Smartphones these days are packed with many features. However, a budget range phone is not always necessary to have the same. Well, LG has launched a feature-packed phone in a budget range and it is becoming one of the widely discussed phones on the internet. The LG K40 is a simple yet stylish phone which has already helped many people to avoid their confusion and go ahead with the same. This phone is handy and comes with the best hardware configuration. Like other LG devices, it looks simple yet it is good enough to be trusted for the long run. Definitely, it is one of the best gadgets launched in the current year. You can purchase this phone with closed eyes if you are looking to replace your existing one. Before doing so, let us pay close attention to the common LG K40 problems.

This smartphone is handy and has many features to attract the attention of an average user. Although it is free from all the major problems that can arrive in a smartphone, there are a few basic bugs that often declare their presence. These problems are generally related with the software domain and are tagged as common problems. Different users can experience them due to different reasons. It actually and majorly depends on the way someone makes use of his/her smartphone. In addition to this, the common bugs in the Android technology and in the apps installed by the users from the Play Store are considered as the reasons to the common problems. The good thing is you really need not to worry a lot about them. Check the solutions to the common LG K40 problems below.

Is it safe to buy this phone?

Of course, it is. You have no reasons to worry as already mentioned. These problems are not the daunting ones and can easily be eliminated within minutes if you follow this guide carefully. There are no major issues reported in this phone and the best part is you can have the best experience of using a phone when you own it. This post helps you to easily deal with all the common LG K40 problems which are related with the software domain and not with the hardware. You can let us know your experience after following this guide through the comment section at the end of this post. Here is the information about the common LG K40 problems that you need.

Common LG K40 Problems and Fixes

Dealing with a software problem may not always be easy unless you know the right and exact method to follow in order to completely eliminate the problem. Well, this can easily be done with the help of various methods and instructions mentioned under the concerned headline in this post. However, you are strictly advised to not to apply the methods randomly and without knowing the exact problem in the phone. This can send an open invitation to the other problems that cannot be fixed easily. cannot be held responsible for any such fault in the phone. Thus, you must proceed carefully with the information regarding the common LG K40 problems and solutions mentioned in this post. Here are the solutions

Connectivity Problems

A lot of reasons can exist for the inability of your device to connect with other gadgets and phones. Well, this doesn’t always mean there is a hardware fault; you can try the following solutions first.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • This can happen sometimes when the users disable the access of some important features in the device. Restore them and check if this helps
  • A simple restart can bring the Bluetooth back in its working condition. Try the same
  • Don’t hide the visibility of your phone Bluetooth connection from other devices. This can be a reason you have to face the problem
  • Check if the actual fault is related with the Bluetooth antenna on the phone
  • In some cases, the users have to face Bluetooth problems only because the safe mode is active on the phone. Disable the same
  • In case your device is connected with another gadget through any mode, disconnect it before using the Bluetooth
  • Check if this fault is caused just because you changed the important settings of the phone
  • Large size data can cause this problem when you try sending the same through Bluetooth
  • There are chances that the version of the Bluetooth is not supported by any of the devices. Check
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the device is having something wrong with the OS
  • The fault may not be present in your LG K40 but in the other device you are trying to connect
  • The actual reason to this problem could be the violation of the security policies of your device
  • Make sure you are not facing this problem just because the Bluetooth enabled devices are placed quite away from each other
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and erase the names of devices you connected your device with recently. Clearing history can definitely help
  • Make sure there is free space available in both the gadgets

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • You might have downloaded all the data you were allowed and the services might be limited now. Check if this is the case
  • The modem you are using might not be configured accurately. Errors in the same might be causing the problem
  • It is necessary that you should not change the network configuration of the connection such as LAN settings. This can cause the internet or Wi-Fi problem
  • Make sure the network with which you are trying to connect your phone is having no safety concern
  • The users have to face this problem just because they impose a time limit on turning OFF the phone Wi-Fi automatically
  • The reason to this problem might be related with the IP address. It shouldn’t match with any other device IP on the network
  • Simply troubleshoot your connection and restart the router. Check if this helps in fixing this common problem in your LG K40
  • Check and make sure the password you enter in the phone to connect your device with the network is correct
  • Open the network settings and choose to forget the connection. Now open the Wi-Fi and add it again
  • Do check if the problem is with the service provider
  • Changing the settings of the browser of the surfing app in the phone can invite this problem
  • Do check and make sure the actual reason to this problem is not associated with the Wi-Fi signal antenna on the router or on the phone
  • A wrong cable connection on the router can cause this problem. Check the same
  • The domain you are opening might be facing the downtime. Try opening another and check if this is the case

