Smartphones are becoming something very useful for humans. In fact, a modern person couldn’t imagine a day without this gadget. This is mainly because the smartphones is acting as a channel between the humans and the task they often perform in their day to day activities. Smartphones can be equipped with the apps that can perform any task that matters to the humans and thus, there is hardly any other alternative than these gadgets which the humans could have. When it comes to the phones, the old school going people know its Nokia that taught the world how to connect with each other. If you have forgotten Nokia, the time has come to remind them and this is because they are back. Probably you have an idea about the same and one of the upcoming smartphones is Nokia 8.1. Check out below the common Nokia 8.1 problems and solutions.

Nokia 8.1 has been unveiled recently and one of the key features of this phone is its UI. It has also been provided with features that matter largely to the present-day users. If you have planned to change your phone, it would be good to go ahead with Nokia 8.1 than any other. Well, it is one of the finest gadgets in terms of price and quality. Nokia has equipped this phone with the features that matter to both personal and professional users. You will be having access to a whole new world of Android technology with this gadget. Check out below what to do if the common Nokia 8.1 problems declare their presence in your phone.

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What kind of problems these are?

Before you start thinking and jump to a conclusion, let me make it clear that the problems which are discussed in this post are the very basic ones. They are not the ones which you are thinking right now and i.e. the major hardware issues. This is not the vase actually and they simple present just because of some minor bugs which are present in almost every smartphone powered by Android. Therefore, you need not to worry about anything when it comes to troubleshooting. It must be kept in mind that not all the problems can be addressed in the way others can. You need to follow a set of instructions and methods as mentioned in this post. There are certain chances that the problem will be terminated with them until it is actually a minor issue. Here is the information on the common Nokia 8.1 problems and fixes.

Common Nokia 8.1 Problems and Fixes

One of the best things about this guide is the methods and the instructions mentioned to help you deal with the concerned problem are not very complex to understand and apply. Even if you don’t have core knowledge about the working of a smartphone, you can simply go ahead with this guide. However, if at any stage you are not sure of anything, we recommended you to skip the information. If you mold them or applied them in the wrong way, probably you will have to face another problem in your face. cannot be blamed if the same happens and thus, understand and apply the instructions and methods carefully. Here is everything about the common Nokia 8.1 problems and the solutions available.

Connectivity Problems

The modern smartphones are widely dependent on the connectivity features for performing most of the tasks assigned to them. Therefore, if the ability of your Nokia 8.1 to communicate is not as good as it has to be due to any reason, you will have to face multiple problems. However, you need not to worry a lot about this. Try the below-listed methods to solve this problem.

Bluetooth Connectivity Problems

  • First of all, open the Bluetooth settings and check if the visibility of your phone is set to hidden or is temporarily disabled. The same can be the reason to this problem
  • Another factor that you can held responsible for this issue is nothing but the restrictions imposed by you on your phone.
  • Don’t disable any feature in the phone that can have its effect on the Bluetooth
  • Check and make sure the data which you are sending in the other phone or getting in your is not the actual trouble creator. The factors such as infection with the virus, format not supported by any of the phone and copyright issues can be the reason to this problem
  • Check when the last time you clear the cache data of the apps. If it’s long ago, do it now and restart your phone simply
  • Make sure the low storage space availability in the phone default memory is not causing this problem
  • Do check if your phone is having something wrong with its installed Android version. The bugs in the same might be the reason you are facing this problem
  • Check if the Bluetooth transmitter is suffering from a problem and doesn’t let you exchange the data
  • The default Bluetooth drivers should be free from any kind of issues. Check and make sure of this
  • Do check if the problem is actually there just because any of the phones doesn’t support the Bluetooth version installed on the other
  • If your phone Bluetooth access is locked or restricted with a password/PIN/Pattern, remove the same and try again
  • Your phone should be free from any other hardware issue which can disable the Bluetooth
  • Check and make sure if the problem is actually related to the phone security or violation to the policies of the same

Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems

  • Do check if this problem is there just because you are opening an app which is no longer in working state or if the same is having its server down
  • Check if the internet indicator on the modem is not blinking. This means either the services are barred temporarily or permanently on your connection
  • Do check if turning the phone OFF and then again turning it ON can solve this problem
  • Make sure your phone data bandwidth limit is not exceeded which can be another reason to the problem
  • In some cases, the phone switch to the mobile data automatically when the internet speed of the Wi-Fi goes down. Check if this is the reason you are facing the issue
  • Make sure the problem is actually not associated with the modem you are using. It should be supported by the network services
  • Do check if the Wi-Fi access is either restricted or is with any of the app running in the background at the same time
  • You need to turn OFF all the features that need access to the Wi-Fi at the same you want it to connect your phone with the internet. One example of such a feature is the screen sharing option
  • The Wi-Fi modem connectivity limit might have exceeded. You need to disconnect a few devices if you have connected multiple with the same to get the things in your favor
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the network security is not turned OFF
  • Avoid making any changes to the network settings of your Wi-Fi network which can be another reason to this issue
  • Check if the cable connection on the modem and make sure the same is not the reason to the problem you are facing
  • The problem might be there due to entering an outdated password to connect your phone with the internet

Slow performance

  • Check if this is happening just because you have loaded your phone with a lot of apps
  • Make sure no multiple apps are made to run at the same time while performing any task
  • The slow performance might be due to loading a lot of data in your default phone memory
  • Check and make sure if the phone is having a virus infection affecting its overall performance
  • Do check and make sure if the problem is there just because your phone is running in a save mode which often disables a lot of features
  • Make sure no hardware or a software bug is actually responsible for this issue
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when your phone is having something wrong with its RAM
  • Check and make sure if the actual reason to this problem is nothing but not updating the installed apps as they can largely influence the overall performance
  • A lot of bugs in your phone can also cause slow performance of the same
  • Whenever you install a new app or a software, make sure to restart your phone at least once to avoid this issue
  • Analyze all the factors that can be the reason to this problem
  • In case a memory card has been inserted in your phone, you need to remove the same as this may enhance its overall performance
  • In case the above methods fail to bring the favorable results, you can go ahead with a hard reset. Save your data before doing so

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Well, if this is one among the common Nokia 8.1 problems you are facing, first check if the problem is with the drivers which are responsible for the sounds and vibration in the phone
  • A problem with the earpiece connector on your phone can be the reason you are having this experience
  • Make sure if the sound quality played by you to check the earpiece was good enough to be trusted
  • Sometimes the problem arrives when you buy an earpiece without actually knowing whether they are supported by the phone or not
  • The problem might simply be there just because you haven’t connected them properly with the phone
  • If the phone sounds are disabled, you can face this problem
  • Try if the earpiece you own works perfectly on another similar phone
  • A physical damage on the earpiece wire or if the dust is deposited in the speakers, you can face this problem

Quick Battery Drainage and Slow Charging

  • The biggest factor that can be the true reason to this problem is using a charger that belongs to another phone and have different power specifications than the Nokia 8.1 have
  • Avoid using the cheap power banks or the ones that your phone could trust
  • Make sure the problem is not there is just because the charging adapter, cable and the source you prefer are in perfect working condition
  • The phone might be suffering from a battery-related fault. Check the same
  • You need to make sure that the features that consume more battery such as Google Maps, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth as well as any kind of data downloading is not running in the background
  • Frequent gaming is another factor that consumes more juice from the battery
  • Do check if the phone is allowed to install the updates automatically when connected to the internet
  • Keep the mobile data OFF during your work hours or when you actually don’t need the same. Avoid the same while charging your phone
  • If you have installed a third-party app which claims to boost the battery backup or the charging speed, the same can actually be the reason this problem
  • Do check if the problem is with the charging port of your Nokia 8.1
  • Don’t enhance the screen brightness when there is actually no need of the same
  • Reboot your phone and check if this solves the problem
  • The phone must be restarted after inserting the SIM in it. If the network still doesn’t appear, check if the same has been inserted properly
  • The problem could be there just because you are using a variant of Nokia 8.1 that actually doesn’t support the network service provider
  • Do check if the signal duplexer (antenna) on the phone is having something wrong with it
  • The problem might be there due to a temporary shutdown of the services
  • Do check if the selection mode of the network in the SIM and Network settings is set to automatic
  • Make sure you haven’t installed any app for the enhancing the signal strength
  • The problem might be there because the SIM card purchased by you is new and the services are yet to be activated
  • Confirm if your network provider needs you to turn ON the roaming services when you visit somewhere away from your hometown
  • The problem could be there in the SIM slot. The same might have a damaged caused to it. Check the same on the SIM card as well
  • Make sure the SIM access is not restricted by you
  • This problem could be there when you are in a basement where signal hardly reaches
  • Check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the problem is because of the very same reason

