Relevancy and the performance are the two key parameters that assure success in the present scenario. It really doesn’t matter which task we perform, they are always required. The fact is marinating them both together has become a supreme challenge and many of us are unable to do so without having the access to the right technology. These days, the smartphones are available with some of the dynamic and excellent features and they can help us in managing the reliability, as well as performance in almost every task we perform. Therefore, owning the same has become essential currently. The HomTom Zoji Z33 is one of the finest available gadgets in the market today. Check the common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems and fixes in the below post.

The smart gadgets are basically designed keeping in consideration a very large number of key factors. Despite they suffer from some of the common problems. It is not always necessary that these issues are major. In fact, they are minor in most of the cases and simply affect the phone functionality. They are actually common with most of the smartphones powered by Android. Thus, if you are facing them in your gadget, there is nothing to worry about anything. This post is a guide you can trust simply to eliminate all those problems in the shortest time span without facing any problem if you pay attention to everything very carefully. Here are the solutions to the common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems you can go ahead to add life to your phone

What happens if these problems are ignored?

Well, ignoring leads to a lot of issues in the phone. If you couldn’t provide a best available solution to the problem you are facing even if the same is a minor one, there are chances that you can suffer from the major faults in the phone. The best part is there is nothing much you need to do then to understand some basic methods and then apply them to get the results. These methods are spotlighted in a very simple manner in this post. They can be applied directly and the good thing is you may not always require any kind of external help for the same. Check the fixes now to the common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems below.

Common HomTom Zoji Z33 Problems and Fixes

Everything has a hard side and you must keep this thing in your mind all the time. Whenever it comes to applying the instructions and the methods for troubleshooting the phone, there are few things that need total care and attention. This is because to assure the desired level of wellness for your phone. If the methods and the instruction spotlighted in this post are not applied carefully, there are chances that you have to face other problems with unexpected behavior in your phone. Thus, understand every step before you actually apply the same. Here you can proceed with the solutions to the common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems.

Connectivity problems

The connectivity problems are something that needs you to take appropriate actions against them whenever they declare their presence in the phone. This is required to assure the ability of your phone to operate and perform smoothly. Check out the below solutions.

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Check if the problem is present in your phone just because there is something not working reliably with the Wi-Fi drivers. Check the overall condition of the antenna also which is responsible for the exchange of data
  • In a few cases, the smartphones need a specific bandwidth speed to perform well with the Wi-Fi, check with your internet connection if the same is meeting or not
  • The Internet Service Provider might have restricted or blocked the access of some special services, domains or apps which you are opening. Make sure they are not confused as Wi-Fi problems
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having a problem with the bandwidth. When the limit on the bandwidth is crossed, the Wi-Fi usually get shut down
  • Make sure the phone is not suffering from a software problem which can affect the working of the Wi-Fi
  • There are a certain number of features and apps such as “Shareit” which have the access to the Wi-Fi of the phone. You need to disable them to make sure your Wi-Fi connection works smoothly
  • Do check if the problem you are facing is because of no other reason than not installing the latest updates available
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings and check if there are some kind of restrictions on the access of the same
  • Check if your modem is in proper working condition and is placed at a central location at your place
  • Sometimes when the modem is not installed properly, this problem arrives
  • Check if this problem is there just because you have not entered the Wi-Fi password correctly in the phone
  • Sometimes when a number of devices are already connected with the same network, this problem usually arrives

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Imposing any kind of restrictions on the data stored in the phone can cause this problem
  • Check if you are sending a very large number of files with heavy data size through Bluetooth. There is always a limit on the same. Make sure the same is not crossed
  • Sometimes the phone faces this problem just because the users don’t erase the cache data of the apps
  • Do check if this problem arrives only because the phone you are trying to connect with have the older version of the Bluetooth not supported by your phone
  • An auspicious file in any of the gadget that can raise security concerns may stop the data exchange through the Bluetooth
  • Make sure the device with which you are connecting your phone is not actually suffering from a problem
  • Sometimes this problems arrive when you made changes to the Bluetooth settings or set the visibility of your HomTom Zoji Z33 to hidden mode
  • There are chances that your gadget is having any of the possible software problems in it which is not allowing the Bluetooth to function well
  • Check if your phone is suffering from this problem just because you have turned ON the power saving mode
  • There are chances that the Bluetooth drivers are not working reliably in your phone
  • Something that can stop the Bluetooth to perform reliably is nothing but the lack of storage space availability in both the devices
  • The errors which are related to connecting or pairing both the devices tougher can also be held responsible for this problem
  • There are various security concerns that can be the reason to this problem. Therefore don’t disable the device security

