There is no perfect solution to a problem. It all depends on how effectively you apply the one you read first. It is true that you can trace multiple solutions for every problem. However, it is not essential they all bring the quality of results that can be put equal. Thus, it makes good sense to understand everything about the working of a smartphone when it comes to fixing any problem without taking any external help. It is to be noted that only basic issues can be fixed with the help of solutions you will be reading in this post. All these solutions are easy and safe and you can fix all the common problems in Asus Zenfone 7 with them. Check out more useful information in the coming paragraphs.

There is hardly any chance that you fall short with solutions against any problem active in your gadget. Almost every possible solution is listed in this guide and thus, there are strong chances of getting a favorable outcome. However, as already mentioned, it depends on certain factors including the way you apply a solution. Simply understand how software problems in a device are different from the ones related to the hardware. This can simply help a lot in keeping up the pace against common problems in Asus Zenfone 7. Keep in mind that these issues are related to the software domain of a device and not with the hardware. Before checking out the solutions, here is a quick review of this gadget to let you know its key specifications and other details.

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Common Problems in Asus Zenfone 7 and Solutions

You simply need to keep in mind that ignoring an active problem in your device can be something that may stop the entire functionality of the same. Thus, attention should be paid to the proper elimination of the same. There are several things that can go wrong while you apply these solutions in case attention is not paid. The customization of these solutions and applying them in a different manner than what is listed in this post can bring a problem you never experienced earlier. This is something for which we at cannot be blamed. Wherever applicable, read the solutions twice if the need for the same is felt. You can now go ahead and check how to fix common problems in Asus Zenfone 7.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

Mobile data not working

GPS Problems

Poor Camera Quality

Apps not working properly

Slow Charging

Screen not working properly

SIM/Network Problems

Overheating Problems

Poor Battery Life

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

 Slow Performance

Asus Zenfone 7 Fingerprint Sensor Issue

Asus Zenfone 7 Not Turning ON

Asus Zenfone 7 Not getting charged via cable/charger

Unfortunately camera has stopped

It is to be noted that problems can repeat themselves if you don’t fix them on time. Thus, make sure things remain perfect at all situations. All the solutions listed in this post are generic and can only fix common problems in Asus Zenfone 7. For fixing a hardware fault, you need to contact the official support of your device. Our blog has all the latest information on Android smartphones. Keep visiting to access the same freely.


  • Keep the device out from any bag or your pocket while using the Bluetooth

  • Make sure to disable the allowance of automatic connection to any nearby Bluetooth gadget. This can be a reason to the problem

  • The phone Bluetooth visibility might be hidden from all other gadgets. Check if this is the reason to this problem

  • Your device might be having any radiation around the same. Check if this is the reason you have to face the problem

  • Simply delete the cache data of your Asus Zenfone 7 and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Simply check and make sure the problem is not caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the default Bluetooth drivers

  • Avoid connecting your device to any Bluetooth gadget randomly without checking its security

  • Make sure the featured of your device including Bluetooth and not disabled manually. This can be a reason to the problem

  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not caused just because your phone is having something seriously wrong with the OC

  • Check if a basic restart to the device solves the problem

  • Delete the phone Bluetooth history. Check if this helps to use the Bluetooth smoothly

  • The reason to this problem in certain cases is nothing but running the phone in the power-saving mode

  • The reason you are facing this issue is nothing but having something wrong with the installed apps on the device

  • Check if the data you are sending or receiving in your device is corrupt

  • This problem could be there just because the Bluetooth devices are not paired correctly to each other. Make sure the passcode entered to pair them is entered correctly

  • The network password you enter in the phone might be wrong. Check and update the same

  • Simply make sure this problem is not caused just because the phone Wi-Fi drivers or the antenna are not in a proper working state

  • Check and make sure the router you are using is not faulty. Make sure it has been configured in a proper way

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but the disabled security of the network that doesn’t allow the devices to connect to the same

