Smartphones are one among those devices which we need at almost every moment in our life. Smartphones available these days are not just tools for making and receiving the calls. A very large number of other important things can be handled with their help. This is the actual reason why their need is felt at almost every stage. Well, you might have no idea but the fact is smartphones are popular and feature-filled in a way never before. Most people look to purchase the best available ones without exceeding a specific budget. The KXD K30 is a superior option if you are looking for a stunning device. Here in this post, the common KXD K30 problems are discussed which simply let you deal with all the daunting experience you will be having with this gadget.

The fact is there are certain problems that can come anytime and users often fail to know their exact reason. This usually happens when the phone is not operated in the recommended manner. Sometimes the Android bugs are also responsible for the same. It is because of this reason understanding these problems is very compulsory. It let you avoid them easily and without making a ton of efforts. This guide on the common KXD K30 problems and fixes has been written keeping in view a number of things that are important for eliminating the issues in the simplest possible manner. It also lets you save the money you have to pay to the professionals. However, it must be noted that this guide works only against the software and minor issues in the phone. For complex problems, you have to take the expert’s help.

Why Android-phones have common problems?

The problems are available in most of the cases because of no other reason than the bugs that are related to the Android itself. You need to explore your device for the same and despite keeping it in a good condition; there are a few which you may find active in your phone. Although the best possible way to eliminate them is updating the phone. However, updates are not available all the time so this is a guide on the solutions to the common KXD K30 problems which you can consider.

Common KXD K30 Problems and Fixes

Finding the true solutions of any problem which is present in your phone is a task that needs you to keep a lot of things in your mind. It is not necessary always that you will get the output only after applying the first method. You have to apply all of them mentioned under the concerned headline to restore the performance and the functionality of the phone. Also, while applying those methods, don’t do anything which is not mentioned in this guide. It will totally be your responsibility if any additional problem arrives in the phone after doing so. cannot be blamed for anything. Here are the solutions to the common KXD K30 problems.

Connectivity Problems

Check them below

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Sometimes this problem is present when you connect multiple devices with a specific network.
  • Make sure the daily bandwidth has not been reached. If this happens, the internet speed either become too slow and services are stopped till next 24 hours cycle
  • Make sure the network security and the phone security are not disabled. The same can be the reason you have to face this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from any of the possible hardware problems that can be the reason to this issue. This includes a damaged Wi-Fi antenna or the failure of any other component in the hardware of your phone
  • Make sure the application you are opening is actually in working state and you are not confusing this as Wi-Fi problem
  • There might be other applications in the phone or features which are accessing the Wi-Fi. For example, the screen sharing option is to be turned OFF while connecting your phone with a network
  • Check if this problem arrives only after changing the default LAN settings. Restore them back
  • Check if the cable connection on the modem is wrong if you recently installed or configured the same
  • The problem might be present just because of a very slow internet speed as the network might be having congestion on the same
  • Make sure you haven’t imposed any restriction on your phone for communicating
  • Check if the network password entered by you is correct and is not responsible for this problem
  • Check if the services are valid on your internet connection and have not been suspended
  • A problem in the software domain of your phone such as improper working of the Wi-Fi drivers can also cause this issue

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a problem with the Bluetooth antenna and the driver software of the same
  • In some cases, the problem arrives only when you don’t clear the cache data of the apps for a long time period
  • The Bluetooth couldn’t be used when the phone is operating in the power saving mode
  • Make sure this problem has not arrived just because you have changed some important recommended settings to custom
  • Do check if your phone is unable to connect with another device through Bluetooth just because the problem is with the other device
  • Don’t allow the Bluetooth history list to expand beyond a limit. This can be the reason you have to face the problem
  • Check if this problem is present only because the phone is suffering from a hardware issue
  • Sometimes the Bluetooth fails to establish a connection with the other gadget just because the pairing among both the devices is not proper
  • You need to be very careful about the security of the phone. A device which is having virus infection may not be allowed by other devices to establish a connection
  • Make sure the data which you are exchanging is not the true reason to this problem. Its format might be completely different than what is supported by the phone
  • The version of the Bluetooth installed on any of the devices might be outdated or not supported by the other. Check
  • All the restrictions imposed on the device should be removed. Also, make sure the visibility of the device is not hidden
  • Check if a simple restart can solve the problem
  • Make sure the Bluetooth user policies are not getting violated which can cause this problem

