Situations and things changes and they usually have a positive or a negative effect on us. Well, many times we feel nobody listens to us it’s a very daunting situation. If you think this happens with you only, probably you are totally wrong. Everyone is struggling and trying to fit the things in life in the way they want. However, success is not always assured in this matter. This doesn’t mean when no one listens to you, you cannot find a solution. Presently, they say if no one is going to listen to you, probably your smartphone will. You can easily see everyone remains busy with their phones at public places. They try to share their sadness or happiness with their gadgets. One of the amazing phones which you can trust is Huawei P30 Pro. Here are the common Huawei P30 Pro problems and their fixes.

Well, this is really true that smartphones are the reasons many people feel calm and avoid their issues. Phones are becoming their true friends actually. Obviously, you know that. Thus, it is very necessary for everyone to keep their smartphones free from all the troubles. However, it really doesn’t matter what type of efforts you made or how to care for it, there are always some basic problems which remain present and affect its overall performance. They are usually tagged as common problems. Like other phones, you can find them in this device as well. However, not all of them can create serious issues if you fix them on time and correctly. This guide on the solutions to the common Huawei P30 Pro problems helps you for the same.

How to fix these issues?

There are no complex actions required from your end. All you have to do is to follow this guide and have to make sure the information is applied correctly. The methods and solutions are provided in this post in a very easy manner. Even those who are not good in understanding the basic science behind a smartphone can follow and trust this guide. The problem in most of the cases can be fixed immediately and you need not to worry about anything while following this guide. Here are more details about the common Huawei P30 Pro problems and solutions.

Common Huawei P30 Pro Problems and Fixes

The followers are instructed to make sure that the methods and the solutions which they read in this post should be read correctly. Improper reading and molding them while applying couldn’t stop your phone to go in a state where you can face other problems in addition to the present ones. Although the methods are tested, it is always best to follow what is instructed to you to avoid any third-party problem. If any of the additional problems is faced in your phone due to not following this guide correctly, you yourself will be held responsible for the same. bears no responsibility for anything. Check now the common Huawei P30 Pro problems and their best fixes.

Connectivity problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • This problem could be there just because the phone is running in the safe mode or in the power saving mode. Generally, it shut down the phone connectivity features including the Bluetooth
  • Make sure the problem you are facing is not there just because the phone is having a core technical or a hardware problem. Under such a situation, you need to go with the professional help
  • Check if this problem has been created in your phone just because of a virus. Scan and clean the same. The other devices may not get connected securely with your phone due to it
  • In some of the cases, the phone Bluetooth doesn’t operate properly when there is any form of compatibility issues with the phone. Check if the drivers on the other phone are outdated
  • Turn the phone Bluetooth OFF. Delete the device names it has been paired recently with. Turn it ON again and try connecting. Check if the problem is gone
  • Perform a software reset to your phone and this will definitely help in fixing this problem
  • Some minor bugs that are having their origin in the OS of your phone can be held responsible for this fault. Check and take the most suitable actions
  • Clear the phone cache and temporary files. Check if this helps in solving the problem
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of shutting down the phone security manually
  • Gently hit the back of your phone and check if this basic trick works in helping you
  • The Bluetooth antenna on your phone should be free from all the troubles. Also, check if there is an error in the default Bluetooth driver

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Turn OFF the Wi-Fi on your phone. Open the network settings and forget the connection. Turn ON the Wi-Fi again and add the network again in the phone. Check if the problem is gone
  • Match the password you entered in the phone with the one stored in the network settings. A mismatch or an error can be the reason to this problem in such a case
  • Make sure the cable connections and the configuration of the Wi-Fi router you are using are not inappropriate
  • Sometimes the problem arrives when the services are no longer active on your internet connection. Check the same
  • Make sure the internet data exchange speed is not below the minimum threshold set by the phone manufacturer
  • The LAN settings and phone security should not be disabled. The same can stop the internet on your phone
  • Make sure the phone is not facing this issue just because of a low signal strength of the Wi-Fi router or the signal
  • Check if the antenna on your Wi-Fi router is not in a functional state and is causing a problem
  • Make sure the data which you are allowed to use in a specific time period has not reached its limit
  • Restart the router and the phone. This can solve the problem
  • When multiple devices are connected with the same network, this problem usually declares its presence. Check if the same is the reason
  • Make sure your phone is not having any hardware or a software fault that can influence the internet stability
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of the additional eligibility criteria set by the network administrators to allow connecting the devices by the private network administrators

