Smartphones have made many people addicted to themselves. Despite this con, there are some amazing things that we can do with the help of this gadget. Actually, they say some addictions are good if we know the limits. A smartphone is a powerful device these days that have helped everyone in relaxing and performing the most complex tasks as a matter of few clicks on the World Wide Web. The best part is many manufacturers have come up in the International market and have given strong competitors to others. The same is the reason smartphones have become superior and their price have been dropped up to a great extent. Presently, it really doesn’t matter what your budget is, you can choose from multiple options and can have the best with you. Honor View 20 is such an amazing device. Check out below the common Honor View 20 problems and fixes.

Well, one of the daunting facts is finding a smartphone from the list of available ones. Actually, it has become something very difficult due to a rising number of options. However, there are gadgets like Honor View 20 that are best among all. There are almost no problems in this gadget by default. However, with respect to the use, a few of them usually declare their presence just like other Android gadgets. The reason for most of them is clear and i.e. small scale Android bugs and the compatibility of the same with different hardware. These are exactly what that can be tagged as the common Honor View 20 problems. For their effective elimination, the users can take this guide into consideration.

How difficult it is to deal with these problems?

It is not at all a big deal if you pay proper attention to this guide and follow the methods carefully. Actually, these problems are generally minor and anyone owning this smartphone and facing them can himself eliminate them. In a few cases, there is a need to understand the basics of a smartphone working which is not a big deal. The elimination of the problem depends on its exact cause ad this post about the common Honor View 20 problems and fixes probably let you deal with the ones which are related with the software. The hardware issues need more complex methods for their elimination which are beyond the scope of this post. The advice of an expert is required for them.

Common Honor View 20 Problems and Fixes

As already mentioned, most of the time the problems are basic and are related with the software, you need to pay attention to the same domain first. This guide works effectively against the software issues and probably let you deal with the ones that are arriving due to the same reason. It is advised to you to not to proceed with any method when you are not clear with the same. Also, molding or changing the methods and the instructions must be avoided as they can cause other problems in your phone. The arrival of any problem in your Honor View 20 due to the carelessness of your own is not the responsibility of We cannot be blamed for the same. Check now the common Honor View 20 problems and their solutions.

Connectivity issues

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • If the power saving mode is active on the phone, turn it OFF and restart the phone. Try connecting after this
  • Make sure your phone battery is not below 19% which can disable the Bluetooth in some cases
  • The problem might be related with the security of the devices in case of frequent and repeated termination of the connection. Check if any of the phones is infected with a virus or their security is turned OFF
  • There are chances that you have dropped the phone from your hand and this has caused a hardware issue in the Bluetooth antenna
  • Try connecting your phone with any other gadget and check if the connection is getting established properly
  • Pair both the devices properly and make sure the improper pairing is not responsible for this issue. Also, don’t allow the list of past paired devices to expand beyond a limit
  • Check if there is no more storage space available in your phone or in the other
  • A compatibility glitch between the phone and the data you are trying to send can be the reason to this problem
  • Make sure your phone Bluetooth visibility is not hidden and there is no time limit on the same after turning ON the Bluetooth
  • The size of the data does matters when it comes to exchanging the same through the Bluetooth. A very large size of the same cannot be effectively transferred through the Bluetooth
  • There are chances that the default drivers for the Bluetooth in your phone are causing the problem. Get the same checked professionally
  • If a new update is available for the OS, install the same
  • Clear the cache data of the installed apps and check if the problem is still there

