In life, we often need the help of others and this is exactly what that makes us expect more from them. However, in the present time, you will hardly find a person who will truly help you. Lack of time is the real reason for this and that is why many people to make their bond stronger with their smartphones. This is true and a very large number of people all over the world present consider their phones as their best friends. And, why not, these gadgets have made almost everything easy and possible for the users. There are many gadgets available in the market but this really doesn’t mean you can consider any as your cup of coffee. Choosing wisely is important and Motorola Moto G7 Play is a good option that you can proceed with. In this post, the common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems have been highlighted.

Basically, Motorola Moto G7 Play is a smartphone that doesn’t have any major complaints received about it by the users. This is because it is totally free from all the bugs. If this makes you think about what exactly common problems are then, you need to understand the same. Actually these are the issues which are common in almost every smartphone due to compatibility related factors between the software and the hardware. Android is basically an open-source technology and anyone can develop apps on the Play Store. In addition to this, there are some basic errors which are related with the Android technology. The same can be tagged as common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems.

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How complex these problems are?

It all depends on the actual reason for their presence. If they are software issues, there is nothing to worry a lot as it is possible for you to eliminate them easily. The bugs related with the hardware may not always be simple to handle and need the help of an expert. This post about the common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems is all about the software domain bugs. If you are sure that the problem is because of the same reason, the methods which are provided later in this post can be opted to keep your gadget in the best possible working condition. Check now the common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems and their solutions.

Common Motorola Moto G7 Play Problems and Fixes

When it comes to fixing the software related problems in Motorola Moto G7 Play, you need to be careful about a few important things. Despite all the efforts you have to make to avoid these issues are easy to understand, it’s actually their implementation that can sometimes cause other issues if this task is not performed wisely. You need to be very careful about the same. The methods and instructions should be applied in the manner they are prescribed. If you made any modification to them and post which the additional problems arrive in your phone, we at cannot be blamed for the same. Here is all about the common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems and their fixes.

Connectivity problems

The connectivity problems in your Motorola Moto G7 Play can be of two types which are listed below along with the solutions.

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Your internet connection might have a glitch in the same. Check all the possible causes that can stop the internet form stop operating. Confirm from the network provider if you are not sure of anything
  • Restart the phone and your Wi-Fi router. Check if this solves the problem
  • Make sure the network antenna of your phone and the router is not causing this problem due to the inability of any one of them or both to let you seamlessly enjoy the internet connection
  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi drivers and the driver software of the modem is properly working. Improper installation of the same can cause a problem
  • Check if the services are barred or restricted by your network provider
  • You simply need to make it sure that no multiple devices are connected with the same network as this can be the reason to the problem you have to face
  • Sometimes the network administrators forget to update the password imposed for the network security in their phones
  • You need to be very careful about the working of the modem as a lot of things can go wrong with the same if not managed properly and can cause the Wi-Fi problems
  • Do check if the internet bandwidth limit on your connection has been reached and the same has stopped the services
  • Make sure to check if the device is already connected with a nearby device through Wi-Fi
  • If the apps having access to the Wi-Fi features are running in the background, simply close them and check if this solves the problem
  • The slow internet connection might be the reason to this problem
  • Check if you are trying to open a domain which is restricted or banned by your internet service provider

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something wrong with the Bluetooth antenna which is causing this problem
  • Do check and make sure if this problem has been caused just because your phone is having the power saving mode active on it which can disable the Bluetooth working in some cases
  • There should be no communication-related restrictions imposed by you on your phone as they can also stop the Bluetooth operations
  • Check the data size and format you are sending and make sure the same is not causing this problem either directly or indirectly
  • Check if the problem is there just because the visibility of the Bluetooth connection of your Motorola Moto G7 Play is hidden and is not visible to the nearby devices
  • There are chances that the phone is having something wrong with its default Bluetooth driver and the same is causing the problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users don’t clean the cache data of the installed apps for a long time
  • Make sure your smartphone is not having a hardware problem in it which is directly influencing the working of the Bluetooth
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not related with the other device you are trying to connect your phone with
  • There are chances that the problem has been caused due to a temporary glitch and can be solved upon a simple restart. Try the same
  • Make sure your phone is not having something seriously wrong with the Operating system which can also affect the working of the Bluetooth
  • Check if erasing the name of last paired device with your phone from the Bluetooth history can bring the things back on the track

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • The signal congestion can be the reason to this problem which can happen when there is a sharp bend on the wire or when the Bluetooth enabled earpiece is placed away from the phone
  • Check and make sure there is no physical damage on the earpiece connector port on your Motorola Moto G7 Play
  • Check if the phone sounds are turned OFF completely and you are confusing it with this problem
  • The robotic sound in the earpiece may arrive just because of an improper connection between the phone and the same
  • Check if the phone sound drivers and the sound card is in proper working condition
  • Make sure the quality of the call is not low and the signal strength is proper if you are facing this problem during a call
  • Check if there is dust or debris in the speakers which is actually causing the robotic sound
  • The earpiece if purchased from a third-party manufacturer may not work properly with your Motorola Moto G7 Play due to the compatibility issues
  • The problem might be there just because the earpiece you are using is no longer in proper working condition. Try using it on another phone
  • You might be checking the quality of sound by playing a low quality music file