Apps not working properly

  • Always install the best-rated apps in your phone
  • Make sure the settings of multiple apps are not changed to the custom which can be the reason to this problem
  • The apps work well when you install the latest available updates for them
  • Installation of third-party applications from other sources than recommended can cause troubles that can be tagged as the reasons to this problem
  • You simply need to make sure that the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS. The same can stop multiple apps to perform effectively
  • Check if this problem is due to a major hardware fault in the phone
  • The applications should b installed properly and all the permission should be given to them for accessing the phone data. If such permissions are not provided, they may not operate wisely
  • Check if an app is creating the problem just because you have installed it in the third-party storage and not in the default storage of the phone
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users change the recommended settings of their phone
  • One of the reasons to this problem is a fault or an error in the app UI. Check the same
  • If any of the features of your phone is disabled, turn it ON. The apps might not behaving well due to the very same reason

Screen not working properly

  • This might be happing due to lack of cleanliness on the screen. It is actually a leading reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure the phone screen is not having any physical damage on the same
  • Sometimes the problem is caused just because of turning ON the screen sharing option and connecting another device with the phone
  • Make sure you haven’t connected any pirated accessory with your phone or the phone it doesn’t support
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because the phone is having something actually wrong with the installed OS
  • In case some apps are installed recently, remove them from the phone and check if this helps
  • The inability of the screen sensors to perform their true role can be another reason to this issue. Check them
  • If the phone is having a custom ROM installed on the same, the problem might be due to the very same reason
  • Clean the phone data against the malware and infected files. They can stop the phone features including the working of the screen
  • In some cases, this problem arrives only when the users wear mittens and gloves on their hands
  • A forced restart can help dealing with this problem in case other methods fail. Try it

Slow performance

  • Check if the applications installed in your phone are having something wrong with them which are affecting their functionality. This can be one of the major reasons to the problem
  • Check if the problem begins only after installing some third-party applications in the phone
  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because some random applications are running for a long time and are not in any use
  • The data which you stored in your phone a long ago and are not using it anymore can slow down the performance. Erase the same
  • This problem might be related with the phone RAM. Check the same properly
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is running in the safe mode. This disables some features and affects the overall performance
  • If your phone memory is completely full, erase some data and check if this helps to solve the problem
  • Make sure the internet connection is not operating slowly which is something that is confused with the slow performance of the phone
  • One of the reasons to the common Huawei P30 Pro problems related with the performance is the cached data. Clear the same and check if this helps you

Poor battery life

  • Check if this problem is caused in your phone just because the applications installed keep sending your notifications. This consumes more juice from the battery
  • The level of the screen brightness is another reason to this problem when you set it very high
  • Sometimes the battery drains quickly just because the users don’t close the applications after using them
  • Make sure the features of the phone such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camera and others are not running in the background
  • Turn OFF the phone synchronization by opening the phone settings
  • This problem could be there due to a serious battery issue. Check the same
  • The poor battery life is a problem that can be there due to a virus or due to blocked data in the phone
  • In some cases, smartphones fail to offer good battery backup just because users download a lot of data from the internet
  • Sharing the internet connection by turning ON the hotspot with other devices can drain your phone battery too quickly

