In the years ahead, our dependency on technology will rise further. This is because almost everything around us is becoming smart. The fact couldn’t be denied that the revolution of smart products was triggered by smartphones. When a general phone was transformed into the smart one, experts thought of loading everything around them with the smart technology and the process started. Smartphones are considered as the father of smart revolution due to another reason as well. The same is smartphones are and will remain the prime controllers of all the smart gadgets around us. In order words, we will be able to integrate and control them through our smartphones. Of course, you need a good gadget for this purpose and Oppo Reno is one of the best gadgets you can trust for this. Here are the details for the common Oppo Reno Problems and fixes.

This really doesn’t mean Oppo Reno can be purchased only when you need to control other gadgets through it. It is actually a stylish smartphone that can fulfill all your expectations and need. You can simply go ahead with the same without worrying about anything. All you have to make sure is to pay attention to the methods that helps you to fix the common problems in Oppo Reno. Actually, no smartphone is free from these issues. They have various reasons to show their presence in your phone. It may not be necessary always that you face them due to hardware faults. There is a very low probability of the same. Here are some of the best methods that let you fix the common problems in the Oppo Reno smartphone.

When you can face these problems?

It is not necessary always that such issue arrives only after passing of few months after purchasing this smartphone. They can come anytime. Depending on the type of apps you keep, customization you perform and the way you make use of your phone, these problems can be there from the very first day. However, the manufacturer cannot be blamed for the same. The common problems are the ones which generally arrive due to the faults of the users. Here are some of the methods that can help you to fix these issues.

Common Oppo Reno Problems and Solutions

It is always suggested to you to pay proper attention to whatever you read in this post. You may misunderstand a specific or all the methods listed in this post. This makes you apply the same in a wrongful manner and the result of which can be more problems in your Oppo Reno 3. It is necessary that you pay close attention to all the methods before actual implementation. cannot be blamed for any of the other faults which you may experience in your phone just because of violating this rule. Here are the solutions to the common Oppo Reno problems.

Connectivity Problems

Check out below the methods to help you to fix the connectivity problems in Oppo Reno.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • In case the phone is active in the power saving mode, simply disable the same and check if the problem is gone
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and check if this problem is caused just because the device Bluetooth visibility is hidden
  • There are chances that the Bluetooth version on your device is not compatible with the one on the other device you are trying to connect
  • Various bugs and errors related to the pairing of the devices can cause this issue. Check the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a software fault in the device. Install the pending updates and check if this helps
  • You can face Bluetooth problems when the devices are not placed closer to each other
  • Phone Bluetooth is not an ideal option for large data transfers. You need to divide your data into smaller segments to enjoy the best use of this feature
  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because the Bluetooth antenna on your device is having something wrong with the same
  • There are chances that the passcode entered by you while pairing the devices for the very first time is wrong and the same caused the problem
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and clear the history. Reboot your device after this and check if the problem is gone
  • Sometimes the Bluetooth problems are experienced by the users due to a low battery charge. Charge the phone beyond 10 percent to get the best out of this feature
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault which is there with the phone Operating System

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Check if your network connection is insecure. A security-related concern may not allow the device to connect with a Wi-Fi network
  • Do check and make sure the signal strength is not too weak. This happens when you stand away from the router
  • There are chances that the network signal antenna on the device or on the router is unable to perform its role
  • In case you are downloading a lot of data from different sources, the same can be a reason to some issues you are facing while opening another domain or an app
  • Don’t change any of the network settings in your device when you have no idea for the same
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the network password you entered is outdated or wrong
  • Check if this problem is caused just because the router has not been configured properly or if any configuration-related errors is causing the problem
  • There might be a lot of devices connected already to the network. Disconnect a few and check if this solves the problem
  • You might be facing this problem just because you changed the settings of the browser you are using in your Oppo Reno. Restore them and check if this makes a difference
  • There are chances that the web-address which you are opening is not valid or is facing the network downtime
  • Sometimes this problem is experienced when you cross the upper limit on your connection to surf/download the data
  • This problem might be caused just because of limited access to the services on your network. Check
  • The network administrator might have imposed some additional restrictions on the network to allow devices to communicate. Check the same