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • First, check and make sure the limited/low signal strength is not causing this problem. Place the router at a location where it covers the maximum area in your arena
  • If multiple devices are connected with the same network, the problem can declare its presence due to the very same reason
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having any problem related with the components responsible for the transfer of the data on a network. This is generally related with the hardware. Check
  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi antenna is not having a physical damage on the same which is acting as a prime glitch
  • You need to make sure that the low/limited speed of the internet is not responsible for this
  • Open the LAN settings and check if the firewalled is turned ON for the same. Avoid making any custom changes to the network
  • The bandwidth allotted to your connection might be consumed by you already which can sometimes stops/limits the internet usage. Check if this is the reason to the issue
  • Sometimes the problem arrives only when the modem you are using has errors related to its installation. Check the cable connection as well which should be proper
  • Always update your password in the phone whenever you change the same
  • If it’s a third-party network you are trying to connect your Honor View 20 with, make sure there are no additional restrictions on the same imposed by the network administrator
  • Your phone might have a problem in its OS. Update the same is available and check if the problem is gone
  • The Wi-Fi problem you are facing can be solved upon a simple reboot to the phone and your router. Try the same
  • Check and make sure the problem you are facing is not there just because you are operating the camera through an application which the phone doesn’t actually support
  • Make sure to clean the lens gently if it is having grease and oil particles deposited on the same
  • You might have selected a wrong shooting mode which is not appropriate as per the nearby visibility and other conditions
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users start capturing the images without giving enough time to the lens to focus on the object
  • There are chances that you are using the phone ZOOM feature which can degrade the quality of the images often
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a problem which is actually related with its Operating System.
  • If the screen is getting blanked upon opening the camera, the problem is possibly related with the hardware. Check
  • There are chances that you have selected a low pixel density in the camera settings which can cause this problem
  • HD mode should always be turned ON in the phone camera settings
  • Make sure your phone is having sufficient storage space available in the same
  • The low quality of the images might be due to capturing the images in the burst mode

Apps not working properly

  • Your phone needs a newer version of the apps which are causing as the older ones might no longer be compatible. Always give preference to updates when you are notified
  • Make sure you install the apps in your Honor View 20 only from the Play store and no other platform
  • Check and make sure if the problem is caused just because of issues in the app UI
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when you don’t restart your phone after installing the apps in the same
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something wrong with the OS which can cause bugs related with the apps
  • Check if this problem can be solved by removing the apps causing the problem and again installing the same in the phone
  • There are chances that the problem is caused by a hardware issue. Get the phone checked
  • Make sure you have not denied the permission to the apps for accessing the features they need to operate effectively. This is one of the biggest reasons to this problem
  • Check if the problem is there just because the apps are installed in the third-party storage location and not in the phone
  • The problem might be there just because you have made any changes to the recommended settings of the apps in your phone

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • This problem might be there just because of the compatibility problem between the phone and the earpiece in case of a third-party product
  • You need to make it sure that the actual problem has not been caused just because the phone sounds have been disabled
  • One of the earpiece related common Honor View 20 problems is a sharp bend on the wire which can block the signal
  • Check if the earpiece connecting mode is not proper and the same is causing this problem
  • The quality of the music which you are playing to judge the sounds of your earpiece might be poor
  • Check if this problem has been caused just because of a loose connection between the phone and the earpiece. Pair and connect them again in case of a Bluetooth problem. You can refer to the solutions to the “Bluetooth connectivity problems” above
  • The earpiece speakers might have something wrong with them due. Check the same
  • There are chances that the sound drivers in the phone or the sound card are not working properly. Check if another earpiece works perfectly with your phone or the one you are owning works reliability with another phone it is compatible with

Slow Performance

  • Restart the phone and check if this problem is gone or not
  • Do check if the phone memory is completely filled and there is no more storage space available. This can slow down the performance
  • Check if the application you are using is having something wrong with the same
  • Clear the cache data of the installed apps and check if the things are back on the track
  • The RAM in your phone might be creating trouble just because of any possible reason
  • The slow performance of the apps installed in the phone should not be confused with this problem
  • There are chances that you haven’t installed the latest available updates for the phone
  • Downloading the data continuously and allowing so many apps to run at the same time can slow down the performance up to a large extent
  • You need to make sure that the problem has not been caused just because your phone is having something wrong with any of the hardware component inside
  • There are chances that you have made changes to the important recommended settings of some of the features in the phone
  • A forced restart can let you solve this problem. Try the same

