There are inventions in the world that have got an overwhelming response and there is nothing wrong to say that smartphones are at the top gadgets in the list. Presently, almost every modern person has the one and the manufacturers have set various records of the sales in different parts of the world. All this has happened due to one simple reason and i.e. innovation. The present-day gadgets are controlled and run by Android Operating system which is one of the best things ever happened for the people using smartphones. Android has actually loaded the phones with features that none imagined once. There are many phones available right now in the market and BLU Pure View is one among them. Check out the common BLU Pure View problems and the solutions below.

Well, this is actually a wonderful gadget that has attracted the attention of millions. Using this gadget bring a dynamic experience as it has been manufactured considering the exact needs of the smartphone users in the present century. If you have already purchased it and are experiencing some of the common problems, the same can be due to some bugs in the Operating system. There can be other reasons as well for the problems which vary user-to-user and can result in different problems. These are not the major glitches in the phones for which you have a big reason to worry. Android users already know about these basic issues as they are present in almost every smartphone or usually declare their presence with time. Here in this post, the best procedure to deal with the common BLU Pure View problems is stated.

Why Blue Pure View is a competitive smartphone?

It is actually a gadget that is getting a very good response. There are certain features in the smartphone that you can only enjoy if you don’t mind paying a higher price if you wish to go with any other manufacturer. The phone shows professionalism and there are a lot of dedicated applications for the business users. The phone has been designed to assure quality and reliability to all the users. It simply makes sure that you need not to worry once you own it. This guide on the common BLU Pure View problems can be considered anytime whenever you face any such issue. Here is everything about the solutions to the common BLU Pure View problems.

Common BLU Pure View Problems and Fixes

It cannot be said perfectly when a problem will usually declare its presence. It can happen in a while or you may never face any problem in the phone until you use it. This depends on how well you pay attention to some of the basic factors responsible for keeping the smartphone performance up. Generally, installing the regular updates can simply enable you to avoid these issues. However, there are other things as well about which you need to be careful and the same can be known by reading this post. You can find various solutions to the common BLU Pure View problems which are easy to adopt.

It is recommended to follow this guide without making any changes in it especially while applying the methods you read. cannot be held responsible for anything that goes wrong with the phone due to the very same reason. Proceed now with the common BLU Pure View problems and their fixes.

Connectivity Problems

Connectivity is defined as the ability of your phone to create a temporary link or a path with another gadget for the purpose of exchanging the data. If by any chance it cannot perform this task, you have to face whole set of problems in the same. Check out below the methods that can help you in this matter.

Bluetooth Connectivity Problems

  • Check if the Bluetooth key in the phone is disabled. Generally, this happens due to a software related bug
  • If you are unable to turn ON the Bluetooth, make sure the drivers are in true working condition
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the user doesn’t update their phone OS as updates often have fixes for several common problems in the phone
  • If your phone is running in the safe mode, the Bluetooth might not be working due to the same reason
  • Check if you are trying to connect your phone with another when already a Bluetooth connection has been established by it with the third device around. Multiple connectivity is not allowed with Bluetooth
  • Do check if this problem has arrived temporarily only because you are sending so many files in one go
  • Check if clearing the cache data of the installed application in your phone automatically avoids this problem
  • Perform a restart and check if this problem is gone
  • The restricted access to the Bluetooth or hiding its visibility from the nearby devices can be the reason you are facing this problem
  • There are strong chances that your phone is having any of the possible bug in the OS which is responsible for the proper and effective working of the Bluetooth
  • Make sure the pairing-related errors are not causing the problem. Erase the name of devices from Bluetooth history and pair it once again. This can solve the problem
  • Don’t disable the phone security as this can be the reason you are unable to exchange data through the Bluetooth
  • A physical damage caused to the Bluetooth antenna or any other hardware problem in the gadget can be the reason you are facing this issue. Check

Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems

  • Before taking any other action, simply choose the automatic troubleshoot of your internet connection. This can correct the problem and can show the results on the display indicating the true reason of the problem
  • You need to make sure that the IP address of two devices connected on the same network should not be same as this might be the reason you are facing this problem
  • Stay as close to the router as possible. Always place it at a central location
  • Make sure your phone Wi-Fi router/modem is in proper working condition. Check cable connection and whether or not it has been installed properly
  • Check if this problem has been caused by the outdated drivers in the phone which is also a common cause to this problem. Check and update the phone OS if a new update is available
  • Make sure there are not blocked apps in the phone and the ones that have restricted access. Those installed from other sources than Play Store might be causing this problem
  • Check if the bandwidth limit has been crossed and you are facing this problem because of no other reason than this
  • Don’t make any changes to the settings of the Local Area Network as you can face this problem
  • There are chances that the network security is not as per the standards of the device
  • Make sure your phone is not running in any of the custom network settings which can be the reason you cannot connect it to a Wi-Fi connection
  • The Wi-Fi password imposed for security reasons should be entered correctly else you can face this issue
  • Make sure the actual reason to this problem is not running the device in the general mode

Overheating problems

  • Install an anti-virus application and check if there is a virus in your phone which is responsible for this problem
  • Check if the phone’s excess energy release mechanism is not working properly and this is the reason to this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not having something wrong with the charger you are using or if the accessories you are using are not supported by the phone
  • Check and make sure the use of a power bank which is inappropriate (not suitable) with the phone is responsible for this problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the phone is made to work in the power saving mode
  • Frequent gaming or installation of the same beyond a limit in your device can also cause overheating
  • Check and make sure you are not running a lot of features in your gadget at the same time when you are downloading data from the internet
  • Check if the phone battery is damaged or is having any other problem associated with the same
  • The phone might be facing this problem due to third-party applications in it
  • Try a simple reboot and check if this solves the problem

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if your phone is having something wrong with the charger. A faulty charger can highly affect the charging speed
  • Make sure you are not running your phone Wi-Fi hotspot and other features when they are not in use. Check the background running apps as well and close the ones you don’t need
  • This problem might be there due to enhancing the screen brightness beyond a specific level
  • Make sure the charging port on your BLU Pure View is not damaged
  • Make sure everything in your gadget is fully OK with the battery installed inside the same
  • This problem might be there due to running the phone in the safe mode
  • You must avoid taking and placing the calls while charging your gadget. It is also recommended to keep the mobile data OFF
  • This problem can be solved by limiting the overall number of applications installed in your phone
  • Check if the problem you are facing in your BLU Pure View is there just because the applications are not updated to their latest version
  • Check and make sure a hardware problem in any of the phone component is not causing the quick battery drainage and slow charging
  • Try if this problem can be solved by performing a force restart

Apps not working properly

  • Check if this issue is related with the bugs in the Operating system of the phone
  • There are chances that you have activated the Safe mode. If so, disable the same
  • Perform a simple reboot and check if this restores the working of the applications to the actual condition
  • The problem might be there due to not giving the installed applications the necessary permission to access phone features and the data stored in it
  • Make sure the application which is causing the problem is not working in the custom settings
  • There are chances that you haven’t updated the apps for a long time in your phone. Check and do the same
  • Make sure the applications are installed from the Play Store only and not from the other sources which is a common reason to this problem
  • Sometimes when the applications are installed in the third-party memory and not in the phone default storage space, this problem is observed
  • Check if the problem can be solved by removing and installing the app once again in the phone
  • One of the apps-related common BLU Pure View problems is a virus presence in the memory. Check and take the necessary action
  • The problem might be there just because you haven’t clean the lens effectively when it was having the marks of finger on the same
  • Check if your phone camera is operating in the recommended settings only such as the pixel density and the shooting mode which should be appropriate according to the nearby conditions and the visibility
  • Check if this problem is there only because you are continuously moving your gadget while capturing the images
  • The common reason to this problem is not focusing on the object which often degrades the quality
  • Check if the camera flashlight is required at the same you are using the camera and turning it OFF is causing this problem
  • Avoid using the phone camera in the burst mode which often degrades the quality of stuff of captures
  • This problem might be there due to not updating the phone OS. Do it and check if the problem is gone
  • The default camera application should always be given preference for operating and using the phone camera
  • The pre-installed transparent cover should be removed from the screen when the device is brand new

