Goodness in Life is very important and matters a lot. Every one of us is actually struggling for the same. Everything in life may not always be good but we often try to have the best around us. When it comes to smartphones, of course, you can go ahead with the manufacturer that says “Life’s Good”. Yes, I am talking about LG. they have recently unveiled their most awaited 5G enabled smartphone i.e. LG V50 ThinQ. The users have shown a ton of interest in this phone and are now buying it. Like other phones, we have been asked to post the solutions to the common LG V50 ThinQ problems. So, on the demand of our loyal viewers and for all those who own this phone, here are the methods that will help you to avoid all the basic issues you are experiencing with this gadget. Check them below.

In order to understand the common LG V50 ThinQ problems, you must have basic knowledge about a smartphone. Actually, almost all phones in the market that runs on Android have some or all of these problems in them. However, it’s not always necessary they declare their presence all of a sudden. They may even not come up at all but that depends on a number of factors such as the type of apps you install in your phone, level of customization in it, how and for what purpose it is used for most of the time and last but not least the basic bugs of Android. These bugs are generally due to compatibility issues and can be considered as the common LG V50 ThinQ problems by the owners of this gadget.

How to formulate these problems?

You don’t need to be someone with excellent skills in smartphone troubleshooting when it comes to permanently erasing these issues from your gadget. This can simply be done with the help of the methods we have posted below. There are certain things you need to be careful about when it comes to dealing with these problems. To know the same, read the next section about the common LG V50 ThinQ problems.

Common LG V50 ThinQ Problems and Fixes

Many users think that problems are basic which may not be the case always. Some users apply methods just because they think that can be effective in dealing with the problems. It really doesn’t matter how basic a problem is, the same should always be formulated with a professional guide. This is important else you have to face other problems in your phone which can largely affect its functionality. You may even cause more harm to the phone. Thus, you need to follow al the methods carefully and in a manner specified. We at cannot be blamed against any misfortune to the phone else. It is also worth mentioning here that the solutions about the common LG V50 ThinQ problems listed in this post are effective in bringing the desired outcome only if the actual problem is with the software. They may not work against complex hardware problems.

Connectivity Problems

No specific reason can be blamed fully if the phone is experiencing connectivity problems. They can have multiple reasons. Here are the solutions.

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • First of all, check if the Wi-Fi is not working just because the antenna on the phone or on the router is not able to perform its core job. Also, make sure not to place them far away from each other as improper signal strength can be the reason in such a case for this problem
  • Check if the things are not working properly with your internet connection. A number of things can go wrong with the same. Call the network support to confirm if the problem is from their end
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the Wi-Fi is being accessed for running any other feature such as screen sharing or the installed apps are using the same
  • The problem may be avoided upon restarting your phone and the router simply. Try it
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because the router is suffering from a fault. Get is checked. Make sure the error is not related to its installation or configuration
  • Check if the limit on your internet connection has been exceeded and you have downloaded/surfed more data than the defined limit
  • Sometimes the Wi-Fi related problems are experienced when the network is having a lot of congestion on the same. Try disconnecting a few devices from your connection if they are active
  • Check if disabling the device security or the security of the network is causing this problem
  • Make sure the safe mode is not active. This can sometimes disable the Wi-Fi working in the smartphones
  • Check the application, domain or the browser you are using/opening are not responsible for this problem
  • Check if the cable connection on the router is wrong
  • Make sure the problem is not there due to entering a wrong password for the Wi-Fi

