Each day is capable to begin new hopes and better tomorrows in our life. There is always something that inspires us to achieve the same and our smartphones are no less than a true inspiration source. The fact could be denied that the first thing people interact with after waking up in the morning is nothing their phones. This is actually because it’s this gadget that keeps us connected with the world around us. There are presently many smartphones and they are not just stunning but actually a masterpiece of engineering. There is no strict upper limit on options, features and style. You can have them all with one gadget only and the Leagoo S10 is one among them. It has been known for its style and dynamic features such as on-screen finger-touch access. Check out below the common Leagoo S10 problems and their formulation methods.

One of the best thing about this gadget is it has been giving the top rating with almost all its features. Also, it has attracted the attention of many towards it because of no other reason than its style. If you are truly looking for something that is a perfect blend of almost everything that makes a smartphone, this is the one you should go ahead. Well, when it comes to the common Leagoo S10 problems, you might be thinking why one should purchase it if it is having some problems with its functionality. Actually, this guide is for the elimination of those basic software and OS related bugs which are pretty common even with some of the major smartphones in the world. These problems are not always necessary to arrive in every signal unit sold by a manufacturer but these problems actually vary.

Are these problems complex?

These issues, as already mentioned are basic ones and they don’t really affect the functionality of a smartphone if they are eliminated on time. You only need to pay attention to the right information and methods that can help you to avoid these bugs. There is nothing to worry about any kind of major hardware problem in this gadget as the same has not been reported by any of the users. Therefore, your decision to buy this gadget will not be affected with this. You simply need to make sure that you are following this guide in the best possible manner if any of the common Leagoo S10 problems experienced by you. Go ahead to find the solutions.

Common Leagoo S10 Problems and Fixes

There are almost all the Android-based gadgets which suffer from common problems. However, this doesn’t mean that all of them can be brought back to their true working condition with similar troubleshoot methods. Of course, the same methods are not applicable for different gadgets despite they run on Android and have many things in common. There are several things that make the troubleshoot guide different for every smartphone. The first thing is the Open Source nature of Android which makes different manufacturers to compile it as per their needs. This clearly indicates the post about common Leagoo S10 problems you are reading has methods that should not be molded while applying. This can cause other problems and for which the users cannot blame www.getdroidtips.com. Check the guide now.

Connectivity Problems

To fix the connectivity issues, here are the solutions to the concerned problems.

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • The problem might be there in the phone Wi-Fi driver software. Check. Make sure the antenna that enables a phone to stay connected with a wireless network is also working perfectly
  • If you often change the Wi-Fi password due to security and other reasons, you might have forgotten to update it in the phone. Check
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any other hardware issues that can make it unable to connect with a Wi-Fi
  • Make sure the services are active on your internet connection. Also, check if the slow speed of the internet connection in the reason to this problem
  • You need to make sure that the errors related with the installation of the router and the improper cable connection on the same are not causing this problem
  • The router should always be placed at a location where it can cover the maximum area of your home/apartment/property
  • Check if you have recently made any changes to the LAN settings and the same is causing this problem
  • There are chances that the actual concern is with the security of your phone
  • Do check and make sure the phone you are using doesn’t have any of the apps running in the background which has access to the Wi-Fi of your phone
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the network administrator imposes the additional restrictions to allow the devices to get connected with the network
  • Check if another Wi-Fi signal interference is causing this problem
  • Make sure you haven’t connected so many devices with the network. This can be the reason you are facing the issue
  • The signal strength might not be stable and is causing this problem. Check and take the action required

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Make sure your phone is not having any kind of file in it that can cause a security thread for the other gadgets. This can be a reason you are facing this problem
  • Make sure both the widgets have their application cache data cleared recently
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the list of recently paired devices with the phone is too long. There is always a limit on the number of devices your phone can remember and deleting a few from the list can restore the Bluetooth working
  • An outdated version of the Bluetooth or any error in the same can be the reason you are unable to connect your phone with the other
  • Check if you are facing this problem just because you are trying to send bulk data in a single attachment. The Bluetooth is actually a suitable option for quick and small size data transfer
  • Make sure you have no hidden the visibility of your Leagoo S10. This is a common mistake and is one of the reasons you are unable to use this feature
  • There are chances that your phone is not having the Bluetooth driver software in proper working condition
  • Do check if the phone is unable to get paired with another Bluetooth-enabled gadget just because the data storing capacity of it is reached
  • The violation of the phone security policies can also cause this problem. Check
  • A basic problem related with the Bluetooth can be solved with a simple restart. Try the same
  • Pairing passcode should be entered correctly when you pair any gadget with your phone for the first time
  • Turn OFF the power saving mode if it is enabled on your gadget