Slow Performance

  • One of the common Oppo Reno problems related to the performance is nothing but completing filling its storage space
  • Don’t confuse this problem with slow internet speed. Check and make sure your internet connection is not slow. Take help of the methods listed under Wi-Fi or internet connectivity problems listed in the earlier section of this post
  • The slow performance is often caused by phone viruses when they find their entry in your gadget. Check
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your smartphone is having a problem associated with the RAM
  • Multitasking often slows down the performance of any smartphone. Check if you are facing it with your Oppo Reno due to the very same reason
  • Check and make sure the phone OS is not having any bug in the same
  • Update all the apps which have their latest/next version already launched but yet to be installed in your device
  • A hardware issue in your device can slow down its performance. Get it checked on an Oppo Reno authorized service center if you are sure about his
  • Clearing the cache data of the device will probably boost its overall performance. Check the same
  • You might have changed some of the important recommended settings to custom mode. Check and restore
  • Performa simple reboot and check if this helps to fix the issue
  • The slow performance is often caused when the phone is having a lot of apps installed in the same. Limit them
  • Always use quality accessories with your device. Also, keep it in mind that connecting your phone with multiple accessories at the same time may slow down its performance

Poor Camera Quality

  • This is a common problem which can be caused by the lack of visibility around you. Check if the lightings are low. In such a case turn ON the camera flashlight and select the relevant shooting mode
  • Open the camera settings and check if the HDR option is enabled. This can have a significant impact on the quality
  • Always use image stabilization option to get the quality pictures from your Oppo Reno
  • There are chances that the problem you are facing is there just because you captured the images in the burst mode. If so, disable it for future
  • Do check if the problem you are facing has its origin somewhere in the phone Operating system. Update to fix the same
  • Check and make sure low quality of images is not caused by a third-party application which you have installed and used to capture the images
  • The poor camera quality is often caused when the users capture images and videos by zooming the camera lens
  • Do check if the lens is having the moisture or grease particles on the same which are affecting the picture quality
  • You can face this problem just because of low signal strength during a video call
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because you are capturing the pictures in the low resolution. Select the high-quality picture mode in the camera settings
  • There are chances that you are confusing this problem with lack of cleanliness on the device screen. Check the same

Apps not working properly

  • This is one of the problems which are caused by bugs in the phone Operating System. Check the same
  • Install an antivirus application on your device and scan it for viruses and malwares which can cause this issue
  • Denying important permission to the apps when you install them can be a reason to this problem. Apps often needs permission to access the phone features and data stored in it to operate properly
  • Install all the pending updates for the apps and this will probably solve the issue
  • Check if the problem is being faced just because you are using the apps in customized settings/mode
  • One of the apps-related common Oppo Reno problems is nothing but overheating of the device
  • This problem can be caused in your Oppo Reno just because the apps have been installed from the third-party sources and not from the Play Store
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your smartphone storage space is filled
  • It is always better to install the apps in the phone memory and not in a micro SD card
  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused just because your smartphone is having a hardware fault that might be with the RAM
  • Remove the application which is not behaving well and install it again from the Play Store. Check if this solves the issue
  • In some cases, you can fix this problem simply by clearing the cache data of the apps installed. Try the same
  • Check if a basic reboot helps you to fix this problem

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • You might have purchased a third-party earpiece which is not supported by Oppo Reno
  • The problem might be there with the earpiece connector/universal jack on the phone
  • Improper connection or pairing in case of Bluetooth enabled earpiece can sometimes give robotic sound in the same
  • The phone sound might be manually disabled. Check the same
  • Do check if you have selected a wrong mode for the earpiece type in the sound settings of your device
  • In some cases, the robotic sound starts coming from the earpiece just because of liquid damage caused to them by body sweat
  • Check if the signal is getting blocked or attenuated due to a bend on the earpiece wire or due to any of the other possible reasons
  • Make sure the earpiece is in a proper working condition. Check them with another device
  • Make sure the low-quality music is not causing the robotic sound in the earpiece
  • This problem is often experienced when the phone is having a fault with the same
  • Clean the speakers of the earpiece gently. Check if the pores have been blocked with dust and other particles
  • The robotic sound in an earpiece is caused when its quality is too low. Check if the same is the reason in your case too
  • You may fix this issue upon installing the pending updates for the device. If not, get it checked professionally