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the two devices are placed too away from each other. Make sure One of them is already not connected with a third gadget
  • The problem can be solved with a simple restart if the same is there due to a basic reason. Try it
  • Check if the access to the Bluetooth is restricted due to a security policy violation or due to any other reason
  • This problem could be due to not using your phone in the general or recommended Bluetooth settings
  • The problem could be there due to a reason related to the incompatibility of the Bluetooth between the two devices
  • There are chances that a virus has been stopping both the phones to communicate to each other through this feature
  • Visibility of the phone’s Bluetooth should not be hidden as this can be another reason to this problem
  • Check the data format you are trying to send. Make sure it is supported by the other device. Also, don’t send a lot of data in One go
  • Check if you are able to connect and share data through Bluetooth when you connect your phone with another device. The problem could be in the device you are trying to connect
  • Enter the passcode correctly while pairing the devices for the first time. This is one of the Bluetooth related common LG V50 ThinQ problems.
  • Check and make sure the Bluetooth history of your device is not expanded beyond a limit. Erase some devices and check if this solves the problem
  • Check the Bluetooth antenna and clear the cache data of the phone
  • This problem could be due to a basic glitch associated with Android. Update your phone and check again

Apps not working properly

  • Turn OFF your phone and wait for a minute to turn it ON again. Check the status of the problem now
  • Make sure the apps are updated immediately when you are notified the same. Check and ones running with the older version and update them now if you haven’t
  • Sometimes this problem arrives in the phone when the users don’t run the phone in the general mode
  • The working of some of the apps can get affected in case the battery is not charged beyond 15%
  • One of the reasons to this problem is not giving the permissions to your phone to access the phone features required by them
  • Check and make sure no feature is turned OFF by you as the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the apps don’t behave well due to the bugs which are active in the OS and don’t let the phone perform well
  • Make sure to install the application in the default storage of your phone only so that removing the card and internet issues don’t affect their working
  • This problem could be there just because the app UI is not having everything OK with the same. Check it
  • Remove the apps from your phone and install it again from the Play Store. Always prefer the same platform for installing the new apps in the phone
  • Avoid changing the recommended settings of the apps you install in your phone as the same can cause their improper functionality

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check if this problem is there just because your phone sounds are not turned up
  • One of the reasons to this problem is a faulty earpiece or the one not supported by the LG V50 ThinQ
  • Check and make sure the wire of the earpiece is not damaged or if the speakers are having some debris in them causing the robotic sound
  • If you are experiencing this problem only during a phone call, make sure the channel noise and other similar factors are not responsible for this problem
  • Attenuation in the sound or in the music file which you are playing or if the quality of the music is too low, the problem could be due to the very same reason
  • Sometimes the earpiece you use gives robotic sound only due to an improper connection with the phone. Reconnect them and check if the problem is solved
  • You might be facing this problem just because the phone is having something wrong with the earpiece connector on the same. Check and make sure of this
  • The sounds drivers in the phone might be experiencing a fault or you haven’t selected the right connecting mode in the sounds and earpiece settings
  • Another reason to this problem is a liquid damage that might have caused to the earpiece due to sweat
  • Check if the earpiece works reliably when used on another phone.

Slow Performance

  • First, try disabling the safe mode if the same is active on your LG V50 ThinQ
  • Perform a basic restart and check if the things are back on track
  • Make sure any hardware problem in the phone is not responsible for this problem. Check the working of the RAM and other components
  • Install the latest updates for the OS and check if this eliminates the problem
  • Along with the OS, the installed apps should also be updated as they are generally responsible when the phone takes more time to perform basic operations
  • Do check if this problem is due to running so many apps at the same time in your phone
  • Do check if the slow performance is experienced just because you connect your phone with another device through a wire or any other medium
  • Check if this problem is experienced only while charging your phone. Check the charger in such a case
  • Any kind of data stored in the phone and is not used for a long time period should be erased if there is no future need of the same
  • Keep the 3GB empty default storage space in your phone always to make sure of better performance
  • Any kind of accessories you are using can affect the performance of your device if they don’t have a tag of quality on them
  • Check and make sure you are not facing this problem just because of not inserting the SIM in the phone accurately
  • Check if the SIM slot, the tray and the card itself has a physical damage on the same which can directly be blamed for this problem
  • Inspect everything in the phone which can be a reason to this problem such as the signal antenna or a hardware/software problem
  • Turn the Airplane mode OFF in case it is active on your phone
  • Sometimes the users face this problem just because of manually turning OFF the SIM card in the settings
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because you inserted a 4G internet active SIM in the Slot No 2
  • There are chances that this problem is there just because you have purchased a variant that doesn’t support the local network provider
  • Do check this problem is not there due to installing a custom ROM or an application in your phone
  • Check and make sure the improper signal strength is not there just because you are in a basement
  • Make sure the SIM services are active and have not been disabled
  • Insert your SIM card in another phone and check if this solves the problem
  • This problem could be due to locking the access of the SIM with a password
  • Clean the lens of the camera if it needs the same. Check if there are finger-marks that are causing this problem
  • There are chances that an active bug in the phone OS or with the default phone camera app is causing this problem. Simply update it to a newer version as the same is one of the methods to solve this problem
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is having its storage space completely full
  • Check the pixel density selected in the camera settings. Set it to highest to get quality pictures
  • This problem could be there just because your phone is not charged sufficiently
  • Check and make sure this problem has not been caused just because the phone is having an active virus in the same
  • Select the best shooting mode based on the visibility nearby. Turn the camera flashlight ON if required
  • This problem can be solved with a basic reboot. Try the same
  • There are chances that this problem is there due to using the zoom feature in your phone which often have an impact on the picture quality
  • Check and make sure you are not facing this problem just because you’re the HDR mode is not turned ON
  • Keep the phone completely still while capturing an image

