic and they had to schedule the release without LAN support at launch. The team member, Jim Vessella, also stated that providing LAN support for the game still remains a top priority so we can expect this in an early update after the launch. That said, we hope reading the guide above has brought some valuable information and help to you. Please let us know by commenting down below if you have any further queries regarding the same.

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