Living a life full of happiness is exactly what everyone wants. However, disappointments are a part of everyone’s life. Despite having a hundred reasons to cheer, people usually have to face disappointments. The fact is such situations are not easy to digest. Everyone knows the smartphones are best devices that are trusted in all the bad situations. They are a good mood changer and can help everyone to forget the pain. This is not the only reason to the popularity of these gadgets. Actually, they are amazing in many ways and users are getting the best out of them. One of the best devices that LG has launched is V30. It is a budget range phone and is owned by a very large number of users. If you are facing some issues with this device, this post will help you to fix all the common LG V30 problems simply.

These are the problems which come out in the phones when they are not used as per the recommendations of the manufacturer. Also, Android bugs are largely responsible for them. Users often have to compromise with the performance and they have to face many other problems in the phone due to these common problems. One of the best things about Android technology is it is very much user-friendly. This is the reason why most of the common LG V30 problems can be fixed without taking any external help from the experts. For doing so, you just need to get yourself introduced with the basic functioning of a smartphone. Here are the methods that can help you in this matter.

Common LG V30 Problems and Fixes

When it comes to the elimination of the basic problems which are related with the software, you need to make it sure that the methods are to be applied carefully. This post has been written keeping in view the major complications of self-troubleshooting a phone. However, this really doesn’t mean you can apply the methods listed in this post in your own way. They must be considered in their original form. Changing them can cause a few other problems in the phone and probably you will end up facing more issues. cannot be blamed for the same. Here is the guide to help you fix the common LG V30 problems.

Connectivity problems

The methods that you can trust for eliminating this problem in your phone are listed below. Check them

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Open the Bluetooth settings and erase the history. Clearing the recently connected devices makes some space for the new to get paired and this can help solving the problem
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the phones or the devices have not been paired in the correct manner
  • In case there is a virus in your phone or in the other you are trying to connect, the same can stop the Bluetooth functionality
  • Check if your phone is already connected with a nearby device because of allowing the automatic connection. Multiple connections are not allowed with Bluetooth
  • The version of the Bluetooth on your phone might not be compatible with the one on the other device you are trying to connect
  • Don’t send a lot of data in the other phone through Bluetooth in one cycle. Exceeding the data size beyond 100MB may cause this problem
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because your phone Bluetooth drivers are not in proper working condition. You need to update the phone in such a case
  • Check if this problem can be solved with a software reset
  • There are chances that Bluetooth is not working due to a hardware fault in the same
  • Check if the devices are placed far away from each other which can cause interruption
  • Improper functionality of the Bluetooth antenna on your LG V30 can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users don’t pay proper attention to the bugs related to the data they exchange through the Bluetooth
  • Check if a simple restart can help you to solve this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not operating in the power-saving mode

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • This problem could be there due to connecting a lot of devices with the router. Check if disconnecting a few helps solving this issue
  • Make sure the problem is not related with the service provider. They may have suspended the services or have shut them down temporarily
  • The bandwidth limit on your connection might have crossed and the same can be the reason to this problem
  • The server of the application or the website you are opening might be down and you are confusing it as Wi-Fi problems
  • The password imposed on the network for its security should be entered correctly in the phone. A wrong one can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the users fail to operate the Wi-Fi properly just because of the reasons which are associated with the router. The same can have a problem associated with it. Check
  • Make sure the LAN settings of the connection are not changed to the custom which can stop the internet
  • There might be some other restrictions and formalities that you phone need to complete to connect with a specific network after entering the password. Check the same
  • Make sure your phone Wi-Fi antenna is in proper working condition and is not responsible for this issue
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the Wi-Fi modem you are using
  • Do check if restarting the phone can solve this problem
  • The Wi-Fi related problems can occur when the security of your phone is disabled. Check the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the background running apps are already accessing the Wi-Fi feature of the phone

Slow performance

  • The applications in your phone as well as the operating system must have the latest updates installed. This avoids most of the factors that don’t let the phone keep its performance up
  • This problem could be there just because you have changed some of the settings of the phone which were recommended
  • There are chances that malware in the phone or a virus is the reason to this problem
  • Remove the third-party applications installed and erase the data which is there in the phone for a long time and is not used
  • Check if this problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with its Random Access Memory
  • The slow performance should not be confused with the slow internet speed. Check the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users installed custom ROM or third-party software in the phones
  • There are chances that a hardware failure is causing this problem. Check the phone properly
  • Try a simple reboot. If this doesn’t work, perform a software reset and check if this problem is gone
  • The users have to face this problem just because they don’t clean the cache data of the phone. Do it now and check
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because you are using some unauthorized accessories with the phone

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Check if this is due to a faulty earpiece or if the one you are using is not supported by the phone
  • Make sure you have connected/paired the earpiece properly with the phone
  • Sometimes when the quality of the music is too low, the robotic sounds often appears in the earpiece
  • There are chances that the sounds of your phone are disabled and the same is the reason to this problem
  • The improper functionality of the sound drivers in the phone or a problem with the sound card can cause this issue
  • Make sure the earpiece wire is not having any bend on the same which can cause this problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because the earpiece connector on the LG V30 you are using is disabled
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because your phone is operating in the safe mode
  • Do check and make sure the robotic sound is not there just because of dust or debris in the speakers
  • One of the earpiece-related common LG V30 problems is liquid damage caused to the speakers
  • Check if this problem is there just because of unwanted noise or attenuation in the signal during a call