 Overheating problems

  • Make sure your phone is not having a virus in the same which is responsible for the problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because you made changes to some important settings of the phone
  • A faulty charger or the one which belongs to another phone can cause overheating upon using with the LG V50 ThinQ
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the Operating System
  • Those using power bank or rely more on other portable charging sources can face this problem due to compatibility related problems
  • Avoid installing the third-party apps in the phone as the same can be one of the reasons to the common LG V50 ThinQ problems related to the overheating
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having its save mode active
  • This problem could be due to playing the games or downloading the data in the phone for long hours
  • Check if any specific feature of an application is putting extra burden on the RAM and is responsible for this problem
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem is caused due to using pirated accessories with the same
  • The battery-related faults can also be the reason of the overheating of the phone. Check

Screen not working properly

  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused just because of a physical damage on the device screen
  • Inability of any of the hardware component in the phone to perform its task can be another possible reason to this problem
  • Do check if screen operations are affected just because the concerned sensors have failed to perform their task
  • There are certain chances that this problem is actually caused due to software-related glitch and or you are confusing the same with a screen-related fault
  • Sometimes the screen doesn’t operate effectively just because you fully loaded its storage with data
  • All the files and apps that are no longer needed in your phone should be cleaned
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because you haven’t installed the latest updates in the phone. Doing so can help you to deal with this problem
  • The glass guard installed on the screen can sometimes be held responsible for this problem. Check the same
  • There are certain chances that the problem is caused in your phone just because the screen sharing option is turned On and the device screen is shared with another
  • Oil and grease particles on the screen can be responsible for this problem and therefore a gentle cleanliness of the same is required
  • Perform a force restart and check if this problem is gone

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if you have shared your internet connection with other devices through Wi-Fi hot spot. Disconnect your phone if connected with them through any other mode/medium as well
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you were continuously using a pirated charger or the one which the phone doesn’t actually support
  • This problem could be due to not running the phone in the recommended settings
  • Check the overall working condition of the phone battery. the same should be healthy in all the aspects
  • The level of screen brightness you prefer can also have an impact on the performance of the battery. Keep it in your mind
  • Connect the charging cable properly with the phone. Make sure the port on the phone for the same is not damaged or faulty
  • This problem might be caused in your phone due to some software related issues. Check the same
  • In case multiple apps are running in the phone, close them
  • Do check if this problem is there just because you left a lot of notifications running in the background
  • The features such as GPS, camera or Bluetooth might be turned ON but not in use and the same can be one of the reasons to this problem
  • Don’t download the data in the phone when it is charging

All the problems can easily be solved with the help of this guide. In case any other information is needed by you about the common LG V50 ThinQ problems and solutions, you can contact us through the below comment section.