Overheating Problems

  • Most Android devices face this problem when the users run a lot of application at the same time. Close them and reboot your device
  • In case you have opened a web address on your phone browser, the same can cause this problem. Close the browser and check if this makes a difference
  • In case a back cover is installed on the phone, remove it and check if the things are back on the track
  • Perform a software reset and the problem will probably be fixed
  • Clear the device cache data and check if this helps to fix the overheating problems
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because the phone is having something wrong with its ventilation system
  • In case multiple games have been installed on your device, the same can be a reason for the overheating issues you are experiencing
  • Do check and make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the Operating System. Installing all the pending updates can fix this issue
  • Do check if this problem is caused by a charger with higher power ratings than what Oppo Reno is designed to handle
  • Make sure the power banks or charging the device through PC is not causing this problem
  • Overheating problems sometimes reflect a hardware issue in the device. Get it checked if you are not sure of anything
  • Disconnect your device if it is connected to another through any mode

Screen not working properly

  • Your device might be having some blocked apps in the same. Remove them. Also, remove the data which is not used for a long time and you no longer need it in future
  • Remove the transparent glass guard fixed on the screen. Check if the screen is operating well now
  • Simply open the device in the safe mode. This will fix the issue if it was there due to a software fault with the installed application
  • Remove the apps you recently installed and check if the problem is solved
  • If there is no storage space available in your device, the problem can be there due to the very same reason
  • The oil, sweat and grease particles often start depositing on the phone screen when it is not cleaned in a regular manner. They can affect the screen performance upto a large extent
  • Make sure your hands are totally wet. Remove mittens or gloves if you are wearing them
  • Overheating issues in the phone can affect the working of the screen
  • There are chances that the screen sensors have stopped performing their task. Check and take the action required
  • Sometimes this problem is experienced just because the phone is infected with a virus
  • Disconnect and turn OFF the screen sharing option if you shared your device screen with another device. Check if this fixes the problem
  • Make sure an internal damage to the screen is not causing the actual trouble

Poor Battery Life

  • One of the common Oppo Reno problems related to the battery is enhancing the screen brightness beyond a limit. Check the same
  • The battery of your device might not be in a healthy working state and need replacement. Check if this is the case
  • Sometimes this problem is experienced when the smartphones are not having the latest updates for the apps and OS installed in them
  • Make sure you haven’t installed the apps in your device from the third-party sources
  • Check if the features such as GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi hotspot, camera and multiple application are running in the background without any use
  • This problem is often caused in smartphones just because the users make some changes to the power settings. Check and restore them
  • There are chances that an active virus in the device is causing this issue. Check and take the action required
  • A lot of unread notifications might be running in the background and are causing this problem. Check
  • There are chances that this problem is caused just because the apps installed in the phone are power hungry
  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this fixes the problem
  • Disconnect your device from any other gadget or accessory which is connected with the same

Slow Charging

  • This usually happens when you use a third-party charger or the one which is of a very low quality
  • The power source you rely ON might be weak. Also, check if there are fluctuations in the power source
  • There are chances that the actual problem is either with the charging cable or with the adapter you are using
  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because your device is having something actually wrong with the charging port on the same
  • Do check and make sure the phone battery is working perfectly and is not responsible for this fault
  • There are certain chances that the slow charging of the device is there just because the phone and apps data is getting synchronized all the time
  • You might be downloading the data in your phone while charging the same. It often increases the overall charging time
  • Check and make sure the actual reason to this problem is not related with a software or a hardware fault in the device. Take action accordingly
  • Perform a basic restart to your Oppo Reno. Check if the problem is fixed upon doing so
  • Make sure the fault is not there just because your phone is being operated in custom settings
  • Open the network settings and search for the home network. Make it the default preference by keeping the network selection mode to automatic mode
  • There are chances that your current location is not under the network coverage area of the network provider
  • Do check if the problem is solved upon turning ON the roaming services when you are away from your home
  • There are chances that the SIM card has not been inserted correctly in the SIM slot. Remove and re-insert. Check if this helps to fix the issue
  • Make sure the problem you are facing is not there just because the SIM card accessed is locked with a PIN
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault in the signal antenna of your device
  • Many of the SIM or the network-related common Oppo Reno problems can declare their presence when you unlock the phone bootloader
  • Check if the problem is there just because the Airplane mode is active on the device and you forget to turn it OFF
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having stains on the same. Check before you insert it in the device
  • The service provider may have stopped the services from your SIM because of not using it for a long time. Check if this is the reason to the problem

More information regarding common Oppo Reno problems can be obtained by you anytime. Just post a comment on the below section and wait for our reply in case you have any concern.