We are humans and we often get attracted to something new around us whether or not the stuff is required by us. Well, something which is causing a ton of attraction for us is nothing but a smartphone. These gadgets are blooming in every parameter. In the last 10 years, their overall presence across the globe has become more than 5000 times. This is because of plenty of reasons. The fact is a modern smartphone has a lot to attract us. The fact couldn’t be ignored that our dependency on smartphones in the present scenario is more than ever before. Gadgets that seem reliable, efficient and powerful are therefore demanded in the present time. One such phone is the LG W30 Pro. This post reflects some of the common LG W30 Pro problems and their best solutions below.

It’s true that LG has launched this phone with some of the best features. Despite having the same, there are some basic bugs which often arrive. Just like the efficiency of anything couldn’t be 100% truly, the common problems cannot be avoided upto the same extent. They are present in all smartphones are will probably remain in them in the time to come. This is because assuring the full compatibility of phone apps and Android technology is a difficult job. However, it is possible to deal with these issues easily. You need not worry about them. Here are the ways the common problems in LG W30 Pro can be fixed.

Common LG W30 Pro Problems and Solutions

Almost every problem related to the software domain of a smartphone is possible to neglect. However, basic knowledge regarding the functionality of a smartphone is a prime condition for this. The users also need to make it sure that they apply the methods mentioned in this post in a correct manner and without molding the same. Actually, this can cause additional problems than the common LG W30 Pro problems. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be blamed for the same. Here are the methods that help you to deal with the concerned issues.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Extended radiation level around the phone can be a reason to this problem. This simply avoid keeping it in direct sunlight
  • This problem could be there just because of moisture in your device. Check and take the actions if the results are positive
  • Make sure the phone is not kept in any bag or in your pocket when the data transfer is taking place through Bluetooth
  • Check if you are sending a lot of data and the problem is cause because of the very same reason
  • Custom Bluetooth settings in your device can be a reason you have to face this problem. Check and restore them
  • Make sure you are not violating any of the Bluetooth policies which the users have to fulfill
  • Simply turn OFF the automatic Bluetooth connecting of your device to an already paired gadget around you with active connection
  • This problem might be there just because the Bluetooth signal strength is varying/fluctuating
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because your smartphone is running in the safe mode
  • Sometimes this problem arrives just because the pairing of the Bluetooth gadgets is not done properly
  • Make sure the problem is not caused due to sending corrupt data
  • The actual problem might be present in the other device you are tarrying to connect to
  • Delete the entire Bluetooth history of your LG W30 Pro and try connecting it to the device you were connecting earlier. Check if this helps to fix the problem
  • The Bluetooth visibility of your device might be hidden. Check and enable the same to fix this problem

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • If any communication restricted is applied manually on your device, disable it. This will fix the problem for sure
  • Check if there is a fault in your Wi-Fi router’s signal antenna. Take the action required to fix this problem
  • You might have crossed the bandwidth limit imposed on your internet connection. Check if the problem is there because of the very same reason
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there with the configuration of the router you are using
  • Check if the network password in the phone is outdated or wrong. This can cause the problem
  • Try troubleshooting your internet connection and this will fix the problem
  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because you customized the LAN settings
  • There are certain chances that this problem is there just because of the limited signal strength
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a lot of devices already connected to the network
  • Make sure the security of the phone or the network is not turned OFF. The same can cause this problem
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but a problem in the phone browser which doesn’t let you explore the World Wide Web properly
  • There are chances that you are facing this problem just because of an IP mismatch
  • This problem might be there due to a problem in the default Wi-Fi driver
  • Check if the problem is caused just because the website you are opening is not working properly
  • There might be something wrong with the phone Wi-Fi antenna. Check the same
  • A basic reboot to the device and the router can fix this problem. Try the same

Slow Performance

  • This happens in most of the cases when the apps installed in the device are not updated to their most recent versions. Check and update them
  • One of the performance-related common LG W30 Pro problems is customizing the important settings of your device
  • Performa basic reboot and check if this helps you to regain the performance
  • The device might be having something wrong with the internet connection which you might be confusing with the slow performance
  • This problem could be there just because the safe mode is turned ON. This disables the apps often
  • The reason to this problem is a phone virus. Check and take the action which is suitable
  • This problem could be due to a hardware problem in the phone. Check the phone RAM and all other components
  • The performance largely depends on the type and quality of apps installed in the device. Keep this thing in your mind
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because the phone OS is having a bug in the same. Check
  • Delete the cache data of your device. This will fix the performance issues for sure
  • The reason you are facing this problem is because of no other reason than running multiple apps at the same time. Check and close them
  • Sometimes this problem is caused just because the device is connected with any other gadget. Check and disconnect them
  • Make sure the reason to this problem is not using any low-quality accessory with your device
  • A hard reset to your LG W30 Pro is one of the best ways to restore its performance. However, this will also bring the device in its default settings and delete the data in the same