Slow Performance

  • Check if your phone is infected with a virus which might be hidden somewhere in the default storage location. Install an antivirus application and scan
  • Make sure all the installed applications are not having their outdated version installed in your phone
  • Sometimes the phone performs all its function too slowly just because the storage space is almost full. Check and take the concerned action
  • Do check if this problem is present just because you have installed multiple applications from the third-party sources
  • There are strong chances that your phone software needs to be updated as the present version might be having a lot of fixes pending
  • Do check if you are running your phone in the custom settings and the same is causing this problem
  • You need to make it sure that the phone is not having any pirated accessory connected with it
  • Do check if this problem arrives only because the phone RAM is unable to perform its task correctly
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this solves the problem
  • In case your phone is downloading data in the background, you can experience the slow performance while using it at that time
  • All the apps running in the background should be closed

Screen not working properly

  • First, check if your phone is not having any kind of data infected in it with a virus or a malware
  • Sometimes the moisture level in the phone when exceeds beyond the specific limit can give rise to this problem.
  • The phone screen should be clean against the oil and grease particles and so does your hands. The mittens/gloves should be removed from it
  • Do check if this problem is present just because your phone is having a hardware fault in the screen such as a damage internally
  • You might only be facing this problem just because you haven’t installed the latest drivers for the phone
  • Do check if the screen glass guard is responsible for this problem
  • Check and make sure your phone doesn’t have any kind of glitch associated with the software which can cause this problem
  • There are chances that something is actually not good with the performance of the phone and the same is being confused as the screen-related problem
  • You need to avoid using your phone in the custom settings
  • The device screen should not be paired or shared with a third-party gadget which makes you feel of this problem
  • Perform a force/hard reset to check if this solves the problem
  • First, check if you are in a basement where the signal strength couldn’t be reached. Come out of the same and restart your phone
  • There are chances that your phone is having its Airplane mode turned ON by mistake or you might have forget to turn it OFF
  • Do check if this problem is present in the phone just because of network downtime
  • You need to be careful about the mode in which your phone is working. This can also sometimes affect the signal strength
  • Do check the installation of a third-party firmware (update) not supported by your phone is not causing this problem
  • Installation of a custom ROM can also sometimes cause the SIM related issues
  • Make sure the SIM card is not turned OFF in the SIM settings
  • The variant of the phone owned by you might not support the services of the network provider
  • Check if the SIM card was not used for a long time and the services have been withdrawn
  • Sometimes not turning ON the roaming services when required can be the reason to this problem
  • You need to make sit sure that the SIM card is not locked with a PIN or a password
  • One of the SIM related common KXD K30 problems is nothing but a damage on the SIM card
  • Check if the internet-enabled SIM is inserted in the right SIM slot

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • The very first thing to examine is nothing but the security of the phone. It might be disabled or there might be a security-related concern which is causing this problem
  • Anything about the USB or the USB drivers might be causing the problem. Check if the port connected is in proper working condition and the USB drivers are installed properly
  • There are chances that your phone is not having something wrong with the cable connector. Make sure the cable is also in proper working condition
  • There are chances that your phone is suffering from a problem which is related with the OS. There are a lot of bugs that can cause this problem in the phone
  • Check if the phone memory or the memory of the PC is almost full
  • Make sure there is no virus infection which is responsible for this problem
  • You might be facing this problem because of not selecting the appropriate mode on the device
  • The bugs related with the Windows installed on the PC can also cause this problem
  • Do check if you haven’t installed the latest available updates for the same which can be another reason to this issue
  • Restart the phone and check if the problem is gone