  • This problem could be solved simply by restarting your phone and the router

  • Check if the limited connectivity of your internet connection is the reason you are facing this problem

  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because your Asus Zenfone 7 is having something wrong with the OS

  • There are chances that the problem is there just because of IP mismatch on the network for the device

  • Check and make sure the problem is not associated with the browser you are using

  • This problem is often experienced when your internet connection bandwidth limit is crossed

  • Check and make sure the problem is not actually caused just because the domain you are opening is restricted or barred by the internet provider

  • Do check if any of the apps installed in your device is causing the actual trouble. Check if it is having the permission to access the phone Wi-Fi

  • Turn OFF the phone Wi-Fi hotspot in case it is turned ON

  • Make sure the phone browser is not the actual trouble creator for this problem

  • A general restart to the phone after forgetting the network in the settings can fix this problem. Try the same

  • Your data pack might have expired. Check the same and make sure it is not the reason to this problem

  • This might be happening due to crossing your daily bandwidth limit usage. Check if this is the case

  • Make sure the actual problem is not with the phone SIM card. Refer to the solutions listed under the headline “SIM/Network Problems” in this post

  • Make sure if the internet services are facing an obstacle on your phone due to any of the possible reason

  • This can happen in some cases when the phone is updating the installed apps or is downloading the OS updates. Check if this is the reason

  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the storage space is not available in the phone. This can happen in certain cases

  • A problem with the service provider or with the network can be a reason you have to face this fault in your phone

  • Make sure you are not confusing this problem with the slow internet speed

  • Check if the problem is caused by a poor signal strength on your Asus Zenfone 7

  • Reset the network setting to the recommended mode in case you customize them. This can solve the problem for sure

  • Simply restart the phone and check if this helps you to fix the issue

  • Turning the roaming services OFF can be a reason to this problem on your device

  • Check if the network mode selection on the phone is wrong. You might have selected a 2G/3G network in the same when you are using a 4G SIM

  • Clear the cache partition of the device and check if this solves the problem on your device

  • Check if the internet connectivity on the device is poor and the same is causing this problem

  • Make sure the actual problem is not in the phone GPS sensor. Check and get it repaired if you find the same

  • The problem could be there in the GPS antenna of the device. Thus, check the same and take the action required

  • Toggle the phone GPS and check if this works

  • Sometimes running a number of apps in the phone that access the phone GPS cause this problem. Close a few and check if the problem is solved

  • Check if the phone location services are ON. This is required for the proper working and functionality of phone GPS

  • Enabling power saving mode on your Asus Zenfone 7 can be the reason to this problem

  • Make sure the GPS problem in the device is not related to the failure of any hardware component

  • Check if any important OS update is spending and install the same. This can solve the GPS-related common problems in Asus Zenfone 7

  • Select high accuracy mode in the location services and restart your device. This may solve the problem

  • Check if this problem can be solved by updating the Google maps

  • Recalibrate the GPS on the device using the compass app and check if the problem is eliminated

  • The phone GPS might be disabled or turned OFF manually. Check and turn it ON if so

  • Refreshing the GPS data on your device can solve this problem. Check if this works

  • If nothing work, perform a factory restart by saving the phone data first and check if the problem is gone


  • Open the camera settings and check if the pixel density selected by you is low. This can be a reason why image quality is poor

  • One of the reasons to the poor camera quality-related common Asus Zenfone 7 problems is disabling the image stabilization option

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not due to the unclean camera lens. The fingerprints are often the trouble creators in this case

  • There is a probability that an OS bug in your phone is causing this trouble. The same can be fixed by updating it

  • If you are using a third-party app rather than default camera application, this problem could be due to the very same reason

  • Check and make sure the problem is not having any concern with the shooting mode you have selected. Check if the same is wrong and is causing the problem

  • Do check if this problem is caused just because the phone is having the power saving mode turned ON. This can limit the camera performance

  • Check if the visibility around you is low and the problem is caused because of the very same reason

  • There are certain chances that the actual fault is there just because you are capturing the images from a wrong angle

  • Make sure to clear the cache data of the camera app after a fixed interval of time. This help keeping the best picture quality

  • The reason to this issue is nothing but disabling HD mode image capturing

  • Do check and make sure the reason to this problem is not associated with the storage space in the device. If it is low, the pictures will automatically be stored in a compressed format by the device.