Screen not working properly

  • Do check first if you have connected your phone with another gadget through any of the possible medium. This can create the slow or improper functionality of the screen
  • The overall data loaded in the phone memory can also sometimes create this problem. Atleast 3 GB free storage space should always be there in the default phone storage
  • You might be facing this problem just because the screen has not been cleaned by you against the grease and oil particles. Check your hands as well
  • It would be good for you to operate the phone in the general mode only
  • In a few cases, the problems related with the OS (minor bugs) can directly be blamed for this issue. Check and update the phone OS
  • In case there are a lot of applications installed in the main memory of the phone, make sure they are not from other sources than Play Store
  • There are chances that the screen is having an internal damage not visible to you. Get it checked
  • This problem might be there just because you have shared the device screen with a parallel gadget through the screen sharing option
  • The malware and the unwanted files such as a virus can also make the screen to stop its function completely
  • You may solve the problem by performing a force restart. Try the same

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Remove and reconnect the earpiece with your gadget after restarting the same. This may solve the problem
  • Check the sounds drivers in the phone. They might be causing this problem. One of the simple ways to check the same is using another earpiece on the phone and checking if the same is working perfectly or not
  • Sometimes disabling the sounds of the phone can be the reason you have to face this problem
  • There are chances that the earpiece are not supported by your BLU Pure view device
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because of a sharp bed on the earpiece or a damage on the same which is causing the signal blockage
  • The earpiece buds need to be cleaned with time. This task should be performed gently and carefully
  • Make sure the phone earpiece connector is in proper working condition and is not causing this problem
  • There are chances that your phone is not having the sound card inside it in proper working condition. Check the same
  • You may solve this problem by performing a simple reboot. Try the same

Slow Performance

  • This problem might be there due to not installing the latest available updates for the OS and for the applications installed. This can largely influence the phone performance
  • Another way to boost the overall performance of the phone is removing the data and the applications which are no longer required by you
  • There are chances that your phone is operating either in the power saving mode or in the Safe mode
  • Do check if closing the apps running in the background can help you to eliminate all these issues
  • There are chances that you are some pirated accessories with your phone which can be held responsible for this problem
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by erasing the last application you installed n your phone
  • There are chances that you haven’t cleaned the cache data of the applications. Doing so can help you to gear-up the overall phone performance upto a good extent
  • The problem could be there in the phone RAM which might be unable to perform its task or is faulty. Check
  • If your phone was not restarted after the installation of an application, the problem might be there due to the very same reason
  • A hard reset can help you solving this problem. Take data backup and proceed with the same

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • A security concern with the connection created might be causing this problem. Check
  • The connecting medium between the two devices (cable, Bluetooth) might not be in proper working condition and is causing this problem
  • Don’t disable any of the important features of your PC before connecting it with the phone. This same may cause this problem
  • Do check if the USB connectors on both the gadgets are in proper working condition. In case the driver software for the same is too old, get the latest copy of the same from the internet and install it
  • There are chances that you haven’t turned ON the storage mode on your phone which is generally required to enable the communication of both the gadgets
  • Another possible reason to this problem is nothing but a bug associated with Windows, Android or with both. Check
  • Make sure you haven’t installed the application in the phone or kept the data which is not supported by any of the devices
  • This problem can be solved with a simple restart if it’s due to a basic software issue. Try it once
  • Make sure your phone is not running in the safe mode
  • You are required to check both the gadgets against a virus infection
  • Remove the SIM card from the phone and check if it is having a physical damage or a minor bend anywhere on it. If it is there, you might be facing the problem due to signal getting blocked
  • In case of a recent update if you have installed manually, check the firmware was appropriate as per the variant owned by you. This might be the reason you are facing the problem
  • You need to make sure the SIM card frequency should be supported by the phone variant owned by you
  • Check and make sure your phone doesn’t have any of the possible reasons for the improper signal strength or no network. Some of the common reasons include selecting the manual network selection mode, not turning ON roaming services when required, presence at a remote location and anywhere where signal strength could reach
  • You need to insert the SIM card on which internet connection is active in the first SIM slot only
  • There are chances that the SIM slot and the SIM tray are causing this problem. Check them properly
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any of the problems with the signal antenna
  • Check if you are facing this problem just because the services have been withdrawn permanently or temporarily from your SIM. In case of a new SIM card, check if the services are yet to be activated
  • Turn OFF the phone and wait for 10 seconds. Turn it ON again. Check if this solves the problem

This guide makes it simple not just to understand the common BLU Pure View problems for you but also to avoid them for a long run. You can share your experience through the below comment section.