Having something extra with the smartphone is exactly what that a lot of people want these days. Although the present technology is superior, owning something that always provides us something additional is a daunting task. This is mainly because of all the pain associated with selecting a smartphone. In the international smartphone market, there are many gadgets available. The fact is, manufacturers always focus on providing something new to the users but due to extreme competition, everything that comes new is soon targeted by the competitors. The Oppo F11 Pro is known to have a Popup camera. Therefore it is largely expected to be a true competitor of Vivo V15 with a similar feature. Here in this post, the common Oppo F11 Pro problems have been discussed with their working solutions that can be trusted. Check them below.

When it comes to purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing most of the user pay attention top is the reviews. This actually let them know a lot of things about the device they plan to invest. The prime objective of the reviews is to let the users know the type and kind of problems that are associated with the phone. When it comes to common Oppo F11 Pro problems, the reasons to raise your heartbeat are not many. This smartphone is perfect and is best in every aspect. The common problems are only related with the software and not actually with the hardware. This clearly indicates that you can go ahead with your plan to win this stunning gadget if you have made your mind. This post on common Oppo F11 Pro problems let you have the experience you usually look for with a smartphone.

These problems are all about the bugs that are common with the Android OS. There is no specific problem reported in this gadget as per present day reviews and opinions of the users. All the common Oppo F11 Pro problems are basic in nature and can be eliminated by the user without relying much on the professional troubleshooting experts. The methods and the instructions about the common Oppo F11 Pro problems mentioned in this post help you to avoid the problems you are facing provided it is related with the software domain. Check now more about this post.

Common Oppo F11 Pro Problems and Fixes

Users often have to face some problems with their gadgets when they try to eliminate the problems from their phones. This happens due to their lack of knowledge or when they apply a method in a wrong manner. Although this guide doesn’t need you to have detailed knowledge about the working of a modern phone, some basic knowledge is a must. In addition to this, you need to be very careful while applying a method for eliminating a problem. The core problem may not get eliminated but get transformed to level next if the manner in which solution is applied is wrong. Thus you should be very careful. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be approached if any problem declares its presence in your gadget due to the same reason. Check the common Oppo F11 Pro problems and their solutions now.

Connectivity problems

This is one of the serious problems that should be formulated immediately when it is detected. Here are the best possible methods against the two connectivity-related common Oppo F11 Pro problems.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • One of the basic reasons to this problem is not clearing the cache data of the phone. Check if the same is causing this problem
  • Make sure the Bluetooth feature is not disabled automatically as your device went in the safe mode recently due to a security glitch
  • This problem can be there due to imposing any kind of restriction on the phone. Check
  • Do check if the phone is not in a position to store the data in its memory due to lack of storage space and the same is the reason to this problem
  • In case you have locked the access of the Bluetooth through a PIN or a password, remove the same
  • The visibility of the Bluetooth connection should not be hidden as this can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes its nothing but the incompatibility of the shared data which doesn’t let the users use the Bluetooth feature
  • Make sure the concerned driver software in the phone is in proper working condition
  • Sometimes gently hitting the back of your phone can restore this problem. Try it
  • Check if this problem has declared its presence in your device just because it is operating in the power saving mode
  • There are chances that the actual problem has been caused in the gadget due to a hardware failure in it
  • Check if the list of the recently connected Bluetooth devices with your Oppo F11 Pro is too long and erasing few names restores the working of this feature
  • Make sure the Bluetooth user policies are not getting violated when you use this feature
  • Restart the phone simply and check if this helps you to get the things back on the track