Touchscreen problems

  • Check and make sure the problem is not there in the phone software. Install any of the pending updates for the OS and for the installed apps. This can solve the problem
  • Do check the problem is actually not related with the phone glass guard that is acting as a barrier against every instruction you are giving to the phone through your fingers on its screen
  • There are strong chances that the phone has a lot of data stored in the different formats and it’s memory is almost full. This can have an adverse effect on the screen’s working
  • The hand with which you operating your phone should be clean and is not covered by the gloves which cannot let you operate your phone
  • Do check if there is actually a hardware fault in the phone or if the screen is having a physical damaged internally that is causing this problem
  • There are chances that the phone is not having the latest updates installed. This can be another possible reason to the problem
  • The phone you are using might have its screen-sharing option turned ON and you have already shared its screen with another device. Disable the same
  • Try performing a force restart or a factory reset to the phone
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have blocked apps installed in it which can later or sooner stop the working of the screen
  • Check if the problem is there just because of lack of cleanliness of your phone screen. Oil and grease particles can stop its functionality completely
  • Do check if the problem you are using is because of no other reason than using a pirated accessory with the HomTom Zoji Z33 owned by you. This is another possible reason to the problem

Camera problems/Blurry images

  • Do check if the problem is there in the software domain of your phone and you are unable to operate the camera because of the very same reason
  • There are chances that your phone is having something actually wrong with the apps you are using to access the phone camera
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there in the lens of the camera. It might be unable to perform its task or is having some dust deposited on it. Clean and check if this restore its actual working condition
  • You must select the HD mode in the camera settings for the picture outputs
  • There are chances that your phone is being continuously vibrating or in another motion while capturing the images
  • Selecting a low pixel density of for the images captured or for the videos in the camera settings can be the reason to this problem
  • You need to make sure that your phone is not having any problem with the hardware inside
  • If you are using the camera zoom feature, there are chances that the quality goes down with the same rate as you boost the zoom
  • Make sure the object is to be focused properly before actually capturing the same. This avoids a lot of problems you have to face often
  • Avoid using the burst mode which is another possible reason to this problem

Apps not performing well

  • Check and update all the apps in your phone. Make sure the problem is not there due to the outdated version of the same which usually have many bugs
  • Do check if this problem is active just because the access to some of the features in your phone has been restricted
  • There are chances that your phone is facing this problem just because there are various permission that your apps need have been denied by you while installing the apps
  • Check if there are certain features in the phone which have been disabled and the same is causing the fault
  • Check if this problem can be solved simply by removing the app causing the problem and installing it once again in the phone
  • Make sure the phone is not suffering from any other software problem which is related with the OS
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by simply restarting the phone once
  • There are chances that you have installed the apps in your phone from the unreliable sources
  • Do check if this problem is caused by those apps which are not supported by your phone in an actual sense
  • Make sure the settings of the apps have not been changed to the custom mode by you

Overheating problems

  • Check and make sure that your phone is not downloading a lot of data since a last few hours which is one of the common reasons to the overheating
  • There are chances that the phone ventilation system has stopped working completely and the same is causing this problem
  • The use of power banks and the other accessories which are not supported by your HomTom Zoji Z33 can also cause this problem
  • Make sure you are not using your phone while charging it
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the phone battery is not in its true working condition
  • An active virus in the phone default memory can be responsible for this issue. Check it properly
  • Make sure you are not using any charger which doesn’t belong to your phone even if the same has similar power specifications as per your gadget
  • There are chances that some blocked apps in the phone are causing this problem. Get it checked
  • Make sure you haven’t installed the games in your phone which are truly not supported by it
  • One of the overheating related common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems is running the multiple app/features of the phone in custom settings
  • Check if this problem can be solved by a simple restart

