LG sometimes made their fans wait longer to release their latest smartphones, but they always come with something simply amazing. Staring from manufacturing Google’s very first device, LG has steadily made progress and have manufactured some of the best smartphones with excellent customer reviews. Well, this time the W-series is going to provide their fans what exactly they need. Already announced series of gadgets has made many people buy their smartphones. It took only 12 minutes for the W-series devices to go out of stock when they were first made available for sales. Of course, there is something really good about these gadgets. One of the best one in this series is W30 and this post is all about the common LG W30 problems and fixes.

LG has an excellent track record of manufacturing quality smartphones. Till date, no major problems have been reported ever in any of their devices. This post is all about the basic and the software related issues that declare their presence in any smartphone due to regular use or due to a violation of any policy users have to take care of. Such problems cause no major harm to the device if they are eliminated properly. Also, they are not always necessary to be present in all the units of a declared model by a manufacturer. As far as the matter of W30 is concerned, this phone is best enough to be invested. There are no major hardware problems related to the same. This post is for you in case some basic problems have declared their presence. Check the solutions below.

Common LG W30 Problems and Solutions

It is better to be cleared of the fact that Android bugs in some cases also cause the common problems in LG W30. Thus, while dealing with the problem, attention is to be paid on the same as well. The methods listed below are useful and helpful as you can fix all the problems you are facing for sure. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be held responsible if the results don’t appear in the way you are expecting just because the solutions listed in this post are molded or applied in a different manner which is not prescribed anywhere in this post. Check the solutions to the common LG W30 problems now.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the problem declared its presence just because your device is running in the safe mode. This usually disables the phone Bluetooth
  • There might be a problem with the device Bluetooth antenna. Check the same
  • Any kind of bug/error related to pairing the devices to each other can be the reason to this problem. Simply make sure to enter the passcode that appears on the phone screen correctly while pairing the devices for the very first time
  • The phone Bluetooth might not be performing its task just because the devices are placed quite away from each other. Check
  • You simply need to make it sure the problem is not there just because the default Bluetooth drivers are not performing its actual task. Check the same
  • Check if the problem is there just because the phone security is disabled/turned OFF manually
  • If the list of recently paired devices in the Bluetooth history is too vast, the same can be a reason to this problem until you erase the same
  • Simply check and make sure the problem is not there just because the data you are sending in the other device or getting the same from it is bulky
  • In some cases, Bluetooth problems are experienced when there are restrictions on phone communication
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a fault that is related to the phone Operating system
  • If your device is already connected to a gadget through any mode, simply disconnect it and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • Check if the actual problem is present I the other device you are trying to connect to
  • Close all the apps running in the background and try connecting again

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Open the network settings and choose to forget the connection you are trying to connect your device to. Turn OFF the Wi-Fi and turn it ON again in 1 minute. Try connecting to the same network once again
  • Make sure the Wi-Fi password you enter in the phone is not incorrect as the problem could be there because of the very same reason
  • In some cases, the users face this problem just because of changing/modifying the Local Area Network settings
  • Do check if this problem is experienced just because of limited signal strength. This due to placing the Wi-Fi router away from the phone
  • Make sure the configuration errors in the router are not responsible for this problem
  • An app running in the background at the same time might be accessing the phone Wi-Fi feature. Check if this is causing the problem
  • Make sure the issue is not there just because the fault is with the web address you are tarrying to open
  • The reason to this problem is changing the browser settings on your device
  • Do check and make sure you have not crossed the data downloading or surfing limit on your internet connection
  • The problem could be there just because the phone you are using is having a problem in the Wi-Fi antenna
  • A simple reboot to the phone and the device may solve this problem. Try it
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your device is suffering from a hardware problem in the same
  • Network congestion is another possible reason you are facing the problem. Check the same