Overheating problems

  • This can happen when you make use of the pirated accessories with your phone most of the time
  • A problem with the ventilation system of your Honor View 20 is another reason why the hardware is releasing extra heat
  • Do check if the phone is operating in the power saving mode and you are downloading data from the internet at the same time. This can be another possible reason to the issue
  • When it comes to charging your phone from the power bank, you must use the phone that is recommended to use with your phone
  • Check if this problem is caused just because you disabled some important features of your Honor View 20
  • The problem might be there just because of moisture-related or other issues in the battery
  • The problem might be there just because the latest updates for the OS and the apps have not been installed in your gadget
  • Do check and make sure the phone is not having something seriously wrong with its charger or the power source you are using
  • The third-party apps can be held responsible for this problem.
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the SIM tray or with the port in which the SIM card is inserted
  • There are chances that you have installed a wrong firmware in your Honor View 20 if you have customized it
  • Do check if a simple restart is enough to avoid this issue
  • Make sure your phone is not having something wrong with the SIM card itself. Check for a physical damage and make sure the same is not casing this problem
  • The airplane mode might be turned ON or you might have turned OFF the SIM card in the primary settings. Check the same
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because there is no network coverage or the signal strength is very poor at your present location. This usually happens while traveling or when you are in abasement
  • Check and make sure if your network service provider needs you to turn the roaming services enabled while you are going away from the hometown
  • This problem might be there just because the access to the SIM card is either locked or restricted. Remove the password if imposed on the same
  • Do check if the problem has been caused just because the phone signal antenna is having something wrong with it
  • Make sure the SIM services are activated and are not suspended from your connection

Screen not working properly

  • First, check and clean your hands if required. Remove the mittens and gloves if you wear the same
  • There are chances that the screen guard installed on the phone is causing the problem just because it is not of appropriate quality or simply needs replacement
  • Make sure the phone memory is not completely full which can sometimes influence the working of the screen
  • You simply need to make it sure that this problem has not been caused just because your device screen is having a lot of oil and grease particles on the same
  • Check if this problem is there just because your phone is active in the safe mode which can disable some important features
  • Try installing the new updates available for the OS and the apps in the same
  • Avoid apps from other sources than the Play Store. If they are already present in the phone, remove them and check if the problem is gone
  • You simply need to make sure that no software related bugs is actually causing this problem
  • In case your Honor View 20 is connected with another device, simply disconnect it and check the same

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • First, check if your phone charger is in a healthy working state and is not responsible for this issue. Avoid using a charger that doesn’t belong to your phone
  • You might be facing this issue just because the features such as flashlight, GPS and Wi-Fi hot spot are turned ON
  • There are chances that the phone is having something wrong with the battery itself. Get it checked professionally
  • Control the screen brightness level and check if this is having an impact on the battery performance
  • Don’t use the phone while charging it as this can be a possible reason to this problem
  • Keep the mobile data OFF when the same is not required
  • Check if there are multiple notifications running in the background. They can cause this problem. It’s good to keep the notifications disabled that are not of prime importance but can wake the screen of your gadget
  • Make sure there are not third-party games and the apps installed in your phone which it simply doesn’t support
  • You need to make it sure that the problem has not been caused just because there is something wrong with the USB cable connector/charging port of your Honor View 20
  • Check if a simple restart can solve this problem

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • The problem can be solved by disconnecting the phone from the PC and establishing the connection once again. Try it
  • Make sure the Windows related bugs in the PC are not responsible for this problem
  • Sometimes when the copy of Windows OS installed in the PC is not genuine, this problem is observed
  • The USB port on the PC might be disabled or not in working condition
  • Check if this problem can be solved by updating the USB drivers on your phone
  • Make sure the problem has not been created just because the connecting cable you are using is faulty
  • There are chances that the storage space in any of the devices is not sufficient as per the task you are performing
  • Do check if the data compatibility problems are responsible for this problem
  • There might be a security glitch which is causing this problem such as the presence of a virus in any of the gadgets
  • When the PC is connected with the phone, select the MTP should be selected on the later for smooth operations
  • You need to make sure that the problem is not there just because of a loose connection
  • The phone OS might not be healthy and is causing this problem. Check the same

These are some of the methods and the instructions that work reliably against the common Honor View 20 problems. We will welcome your comments regarding your experience with this guide. Post them below.