  • Allowing your phone to install the apps from the third-party sources can cause this trouble

  • An app which is not showing the proper behavior can have a coding bug in the same. Check and make sure of this

  • Keep this thing in mind that not every single app available on the Play Store or any other platform can work reliably on your device

  • You might have customized the settings of the installed apps. Check if this is the reason to the problem

  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not related to the phone RAM. It can cause an issue with apps if it is faulty

  • Check if the phone app manager is having something wrong in the same

  • If multiple apps are causing the problem, this could be due to a problem in the phone OS or in the hardware domain. Check

  • Delete the app which is causing the problem and install it again on your Asus Zenfone 7. This will fix the problem for sure

  • Make sure the installed apps are permitted to access your phone data and other features. Several apps need the same and cause a problem when you restrict them to do so

  • Make sure no feature of your device is manually disabled

  • Do check if the device is having a virus in the default storage space which is responsible for this issue

  • The apps should always be installed in the default phone storage than in any other third-party storage

  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • The device might be getting more time to charge because of a virus in the default storage space. Check

  • The reason you have to face this problem is a corroded charging port

  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because of changing the power settings of your device

  • Keep the mobile data and Wi-Fi OFF while charging your phone. This helps to fix the issue for sure

  • Check and make sure the power source you use to charge your device is not faulty or weak

  • This problem can be solved simply by deleting temporary files stored in the phone. Try the same

  • Perform a general restart to your device and check if this makes a difference

  • The reason you to face this problem is nothing but running the phone in the safe mode in some cases

  • Make sure the problem is not caused by the installed apps. General bugs associated with them causes this problem in certain cases

  • Delete any of the recently installed apps in your device and check if this makes the difference

  • You can face this problem just because your smartphone is having something wrong with the battery inside

  • Check if this problem is caused just because you are downloading a lot of data in your gadget

  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the charger you are using is faulty

  • There are chances that multiple apps are running in the background. Check and close them

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but fully filled storage space in your device. Check and delete some data

  • Simply delete the last few apps you installed in your device and check if this helps to fix the problem

  • One of the reasons to the common Asus Zenfone 7 problems is nothing but liquid damage caused to the device screen. Also, make sure there is no physical damage on the screen

  • Remove the mittens or the gloves if you are wearing them

  • This problem could be there due to a general virus in your Asus Zenfone 7

  • Check if the screen sensors or the default screen driver software is having something wrong with the same

  • This problem can be fixed simply by performing a forced restart. Try the same

  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because the transparent glass guard pasted on the screen is tempered

  • There are chances that the device is having something wrong with the OS. Check the same

  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the hardware components inside

  • This problem could be there due to oil and grease particles on the screen. Simply clean the same and check if this helps

  • Make sure your smartphone is not connected to a nearby gadget through any mode. If so, simply disconnect and check if this solves the problem

  • Check if this problem is caused just because you are using a charger which doesn’t belong to the device

  • Eject the SIM card from the SIM tray and check if the same is having a physical damage on the same

  • Make sure the phone is not running in custom network selection settings

  • You can face this problem just because of a non-working network antenna on the device

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running the phone in Airplane mode

  • Check and make sure the SIM card is not turned OFF manually

  • This problem could be there due to unlocking the phone bootloader. This often invites updates that are not meant for the variant of phone owned by the phone

  • Check and make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly in the device

  • This problem could be there just because your phone is having something wrong with the SIM tray. Check the same properly

  • Make sure the roaming services are turned ON. This is required when you go from one region to another

