Common Huawei Mate 20 Problems and Fixes – Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, SIM, and More

Everyone with background in technology is familiar with Android today. It is basically an OS for modern phones with a lot of stuff to explore and enjoy. It really doesn’t matter what exactly one wants to do, there is a diverse array of options available on the Play Store in the form of some of the very useful apps. However, to use the same, one simply needs to have a smartphone of his/her own. Probably there are several options available in the International market today. However, it is not an easy job to choose a wise smartphone that can simply eliminate all the barriers on accessing the stuff available on the Play Store. Huawei Mate 20 is actually a well-known option. That can be considered. Here in this post the common Huawei Mate 20 problems are discussed in a very simple language.

Huawei has always paid attention on providing something extraordinary to all their users. They are not just known to provide the regular and timely updates, the while series of smartphones launched by them have been appreciated in other aspects as well. Probably Huawei Mate 20 is an excellent option. If you are presently looking to exchange your current phone, this is the one that you should go ahead with. It would be noted that the issues about this phone which are discussed in this phone are not very complex. You can simply make sure that they wouldn’t affect your phone functionality if you follow the right guide against them as mentioned here in this post. Simply follow everything in the right and the careful manner about the common Huawei Mate 20 problems and fixes.

How complex these issues are?

These issues are actually not very complex. However, when they declare their presence, users often have to worry a lot. This is because they largely affect the working, processing speed, performance, and other important factors of a phone. You can find these issues pretty common in most of the gadgets around you which are powered by Android technology. The good thing is these problems are not due to major hardware glitches. They can arrive due to multiple reasons. You just simply follow the information on common Huawei Mate 20 problems and their solutions to avoid them.

Common Huawei Mate 20 Problems and Fixes

Everything which you need to know about the common problems of Huawei Mate 20 is mentioned in this post. There are various instructions you can read that are actually the methods to troubleshoot the problem under which they are listed. All you have to make sure is to follow the information in the correct manner. Sometimes users alter these instructions and the same results in problems which are more complex. Probably you don’t want to experience the same and therefore it would be good to follow these instructions in the same manner as posted. cannot be held responsible if any additional problem is observed while due to your own mistake.

Connectivity issues

In any smartphone, connectivity is one of those factors that define everything about the same. Because phones are designed to accomplish a major portion of every task through internet and other networking platforms, it is necessary that you as a user pay special attention to avoid these faults.

Bluetooth connectivity issues

  • One of the most basic and convenient option that may assist you for the elimination of this problem from your Huawei Mate 20 is restarting the phone. Sometimes the problem is basic and doing so eliminates all the temporary bugs
  • Do check and make sure the phone Bluetooth antenna and the hardware is in proper working condition
  • You will be required to check and make sure that the data which you are transferring doesn’t have any kind of restrictions on its sharing
  • Make sure that the phone is not having the active power saving mode
  • There might be some apps in the phone that are controlling the Bluetooth. Check it properly
  • Make sure that the phone is not having any kind of virus present in it
  • Check if the problem is there just because the phone memory is completely filled
  • The problem could be due to the an already active Bluetooth connection of your phone with another gadget
  • Don’t attach multiple files in one g which is the common reasons of having the Bluetooth problems in the phone
  • Make sure there is no violation of Bluetooth and the security policies of your Huawei Mate 20 while accessing the Bluetooth
  • It is necessary to access the Bluetooth as per the manufacturer policies
  • It would be good to check and make sure that the bugs in the software domain of your phone are not causing this problem. Simply install all the pending updates and check again
  • Errors and bugs related to the pairing can also be held responsible for this problem. If required, perform the pairing once again
  • Do check if any of the above problem is with the other phone you are trying to connect

