We are witnessing a lot of changes around us. Well, when it comes to changes, everyone needs time to adapt themselves according to them. In actual sense, the things are around us are not changing but are becoming better. This is what technology experts say. With the introduction of some of the best technology tools in the markets, it has become easy to accomplish several important tasks that matter in life. You might have no idea but the fact is a smartphone is one such tool that is helping people for a long time to keep up the pace with everything and they have helped humans not just in adopting changes but to cut down the complexity from the certain tasks that are really important in life. One such smartphone is Blackview BV9600 plus. Check out below the common Blackview BV9600 plus problems and their solutions.

One of the good things about the present world is many smartphones are entering in the International smartphone market. The same has expanded by 900% in recent years and the entire credits go to some of the amazing devices that have attracted the attention of the users. Blackview BV9600 plus is one among them. It can be purchased if you are looking for a phone that is ell-enough to be trusted for the long run. You might not be familiar with this brand but actually, it is having a lot of reputation in manufacturing the quality smartphones that are amazing. Here you can go ahead with the common Blackview BV9600 plus problems and their fixes below.


How this smartphone is good?

Before discussing anything else, you first need to be clear of the kind of problems which are discussed in this post. Well, you might be thinking how a smartphone could be best if it has some problems associated with it. The fact is these are not actually the problems but are basic bugs. They are related with the Android Operating System which powers most of the present day gadgets. Actually, it is the open source nature of this OS that brings some compatibility issues when it is installed in the phone. These bugs can be located in almost every Smartphone and they don’t give you reasons to worry about anything. You can simply avoid them and can maintain the efficiency in your phone. Here is the guide to help you avoid the most common Blackview BV9600 plus problems easily.

Common Blackview BV9600 plus Problems and Fixes

It is not necessary always that you need the help of a professional to eliminate any basic problem in the phone. Well, this is actually the aim of this post. However, before the methods discussed in this post are taken into actual consideration, you need to make sure that you have the basic knowledge about the working of a smartphone.  Also, it is better to understand the method before it is actually applied. You may make mistakes while applying them and this can sometimes cause additional problem in the phone. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be blamed for any such situation which you find daunting post applying any of the method listed in this post. It is also recommended to you to not to change apply the methods in a different manner than what is recommended to you. Here are the solutions to the common Blackview BV9600 plus problems.

Connectivity problems

If you are worrying about having the connectivity issues in your Blackview BV9600 plus, here is the guide to help you avoid them simply.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Don’t use Bluetooth feature while your phone is charging. This can sometimes restrict the access of the same and you as a user have to face the problem
  • Sending bulk data in a single attachment is not allowed in most of the devices. You need to make sure that the overall data size in one go don’t exceed beyond the 100MB size
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having a problem with any of its core hardware that is responsible for the operation of the Bluetooth
  • Simply open the Bluetooth settings and erase the names of some phones you recently paired. Always make sure this list don’t get wide
  • There are chances that you have either restricted the access of the Bluetooth or have imposed set your Bluetooth connection to hidden mode
  • Pair the devices correctly and enter the pass code correctly which you may need to enter while pairing the devices for the first time
  • Check and make sure the Bluetooth drivers are running perfectly, the Bluetooth antenna is in proper working condition and your phone is not running in the power saving mode that can disable the Bluetooth
  • Make sure the cache data of the installed apps are clear and the actual problem is not there due to a software problem in the phone
  • There are chances that you are sending a data or receiving it in a format which any of the phones could support
  • Having no or limited storage space in the phone can also be the reason to this problem. Check
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having a Bluetooth version which is not supported by the other gadget
  • Get the device checked professionally if this problem is still there after applying the above methods