Apps not working properly

  • Check if a virus has entered the phone memory and has interrupted the functionality of the applications
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because your phone is suffering from a software glitch. This can be fixed by updating the OS or by performing a software reset manually
  • Sometimes when you disable the features of your phone, the same can affect the functionality of the manually installed applications
  • Update all the apps and check if the problem is gone. Make sure not to operate the apps in the custom settings which can cause this issue
  • This problem could be there just because the apps are blocked or you have installed them from a third-party source. Remove and install them again. Check if this works
  • The apps might ask you for the permission to access the data of the phone or its features when you install it, the same should not be denied as it can be the reason to the improper functionality of the applications on your LG V30
  • The applications might be installed in the third-party storage space and not in the default storage. The same can cause this problem in some cases
  • Do check if the application is simply not compatible with your phone.
  • A bug in the coding could be the reason to this problem. Check the same and fix it by updating the app
  • Make sure your phone is not having an active hardware problem which can largely influence the applications
  • Reboot your phone and check if this helps you to solve the problem

Overheating problems

  • The phone might be having something wrong with the power bank or with the charger you are using. Make sure to prefer the good quality products only for this
  • When it comes to overheating, one of the major factors responsible for the same is nothing but installing so many games in the phone by customizing their settings
  • There are certain chances that the ventilation system of your LG V30 is not working and the heat generated by the hardware is getting trapped inside
  • A bug which is related with any of the installed applications or with the Operating System of the phone might be responsible for this
  • Do check if you can solve this problem by simply and manually performing a software reboot
  • Wipe the cache partition and probably this problem will be gone after doing so
  • There are chances that the battery if your phone is faulty or is having a minor bug related to the same responsible for this problem
  • Make sure not to downloading data in the phone continuously as the same can cause overheating of the hardware
  • Make sure your phone is not having a virus in its memory. Clean the same after scanning if you find it
  • Check carefully if the SIM card is damaged. The same is the reason to this problem in case you find it
  • The services might have been suspended from your SIM card due to not using it for a specific time or for any of the possible reason. Confirm the same
  • Remove the SIM and reinsert it again in the phone. Reboot it and check if this helps
  • Don’t lock the access to the SIM with a password or with a PIN, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure the installation of a custom ROM or an application by unlocking the bootloader of the phone is not the reason to this problem
  • Do check the problem is caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the signal antenna
  • You might have turned ON the airplane mode on the phone recently and the same is still active. Check if this is the case
  • Don’t turn OFF the SIM card manually
  • If you are using dual SIMs and both have internet connection active, insert the one you need to use for internet in the SIM slot one
  • Carefully check if the problem is related with the SIM tray you inserted in the phone
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because you didn’t turned ON the roaming services while traveling

Screen not working properly

  • Check if there is a physical damage on the screen which is responsible for this problem
  • If the screen sharing option is turned ON, simply disable the same as the same might be the reason to this problem
  • The device screen should be free from the oil and grease particles as the same can act as a barrier to the instructions given to the screen
  • Check and make sure if this problem is caused by the glass guard installed by you on the screen. Remove the same
  • Sometimes the applications installed in the phone are responsible for this problem. Check if this is the case with you as well
  • One of the reasons to the screen-related common LG V30 problems is completely filling the phone default memory with data
  • This problem could be there just because the device RAM is having an additional burden on the same due to running multiple features
  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused in your phone just because the screen sensors are not in working condition or have been interrupted
  • Check if this problem is solved by performing a force restart
  • Try updating the phone OS and the apps installed in the phone. This may help you to deal with the problem
  • Make sure this problem is not caused due to a liquid damage caused to the screen

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • When you plug-in the charger to the phone, turn OFF the mobile data and stop using it if possible. This is one of the best available solutions to this problem
  • Make sure a software bug is not responsible for this issue. Updating the phone can help solving this problem
  • Sometimes installing a lot of apps in the phone and running many of them in the background while performing a specific task can be the reason to this problem
  • The phone you are using might have something wrong with the charging port or with the charger itself. Check it properly
  • The slow charging and fast drainage of the battery might be happening just because you changed some recommended settings of the phone. Reverse your action and check
  • This problem could be there just because your phone is having a hardware fault in the same which might be related to the battery or any other component. Check the same
  • Enhancing the screen brightness is one of the leading and in fact the major factors responsible for this problem
  • Close all the notifications in the background. When they keep running, the battery gets drained very quickly
  • This problem can be solved by performing a basic reboot to your phone. Try the same
  • Always capture the images by using the default camera application in the phone. Others often have compatibility and support related issues with the same
  • This problem could be there just because your phone is having something actually wrong with the lens of the camera. First, clean the same and check if this works
  • There are chances that the storage space of your phone is almost full and the same is the reason to this problem
  • Open the camera and make sure the HDR is turned ON
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users don’t pay attention to the OS bugs when they are reported. Update the same and check if this solves the problem
  • The camera might be giving blurry images just because you are capturing the moments by turning ON the burst mode
  • Select the night mode or the mode of shooting that fits the moment as per the overall visibility and other factors
  • In case you are using the zoom feature for the lens, this can affect the quality up to some extent
  • The problem could be there just because you selected the lowest pixel density in the picture quality settings
  • Check if this problem is there just because you are capturing the images in a hurry and are not focusing on the object

With these best available solutions to the common LG V30 problems, you can simply add more to the overall life and functionality of your phone. Our website provides free information about the solutions to the common problems for various smartphones, the latest news about Android technology, and a lot of other amazing stuff about phone customization. Keep visiting us.