Poor Quality Camera

  • Make sure the problem is not caused not just because your device is turned ON in the power saving mode which doesn’t let you maintain the same camera quality as in case of the general mode
  • There are chances that the images are captured in the low visibility which caused the problem. Always prefer the relevant shooting mode when the visibility is low
  • One of the reasons to the poor camera quality related common LG W30 problems is nothing but using camera zoom feature which can highly affect the quality
  • Always keep the camera flashlight to automatic mode
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because the image pixel density selected in the camera settings is low
  • Make sure to prefer the image stabilization option while capturing the images
  • This problem might be caused just because the phone doesn’t have more storage space available in the same
  • Sometimes the problem is caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the camera app installed by you. Not all the third-party apps work reliably with LG W30
  • This problem might be caused just because the device is having a problem related to the hardware inside. Check the same
  • There are chances that the camera lens of the device is having something wrong with the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the phone OS is having a problem in the same
  • In certain cases, it’s nothing but finger marks that affect the camera quality. Check if same is the reason to this problem
  • Capture the images in the high resolution only to make sure of the quality

SIM/Network problems

  • The network signal is getting continuously fluctuated due to a possible reason. Check the same
  • Your SIM card services might be restricted or limited. The same can be a reason to this problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem is not caused just because you are at a remote location where the network/services are not available
  • This problem might be there just because the SIM card slot in which the SIM is inserted is damaged. Check the same
  • Your SIM card might be having no access to the concerned service or the same might be suspended. Check if this is the reason
  • The problem could be there just because of unlocking the phone bootloader which sends an invitation to the updates not meant for the variant of the phone owned by you
  • Sometimes the installation of a custom ROM is the reason to the SIM/network problems
  • You simply need to make it sure that there is no PIN or a password is imposed manually on the SIM card for a security reason. The same should be removed before you insert it in the phone
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because the SIM card is physically damaged
  • You might not insert the SIM properly in the slot. Check if this is the reason
  • Investing on a wrong variant of the phone is another reason to this problem. You must make it sure that the phone is purchased from your home country only

Apps not working properly

  • One of the common reasons to this problem is changing the settings of the apps to custom mode. This can largely impact the way they operate
  • You might have installed the apps from the other sources than the Play Store. This is often a reason to the unexpected behavior with them
  • Make sure the apps are not getting synchronized with any kind of data when you are using the same. This can be a reason to the problem
  • Do check when you updated the phone apps last. If there is a new version available, take no time to download and install the same. The problem will probably be gone
  • This problem might be there because apps are not getting access to your phone features and the data. Check if this is the reason to this problem
  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused in your device because of an active virus or malware
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because the phone is having something wrong with its RAM
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because the device you are using is having something wrong with the OS installed
  • This problem might be there just because the apps are installed in third-party storage space and not in the default memory of the device
  • Delete the problem causing app from your device and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

Slow Charging

  • This might be happening just because the phone charger is faulty and simply needs replacement
  • There might be a lot of apps installed and running in your phone. Check and close them. This will probably boost its charging speed
  • Do check if your device is downloading the data from the internet or copying it in another device through any other mode while you are charging it
  • There are many common LG W30 problems that can cause slow charging and one of the leading among them is a fault in the charging port of your device
  • There are certain changes that the actual problem is caused just because the power source you use to charge your device is weak
  • Sometimes the slow charging of the device is because of no other reason than charging it from a PC or a power bank
  • Do check and make sure the data synchronization between the apps and the device is not allowed to take place all the time
  • You might be placing or receiving the phone calls at the same time while the device is put on the charger. Check if this is causing the problem
  • The slow charging of any device in some cases is caused by a batter-related phone. Check if this is the reason to this problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not caused just because the power settings are recently charged by you on your device. Check and restore them

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Any third-party music app if installed in your device can be a reason to this problem
  • Do check and make sure the earpiece is connected or paired with the phone correctly
  • You simply need to make it sure the problem is not experienced by you just because the earpiece quality is poor
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of disabling the sounds on their phone manually
  • Make sure nothing is wrong with the default phone sound drivers and with the sound card on the device
  • This problem could be there just because the earpiece mode selected in the sound settings is not relevant to the product
  • Sometimes the users have to experience the robotic sound in the device only because the earpiece connector is faulty. Check the same properly
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is suffering from a hardware fault in the same
  • Connect the earpiece to another device and check if the same operated reliably
  • You can face this problem just because the quality of music which you are playing on the phone is too low
  • Another reason to this problem is nothing but a low signal strength during a call you are attending by connecting earpiece to the phone