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Your phone might be having something wrong with the Wi-Fi drivers. Check and take the appropriate action
  • Make sure the Wi-Fi antenna on the phone as well as on the modem has not stopped functioning
  • The problem might be there just because you have activated the safe mode in your phone
  • Do check and make sure that the data downloading limit has not been reached on your internet connection
  • A lot of users face this problem just because they fail to update the password required to authenticate the phone on the network after changing the same
  • In case of the recent configuration of the modem, check and make sure everything has been done properly and accurately
  • Do check if you are facing the problem only because the network security has been disabled or you are have set the network settings to the custom
  • Make sure the administrator of the network has not applied any add-on restriction for the Wi-Fi enabled devices to get communicated with the network
  • The automatic termination of the connection might be due to varying speed or you have crossed the Wi-Fi range are of the modem
  • Check and make sure all the cable connection on the modem are proper and the same is not causing this problem
  • Not all the modems are truly capable to allow an unlimited number of devices with the network. Disconnect a few other devices if there are already multiple connected with the network
  • Make sure your phone is not having any kind of hardware problem in the same which is responsible for this issue
  • There are chances that your phone is running an outdated version of the OS which can also sometimes creates this problem

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check and make sure the earpiece you are using are supported by the phone if they belong to a third-party manufacturer
  • There are chances that your phone is having no sound drivers in the true working condition or the sounds are simply disabled. Check the same in the sounds settings
  • In the same settings, check and make sure the appropriate sound mode has been selected as per the type of earpiece you are using
  • Improper connection of the earpiece with the phone or a problem with the universal 3.5mm jack can cause this problem
  • Make sure the earpiece has been paired with the device properly if you are using a Bluetooth-enabled one
  • There are chances that the phone OS is having something wrong with the same
  • You need to simply make sure that the core problem has not been caused just because the earpiece wire is damaged or they are simply in no working condition
  • There are chances that the products you are using have a lot of dust and debris in its speakers. Clean the same gently
  • The sound or the music file you are playing might be of low quality and the same can be the reason why earpiece is giving robotic sounds
  • This problem might be there just because the signal receiving by the earpiece when connected with the phone is not proper due to any problem in the phone itself

Slow Performance

  • Simply restart your phone after closing all the apps running on the background. This will help you to solve the problem
  • It is always better to restart your phone once with the beginning of each new day
  • Make sure the phone memory is not completely loaded with data
  • Check and make sure your phone doesn’t have a hardware problem in it which can be the reason to this problem
  • Do check if this problem is there just because the installed apps haven’t been updated to their latest version
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you are downloading data and performing other tasks at the same time
  • There are chances that your phone OS is having some bugs associated with the same which needs to be updated
  • Make sure the actual problem is not associated with the cache data of the apps which you haven’t cleaned for a long time
  • This problem might be there just because you are running the phone or some apps in the custom settings
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any infectious files in it which can cut down the overall performance
  • Perform a hard reset which can fix the performance of your device

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • Your phone might be having some problem in its USB./cable connector
  • Check the working condition of the cable you are using to connect the cable
  • A virus infection might be causing this problem and you need to be careful about this
  • There are chances that your phone is running on the outdated USB drivers. Check the version installed on the PC as well and update the drivers as well on it
  • There are chances that the data type which you are dealing with or transferring it in either device is not having the required format
  • Sometimes this problems arrive when there is a problem with the installed copy of the Windows on your computer
  • Do check and eliminate all the restrictions imposed by you on your device and on the PC
  • Check if the connection has been stabled and is not lose if you are using a wired connection
  • There are chances that the USB port is not working and needs to be repaired
  • Do check if this problem is there just because of lack of storage space in any of the device
  • Violation of the security policies of any of the phones can also be responsible for this problem
  • Restart the devices together and check if this solves the problem
  • Check and make sure your phone is not running in the Airplane mode which can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that you have turned the SIM card OFF in the same settings
  • The selection of wrong network mode can also be the reason you are not getting the signal on the phone. Switch it to automatic mode all the time
  • You network provide might need you to turn the roaming services ON while going away from your hometown. Check and make sure of this
  • The services might be suspended on your SIM temporarily due to not using it for a specific time period that may vary with different network providers. Check and make sure this is not causing the problem
  • The variant of your phone might not support the SIM you are using
  • The SIM should be free from all the restriction such as locking its access with a password or a PIN which can also cause the problem
  • Not inserting the SIM card in an actual manner in the phone can also be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that you haven’t inserted the SIM card in the slot in which the 4G internet services are actually active as per manufacturer. You need to check the user guide of your phone to know more about this
  • There are chances that your phone is having something wrong with its SIM slot. Get it checked
  • Make sure the SIM card is not completely faulty and needs replacement