Overheating problems

  • There are chances that the hardware responsible for releasing the excess heat generated in the phone is unable to perform its task
  • This problem usually arrives when the users install so many third-party applications in their gadget
  • Check and make sure you are not downloading a very large number of files internet. This can cause the overheating
  • Do check the power bank if you use the one and make sure is power specifications are same as phone
  • There are chances that you use your phone while charging it. This is another common reason for the overheating
  • Check if there is a virus present in the phone which is responsible for this problem
  • Make sure your phone is actually not suffering from a hardware problem which is related with the battery
  • There are chances that you haven’t installed the latest update software, apps, and drivers in the gadget which in a few cases are mandatory to avoid this issue
  • Perform a basic restart and check if this method works to avoid overheating problem
  • You might be unable to get the favorable results just due to using the pirated accessories with the phone
  • Interchange the SIM cards with each other. This can solve the problem as you might not insert the internet enabled SIM in the right slot
  • Check if the phone is having airplane mode active on it which I the reason to this problem
  • There should be no physical damage on the SIM card as well as on the SIM tray. Check carefully
  • Avoid installing the firmware which is actually not for the variant of the phone owned by you. This can lock the phone access
  • Make sure the network provider’s services are compatible with the phone variant owned by you
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by manually selecting the home network and then setting the network selection mode to automatic
  • Check if the SIM card which you are using has not been inserted correctly in the phone and this basic reason is causing the issue
  • There are chances that the SIM services are no longer valid if you haven’t used it for a specific time
  • Check if this problem is caused just because you have turned OFF the SIM card in the phone settings
  • The access to the SIM card might be locked or restricted and the same is causing this problem
  • Check and make sure the network services are valid on your location if you are away from your home town
  • The signal antenna on the phone might be unable to perform its task. Check
  • This problem might be caused by temporary unavailability of the network
  • Restart your phone to check if this let you avoid this problem simply

Apps not working properly

  • Check and make sure the applications are not installed from the other sources than the ones your phone recommends
  • Update the applications in the phone and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • There are chances that the Smartphone which you are using is having something not good with its OS. Carefully check for the basic bugs as they may cause this problem
  • The applications and any related data to them should be kept only in the phone default storage space
  • Remove the app which is causing the problem and simply install it again from the Play Store. Check if this solves your problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is with the UI of the app you are installing in your phone
  • Check whether the app causing the problem is supported by your phone or not
  • One of the apps-related common Leagoo S10 problems is denying the permissions asked by them to access the phone features and the data
  • Do check if the problem is caused only because you change the default settings of several apps to custom
  • Make sure your phone has enough storage space available to run the applications smoothly
  • Don’t disable any of the phone features as this can also cause various problems related with the apps

Screen not working properly

  • Check if your phone screen is shared with a third-party device and the same is causing the problem
  • There are chances that you haven’t installed the latest copy of OS in your phone or skipped a patch for the same
  • Check if the phone screen is having a lot of grease particles on it
  • Erase some data from the phone memory if it is completely filled and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • The screen might be unable to perform its task just because the phone performance is not as good as it has to be. The slow performance is often confused with the screen problem as screen responds very slowly to the given instructions
  • There are chances that your smartphone doesn’t have everything OK with the software domain. Check
  • Make sure the phone screen doesn’t have an internal damage caused to it which is the biggest reason you are facing this issue
  • The problem might be there because you are operating the screen with hands covered by mittens or the gloves
  • Check if this problem can be solved with a force restart to the phone
  • Do check if the problem is caused by overcharging your Leagoo S10
  • If the camera doesn’t get opened, there are chances of a software problem. Install the latest updates available for the OS
  • Make sure the first preference is always given to the default camera application only to get the best from your phone camera
  • The pixel density if set to very low can cause the blurry images. Another reason for the same is capturing the pictures in the burst mode
  • Make sure low-visibility is not responsible for this problem. Select the best shooting mode and turn ON the HD option
  • Make sure the phone camera lens is totally free from dust and finger marks as this can also cause the problem
  • Check and make sure your phone remains still while capturing the images and you focus on the object appropriately to get the best quality
  • Clearing the cache data of the apps can solve this problem. Try
  • The phone camera should be operated as per the instructions given by the manufacturer in the phone user’s manual
  • You might not have removed the pre-installed glass guard from the screen. Check
  • There are chances that your phone is having damage on the camera if the above methods don’t work. Get it checked