Apps not working properly

  • Install all the apps from the Play Store only rather than from any other source
  • Check if there is a malware or a virus which is causing the real trouble in your phone
  • Multiple apps can stop working all of a sudden due to an OS bug in the phone. Check and take the action required
  • The permission to the apps for accessing the phone data should not be denied as the same can stop the application to perform their actual task
  • Make sure the applications are updated to their newest versions as this eliminates various troubles associated to them
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault which is related with the phone RAM
  • Open App manager in the phone and check if the settings of the same have been changed to custom mode
  • Make sure to install the apps only in the phone storage than in the SD card or in any other third-party storage
  • The reason to this problem is changing the recommended settings of the apps in your phone
  • Make sure the actual fault is not related to any hardware component in the phone
  • Remove the trouble creating apps from your device and restart it. Install the apps again and check if this works
  • Don’t confuse this problem with slow internet speed
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a bug in the app code. Check the same

Slow Performance

  • Make sure there is no app-related problem in your LG K40. Refer above section to know more
  • There are chances that you have manually disabled some features on your device. Restore them as the same can be a reason to the slow performance
  • Check if your internet connection is operating too slowly and the same is the reason for the slow speed of operations in the device
  • A fault related with the phone hardware/RAM can cause this trouble
  • It is always good to install the light version for some apps as the same can help keeping the performance under all the situations
  • In case some important settings of the phone have been customized by you recently, it can be a reason to this problem
  • Check if the actual fault is related with the phone Operating System. Update the device in such a case
  • The slow performance is can be caused by blocked data or the apps in the phone. Check and erase them
  • The reason you are facing this fault is nothing not clearing the cache data for a long time
  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps in fixing the problem
  • Users often have to face this problem just because their phone is having its storage space completely filled
  • Don’t run the phone in the safe mode as it can slow down the speed of the operations

Poor Camera Quality

  • Open the camera settings and make sure the shooting mode selected is relevant to the nearby visibility and other conditions required to capture quality images
  • The image stabilization option should always be used as the same make sure of best quality pictures
  • The reason you are facing this problem is using the camera zoom feature which often degrades the picture quality
  • Do check and make sure the image resolution selected by you is not the actual trouble creator
  • Many users experience this problem because of no other reason than capturing the images in the burst mode
  • If the phone battery is not charged beyond 10%, the same can be a reason to this problem
  • Carefully check and make sure the fault which is related with the phone OS is not the reason to this fault
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only because the phone is working in the safe mode. Check and disable the same
  • Turn ON the camera flashlight whenever the viability is low
  • Do check if your device is lacking the storage space and is storing the images in a compressed format which often cut down the quality
  • Always prefer the default camera application for capturing the images else you can face this problem
  • Check and make sure the actual reason to this problem is not related to the lens such as lack of cleanliness on the same or due to moisture in it

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Gently clean the speakers of your earpiece and check if this helps in solving the problem
  • One of the common LG K40 problems that can cause the robotic sound in the earpiece is not selecting a relevant sound mode for the earpiece in the sound settings
  • An OS problem or when the sound drivers of your device is having an error in the same can cause this problem
  • Simply make sure the earpiece you are using is not faulty
  • There are chances that a loose connection or an improper signal during a call is causing the robotic sound
  • Make sure the actual reason to this problem is not related with the earpiece connector which might be faulty
  • There are chances that the actual fault is related with the phone software. Check the same
  • The earpiece you are using might be faulty. Check the same
  • The low-quality products often cause this problem when used with some smartphones
  • You might be facing this problem due to playing a low-quality music file. Check if same is the case
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the sound card inside
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this helps in fixing this problem