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check and make sure you have not turned OFF the phone sounds. They might get disabled mistakenly while performing other tasks
  • The earpiece you are using should be paired/connected with your phone
  • Make sure the brand/product (if third-party) you are using should support your manufacturer
  • There are chances that your phone is suffering from the problems that are related with the hardware or with the software
  • Check if this problem is caused by a faulty earpiece connector
  • You need to make sure that your earpiece wire is not physically damaged which can cause this problem
  • There are chances that the earpiece speakers are having some dust or debris in them. Clean the same gently and check if this solves the problem
  • You might have put the latest updates of the phone OS on hold for a long time period. Check and install them
  • Check if your earpiece works perfectly with the other gadgets owned by you
  • The robotic sounds might be caused when the sound mode selected is not as per the device specifications
  • Check if your network provider has suspended or blocked the services from your SIM card. This can be due to not using the SIM card for a long time period
  • The SIM card might not be inserted in the phone properly or it’s in the wrong slot. Check and make sure the same is not causing the problem
  • The SIM roaming services might have not been turned ON and the same is causing the problem when you are not in your hometown
  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused by a faulty or a damaged SIM card
  • There are chances that the Airplane mode is turned On in the phone and the same is causing the problem
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by a reboot
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because your phone was not having the support available for the local network provider you are using. This could be due to owning a different variant of the phone
  • If the SIM card is locked with a password, you need to free the same so that the same couldn’t be a reason for the problem
  • Check if the SIM card has been turned OFF in the phone and the same is causing the problem
  • You need to make sure that the SIM tray is not having any kind of problem with it which can cause this problem
  • There are chances that you are running the phone in the manual network selection mode
  • The services might yet to be activated for the SIM if it’s a new SIM card
  • Contact the network provider if the problem is still there

Slow performance

  • In most of the cases, the apps are the actual trouble creators when the phone doesn’t perform well. Check and take the action required
  • Make sure your phone RAM is in proper working condition and is not causing any problem
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is having no support available with the accessories you are using
  • In a few cases when the cache data of the apps are not cleaned or when they are not updated upon notifying, there are chances of slow performance of the phone
  • Check if a lot of features are turned ON in the phone at the time when you are using it. It good to close the hotspot, maps and Bluetooth to get the best performance with the task you are performing
  • The phone OS might need an update to fix the bugs which are generally responsible for the slow performance. Check
  • The problem might be there just because there is no more storage space available in the phone for data storage. Completing loading it with data can be the reason you have to face this issue
  • Perform a basic reboot to check if this simple trick lets you avoid the problem or not
  • There are chances that your phone is having a third-party app installed in it which is causing this problem

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Make sure your phone is not causing any problem just because you don’t follow the recommendations of the manufacturer for charging your device
  • Do check if this problem is actually due to a faulty battery in the phone. Make sure the liquid damage has not caused this problem
  • Do check if this problem is there just because the brightness level of your HomTom Zoji Z33 has been boosted to the highest level
  • Another reason the battery is getting drained quickly and is taking more time to charge is installing the third-party apps and running in the background
  • You can face this problem due to continuous data downloading in the phone or because of sharing your phone’s internet connection with other gadgets through the hot-spot option
  • Check if the charger you are using is faulty and needs replacement
  • Do check and make sure the problem has not been caused in the phone just because it has a hardware problem which can interrupt the phone performance
  • Don’t turn ON the camera flash/torch for a long time as this can drain the battery very quickly in the phone
  • The phone should not be used for calling while you set it for charging which is another possible reason to the problem

These are the best possible solutions to the common HomTom Zoji Z33 problems you are facing. This guide assures reliability and outcomes in the way you want. We will be waiting for your opinion. Post a comment below for anything you need to know