Next, IMDb is a free service that doesn’t charge any fees from its viewers, but because they don’t charge money they don’t have any revenue.This is why it needs to somehow generate revenue from elsewhere and so it streams a lot of ads that sponsor and cover the service cost of this platform.


Lastly, the online live-streaming service Twitch. It originally used to be a platform for gamers to live-stream their sessions but has expanded into a much bigger platform. Like IMDb, it follows a free-viewing model system and allows users to log in and watch content for free, but to cover costs and generate revenue it also makes the audience watch ads in between streams, causes irritation and makes viewers lose interest in the content. 

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  1. Why am I being charged for Prime videos when I have Prime?

Some Prime video channels are not included in the Prime subscription, for example, Lions Gate play. They are third-party platforms that you’ll have to buy separately.

No, to completely stop seeing ads, one will have to pay extra.