It is not always necessary all your expectations from life get fulfilled. Of course, it’s not easy in all cases. However, there are devices around us that can easily boost the overall probability of those expectations to turn them into reality. Many people even fulfill them with the help of such gadgets. A smartphone is a perfect example of such a device available around us. You can easily own it and can enjoy the best. In the present scenario, Chinese manufacturers are popular than ever before when it comes to buying a brand new smartphone. If you have a limited budget, Coolpad Cool 3 is one of the best options to pay attention. All the common Coolpad Cool 3 problems are discussed in this post along with their solutions.

It is not always necessary that you face the common problems in your Coolpad Cool 3 all the time. These issues usually declare their presence in some random devices only depending on the way a user makes use of the same. In some cases, the troubles are invited by the Android OS which is actually an Open Source technology. These issues are actually not a reason to neglect this stunning smartphone. In case you are thinking that the problems are manufacturing defects, you are probably wrong. Check out more about the common Coolpad Cool 3 problems below.

Common Coolpad Cool 3 Problems and Solutions

It is quite easy to deal with these problems and this can be done without taking any additional help. All you need to have is the basic knowledge about a smartphone functionality. The methods provided in this post helps you to deal with all the common problems in Coolpad Cool 3 which are related to the software domain. You can take the methods into your consideration for the complete elimination of them. One important thing which is to be kept in mind is understanding and applying these methods correctly gives accurate results always. If the final outcome is not favorable and that happens just because you didn’t correctly follow this guide, cannot be blamed for any trouble. Here is everything about the common Coolpad Cool 3 problems.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if your device is having a Bluetooth version which is not supported by the version on the other device
  • Simply make sure sending data in bulk is not causing this problem in your device
  • The actual problem might be caused by the last device you connected your phone with. Check if the same has brought a virus in your device which is causing further concern with the security
  • Any form of communication restrictions should be removed from your device for the proper functionality of the Bluetooth
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a fault that is associated with the Bluetooth antenna on your device. Check
  • Sometimes the default Bluetooth drivers are responsible for this problem as they fail to perform their actual task
  • Check if the Bluetooth visibility of your phone is hidden from all the nearby devices
  • You can face this problem is the power saving mode or the safe mode is active on your phone or on the other you are trying to connect with
  • Make sure pairing-related errors are not responsible for this fault
  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the hardware inside
  • The Bluetooth problems are often experienced when the users enter incorrect passcode while pairing the devices for the very first time
  • Try a simple reboot and check if this solves the problem
  • Deleting the Bluetooth history from the device settings is another method that let you restore the Bluetooth functionality
  • Gently hit the back of your device and check if this works

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • You might be standing away from the router. Make sure signal strength is not lacking which can cause this problem
  • Do check and make sure the phone security is not turned OFF
  • Sometimes the users have to face this issue just because the Wi-Fi signal antenna on the phone is having something wrong with the same. Check the antenna on the router as well
  • Make sure the installation process of the router has been accomplished properly and the same is not a reason to this problem
  • Don’t impose any restrictions on your device as you can face the problem because of the very same reason
  • The internet surfing or downloading limit on your connection might have been crossed and the same might have caused this problem
  • Do check if the services have been put on hold or have been withdrawn from your internet connection
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but the inability of the router to host more Wi-Fi devices on the network
  • Sometimes this problem declare its presence just because the actual problem is with the browser you are using to open a web-address
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused by the installed apps in your device when they have the access to Wi-Fi feature
  • Don’t customize the Local Area Network settings on the phone as this can stop the internet
  • Check if the problem is there just because the problem is with the other device you are trying to connect to
  • Perform a basic restart to the router as well as to the phone. Try connecting now
  • Open the network settings and simply choose to forget the connection. Search and add it again. Check if this solves the problem

