Various smartphone campaigns are organized and sponsored by manufacturers all over the world to make their smartphones visible to the maximum number of people. Infix is one among them who have worked hard to enhance the overall visibility of their gadgets to the users. The fact is users these days look for phones that can be trusted for a very long run. Infinix started manufacturing the smartphones in the year 2012 and presently they have their devices available in more than 30 countries. Many people have found them better than the best in terms of quality and price. Presently, this Hong Kong based manufacturer has expanded its smartphone base up to a large extent and have attracted the attention of many people. S4 is their latest introduction to the smartphone. Check the details on the common Infinix S4 problems and fixes.

The fact is quite true that Infinix has not gained much popularity in all parts of the world like other manufacturers. However, they always come up with the quality. Also, just because the brand visibility is not equal to others, this really doesn’t mean their smartphones are not preferred. As already mentioned, Infinix smartphones are in use by millions of people. The common problems related to them are not very complex. These are the same basic issues that you experience you’re your current smartphone. Actually, almost every gadget across the earth that runs on Android has some basic issues associated to the same. The same are considered as the common problems. It is possible to fix the common Infinix S4 problems with the help of this guide.

What troubles common problems can cause?

One fact which you need to keep in your mind is common problems are not related to hardware. These are the basic issues related to software. They mostly arrive due to bugs in installed apps or due to minor bugs in the phone Operating system. Even the latest Android versions have some basic problems reported by the users. Although it is possible to fix the common Infinix S4 problems by simply updating it, some issues need more attention. This post guides you about the same. It is necessary to fix the common problems in Infinx S4 immediately when they are reported to you by your smartphone. Neglecting them can cause additional problems in the gadget. Check more details below.

Common Infinix S4 Problems and Solutions

One of the things which are very necessary is to use your device wisely. If you are not aware of anything, don’t go for the same. This can affect the functionality of your device up to a large extent and can be a reason to the common Infinix S4 problems. It is also of prime importance that when you fix the problems, the method you are considering should be applied in the form it is mentioned. If you think you can attain better results by modifying the methods mentioned in this post, you may not always be right. Additional problems can declare their presence in addition to the common Infinix S4 problems. cannot bear any responsibility for it. Check the solutions to the common problems in Infinix S4 below.

Connectivity Problems

Some of the methods to help you fix the connectivity related common Infinix S4 problems are listed below.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • If your phone is having any pending update, install it and check if this helps to fix the Bluetooth problem
  • Don’t hide the visibility of your phone Bluetooth connection. Neither imposes any time limit on the same.
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of activating the phone in safe mode or in the power saving mode
  • Always divide the larger segments of data into smaller ones when it comes to sharing the same through Bluetooth
  • Lack of storage space availability in the receiver can be a reason you have to face this problem
  • Make sure the phone security is not turned OFF which may not allow you to create a secure connection
  • Check if the Bluetooth version on one device is not supported by the other
  • There are chances that the problem has arrived just because the data format is different than what is supported by the phones
  • Do check if the actual problem is present in the other device you are trying to connect
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and erase history. Hopefully, this will solve the problem
  • Make no mistake while pairing the devices to each other. The Bluetooth pairing might be improper when you are facing this problem
  • In some cases, the Bluetooth problems arrives when the problem is resent in the phone software or in the default Bluetooth driver
  • Check if the Bluetooth antenna is not in proper working condition and the same is causing the Bluetooth problems
  • Keep both the Bluetooth enabled devices as close as possible for the smooth data transfer
  • Clear the cache data of the device and check if this helps to fix the problem

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • In case any changes were made to the network connection settings recently, restore them and check if this helps
  • Turn OFF the router and your device. Turn them ON again and try connecting one more time
  • Open the phone Wi-Fi settings and forget the network. Now search for the same network and add it again
  • Do check if the phone security is turned OFF the same is causing the problem
  • There are chances that the actual fault is with the router you are using. Check if the same has been configured properly or not
  • Most internet connection has a strict upper limit on bandwidth consumption. You might have crossed the same and the services are not limited
  • The services from the app or the domain you are opening are restricted by the internet provider
  • In case you recently made any changes to the settings of the browser, the same can be a reason you are facing the problem
  • Make sure the domain you are opening is not facing network downtime
  • This problem could be there just because the router cannot host more devices on the network as its limit has been reached
  • Check if the network password you entered is outdated or incorrect
  • One of the reasons to this problem is improper or low Wi-Fi signal strength just because the router is away from you
  • The problem could be there just because the network is having something wrong with its security. Check the same
  • The cable connection on the router is wrong and the problem is caused by the same
  • Do check and make sure the phone IP address is not matching with any other device connected on the same network