Poor Battery Life

  • The exact battery backup on your device depends on the number, type and size of the installed apps in your device and how frequently you use them
  • Disable anything that can unnecessarily turn ON the device screen. Definitely, this will boost the battery backup of the same
  • The problem might be caused by a phone virus. Check the same
  • The Operating system of your device might be having a fault in the same and the problem is caused because of the same reason. Check
  • Simply update all the pending updates and delete the data you downloaded from the internet earlier but it’s not useful to you anymore. This can have a positive impact on the battery backup for sure
  • Do check and make sure the phone battery is in proper working condition and is not responsible for this fault
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because the features such as GPS and Bluetooth are turned ON all the time
  • Make sure you are not sharing your internet connection with other gadgets as this is often a reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the screen brightness level is too high
  • Disable the app notifications and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

Screen not working properly

  • Make sure the actual fault is not present in the phone OS which is often confused with the screen-related issues. Updating the OS in the phone probably restores the screen functionality. Try the same
  • This problem could be there just because the phone is getting overheated. Check the same
  • The screen might not be working properly due to some common LG W30 problems such as lack of cleanliness on the screen, moisture, oil, as well as grease particles on the same
  • You might have installed a glass guard on the screen of your device which is of bad quality or has completed its life span. Remove it and check if this helps
  • The problem could be there just because your phone is having something wrong with the screen sensors
  • Turn OFF the screen sharing option if it is turned ON and check if the problem is solved by doing so
  • You simply need to make it sure the problem is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the installed apps. Delete the one which is installed recently and check if the problem is solved
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but no storage space available in the device. Erase some data and check if this helps you. Also, eject the micro SD card if inserted in the device
  • Perform a forced restart and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

Overheating Problems

  • Various factors related to the environment can cause overheating in your device. First, check and make sure the same is not the case
  • The problem might have declared its presence because the phone heat sink is unable to eliminate the excess energy generated in the device
  • You might have suddenly turned ON multiple apps or started downloading data in bulk. The same can be a reason to this problem
  • Overheating of the device is often caused when the same is having a lot of games installed in the same. Make sure if that’s the reason in your case as well
  • Check if the phone battery is faulty and the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • As a user, you need to make it sure that you are not using any accessory which is of low quality to your phone
  • Perform a basic restart to your device and check if this helps you to fix the problem
  • The actual problem might be caused just because your device is having a virus infection in the same
  • Do check and make sure the power bank (if you are using) is not causing the overheating
  • Check the phone charger. If you are using any third-party product that claims to charge the device quickly, overheating might be caused by the same
  • Uninstall any app if you installed in your device for enhancing its power backup
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because the device is having something wrong with the Operating System

Slow Performance

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but the slow speed of the internet connection you are using on your device. Many users confuse the same with the slower performance of their smartphones
  • This problem could be there just because your device is having something wrong with the RAM
  • Multitasking can be a reason the device is performing slowly
  • In case your phone is connected to a nearby gadget through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or any other medium, disconnect the same and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • The device performance can surely be boosted upto a good extent simply by erasing the cache data of the apps
  • Check if this problem is caused just because you have customized some important settings on your device
  • The slow performance of the phone might be due to the installation of so many apps in your device
  • The problem might be there just because the phone is having something wrong with any of the hardware components inside
  • Sometimes the failure of driver software in the device causes this problem. Check the same
  • The browser in your device might be having a lot of opened tabs. Check if the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • In case all of the above methods seem useless, simply perform a hardware reset on your device. Save the phone data before going ahead with the same

It’s easy and reliable to fix all the common LG W30 problems with the help of these methods. You can try them easily to deal with any of the software problems in your device. For sharing your experience, you can simply post a comment on the below section.