Relationships do matter in life and each one of us is familiar with this fact. Without relationships, it is almost impossible for us to survive the everyday challenges we face. The fact is, making the relations is not at all a big deal but keeping them is something that needs us to be perfect in life. A smartphone is very useful to us in this matter. It is true that the phones these days are truly powerful and they have enabled us to simply keep up the pace in this matter. Nokia being one of the best manufacturers have provided many gadgets that are reliable and useful in every aspect. The brand has a tagline that says “connecting people” and of course, you can trust their gadgets for the same. Nokia 6.1 is one of the prime examples and this post let you have some very useful information regarding the Nokia 6.1 common problems and their solutions.

It really doesn’t matter how reliable a phone is what standards manufacturers follow to make them fit best to the needs of the users, there are always some issues that come out. However, they are rarely associated with the phone hardware. Most of the time, they are actually due to the things that can go wrong with the software domain of a smartphone. Therefore, it is compulsory for the users to address these issues with full priority. Else, they can soon be major issues. Here is all the required information on Nokia 6.1 common problems and their fixes.

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What is so special about Nokia 6.1?

Well, this Smartphone is having everything that a basic user needs. It is a 4G enabled smartphone that has a 5.5-inch IPS LCD screen with 1080 × 1920 pixels screen density. For speed and the efficiency, the Nokia has loaded it with a 4GB RAM which works in conjunction with the 2.2GHz Octa-core processor. You can choose from a 32GB variant or can go ahead with a 64GB one if you have additional storage space needs. Also, it is possible to enhance the same by upto 256GB through a microSD card. The 16MP main camera and the 8MP selfie shooter is another good thing about this phone. In addition to this, this gadget is powered by Android Oreo 8.1. There are obviously more reasons to buy it which you can know by reading its reviews. Go ahead now with the Nokia 6.1 common problems and their solutions below.

Common Nokia 6.1 Problems and Fixes

Anyone can troubleshoot the basic issues in a smartphone. However, a few things are always necessary to be kept in the mind while doing so. The first and most important is not changing or molding the methods that guide you on how to perform this task. This can sometimes have serious consequences. You may even end up bricking your phone. Probably you don’t need this to happen with your gadget. Therefore, follow this guide as it is posted. wouldn’t be responsible for any damage caused to your phone (either software or related to the hardware) if you mold the methods while applying them. Check now about the Nokia 6.1 common problems below.

Connectivity issues

This problem might be complex or a major one. Of course, you are not always necessary to have an idea about the same. The following methods will help you a lot to get the best outcomes that you are expecting.

Bluetooth connectivity issues

  • The Bluetooth of the phone might be disabled, have restrictions on it or it might be locked with a password/pin. If so, check and do the needful
  • Make it sure that your phone is not paired with any device whose Bluetooth version is outdated and is not supported by Nokia
  • Do check if all the user policies compiled for Bluetooth users are followed
  • Sometimes this problem is because of no other reason than disabling the security of the phone or when there is an auspicious file present in the main memory of the phone
  • Do check and erase some data from the prime storage if it is totally filled
  • The problem might be due to not operating your phone in the general mode and activating the power saving mode
  • You simply need to make it sure that the devices you paired recently with your phone and the ones which are not required any longer should be erased from the list
  • Do check if this problem is due to a very basic reason and can be avoided with a simple restart
  • The problem might be due to data security reasons and when the format of the same is not supported
  • The presence of any kind of virus in the phone can also sometimes disable the Bluetooth
  • Do check if the things are wrong just because you haven’t switched to the latest OS version available for your phone
  • The problem could be due to the reason that a password has been imposed on the Bluetooth access
  • Check and make sure you are not sending data of files which are more than 100 MB in size in one go