Overheating problems

  • Check if your Infinix smartphone is fully flooded with the streaming applications. They are often blamed for overheating problems.
  • Make it sure that the pending software updates are not responsible for this fault. Simply install them and restart the device. Definitely, it will fix the problem
  • You might have installed a game in your device which is not compatible with it. Overheating is a result of the same
  • Do check and make sure the power bank which you are using to charge your device is not having something wrong with the same
  • Check if overheating is caused just because of charging the device with a high power adapter
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused in the ventilation system of your phone
  • Do check if overheating is caused just because the power supply is fluctuating or if the charger you are using is having something wrong with the same
  • Many users complain about overheating problems just because they really don’t pay any attention to the phone viruses
  • Do check if the battery is suffering from a fault and the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • Blocked applications or data in your smartphone can be blamed for this fault
  • There are various factors related to the environment in your surroundings which can also be blamed for this issue
  • The apps which you are no longer using should be deleted from the phone

Slow charging

  • First, check if the connecting cable or the adapter are suffering from a fault and is causing the problem. This is true in most of the cases
  • Allowing the phone data to get synchronized with the apps causes slow charging of any smartphone. Check if this is the reason
  • Simply check and make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your phone battery is damaged or having something wrong with the same
  • There are chances of having corrosion in the phone charging port which is often the reason to the slow charging
  • In case you have installed the apps from the third-party sources, simply erase them
  • Perform a reboot to your phone and check if this helps to fix the problem
  • The installed apps in your device might be having something wrong with them. Update them and check if this help boosting the charging speed
  • A weak power source can cause slow charging for your Infinix S4. Check the same
  • Properly check and make sure the problem is not caused by any hardware fault in your gadget

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • This problem is often caused when the users don’t use the supported products or when prefer the ones which are of poor quality
  • Do check and make sure the sound settings of your device are not modified
  • There are chances that the earpiece is not in a working state. Get them checked with another device
  • Make sure the earpiece connector or the universal jack on the device is not suffering from a fault
  • Most users fails to get better sound quality from the earpiece just because of signal distortion/attenuation
  • Check in case the earpiece is not connected properly to the phone. This can be a reason to the problem
  • Sometimes the body sweat causes damage to the earpiece speakers and they start giving robotic sound. Be careful with the same
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because your smartphone is having something wrong with the Operating System
  • Make sure the sound card in the device is not causing this trouble just because it is having a fault related to the same
  • The low-quality music file might be played by you in your device while you were judging the earpiece quality
  • This problem arrives in some cases due to a low signal strength during a call
  • One of the earpiece-related common Infinix S4 problems is running the device in the safe mode. Check and disable it

Poor Battery Life

  • Some of the features on your device might be turned ON unnecessarily. These include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, hotspot, GPS and Google Maps. Close them
  • Perform self-inspection on the phone battery and check if the same is faulty
  • Your phone might be having an active virus in the default memory or in the app’s data which often causes faster battery drainage
  • Do check and make sure you are not downloading the data from the internet continuously as this drains the battery too quickly
  • Control the level of screen brightness which causes this problem when the same is high
  • Check if you forget to turn OFF the phone torchlight after switching it ON
  • Impose a strict and lowest limit on the automatic screen downtime. This can solve the problem
  • The reason you are facing this issue is nothing but installing a lot of apps in your phone
  • Do check and make sure your device power settings are not customized. The same can be a reason to this problem
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of activating the device in the safe mode
  • There are chances that this problem is there just because your phone is connected to a nearby device through any medium. Disconnect and check