  • The reason you have to face this problem is nothing but your presence in a restricted area

  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused just because the variant of Asus Zenfone 7 you have purchased is not manufactured for the region you live in

  • This problem might be there just because the SIM card with 4G internet is inserted in the Slot 2

  • You might have locked the SIM card access with a pin or a password. This can be the reason the problem is there

  • One of the common factors that cause overheating in the smartphone is nothing but apps installed from third-party sources

  • Simply make sure the power saving mode is not turned ON all the time on your phone

  • Do check and make sure the device ventilation system is working properly

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running the phone in custom power settings

  • Overheating is one of the major problems in smartphones when you use low-quality accessories with them

  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the battery inside

  • Do check and make sure this problem is not there just because your Asus Zenfone 7 is infected with a virus

  • Check if the power bank you are using is truly responsible for this fault. Make sure it’s output power is same as what battery needs as input to charge

  • Do check and make sure the actual fault is not there just because you connected your device to third-party accessories

  • Make sure the phone OS is not having any bug in the same. Check and update it. This can solve the problem for sure

  • Clear the cache data of your device and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • Simply make sure the problem is not caused just because you are using a third-party charger to charge your gadget

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the installation of games in the phone. They often cause overheating

  • There are certain factors related to the environment that starts causing overheating in smartphones. Check them properly

  • Inspect the general health of your phone battery. Check if the problem is caused just because it is no more in the active mode

  • Check and make sure the common Asus Zenfone 7 problems that cause poor battery life are not caused by any accessory you are using with your gadget

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not related to the phone OS and apps. Check and update them. This will fix the issue for sure

  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not searching for the nearby devices all the time. This happens when you turn them ON without any use

  • Disable the notifications of those apps you rarely use. Such notifications affect the battery life of the phone when they keep running in the background

  • Simply make sure the problem is there just because a lot of apps are running in the background

  • Downloading data from a specific platform for a long duration can be the reason you have to face this problem

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because of enhancing the screen brightness beyond the recommended level

  • Avoid running the phone in custom settings. This can affect the battery life for sure

  • Check if there are power-hungry apps installed in your phone which are truly responsible for this fault

  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • You might be using a low-quality third-party product. Check if this is the reason to the problem

  • Make sure the earpiece has been properly connected/paired to the device

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a virus in your Asus Zenfone 7

  • Check if the phone is running in the safe mode

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but customizing the sound settings of the device that causes this problem

  • You simply need to make it sure that the phone sound card is not having any problem in the same

  • There are certain chances that the actual fault is caused just because the earpiece is having a sharp bend on the wire

  • Check if the music app you have installed in your phone is the actual trouble creator

  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS

  • Check if the problem is caused just because your phone is having a problem with the default sound driver

  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not directly linked with the music files you have stored in your phone

  • Robotic sound is often caused when the speakers of the earpiece are suffering from a liquid damage

  • Simply make sure the low network signal strength is not causing this problem during a phone call

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a slowly operating internet connection in the phone. Check if you are confusing it with the slow performance

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but running the phone in the safe mode

  • If a third-party theme has recently been downloaded and installed in your device, the same may slow down the performance. Remove it and check if this works

  • If the phone default apps don’t matter to you, simply disable them

  • Check if your device is running out of the storage space. The same can be a reason to this problem

  • The reason you are facing this problem is using any of the low-quality accessories with the phone

  • Check if the problem is there just because your Asus Zenfone 7 apps are still running in outdated versions

  • Don’t customize any recommended settings of your device. This can affect the overall performance for sure

  • This problem could be there just because the phone is having a virus in the default storage space. Simply check and take action

  • Perform a hardware reset and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • First of all, simply clean your hands. Dust or debris on the fingers can be a reason to the problem. Check and take action required

  • Gently clean the fingerprint scanner on the phone with a soft cloth and check if this solves the problem

  • This problem can sometimes declare its presence due to completely filling the storage space of the phone

  • The fingerprint scanner might not be working due to a bug in the Operating System. Check and take the required action.