Slow performance

  • Perform a simple restart and check if the problem is solved in your Motorola Moto G7 Play
  • Make sure your phone is not having any kind of virus in the default storage space which can slow down its performance
  • All the applications installed in your phone should be updated to their latest version by updating them
  • There are chances that your phone is running a lot of features at the same time and you are downloading the data from the internet
  • The slow performance might be there just because the phone is active in the safe mode or in the power saving mode. Check the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when you load the storage space in your phone completely
  • It is necessary to clear the cache data of the apps when it comes to maintaining the desired level of the performance
  • Installation of the third-party apps in the phone should be avoided as you can face this problem due to the very same reason
  • Sometimes the OS related bugs are largely responsible for the slow performance of the phone. You must install the latest updates whenever you are notified
  • Perform a simple restart and check if the problem is gone. If not, save your important data and proceed with a hard reset

Screen not working properly

  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have something wrong with the software which is often confused as a problem related with the screen
  • Check if your hands or the screen is not cleaned. When the oil and grease particles started depositing over there, this problem declare its presence
  • The glass guard installed on the screen might not be of good quality or has completed its life span
  • Do check if this problem arrives only because your phone is having a trouble with its screen. Check and make sure if an internal damage is causing this problem
  • The option that let you pair your phone screen with other and share it should be turned OFF
  • One of the screen related common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems is no storage space available in the phone. This can affect the hardware working including the screen
  • Make sure the phone is not having something wrong with its power which can affect the screen performance
  • Do check if this problem has been caused just because your phone is working in the low power mode and the same is the reason to this issue
  • Sometimes the slow performance of the phone is often confused with the inability of the screen to perform its task by so many users
  • There are chances that the phone is infected with a virus which is responsible for this problem
  • Check and make sure if the phone you are using is not meant for the region in which you live or if it doesn’t support the network you are using
  • There are chances that the services might be suspended from your SIM or they are simply not accessible at your location
  • Do check if this problem arrives just because the SIM has not been inserted properly in the phone
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something wrong with the SIM slot. Check and make sure the same is working perfectly
  • There are chances that the internet-enabled SIM card has been inserted in the SIM slot 2
  • Make sure you haven’t installed a firmware which is not supported by your phone or is actually not for the variant of the Motorola Moto G7 Play owned by you
  • Check and make sure the problem has not been caused just because the SIM card is turned OFF in the settings
  • If you recently purchased the SIM card, make sure the services have been activated
  • If you are in a basement, this problem might be there due to low or no signal strength over there
  • Check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the problem is there because of the very same reason
  • The network selection mode should always be set to the Automatic mode than manual mode

Overheating problems

  • Check and make sure the phone battery is not having something wrong with the same which often overheats your phone
  • Do check if this problem has been caused just because you make use of a power bank most of the time to charge your phone and it is not having the power specifications same as that of the phone
  • There are chances that you have installed the apps in your phone from the unauthorized sources that wouldn’t let the RAM perform its task and cause the overheating of the phone
  • Check and make sure all the games in your phone if you installed are actually compatible with the same
  • Avoid using your phone when you are downloading a lot of data
  • Check and make sure the completely filled storage space in your Motorola Moto G7 Play is not responsible for this problem
  • There are chances that you have made changes to the recommended settings of your phone and it is not operating in the custom mode
  • Check if this problem is there just because of a virus presence in your phone
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something seriously wrong with the ventilation system and the excess heat is not getting released properly
  • Do check and make sure if this problem has been caused just because your phone is having a hardware problem in the same

Apps not working properly

  • Make sure the problem has not been created just because the UI of the concerned app is having something wrong with the same
  • Perform a basic restart and check if the problem is gone or is still there
  • Update the phone apps and this will properly remove all the errors that were not allowing the apps to run and perform smoothly
  • There are chances that the actual problem is with the Operating system of the phone
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any kind of problem associated with its hardware which is interrupting the working of multiple applications
  • The problem might be there just because your phone is having some of its features disabled by you as this can affect the performance of the installed apps
  • The third-party apps in the phone might be causing a behavior which is totally unexpected
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because you have not given the necessary to the apps for accessing the phone data
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by removing and installing the app once again
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users made changes to the recommended settings of the apps in the phone
  • Check if cleaning the lens of the camera on your Motorola Moto G7 Play solves this problem
  • There are chances that the images or the videos are being captured in the low light conditions without turning ON the suitable shooting mode
  • Check and make sure the phone is not having its battery less than 10 percent which can shut the camera OFF automatically whenever you try to open the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your phone is suffering from a problem related with the Operating System
  • The burst mode should be avoided and the zoom feature should not be used when there is no need of the same
  • Open the camera settings and check if you have selected the low pixel density which is causing the blur or if no more storage space is available in your phone
  • The best quality pictures can be captured when you focus on the object by randomly clicking on the screen first before capturing the image
  • There are chances that your camera lens is having something wrong with the same
  • Check and make sure the problem has not been caused just because the images were captured from a moving object.
  • Remove the pre-installed glass guard installed and check if this solves the problem

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check and make sure your phone is not having something wrong with the charger you are using. The same might be faulty and is responsible for the slow charging
  • Avoid using the pirated or the very low quality accessories with your Moto G7 Play as this is one of the biggest reasons to this problem
  • Many notifications can wake the screen of your phone and can be the reason to this problem. Keep the ones not required in disabled mode
  • Always install the apps in your phone from the Play Store and make sure any of the glitch related with them is not causing this problem
  • Check if the phone torch light is turned ON for a long time
  • The features such as GPS, camera and Wi-Fi hotspot while keep running in the background can cause this problem in your phone
  • Make sure your phone is not having a problem related with the battery
  • The screen brightness should not be set to high level as this can drain the battery quickly and can reduce the charging speed
  • Close all the apps running in the background and make check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that your phone is having a problem with the charging port. Check it properly

This lets you deal with all the common Motorola Moto G7 Play problems without worrying about anything. Keep visiting our platform for the latest news on the Android technology and for other similar posts.