Slow Performance

  • Users face this problem just because they don’t clear the cache data from their phone. Do it right now and check if this helps
  • If your phone software is having any of the pending updates, install them and reboot it. This will probably fix the issue
  • There are chances that the faults is caused just because your smartphone is affected by a virus or a malware
  • Do check and make sure the slow speed of the internet is not being confused with the slow operations of your device
  • Multitasking beyond a limit can slow down the performance of any smartphone. Check if this is the reason in your case too
  • Do check and make sure the installed and system apps in your device are updated to the latest available version. Outdated versions often slow down the speed of operations
  • Make sure the phone RAM or any other hardware component is not having any trouble related to them
  • Install the light version for some apps if you use many of them in your device
  • There are chances that the slow performance is caused just because the phone storage space is completely filled. Check and erase the data no longer need
  • Customizing the recommended settings of your device can be a reason you have to face this problem
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this helps to get this problem fixed
  • Performing a hardware reset can definitely restore the phone performance. However, you need to save the phone data before doing so as it takes your device in its default settings and erases everything

Poor Camera Quality

  • Learn the basic of capturing the images from a phone camera. This is really very useful for you in the long run
  • There are chances that the fault is caused just because your smartphone camera lens is not cleaned properly
  • Simply check and make sure the problem is not caused just because the device you are using is having a trouble associated with the OS. The same can be a reason you are unable to open the phone camera or if nothing appears on the screen after doing so
  • This problem can be experienced during a video call only because of issues related with the signal strength
  • The overall visibility around you might be low. You need to turn ON the camera flashlight and have to select the shooting mode that fits the visibility
  • There are chances that the phone battery is not charged beyond 10 percent which in some cases causes this problem
  • Make sure you are not operating the phone camera when the power saving mode is activated. This stores the captured images in the compressed form and you may lose the quality
  • Check if you can fix the problem just by using the image stabilization option
  • The image resolution or the pixel density selected by you in the camera settings might be low. The same can cause this problem
  • Do check and make sure you are not using the camera zoom feature beyond a limit
  • This problem is often caused by a fault lens in the phone. Get it checked

Screen not working properly

  • Sometimes this problem is caused by overheating of the phone. Check if same is the reason
  • Make sure the screen sensors of your Infinix S4 are in proper working condition and nothing is wrong with them
  • Simply check and make sure the problem is not there just because the screen sharing option is turned OFF and the device screen is shared by another gadget
  • Do check if this problem is there just because of an internal damage on the screen
  • There are chances that the screen is not performing its tasks just because of an active virus or blocked apps in the device
  • Say no to customized software as they in some cases can be the reason to this problem
  • Check if the phone memory is completely filled and the same is the reason to this problem
  • Simply check and make sure the fault is not caused just because the phone screen settings are customized
  • Remove the glass guard installed o the screen and check if the problem is solved
  • A software fault can cause this problem./ Install all the pending updates for your device and check if this helps to fix the problem
  • There are chances that the device screen is not cleaned properly and there are a lot of oil and grease particles on the same which are causing this problem

Apps not working properly

  • Always install the apps in your device from the Play Store and not any other source
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because your smartphone is running in the power saving mode
  • One of the common Infinix S4 problems related to the apps is installing them in the third-party storage locations then in the default storage of the phone
  • Do check and make sure the fault is not caused in your phone by a virus
  • Check if the settings of installed apps were customized by you. The same can start the problem
  • Make sure the phone Operating System bugs are not affecting the working of installed apps in your device
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because your phone is running in the safe mode as this disables the functionality of installed apps
  • Manually disabling the phone features or the security of the same can be a reason you have to face this problem
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because your smartphone apps are outdated
  • The apps should be given the various permissions to access the phone data and the features. Denying them may cause the problem with them
  • Check if the problem is caused just because the app you recently installed is not supported/compatible with Infinix S4
  • Turn OFF the device and gain turn it ON. Check if this helps

SIM/Network Problems

  • There are chances that the network provider has suspended services from your SIM card in case it was not used for a long time
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the signal antenna
  • Check if this problem arrives after unlocking the phone bootloader. In such a case a wrong update might have been installed by your phone
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because your phone SIM slot is having something wrong with the same
  • Many users have to face this problem just because of locking the SIM card access with a password or with a PIN
  • The phone network selection mode should be kept on the automatic option and not on manual
  • Do check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • You can face this problem just because the SIM card is turned OFF manually in the SIM settings
  • There are chances that the roaming services are not activated on your device when there is a need of the same
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having a physical damage on the same which can be a reason to this problem
  • Remove and re-insert the SIM again in the phone. Check if this works

Most of the common Infinix S4 problems related to the software domain will be gone after following this guide. If you have anything else to know, you can simply let us know by posting a comment on the below section.