Wi-Fi connectivity issues

  • The problem could be due to the reason that the phone Wi-Fi antenna is either not functional or is busy with another app for sending/receiving the data
  • Do check if the problem is not associated with your internet connection. A number of things can go wrong with the same
  • The problem might be due to not entering the correct password imposed by you for the internet connection’s security
  • Make it sure that the modem is in actual working condition and nothing is wrong with the same
  • You may solve this problem with a simple restart to the phone in some cases. Try the same
  • Do check if the problem is just because the phone is already connected with another gadget through Wi-Fi
  • Make it sure that the network you want your Nokia 6.1 to be connected is supported by it. Also, check if there are some additional formalities you need to accomplish
  • Do check and make sure if the things are wrong with the cable connection on the modem
  • The network should always be kept in its default settings. If you made any changes to the same, probably a lot of issues can be there
  • This problem might be solved if you close all the apps running in the background. Check if it works in your case
  • Inspect the Wi-Fi drivers on your phone
  • The bandwidth limit might have been exceeded or the modem can no longer host more Wi-Fi enabled gadgets. Check the same
  • The web address or the app you are opening might not be in working state. Try opening another domain or app
  • Call the network support number if these methods wouldn’t work for you

Doesn’t recognize Windows PC

  • You might be facing the problem to connect your Nokia 6.1 with the PC just because the phone drivers are not installed on the PC
  • Do check if the cable used by you or the other connecting medium is not responsible for this problem.
  • Check if the USB connectors on the PC are not in a working state
  • Make sure the latest USB drivers are installed on the device
  • It is necessary that you select the MTP mode or the one which is relevant as per the task you are performing
  • Check if any of the gadgets is infected with a virus presence
  • Do check and make sure the things are not wrong with the phone USB connector
  • One of the basic reasons to this problem is when a cable is not properly connected with any of the gadgets. Check if the connection is not loose
  • The connection establishment between both these widgets depends on the security of both the gadgets
  • The problem might be there just because there are bugs related with the data you want to transfer
  • First do check if the network services are not suffering from a downtime
  • There are certain factors that can affect the network performance. Check them all properly
  • The service provider might have stopped some of the services on your connection. Check and make sure of this
  • Do check if the problem is just because the SIM card is yet to be activated in case the same has been purchased recently
  • The things might be wrong with the SIM slot in your phone
  • Do check if the SIM and the Nokia 6.1 variant are supportive to each other
  • The problem could be due to not inserting the SIM in your phone properly and reliably
  • Make sure to check the PIN set by you to open the SIM access is not responsible for this problem
  • Don’t confuse this problem with any other that can be related with the phone hardware
  • Make it sure that the signal antenna on your Nokia 6.1 is not responsible for this problem
  • The things might not be correct with the SIM tray in the phone
  • You need to check and make it sure that the problem is not just because you haven’t disabled the Airplane mode which you turned ON recently
  • The signal strength might be low or improper at your present location
  • Open network settings and search for the home network. Choose to register on the same

Performance issues

  • Performance do matters and therefore it is necessary that you pay close attention to all the factors that can really degrade the performance. Prepare a checklist and take necessary actions
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have safe mode active at the time you are facing this problem
  • Sometimes when the phone is downloading the data from the internet at the same time when you are performing any task, this problem can be felt
  • Do check if the RAM of your Nokia 6.1 is not in functional state or something is not correct with the same
  • The quality, ratings and the source of the apps in your phone are some of the factors that decide its overall performance. Keep this in your mind. Also, update all the apps whenever a new version arrives
  • The problem you are facing might be due to filling the phone memory completely
  • Do check if the things are normal when the microSD card is removed if the same is inserted in the phone
  • Check and make sure there are no OS bugs and virus present in the phone
  • This problem might be there just because multiple apps in the phone have their cache data to be cleared
  • Do check if the problem is just because the phone of something is wrong with the phone hardware

 Apps not functioning properly

  • Check if there is a parallel app affecting the functionality of the one which you are using. This happens when two similar apps of the same category are installed by you in the phone
  • Check if there are any kind of changes made by you to the recommended settings of the phone
  • The things might not be good just because the apps have not been updated for a long time
  • Provide all the permissions to the apps just after installing them which they ask for. Else, there are chances of this problem
  • Make sure the bugs related to the OS are not causing this problem
  • Simply make it sure that the problem in the phone is not there just because the apps have not been installed from the Play Store
  • Your phone might not have sufficient space available on it. Check the same

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Get the earpiece checked to know there working state. Although rare, the brand new earpiece might also have a technical glitch with them
  • Do check and make it sure that the problem is actual sense is not related with the phone hardware or software
  • The things might not be running well just because the problem is associated with the sound drivers. Check if the sounds are completely turned OFF and the same is causing this problem
  • Make it sure simply that the Nokia 6.1 actually support the earpiece you are using if you buy them additionally
  • Check if the things are wrong with the universal jack of the phone
  • Do check the quality of sound or the music you are playing. There are certain chances that you are confusing it with the earpiece-related problem