Wi-Fi connectivity issues

  • First of all check if the phone is too away from the modem or the signal source. This is often the reason due to which the users have to face the problem
  • Simply check and make sure if the problem can be solved by closing all the apps which are currently running in the phone
  • Make sure to check the network settings which must have security enabled on them
  • Don’t make any change to any recommended settings that can affect the network performance
  • Do check if the internet is not working from the service provider’s end
  • Check properly the working condition of the phone. The same may have any kind of hardware fault
  • Make sure to enter the password required to connect to the network correctly
  • Update the phone OS whenever an update arrives
  • Do check and make sure if the problem can be solved by restarting the phone and the Wi-Fi modem
  • Make sure the problem is not because of a wrong cable connection of the wire on the modem or the improper configuration of the same
  • Your device might be banned on the network. Check and make sure of this
  • Check if your phone is fulfilling all the requirements of the network
  • Make sure the problem in the phone is not just because of problem in the Wi-Fi drivers
  • The overall number of devices connected with the modem might be exceeding its limit. Check and make sure of this
  • Forget the network simply and then again add it
  • You might have used all the bandwidth allotted to you. Check

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

  • Battery backup couldn’t be same for the similar variants. It all depends on the way you use your phone. It’s good to keep this thing in your mind
  • Inspect all the apps and the software properly and check which one is putting extra burden on phone power
  • Check and make sure all the apps are updated
  • It would be good to disable the notifications and the background lights when they are not actually required
  • The problem you are facing could be due to a hardware glitch in the phone
  • Simply limit the overall number of apps installed in your phone
  • Do check if the problem can be solved by changing the charger of your phone
  • The problem might be due to using an unauthorized accessory with your phone
  • Turn OFF the mobile data when not in used
  • Check if the phone battery is in proper working condition
  • Avoid using the phone while charging
  • Make sure the phone is not being charged from a power bank whose ratings doesn’t match your phone

Performance issues

  • The performance can be restored in many ways and the most basic trick that always works is restarting the phone simply
  • Some factors that can affect the phone performance should be analyzed by you to know what exactly is wrong with the phone
  • Make sure the app and the Android version is fully up to the date in your phone
  • Do check if the things can be restored just by clearing the cache data of the phone
  • Check and make sure that no hardware problem in the phone is causing this problem
  • It would be good to clear the unnecessary data and files from the phone memory to assure its performance
  • It should be kept in mind that the overall number of apps you install in your phone also decides its performance
  • Data downloading should be performed in a defined manner
  • Check if the phone memory is having any kind of virus in the same
  • The phone might have safe mode active on it. Check and disable the same
  • Do check if the things can be restored to their actual working condition just with a basic reboot
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having inactive services
  • Your phone might be having a problem with the signal transmitter and receiver
  • Do check if the SIM has been inserted in the phone properly
  • The problem you are facing might be due to network signal fluctuation
  • Open network settings and select your home network manually
  • You might have turned the SIM card OFF
  • Do check if the problem is there just because you have changed the recommended SIM settings in your phone
  • Check if the SIM tray is having any kind of problem with it
  • Call the SIM support if the above methods and instructions doesn’t bring the favorable fortune to you
  • The problem in you are facing could be due to no network coverage or temporary shutdown of the same
  • Do check if the problem is just because the SIM card is not supported by the variant of the Huawei Mate 20
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have Airplane mode active on it

Apps not functioning properly

  • Applications need to be updated on time. This is the first thing which you need to keep in your mind
  • Do check if the phone no longer support the app
  • Check if the problem is there just because the important or the recommended settings of the installed apps have been changed
  • Make sure that the phone is not having all its apps installed from a third-party source. Open the phone in the power saving mode and check if the things are working correctly
  • The hardware problems in the phone are often confused as Apps related bugs in the phone
  • Don’t change the phone security settings and make sure you are following all the policies you are bounded to follow as per the developer standards
  • Some apps need various permissions for the smooth functions. Do check if the same have been given to the concerned app
  • The app related data is to be stored in the default phone memory