Poor camera quality

  • Gently clean the screen against the sweat, grease and oil particles. Surely you will be able to get the best after doing the same
  • Make sure the camera lens is also cleaned and is not having any debris on the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users don’t pay attention to the mode they selected for capturing the images. A wrong mode can bring all the trouble and can affect the quality
  • In some cases, this problem usually declare its presence when the users fail to operate the phone camera properly
  • The blurry images are usually caused when the lens is unable to focus on the object it is capturing or when it is not given sufficient time for performing this task
  • Make sure the phone battery is more than 10% charged else you can face this problem
  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is suffering from a problem which is related with the OS. Fix it by updating the same
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because the phone camera is having a physical damage internally. Check it
  • If the images are captured in burst mode, you can face this problem due to the very same reason

SIM/Network problems

  • Make sure your phone is not having a problem with its SIM tray or with the slot in which SIM card is inserted
  • Check if you have properly and correctly inserted the SIM card. Remove it and restart your phone to confirms this
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the services are temporary or permanently shut down by the network provider due to the reasons possible
  • Open the phone settings and check if the SIM card is turned ON. You might have turned it OFF mistakenly
  • Make sure the Airplane mode is not turned ON and is causing the problem
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because they don’t have the service activated on the SIM which they access
  • Make sure the variant of the phone is compatible with the network and the problem is not there due to this reason
  • Reboot your device and check if this helps solving the problem
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having a physical damage which can be one of the leading reasons to this problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem has not been caused due to selecting the manual mode for the network selection in the network settings

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Check if this problem is there due to a fault earpiece or the one which is not supported by the Huawei P30 in case you purchased it additionally
  • Sometimes this problem arrives just because your phone is having something actually wrong with the universal earpiece connector on the same
  • A problem with the default sound drivers can be the reason to this issue and can be fixed by updating the phone OS when a new update will arrive
  • Make sure the phone sounds are not disabled manually and is causing this problem
  • There are chances that the earpiece having a robotic sound in them just because of dust or a physical damage on their wire
  • Check the speakers of the earpiece and make sure they are free from any dirt in them
  • Sometimes this problem arrives due to improper connection of the phone with the earpiece. Remove and reconnect the same
  • In some cases, this problem arrives just because there is a bend on the wire of the earpiece
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this help solving the problem
  • One of the possible reasons to this problem is playing a video or an audio clip with very low sound quality

Overheating problem

  • Check if the problem is there just because of overcharging your phone
  • There are certain chances that the problem is there just because your phone is having something actually wrong with the charging port. Check the same
  • If you rely more on power banks, make sure before you buy that they are of good quality and have same power specifications as on your phone
  • Do check if the problem is there just because your phone is running in the power saving mode which is also a reason to this issue
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only due to using a charger which is not authorized by the manufacturer
  • Make sure not to connect any pirated accessory with your phone
  • The overheating of the core hardware inside the phone can be an indication of a battery fault in the same. check it
  • Make sure the games installed in the phone are not responsible for this problem as not all the games can run smoothly on different phones
  • This problem is the result of the failure of the ventilation system of the phone
  • Sometimes you can fix this problem just by restarting your device. Try the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS. Update it

Slow charging

  • Don’t make calls and avoid data downloading when you are charging your phone. If possible, keep the mobile data OFF
  • Clear the cache data every time before you put your phone on charging
  • Make sure the power socket, the charger and the connecting cable are not creating any form of trouble
  • Sometimes you have to face this problem because of no other reason than running multiple application in the phone while charging it
  • The slow charging is a problem that can be fixed by installing all the latest updates for the OS and for the applications
  • You need to make sure that the phone charging pattern is not changed frequently as the same can be a reason to this problem
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because they installed applications in the phone from the sources that are not allowed
  • Scan the phone against the viruses and make sure they are not the ones which can be held responsible for the fault
  • Check the phone charging port and make sure the same is not the reason to this problem

This helps you to fix all the common Huawei P30 Pro problems easily and effectively. If the information is followed correctly, they will not arrive again anytime sooner. Post your comment below to share any feedback.