Overheating Problems

  • If you charge your device often with a power bank, the same can be a reason to this problem. Check if the power bank is of poor quality or if the power specifications on it are different than phone
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but installing a lot of games in your phone default memory. Check and limit them
  • A basic restart to your phone can fix this problem. Try the same
  • Do check if the actual reason to this problem is nothing but installing any third-party app in the device. Check and delete the same
  • Sometimes the overheating is caused in the phone by a virus. Check if you find the one
  • A hardware or a battery failure in your phone is one of the key reasons to this problem
  • Simply make sure the heat sink in the phone is working properly. If not, probably the overheating is caused because of the very same reason
  • Customizing the power settings of the device is another reason to this problem
  • Overheating of the core hardware is caused in some cases just because you use a different charger than the one recommended
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused due to a software failure
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but overcharging your device. Keep it in your mind
  • Check if the actual problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with the installed apps
  • This problem can be avoided by avoiding data download in the phone for longer hours

Poor Camera Quality

  • Do check and make sure the camera lens is properly clean. You can face the problem if it is not
  • Turn OFF the burst mode in the camera settings if you have turned it ON. The same can have a large impact on the picture quality
  • It’s nothing but a basic bug in the phone OS or in any third-party app if you are using which can cause poor picture quality
  • The reason to this problem is a physically damaged camera lens. Check the same properly
  • You are recommended to prefer image stabilization option whenever it comes to capturing quality images
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the HDR option is disabled. Check the camera settings
  • You might be capturing the images in the very low light/visibility. Turn ON the camera flashlight
  • The reason to this problem is running in the phone in the power saving mode in some cases. Disable the same
  • Check and make sure the low picture quality is not because of fully filled storage space in your device
  • Make sure you are not facing this problem just because the images are captured from a moving object
  • The low network signal strength during a video call can be a reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure the zoom option is not used beyond a limit in your device. The same can largely affect the picture/video quality
  • You might be facing this problem just because your device is having something wrong with the default camera drivers
  • Avoid using camera zoom feature as the same can be a reason to this problem

Slow Charging

  • This might be happing because the smartphone you are using is having a battery fault in the same. Check
  • You may fix this problem simply by restarting your device. Try the same
  • Check if the phone is having a lot of apps installed from the third-party sources. The same can be one of the leading reason to this problem
  • In some cases, slow charging-related common LG W30 Pro problems are experienced just because of a virus. Scan the device to make sure of this
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a faulty or a weak power source
  • It largely depends on the type and class of accessories you use with your device. The charging speed is often affected with the same
  • Don’t make phone/video calls while charging your device. You might be facing the problem because of the very same reason
  • The charging port on the device might be having something actually wrong with the same
  • Check if the actual problem is caused just because your gadget is having a lot of apps installed in the same
  • Performing a software reset can surely fix this problem. Try the same
  • This problem could be there just because the apps installed are downloading the data from the internet
  • Check if the reason to this problem is continuous synchronization of the phone data with the apps
  • Playing games while charging the device is another leading reason to this problem

SIM/Network Problems

  • Eject the SIM card from the phone. Check the tray carrying the same. Insert it again if you find it OK. Now simply reboot your device and check if this helps you to fix the problem
  • Make sure the phone SIM card slot is not having a problem related to the same. Also, check if it is physically damaged
  • There might be a stain or corrosion on the core SIM card. Check if this is causing the problem
  • You might have enabled the Airplane mode on your device. Check and disable the same
  • This problem could be there just because the services have been suspended from your SIM card
  • Check if the actual reason to this problem is registering your SIM card on another network than home network. Check this in the settings
  • Sometimes this problem arrive in your device just because the SIM card itself is physically damaged
  • You can solve this problem simply by turning ON the roaming services on your device. Try the same when you are away from your provision
  • Many users have to face this problem just because they unlock the phone bootloader to fulfill any other need
  • Check if the SIM card is not having the access to the service you are trying to open
  • Make sure not to impose any password or a PIN on the SIM card. If already imposed, remove it before inserting in the phone
  • Check if you have mistakenly ordered a wrong variant of the LG W30 Pro this is not designed to operate in your region
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because the network antenna on your device is having a fault in the same
  • This problem might be there just because the SIM card is not inserted properly in the device