Slow performance

  • Make sure you haven’t installed any Custom ROM in the phone which can slow down the performance upto a large extent
  • Proceed with a simple restart if the ROM is not customized and check if this basic tip helps you to restore the performance
  • Eject the SD card from the phone and check if there is any improvement in the performance
  • The applications should only be installed from the Play Store in your gadget. Also, update them to their latest version. This can solve the performance problems upto a good extent
  • If a patch or a new version for the OS is available, don’t wait too long to download and install the same
  • There are chances that you have completely filled your phone storage and the same is causing this problem
  • Check if the phone is having something wrong with its RAM which is a key component responsible for the performance
  • Do check if the data stored in the phone is having a type the phone doesn’t support
  • Close all the features running with any use. Also, don’t run so many applications in the phone at the same time
  • Make sure the phone doesn’t have a very large number of applications installed in it

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if this problem is there in your phone due to running of multiple notifications in the background. The background running apps should also be closed
  • There are chances that the charging cable connector on the phone is not working properly and reliably
  • Check if this problem can be solved upon a simple reboot to the phone
  • Check the level of screen brightness you have set and make sure it’s not beyond the recommended one
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any other hardware problem in it which is not allowing the battery to perform well
  • Check if the actual culprit is the charger you use. Either you are using a faulty one or the one that is not of your phone
  • The frequent gaming on the phone can largely influence the battery performance and charging time
  • The presence of a virus in the default storage of your phone might be causing this problem. Check
  • Do check if your phone is not being charged in an appropriate manner
  • Avoid sharing the internet connection for a long time not just because you might be having a limited bandwidth available but because it can drain the battery quickly

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • The earpiece speakers might have been caused damage by the liquid (mostly the human sweat). Check if this is the reason in your case
  • The robotic sound can come from any earpiece if the quality of the music file you play on the phone is very low. This can also be observed when the earpiece is not connected properly with the phone
  • Do check if there are some pending updates for the phone OS in the settings
  • Make sure the phone sounds are not turned OFF and the drivers for the same must be in proper working condition
  • Do check the earpiece is in a proper working state and is supported by your Leagoo S10
  • Make sure the problem is not there in the earpiece connector on the phone
  • A third-party application installed in the phone might have blocked the access to the earpiece or the phone sounds. Check
  • Check if the selected mode in the sounds settings for the earpiece is not appropriate for the same
  • Do check and make sure the earpiece wire is not having any kind of sharp bend or damage on the same

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • Check if the Windows installed on your PC is genuine or not. Sometimes a genuine copy is must to avoid the security-related concerns
  • If the connection fails to establish despite multiple attempts, install both the gadgets through an antivirus application
  • Your phone or the PC might be running low with the storage space
  • Make sure the connecting cable is not the real trouble creator responsible for this issue
  • Check and make sure the USB drivers are having their latest copy installed on the phone
  • Sometimes the problem is caused by a loose connection. Check the same
  • Make sure your phone security is not disabled
  • Restart the phone and select the MTP mode on the same

Instructions to avoid other problems

  • Always install the latest version of the applications and the OS updates immediately when you are notified
  • Avoid running the phone custom settings
  • The cache data of the installed applications should be cleaned once in a week atleast
  • You must restart your phone once in 24 hours. The best time to do so in the time you begin your day
  • The use of pirated accessories should be avoided

This guide let you keep the pace up against all the common Leagoo S10 problems without doing much. The methods are very easy to consider and provides you results as per your expectations