SIM/Network Problems

  • The concerned problem might be there just because the SIM card has not been entered properly in the phone. Simply eject the SIM tray and insert it again
  • Do check where the network provider offers the service at your present location in case you are somewhere else than your home town
  • The problem can be solved by turning ON the roaming services in case you are changing your location frequently
  • This problem might be there just because the phone signal antenna has stopped performing its actual task
  • Users have to face this problem because of no other reason than unlocking the phone bootloader which invites different updates for the phone
  • The SIM related common Samsung Galaxy problems can declare their presence in case the SIM card is having a physical damage or a stain on the same
  • Make sure the access to the SIM card has not been locked due to security or other reasons. In case you have imposed any password on the same, remove it
  • Try inserting your SIM card in another device to check if the problem is with the phone or the SIM card
  • There are chances that you are facing this problem because the Airplane mode is active. Check and disable the same
  • Many users have to experience this problem just because they mistakenly turn OFF the SIM card in the network settings
  • Do check and make sure the services have not withdrawn from your SIM card
  • This problem can be avoided by simply performing a reboot to your device. Try the same

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • This happens when the smartphone you are using is having a fault with its sound card. Check the same
  • Sometimes the actual problem declare its presence just because the default sound drivers are not in a proper working condition
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a faulty earpiece. Check it on another device
  • There are chances that robotic sound is caused just because the earpiece is not properly connected or paired to the phone. Check the same
  • The problem might be there just because the phone is active in the power saving mode. This can be a reason to the problem
  • Make sure the phone sounds are not disabled manually
  • Do check and make sure the speakers of your earpiece are not physically damaged or is affected by moisture
  • The robotic sound in the earpiece is usually experienced during a call when the signal quality is not as good as it has to be
  • Simply make sure the actual problem has not declared its presence just because you are using a low-quality product. Check
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because of damage or a problem in the earpiece connector. Check
  • Make sure the problem is not just because the signal is getting attenuated due to bend on the earpiece wire or any other factor

Screen not working properly

  • Make sure your device screen is not having an internal damage on the same. Check it properly
  • There are chances that the actual problem is not there just because the screen sharing option is turned ON. Disable the same
  • In case your device is having a micro SD card inserted, remove the same and check if this works
  • The reason to this problem could be unused data in the phone for a long time
  • Check and make sure the last installed app has not started causing the trouble. Simply remove it and check
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because of debris, moisture, sweat or oil particles on the screen. Clean it gently
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but covering your hands with mittens. Remove them
  • Many users face this problem just because of running the device in the power saving mode
  • Remove the glass guard installed on your device screen and check if the problem is solved
  • The screen sensors might be unable to perform their actual task. Check the same properly
  • In case the storage space on your device is completely filled, erase some data to check if this works
  • The screen might not be operating properly just because of the overheating of the core hardware components inside. Check the same

Poor Camera Quality

  • Make sure to check the problem is not caused just because the camera lens is not cleaned and is having finger marks on the same. Gently clean and check the image quality
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the Operating System
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because you are using a third-party camera app to access the phone camera
  • One of the reasons to the low camera quality related common Coolpad Cool 3 problems is nothing but using camera zoom feature beyond a limit
  • Check if the phone memory is completely filled and the problem is caused because of the same reason
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because the device is active in the power saving mode
  • Image stabilization option always helps you to get the quality pictures from your camera
  • There are chances that the actual fault is there just because the HDR option is turned OFF in the camera settings
  • Check if the image resolution selected is too low and the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • The camera quality during a video call can go low because of poor network signal on the device
  • Many users have to face this problem just because of the low visibility around. Select the shooting mode which is relevant to deal with this problem
  • Make sure your device camera lens is not suffering from a major problem