Screen not working properly

  • A simple restart can avoid this problem. Do it before implementing any other option or method
  • Make sure your phone is not running in the safe or the power saving mode that can sometimes disable the screen functionality
  • If your phone memory is almost full, erase some data from the same and restart it
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not related with the phone security that can disable some features including the screen
  • There are chances of a virus being active in your phone. Take suitable action after confirming the same
  • You might be running your phone by turning ON its screen-sharing option that can also cause this problem
  • Make sure the installed glass guard on the screen is not responsible for this problem
  • The device screen, as well as your hands should be totally clean against the oil and grease particles that can sometimes stop the screen functionality
  • If an OS update is available you simply need to installed the same in your phone to avoid this problem
  • Your phone might have an internal screen damage caused to it
  • One of the screen-related common Blackview BV9600 plus problems is disabling the access of some important features of the phone

Overheating problems

  • This might be happening because you are using a power bank or a third-party accessory which your phone is not designed to support
  • Always make sure there are not clocked apps available in your phone that can be the reason to this problem
  • Do check if your phone ventilation system has stopped working and the hardware is releasing the extra heat because of the very same reason
  • Sometimes the back cover on the phone doesn’t allow heat to get escaped from the phone and leads to overheating. Remove the same and check
  • Make sure your phone memory is not completely filled
  • An active virus in the phone can also be blamed for this problem
  • Make sure your phone battery is in proper working condition and is not having any kind of moisture around it which can also be blamed for overheating
  • Make sure you are not using your phone for calling while charging or while downloading data in it
  • Don’t share your internet connection with multiple devices
  • Make sure your phone charger is in proper working condition and is not causing this problem
  • The problem can be solved with a simple restart. Try the same

Apps not working properly

  • If you have installed apps in your phone from the other sources than Play Store, you can face several issues due to compatibility related bugs
  • Make sure your phone OS is updated to the latest version
  • Do check if multiple apps in the phone are running in an outdated version that can also cause this problem
  • There are chances that you are running the phone in the safe mode which can disable come important apps in it
  • Check and make sure all the necessary permissions have been given to the apps while installing them else you can face any problem at a later stage
  • Make sure not features of the phone are manually disabled by you as this can stop some apps to work completely
  • Make sure the apps are not running in the custom settings which can cause this problem
  • There are chances that the application which is giving you the problem has been installed in a third-party memory and not in the phone default memory
  • Remove the app and once again install it from the Play Store
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the application is not supported by your phone
  • The virus and other infected files when remains present in the phone
  • Check and make sure you are not capturing the images and the videos in the burst mode which can affect the quality largely
  • Another fact that can cause this problem is turning ON the camera zoom feature and using it. Of course, zooming affects camera quality largely
  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is running in the power saving mode or it has its battery less than 10%
  • Check if there are signs of fingerprints on the camera lens. Clean it gently and check the quality again
  • Don’t select a low pixel density in the camera settings as this can be the reason to this problem
  • If you are unable to open the camera, check if there is an update available for the OS and install it
  • Make sure your phone is not moving and is completely still while capturing the images. It is also recommended to you to focus on the object properly to make sure of the quality
  • Check if the HD mode is enabled and the overall visibility is not low. If so, turn On the camera flashlight
  • Make sure the storage space in the phone is not low which can also cause the problems related with the camera

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if you had enhanced the screen brightness beyond a limit and is facing the problem due to the very same reason
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because you haven’t installed the latest available updates in the phone
  • There are chances that your phone charger is faulty or there is a problem with the power source
  • Check if the USB cable/charging connector on the phone is not faulty
  • The battery drainages at a faster speed while continuously downloading the data from the internet or while sharing the internet connection with other gadgets
  • You need to be careful about the third-party accessories usage. Not all of them can support your phone and can cause this problem
  • Close all the apps running in the background and the features which are turned ON without any usage
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not related with the battery itself. The same might be faulty
  • Make sure to update the installed apps in the phone as this can significantly improve the battery backup
  • Don’t install the games and the application which your phone doesn’t support
  • Perform a force restart to check if the problem has been gone

These solutions to the common Blackview BV9600 plus problems simply let you add life to your phone. You can follow them simply to avoid the concerned problems in your phone. For more information about anything, feel free to make a comment below.