  • Simply delete the saved fingerprint from your Asus Zenfone 7 and add it again. This can solve the problem

  • One of the reasons to the fingerprint-related common problems in Asus Zenfone 7 is nothing but putting pressure on the fingerprint scanner very softly. Put a bit more pressure on the same with your finger and check if this works

  • Always make sure to add more than one fingerprint

  • Your fingers might be wet and the same can be a reason to this problem

  • Always give priority to the phone updates. Installing them make sure the problem wouldn’t declare its presence

  • Check if there is a minor injury on your finger which might be acting as a barrier for the scanner when it try to read the information from the same

  • Performing a factory restart can solve this problem. If this doesn’t work, the reason to this problem might be a hardware fault in the phone.

  • Sometimes this problem could be there due to allowing multiple apps installed in the phone to access the fingerprint scanner on the phone. Check and take the action required

  • Check if the phone battery is charged. This could be due to the consumption of entire juice from the same

  • An issue with the third-party app can cause this problem. Thus, check all the apps before you install them in the phone and make sure they are compatible with the same

  • Make sure to press the power button a bit harder and check if this helps

  • Sometimes this problem would be due to a fault in the power button. Check and take the action required

  • An unknown software glitch in the device can be a reason to this problem. Check and take the action required

  • There are chances that the phone is getting turned but it’s the screen which is not. Check and make sure this is not the actual issue in your case

  • This might be happening because you restarted or turned OFF your device when it was updating

  • Know the exact number of seconds for which you need to press the power button. Sometimes this problem is there just because you are pressing the same for a very short span of time

  • Liquid damage to your Asus Zenfone 7 can be a reason to this problem. Check and take the action required

  • Hardware damage in your phone can be the reason to this problem. Check and get it repaired

  • Overheating can sometimes turn off the device automatically and you cannot turn it ON unless the inner temperature comes down the normal range

  • Check if the phone can be turned ON in the safe mode. Press the power button with the volume up/down button for the same. If this doesn’t work, try opening it in the recovery mode

  • Check if this is a problem just because the phone battery is faulty

  • Make sure the phone charger is in proper working condition

  • A loose connection between the phone and the charging cable can be a reason to this problem. Thus, make sure to connect them properly

  • A bad app or the one installed from a third-party source can be the reason to this problem

  • Don’t use a third-party charger as this can be a reason to this problem

  • Check if dust or debris is there in the charging port and clean it. The same can be a reason you have to face this problem in your device

  • In some cases, the phone gets charged but the charging percentage icon which doesn’t give the correct information. This can happen due to a software bug. Check and install the latest updates if the same is pending

  • Sometimes the charging-related common problems in Asus Zenfone 7 are experienced when the charging socket/power source you are using to charge your widget is faulty

  • Check if the actual fault is with the charging cable. Check and replace the same if required

  • This problem could be due to the detection of moisture in your Asus Zenfone 7. Check its level and take the required action

  • Remove the last application you installed and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • An issue with the phone motherboard can be the reason you have to face this problem

  • The pins in the phone socket might be damaged and the same is causing this problem. Check the same

  • Drain the phone battery completely and charge it again. Check if the problems is solved

  • Performing a forced restart to the phone can fix this issue. Simply try the same

  • Check the default camera driver software in the phone. Check if installing the new updates for the OS fixes this problem

  • Make sure you aren’t using a third-party camera application which is not compatible with your Asus Zenfone 7

  • Disable the safe mode if your phone is running in the same

  • This problem could be there just because the phone has something wrong with any of the hardware components inside

  • Close the camera application if it is running in the background and open it again after 30 seconds. Check if this solves the problem

  • Delete the cache of the camera application and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the camera lens is faulty or damage

  • There might be no storage space available in the phone or in the memory selected for storing the camera files and the same can cause this problem. Most of the times the camera-related common problems in Asus Zenfone 7 are because of no other reason than this