Overheating Problems

  • This problem could be there just because the power bank you are using is not supported by your device. Always buy the same by checking its output power specifications which should be same with the phone
  • Make sure environmental factors are not responsible for the overheating of your device
  • You simply need to make sure the problem is not caused just because of overcharging your device
  • A faulty charger or continuous power fluctuation in the power source can be a reason to this problem
  • If you have installed a lot of games in your device, this can be a reason to the overheating of the same
  • Check if your device is having a virus in the default storage space. Clean it with the help of an antivirus application
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but connecting your device to a nearby device through any channel for a long time
  • Do check and make sure you are not using any low-quality accessory with your device which can overheat the same
  • Turn OFF the features such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Make sure no multiple apps are running in the background at the same time
  • This problem might be there just because you have installed a lot of apps in your device
  • A phone virus or a malware can be the reason to this problem
  • Overheating of the device is often caused when there is a fault with the phone battery of the same. Check the same

Apps not working properly

  • This usually happens when there are a lot of apps in your device which are running in the older version. Updating them can fix this problem
  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not there just because the apps have been installed from a third-party source than official app store in the device
  • This problem might be there just because of a phone virus. Install an antivirus application in your device to check
  • There might be an OS bug in your phone which is responsible for the improper behavior of the installed apps in your phone
  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused just because you have customized the settings of installed apps in your phone
  • Check if the app manager in your device is having something wrong with the same
  • Make sure this problem is not caused just because you have disabled the features of your device manually
  • Remove the problem causing apps from your device and install them again. Check if this works
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because your device is having a hardware problem in the same
  • Clearing the cache data of the installed apps can fix this problem. Try the same
  • Install the apps in the phone memory always than in the micro SD card or in a third-party storage space

Slow Performance

  • This problem could be there just because the phone memory is completely filled. Erase some data to check if this works
  • The slower internet speed on your device should not be confused with the slow performance of your device
  • A phone virus can cause many common Coolpad Cool 3 problems that can affect the device performance
  • There are chances that the actual fault is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the RAM
  • Check if a lot of applications are running and the slow performance is caused because of the same reason
  • Simply reboot your device and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • This problem could be there due to a bug in the phone Operating system
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your device is having something wrong with any of the core hardware components inside
  • This problem might be caused by blocked apps or data in your phone. Remove them and check
  • Limiting the number of apps installed in your phone can properly boost its overall performance. Check the same
  • This problem could be there just because your device is running in the power saving mode or in the safe mode. Check and disable the same
  • This problem might be there just because the apps in your device are having something wrong with them. Check them

Poor Battery Life

  • There might be a lot of unread notifications in the background. Clean them and check if this helps you to fix the problem
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because the screen brightness level is too high. Simply set it to a lower level
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because your phone is having something wrong with the battery inside
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone memory is completely filled
  • If there is any pending update for the apps or for the OS, simply install them
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because you have turned ON the phone GPS. Check and turn it OFF when not required
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a virus in your Coolpad Cool 3. Check the same
  • Make sure there are no power-hungry apps installed in your device as this can cause the problem
  • Sometimes users have to face this problem just because your phone is loaded with a lot of apps in the same
  • Turn OFF the phone data and app synchronization which can help you to deal with this problem
  • Check if a basic restart helps you to deal with this problem

Slow Charging

  • Check if the phone charger you are using is faulty and the problem is caused because of the same reason
  • Do check and make sure this problem is not there just because the charging port on the device is damaged. Check inside
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your device is running in the safe mode all the time
  • The quality and ratings of the installed apps in your device can be a reason to this problem. Check the same
  • Sometimes this problem declares its presence just because there are features turned ON unnecessarily. Check and close them
  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not caused just because of a malware in your device
  • Do check and make sure the power source is not weak and the problem is caused because of the same reason
  • Cut down the screen out time and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • Make sure your device is not taking extra time to charge just because you are using it for playing games, placing calls or for downloading the data while charging it
  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

This is all you can do to fix the common Coolpad Cool 3 problems without spending a lot of time and in fact, without putting a ton of efforts. You can let us know through the below comment section if you are facing more problems with your Coolpad Cool 3.