The iPhone 8 dummy model industry is hitting its peak production a month or so ahead of the real thing. We’re seeing a rapidly-growing number of photos and videos of these impressively-detailed dummy devices to go along with the renders and mockups of the screen.

Let me start by admitting I’m biased where bezels are concerned …

Much as I like plain silver aluminum as a gadget color, I’ve always avoided it in iPhones because Apple insists on pairing it with white fronts. To me, white bezels are just too distracting, so I’ve always chosen iPhones that come with black ones.

But while that’s admittedly just a personal taste, I think white bezels actually become something a little more objectively objectionable when it comes to the iPhone 8.

The now-famous ‘notch’ is already a design feature that is dividing opinion. Most of you hated the idea when we first saw it in the Essential phone, and by an admittedly tiny margin the largest group of you also disliked the notch.

For me, it’s all down to the color. In black, the notch disappears into the display when switched off.

And when on, if Apple does what some render creators envision, it creates the illusion of a small forehead with active content.

Even if it’s visible, while I wouldn’t describe myself a fan of the look, I at least don’t find it objectionable.

But that same design in white …

Yuk! That seriously looks to me like someone forgot to put the casing back on and we can see the screw-holes in the chassis.

What do you think? Should Apple use black fronts for all the colors, or is it just my personal prejudice showing itself here? Please take our poll and share your reactions in the comments.