Screen not working properly

  • Clean the screen of your LG K40 and check if this helps
  • You might be facing this problem due to running your phone in the power saving mode
  • A lot of factors are there which can affect the working of the screen sensors and can cause this fault. Make sure the same is not a reason in your case
  • Remove the last app you installed in your device and check if this solves the problem
  • There are certain chances that the actual fault is created just because you haven’t installed updates for a long time
  • Check if the actual reason to this problem is related with the battery. Sometimes swelling on the battery affect the screen functionality
  • Turn the screen sharing option OFF in case it is ON
  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not related with the screen guard installed by you. Remove it and check if this helps
  • Covering the hands with mittens or having the oil particles on them can stop the screen to perform its task properly
  • Don’t overload your phone with data and apps. The same can cause this problem
  • In case the screen seems to have a damage on its internal side, get your device checked
  • There are a lot of chances that overheating is causing this problem. Check and take the concerned action
  • One of the major reason to this problem is connecting it with a pirated accessory

SIM/Network Faults

  • Your SIM card might be having a physical damage on the same. Check the SIM tray and the slot as well
  • If you have restricted the access to the SIM card with a password, make sure the same is not causing this problem
  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not related to the signal antenna on your device
  • The network provider might have suspended the services from your SIM card for not using it for a specific time period. Check if this is the case
  • There are chances that the SIM card you are using operates on a different frequency to what the phone is designed to operate
  • Unlocking the phone bootloader can sometimes cause this problem
  • IN case a custom ROM has been installed on your device, the same can be a reason you have to face the problem
  • Make sure the fault is not there due to the stain on the SIM card
  • If the Airplane mode is active, disable it and restart the device
  • Open the network selection mode and always keep the same on the automatic mode. Make it the default preference
  • Do check if the roaming services are not activated when they are required. This can cause the problem in the device
  • Locations with limited or not converge can be the reason you have to face this issue

Poor Battery Life

  • Turn OFF the data and phone synchronization. Check if this helps in fixing the problem
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because you are running a lot of applications in the background
  • Turn the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth OFF when you have no need of the same
  • In case the brightness level of the screen is too high, the same can be a reason you have to face the problem
  • Check if you have installed a lot of applications in the device and the reason to the problem is quite same
  • Sometimes the poor battery life is caused by a phone virus. Check and delete all the suspected files
  • The reason you have to face this problem is nothing but running the phone in the safe mode
  • Do check the background notifications are not causing this problem
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the apps. The power-hungry apps can cause this trouble
  • There are chances that the reason to this problem is nothing but a fault with the battery itself. Check the same
  • Turn OFF the GPS and check if this helps in fixing the problem

Overheating Problems

  • A low-quality power bank or the one which is not compatible with the device can be the reason to this problem. Check the same
  • Simply turn OFF the device and gain turn it ON. This can help fixing the issue
  • The bad apps in the phone can directly be blamed for this fault. Check them
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when you don’t run the phone in the general mode
  • There are chances that a lot of games has been installed in your device and most of them are not compatible with the same
  • The actual reason to this problem can be a virus in the default storage space in the phone
  • The faults mainly associated with the phone battery can cause overheating. Check them
  • Make sure the phone ventilation system is working properly and is not the reason to this problem
  • When the data kept in the phone is not used for a long time, the same can become bad data and cause overheating issues
  • You might be using a different or a pirated charger and the same is causing this fault. Check
  • Overheating is often caused by low-quality accessories. Thus, avoid using them
  • You might have not cleaned the cache data of the apps and the same in some cases start causing the overheating of the core hardware

Slow Charging

  • Don’t turn ON phone and data synchronization. This can affect the charging speed
  • Make sure to impose the lowest time limit on the screen downtime
  • Do check if you are facing this problem only because you are using your device for downloading a file when it is charging
  • One of the major reason to this problem is having a fault in the charger you are using
  • The fluctuating power supply or a weak source can also be the reason why the charging speed of your device is slow
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of installing the apps in the phone which are not supported by it
  • Check if this problem can be avoided upon a simple reboot
  • Wipe the cache partition. Check if this can help. If not, perform a software reset to the device
  • Install all the latest updates which are pending and this will probably fix the problem
  • Check if there is corrosion in the charging port of the device which is causing the trouble
  • You simply need to make sure that the problem is not there just because the device is suffering from a battery-related fault.

For more information regarding any of the common LG K40 problems you are experiencing, you can let us know through the below comment section. We welcome your suggestions and feedback.