Apps not performing well

  • First, check if you have provided the various permissions to the apps such as accessing your phone data or other features. Not all but some of the apps actually need the same to work properly
  • The version of the app creating the problem might be too old. You need to update the same from the Play Store to get the latest version installed in your phone
  • Avoid running the apps in the custom settings that may affect their functionality as well as the performance
  • Sometimes when the apps are installed from the sources other than the Play Store, the problem declare its presence
  • Make sure not to use the app in conjunction with a feature they actually couldn’t support
  • You might have not cleaned the cache data of the apps creating the problem
  • Uninstall the app which is not performing well and restart your phone. Install the same app again. Check if this solves the problem
  • There are certain errors as well as the bugs which are related with the Android but are affecting the functionally of the installed apps

Overheating Problems

  • This problem can be solved with a simple restart if it is due to a basic or a minor reason
  • Check if the phone you are using is having something wrong with its battery, or any other hardware component
  • Each and every accessory such as the earpiece, charger and so on which you use should be supported by the phone and is having the best possible quality you can afford
  • There are chances that a lot of apps in the phone are blocked or having something wrong with them. Check the same
  • The problem might be due to installing the custom ROM on your phone
  • Check if this problem can be solved upon freeing some space from the main memory
  • There are chances that your phone is having something wrong with the OS
  • Try removing the back cover if you have installed the same and check if this solves the problem

Doesn’t Recognize the Windows PC

  • Connect your phone with the PC and restart it. Wait a few seconds and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the USB drivers are not performing their task accurately. Update them
  • The USB connector you are using on the PC should be functional. Check it
  • There are chances that the cable you are using as a medium to connect your Nokia 8.1 with the PC is having something wrong with the same
  • Your phone should not have any kind of restrictions imposed on the same when you connect it with a PC
  • Sometimes the only reason to this problem is disabling the phone security or when the PC is affected with a virus
  • This problem can declare its presence when you don’t elect the appropriate shooting mode on the phone when it is connected with the PC
  • Check if the problem is just because the connection created is loose
  • There are chances that the phone is not having everything perfectly fine with the OS
  • The Windows-related bugs can also be the reason to this problem

Camera Problems/Blurry images

  • Turn ON the flashlight when the visibility is low. Better is to set it to the automatic mode. At the same time select the night shooting mode
  • Check if the problem is there just because no storage space is there in your phone
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the phone camera is operated with a third-party app and now with the default one. In some cases, this disables some important features of the camera
  • The problems related to the camera lens such as damage or depositing of the dust on the same can affect the quality largely
  • Focus on the object and make sure the phone remains totally still while capturing the images
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because you have something wrong with the phone Operating system
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by enabling the HD mode in the phone settings
  • The low quality and the blurry images might be caused by the burst mode image capturing. Therefore avoid using the same
  • You need to gain a bit knowledge on capturing the images from the phone camera as operating it in the correct manner could be a bit different from operating the other cameras
  • The problem might be solved upon installing the newest available update for the Android

Touchscreen problems

  • First thing to do is to check if the phone is having the power saving mode activated as the same can be the reason to this problem
  • The pre-installed screen guard is to be removed from the brand new device
  • Do check if this problem is just because the phone memory is totally full as it can affect the screen and phone performance
  • Don’t connect your phone with third-party or mobile chargers installed at various public places
  • An internal damage to the screen or a short circuit might have caused this problem in your phone. Check and make sure of the same
  • Your phone should be free from any kind of software or another hardware problem
  • Clean the phone screen gently and check if this solves the problem
  • Open the phone in the safe mode. If it restores the functionality, the problem is probably with the software domain
  • Another factor that can influence the screen functionality is using the third-party accessories
  • Keep the screen split option OFF and check if the screen works perfectly now

You can feel free to post a comment on the below section if you need to know anything else on the common Nokia 8.1 problems and the solutions that actually work to avoid them. We will be glad to see you again on our platform. Keep visiting.