Screen not working properly

  • You can fix this problem by cleaning the screen of your device against oil and grease particles. Try the same
  • Make sure the default screen driver in your LG W30 Pro is not having any problem associated with the same
  • This problem could be there due to failure of the screen sensors on your device. Check and take the action required
  • You might have shared your device screen with nearby gadget. Disable it if this is the case and check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that its nothing but the glass guard installed on the device which is causing the problem. Remove it and check if this helps you
  • Make sure the device is not connected to any other gadget. This can cause improper functionality of the screen.
  • Bring the micro SD card out from the device if you have inserted the same. This can solve the problem in some cases
  • Make sure the default storage space on your device is not completely filled. You can face this problem because of the very same reason
  • Check if this problem is caused just because there is a virus in your device
  • Perform a forced restart to your device and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your device is running in the power saving mode. This can cause the problem in some cases
  • Clean the hands gently and properly. Try operating the screen post doing so

Apps not working properly

  • This problem could be there just because the apps are running in the custom settings. Check and restore the same
  • The common LG W30 Pro problems which make apps not to behave properly are often caused by various phone viruses. Check your device
  • There are a lot of things that can go wrong while installing the apps which can cause the concerned problems. Not registering on the apps, coding bugs and not giving them permission to access the phone data are few examples
  • Make sure you haven’t restricted/disabled any of the features on your device. This can make the apps not to behave in a regular manner
  • Don’t install the apps in any of the third-party storage space. If already installed, move them to the default memory of your device
  • This problem could be there just because your device is having something wrong with the app manager
  • Simply make it sure that the apps are compatible with your device and are free from all the troubles associated
  • Check if this problem is there just because there is no free space available in your device
  • The apps might not be working properly just because the OS in your phone is having something wrong with the same
  • Check if the apps are installed from other sources than the Play Store. This is one of the major reasons to the problems you are facing with them
  • Check if removing the app causing the problem and installing it again solves the problem
  • This problem could be there just because your device is having something wrong with the RAM. Check the same

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Check and make sure the robotic sound in the earpiece is not caused just because its speakers are either damaged physically or affected by the body affect
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • You might have installed a music app in your device which is not compatible with the same. Check if this is causing the problem
  • A loose connection or improper pairing of the earpiece to the device can be a reason to this problem
  • Simply make sure the music files you are playing in your device are not of very low quality. They can largely affect the sounds and can even cause this problem
  • Check if the noise cancellation feature is turned ON. This can help you to deal with the problem
  • The default sound drivers on your phone might not be performing their task and the problem is there just because of the very same reason
  • Check if the signal attenuation is taking place and this problem is there because of the very same reason
  • Simply make sure the phone sound card is not faulty. It can be a reason to this problem
  • Connect your earpiece with another phone and check if it works properly
  • An incompatibility between the earpieces you are using and the device can be a reason to this problem. Check the same

Poor Battery Life

  • Close all the apps running at the same time. Also, enable any feature on your phone which is manually turned OFF This will probably fix the problem
  • The actual problem might be there just because your device battery is having something wrong with the same. Check
  • You can face this problem just because your smartphone is running in the custom power settings
  • The screen brightness level should not be too high. You can face this problem because of the very same reason
  • The installed apps can wake the phone screen again and again by sending various notifications. Check if is contributing to the poor battery life
  • Limit the number of installed apps and disable the ones that get their entry in the phone from other location than Play Store
  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not there just because the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth are turned ON. Check if they are looking for the new gadgets around them continuously
  • This problem can be fixed by installing the latest available updates for the OS. Check
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but turning ON the phone GPS all the time in your device
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but installing the power-hungry app[s in your device
  • The presence of some specific streaming apps in your device can be a reason you have to face this problem
  • Check if this problem is caused just because a Bluetooth earpiece is connected to your phone

Multiple methods are provided against any of the common LG W30 pro problems in this post. Applying them carefully can fix the problem for sure. If you have any other question regarding the common problems in LG W30 pro, simply let us know. Just post a comment below with your query.