Bad camera quality

  • Always operate camera in the shooting mode which well defines the nearby conditions. You are free to select any shooting mode from the available options
  • The camera lens might have any problem with the same. Do check properly
  • Look carefully for a physical damage on the camera lens or on the cover
  • Sometimes cleaning the screen and the lens restores all the things which are not good
  • Check and make sure that the problem is not just because the images were captured in the burst mode
  • Make sure to focus on the object in the right manner. Also, try your phone remains totally still while capturing the images
  • If you are capturing images of the objects away from you, don’t increase the zoom level beyond a limit as the quality often get degraded with the same
  • The camera flashlight is to be turned ON always when the visibility is low. Also, don’t forget to select the night mode
  • Open the camera settings and select the HD outcomes

Doesn’t recognize Windows PC

  • Sometimes a simple restart is enough to solve this concern. Try if the same works in your case
  • The phone or the PC might be having USB ports in no working condition. Update the USB drivers and try again
  • Make sure your phone is not having the power saving mode active on the same
  • Do check if the connecting cable you are using is not supportive by any of the devices
  • Make sure the phone and the computer doesn’t have any kind of restrictions on them for connecting with other widgets
  • Make sure to check the phone OS and Windows bugs
  • Do check if there is any kind of hardware problem associated with the phone or the PC
  • Make sure to select the MTP mode on your phone to make the PC recognize the phone
  • If the memory on the phone is full, erase some data
  • Software related bugs even if they are minor can create this problem in the phone

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Check if there is basic software glitch causing this problem in your phone
  • Make sure the earpiece owned by you actually support the Huawei Mate 20
  • Do check if the sound quality of the file you are playing is too bad to make you feel like having this problem
  • The problem could be due to a faulty earpiece. Try using them on a parallel phone
  • Do check if the sound drivers are working perfectly on the phone and the sounds are not set to be disabled
  • You can make use of the speaker phones on the device as a temporary solution to this problem
  • Check if the USB connectors on the device are in proper working condition
  • For Bluetooth earpiece, pairing should be done properly and correctly

Overheating problems

  • This can happen when the phone ventilation system is having any kind of fault in the same. Check it properly
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have a lot of apps installed in it from any other source than the Play Store
  • Do check if a simple restart can solve this concern. Do it after closing all the background running apps
  • Make sure the phone doesn’t have its default memory completely filled
  • You will be required to clean the cache data of the phone and the apps after a specific time period
  • You might be using a pirated charger to charge your phone
  • Don’t run multiple tasks at the same time
  • All the features which you don’t need should be kept closed
  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi hotspot is not shared with multiple devices
  • Do check if the things can be solved simply by removing the games installed on the phone or the ones which are actually not compatible with the same
  • Prefer using a good quality power bank if you make use of the one
  • Enable the safe mode and check if everything is fine with your phone. Actually, this tells you if the problem is due to a software bug
  • Make sure the screen is having no physical damage on the same
  • Sometimes when the device memory is completely filled, this problem is observed
  • Don’t confuse this problem with the slow performance on your phone
  • Remove the glass guard from the screen and check if this can solve your concern
  • You need to make sure that the screen is touched only through the skin. Wearing mittens or the gloves can cause this problem
  • Simply clean the device screen and your hands
  • Restart the phone and check again if the things are back on track
  • In case there is a customized software installed on your phone, you will be required to delete the same from the phone
  • Bugs related to the apps can also cause this problem in your phone

MicroSD card not detected in the phone

  • The card and the phone you make use of should support each other
  • Sometimes the problem can be solved just be restarting the phone
  • Do check if the card has been inserted in the phone properly. Improper insertion can cause the problem for sure
  • Make sure the data holding capacity is not more than the limit imposed by Huawei on this gadget
  • Do check if the problem is there just because of the reasons related to the data present in the SD card. Check if the same is compatible, not hidden and is in a readable format by the phone
  • Format the card and try again
  • Look for any physical damage on the card. You should pay attention to the manufacturing defect in the card even if it’s a brand new
  • All the restrictions on the phone should be removed by you

The instructions and the methods about the common Huawei Mate 20 problems and their fixes you just checked can simply be trusted without worrying about anything. There are strong chances that you will be able to avoid the problem. In case not, always prefer taking the official support from the manufacturer. Keep visiting our platform for similar stuff.