Bad camera quality

  • There are various bugs related to the OS that might be able to largely affect the camera performance. Sometimes you cannot even open the apps because of the very same reason
  • Always keep this thing in your mind that the cameras on the phones are designed to behave well with the default apps only. No third-party app can actually provide you quality and the features as you can simply have with the default one
  • Check and make sure if the things are wrong just because the pictures are captured with too much zoom
  • Make sure you focus on the object properly before capturing the images. Also, you need to make it sure that the phone remains still
  • The problem could be there in the hardware domain of your phone. Check if the things are ok with the camera lens
  • Sometimes the problem is there just because the screen of the phone and the camera lens needs cleanliness
  • The low quality of the images could be due to capturing them in the burst mode
  • Always keep the HD mode enabled and make sure that the phone camera is not giving the poor outcomes because of visibility issues

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

  • Avoid charging your phone from the sources cannot be trusted
  • Do check and make it sure that the problem is not there in your phone just because the phone charging socket is having a problem with the same
  • Make sure to check if the apps installed are not putting extra burden on the battery
  • Do check if the problem is associated with a battery fault. Check if it needs replacement
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have any kind of problem in it which can affect the battery backup
  • Do check and make sure the things are not in your control just because the features such as Wi-Fi hotspot is turned ON
  • It would be good to disable the notifications which you actually don’t need
  • The problem might be there in your phone just when you made multiple apps to run in your phone
  • Check if the problem can be solved by restarting your phone
  • The things might not be running well with the phone apps you have installed
  • The data downloading from the internet for the long hours can affect the battery up time

MicroSD card not detected in the phone

  • The device SD card slot might not be in a proper working condition
  • You can face this problem in your Nokia 6.1 if you insert a microSD card in it which is having its storage capacity beyond 256GB
  • Keep atleast 4 GB free space in the card. Don’t fill it completely
  • Do check if the problem is there just because your card is not supported by the phone
  • Check and simply make it sure that the data stored on the card is not causing this problem due to any of the reasons
  • The problem might be there just because your SD card has a lot of data viruses in it
  • Make sure the access has been given to the phone completely to read, edit and copy the data on the SD card
  • The problem might be there due to not using the SD card for a long time
  • Erase some or all the data and check if the things are in your control
  • The screen might not be showing proper behavior because of any software related problem that is necessary to run the same
  • Check if the problem is there just because you have installed a lot of third-party apps in your phone. The same can be the reason to this fault
  • Make it sure that the phone screen is not being shared with the multiple devices that can have automatic access to the same
  • In a few cases, this problem can be solved by uninstalling all the apps from the phone
  • Check and make sure if the things are not running well just because the screen needs cleanliness against the grease particles
  • Make sure to check the other hardware problems that can be responsible for this glitch
  • Make sure to have all the latest updates installed in your phone
  • The problem might be there just because the phone is not running well with the OS
  • You need to clean your hands properly before operating the Nokia 6.1 screen
  • In case the phone memory is totally filled, erase some data and then try again to check if this issue is gone

Overheating problems

  • This could be due to missing some important updates for your phone. Check if there is a patch or a new version of OS is available
  • All the accessories which you use with your Nokia 6.1 should be genuine
  • Check in case the power bank you own is responsible for this problem
  • The things might be wrong with the phone ventilation system. Remove the back cover if you have installed and check again
  • The problem could be there just because the charging cable or the adapter is not in proper working condition
  • Check if the phone is not able to cope with the data you have stored in its memory. This can also be the reason to this problem
  • Each and every game installed on your phone should be supported by it. Do check if you love playing them
  • Turn OFF the Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi when they are not required. Sometimes the device gets connected automatically with a nearby device due to these features and the problem is due to the very same reason
  • Remove any kind of restrictions if you have imposed them on your phone

The Nokia 6.1 is probably one of the best available phones released in this year. If you face any of the Nokia 6.1 common problems while performing any task, actions must be taken immediately. You can raise the matter with the official support if you are not able to get the desired outcome due to any reason.