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Try opening another application or a domain as the one you are opening might not be working properly
  • Check if this problem is due to improper signal strength just because you are away from the router
  • There are certain things that can go with the router and can be the reason to this problem. Check the configuration, cable connection as well as its recommended settings
  • There are chances that you recently made any changes to the LAN settings and the same has stopped the Wi-Fi in your phone
  • Make sure the network administrator has not imposed third-party restrictions on the network
  • The problem might be there due to slow operating internet. check the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because the router is unable to host more devices on the network
  • Check if the data usage limit has been exceeded on your internet connection and the services have been restricted or slowed down
  • The Wi-Fi problem might be there due to a glitch which is associated with the signal antenna on the phone. Check it
  • Make sure the network security is not turned OFF
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings and forget the network you are trying to connect it. Add it again in the phone and check if this work
  • Entering an incorrect password which has already been changed by you can be the reason to this problem. Check
  • Check if this problem is there due to improper functioning of the browser which you have installed in your device
  • There are chances that the problem is there because the Wi-Fi is being accessed by an app running in the background at the same time

Apps not working properly

  • Check if most of the apps installed in your phone are outdated. Install the latest available updates to them to make sure of their proper functionality
  • In case the apps and the data related with them have been stored in the third-party storage space, the same should be switched to the default storage space of the phone. This helps you to eliminate all the problems you ever face with the apps
  • Always keep an antivirus application in your phone for the smooth functionality of the others as this block the virus entry in the gadget
  • Make sure all your phone features are in working as the same can cause the problems related with the applications
  • Do check if the actual problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS. Check and fix the concerned bugs
  • There are chances that the UI of the app is having something not good with it when you are facing the unexpected behavior of the app
  • Sometimes the apps started causing problems when the users operate them in the custom settings
  • Check if restarting the phone is enough to deal with this problem
  • A hardware glitch in the phone might have caused the problem in your phone. Check and take the appropriate action
  • There are chances that the smartphone is not running in the general mode but in the safe mode which disables the apps installed in it
  • A physically damaged SIM card or the one with inactive services might be the reason to this problem. Check the same
  • There are chances that the SIM card services are temporarily not available. Confirm the same from the network service provider
  • Check if your SIM card operates reliably in another 4G smartphone. If not, you need to replace the SIM
  • Check if the SIM slot or the SIM is turned OFF in the settings
  • You might have turned ON the Airplane mode and the same can be held responsible for this problem
  • Do check if the actual reason to this problem is nothing but improper insertion in the SIM. Sometimes inserting the SIM with active internet connection in the Slot 2 when the first slot is empty can cause this problem
  • Make sure you have installed any firmware in your Oppo F11 Pro by customizing its OS settings
  • This problem might be gone upon restarting your gadget. Try the same
  • Do check if this problem has been there just because the services of your network provider are not compatible with the variant of phone you have
  • Check and make sure the SIM card is not locked with a PIN which can be the reason to this problem
  • Always keep the network selection option to automatic mode in the phone settings
  • Check if this problem is there because you are in a basement of your apartment where the signal strength is not proper

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Make sure you are not facing this problem because of a battery-related fault in the phone. Check it properly. You can perform a self-test with the help of an app you may find on the play store
  • There are chances that the problem you are facing is there just because the level of screen brightness is very high
  • Downloading the data from the internet and especially from the different domains can largely influence the battery backup and its charging time
  • Avoid making any call/using your phone when it is charging
  • The problem might be there just because your phone is having a problem related with the charger you are using. Check the charging port on the device as well
  • One of the reasons to the battery-related common Oppo F11 Pro problems is turning ON various features such as GPS, camera, Bluetooth, hotspot at the same time
  • Close all the apps running in the background and check if this solves the problem
  • Make sure the actual problem has not been created in your gadget due to a bug associated with the OS
  • Disable the notifications which really doesn’t matter for you and clean the cache data of the apps. This can improve the battery back and charging speed for sure
  • Impose the lowest possible time limit on the screen automatic turned OFF option in the phone