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Be careful that sweat is not entering in the speaker while using the phone while calling. This is the common reason to this problem
  • Make sure the sound level is not too low. Open the sound settings and increase the same. Check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that you haven’t properly connected or paired the earpiece with your phone
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong in the earpiece connector
  • Make sure you haven’t turn OFF the sound of your gadget. Check the working condition of the sound drivers as well
  • You might be using a third-party earpiece which is not supported by your gadget
  • Check and make sure the earpiece quality is not too low which is another possible reason you have to face this problem
  • Sometimes this problem is confused with the low quality of the music file which you are playing in the phone
  • Do check if there is a network disturbance and the same is making you feel as your earpiece are not working while calling
  • There are chances that your earpiece is not in proper working condition

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Your phone battery might be having something wrong with the same. Check the same first and take the appropriate action if you find this problem
  • Make sure there are no features turned ON when there is no need of the same
  • Close all the application which are active at the time and check if this solves the problem
  • The screen brightness level should not be increased beyond a limit as it can drain the battery too quickly
  • There are chances that your phone is having something wrong with the USB port. Check the same
  • Make sure the internet connection of the phone is not shared with multiple gadgets through the Wi-Fi option. This can also enhance the battery charging time and drains it too rapidly
  • There are chances that your phone is having a virus inside its memory causing this issue
  • Check if the phone charging adapter is not in proper working condition
  • You might solve this problem by restarting your KXD K30. Check
  • There are chances that the phone drivers or the OS is outdated. Update them and check if this solves the problem

Apps not working properly

  • All the apps should be installed from the Play Store. They should also be updated from the same source. This can automatically avoid all the issues
  • Do check the compatibility of the concerned application with your device and if it is having a security related concern
  • Disabling the features of your phone can also affect the working of a few applications and can be the reason to this problem
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have anything wrong with the OS which might also cause the unexpected behavior of apps or make them not to work properly
  • Do check a virus in the phone memory is not responsible for this problem
  • There are chances that the application might be having something wrong with the UI. Check
  • All the permission such as accessing the phone data and the features should be given to the application. Denying them can be the reason you have to face this problem
  • There are chances that your phone is not having the enough storage space available. Check and erase some data
  • Don’t run the application in the custom settings. This can affect their functionality and the performance as well
  • Uninstall and download again the application from the Play Store. This can help you to solve the problem
  • There might be not or limited storage space available in the phone which forces it to store the captured data in the lowest quality
  • Check and enable the HD shooting in the camera settings
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone doesn’t have the required support available for the apps you are using to access the camera. Check before you installing any third-party apps
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you choose to store the images in the low pixel density
  • The pre-installed glass cover on the screen should be removed
  • Make sure the camera lens is not dirty and is totally cleaned
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the stuff is captured through the burst mode
  • Do check the OS related bugs are not causing this issue. If you are unable to open the camera, the same might be the reason to this problem
  • Turn ON the night shooting mode and set the flash to automatic mode if the visibility is low
  • If quality matters a lot to you, avoid using the frames as they largely impact the same
  • If the above methods don’t work, you need to get the device camera check from the authorized repair center of KXD K30

Overheating Problems

  • Check if the problem is there just because you charge your phone from a power bank which the phone doesn’t support
  • The problem related with the battery can cause this problem. Check the moisture level around the gadget
  • There are chances that you are not running your phone in the general mode while downloading the data
  • Avoid installation of third-party applications in the default storage spec of your phone
  • Do check if a faulty charger or a problem with the charging cable connector is causing this problem
  • Frequent data downloading and the installation of those games which your phone doesn’t support can cause this problem
  • Multitasking should be performed within a limit depending on the complexity of the tasks associated
  • Check if your phone is not having the latest OS version or the updates for the same installed in it
  • Do check if you are facing this problem just because the phone is unable to release the heat generated by the hardware
  • Avoid overcharging as this is the common reason to this problem

With the help of the above methods and the instruction, you can simply avoid most of the common KXD K30 problems. For any helpful suggestion or for sharing your experience, don’t hesitate to comment on the below section. Keep visiting our website for similar posts and all the latest news on Android technology.