Slow performance

  • Check if this problem is because of no other reason than not updating the installed applications in your phone
  • Clear the cache data of the apps and check if the problem is gone or not
  • A virus might have affected the performance and the functionality of your phone features which in fact can be the biggest reason to this problem
  • Make sure you haven’t made any changes recently to the recommended settings of your Oppo F11 Pro Smartphone which can also be the reason to this problem
  • Check the speed of your internet connection as many users often confuse it with the slow performance of their gadget
  • There are chances that the RAM is handling multiple tasks that are complex.
  • Make sure your device internet connection is not shared with multiple gadgets as this can slow down the overall performance upto a high extent
  • The actual problem might have been caused in your phone just because the apps are made to run in the custom settings
  • Don’t download data from the sources the device couldn’t trust
  • Check if the device owned by you is suffering from a hardware problem
  • Install the latest patch/update for the OS and check if the things are working perfectly now
  • The problem in your phone has been started after the installation of third-party applications. Check and remove them
  • Perform a hard reset prior to saving your phone data. This is one of the effective methods to get the things back on track
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you are using the zoom feature beyond a limit
  • There are chances that the problem is there due to a software issue. check and install the latest updates available for the camera app as well as for the OS
  • Check if the phone screen is suffering from a problem which you are confusing with the camera related problem
  • Clean the lens of the camera and check if doing so helps you to get the quality images in the phone
  • Open the camera settings and select the highest pixel density for the camera outputs to make sure of the quality
  • Sometimes this problem arrives just because you install and use a third-party camera app which the phone doesn’t accurately support
  • The problem might be there just because the images are captured in the low visibility. Always turn ON the camera flash and use the most suitable shooting mode under such situations
  • You might be facing this problem as the camera lens is unable to focus on the object properly
  • Disable the burst mode if the same is active and check if the problem is solved after doing so
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the images are captured without enabling the HDR option in the camera settings

Overheating problems

  • Check if restarting the phone can solve this problem
  • This problem might be there in your phone because the latest available updates for the OS as well as for the apps are yet to be installed
  • Do check if you are using a charger that is not supported by the phone and is causing overheating
  • One of the biggest reason to this problem is overcharging which should be avoided under any situation
  • The presence of virus ion the phone is a clear indication of this problem. check the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not caused by the power bank which you use regularly and the same is not supported by the phone in a true sense
  • The overheating of the hardware could be due to the failure of the components attached to the same. Check
  • Installation of multiple games in the phone can be another leading reason for this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a problem which is related with the battery
  • Do check if this problem is there just because you are not following the recommended procedure to charge your gadget
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the phone is having something wrong with the charging cable

Screen not working properly

  • This problem could be due to not running the phone in the recommended settings. Customizing them can stop the working of the screen
  • Check and make sure the power source is not responsible for this problem
  • When you use a charger of high power ratings to charge your gadget, this problem can be due to the very same reason
  • Using the screen sharing option can influence the working of this component
  • There are chances that the working of the screen get interrupted due to a reserve of oil particles on the same
  • You need to make it sure that the glass guard installed on the screen of your Oppo F11 Pro is not responsible for this problem
  • Sometimes this can happen when your hands are wet or simply needs to be cleaned
  • The screen of the modern gadgets is skin sensitive and therefore couldn’t be operated when you wear mittens and gloves
  • Make sure the phone storage space is not completely filled which can sometimes be the reason to this problem
  • If you have connected your phone with any other device through any medium, disconnect the same and check if this solves the problem
  • A forced restart can help you to solve this problem. Try the same

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Check and make sure the earpiece is in proper working condition and is not having technical glitch associated with them
  • Check if the problem was there just because the phone sound was turned OFF
  • Make sure the phone sound card is in proper working condition and is not responsible for this problem
  • An improper connection of the earpiece with the device can cause robotic sound in some cases
  • You need to make it sure that the actual problem is not there just because the sound drivers on the phone are not working properly
  • Check if the quality of the music you are playing is too low or is having any kind of distortion in it. the same can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there due to not specifying the sound mode and earpiece type in the sound settings
  • Check if this problem is there due to low signal strength or a disturbance in the call due to network related problem
  • Restart the phone and check if the problem is solved
  • Check your earpiece if they work perfectly on a parallel device

With this information on common Oppo F11 Pro problems and their solutions, you can always have the best experience. In case the methods don’t work or your concern is not listed in this post, let us know through the comment section below.