A smartphone is one of the much-required gadgets in the present world. It is something that helps us face many challenges and problems in life. After every favorable or unfavorable moment, it’s nothing but a smartphone which is explored by many people. Presently, this gadget is owned by almost everyone familiar to the technology. The number has risen significantly in the last few years as many manufacturers have come up with several unique features in their gadget. BLU G9 is one of the finest gadgets that can be trusted in the current scenario. This post helps you to boost your knowledge regarding the common problems in BLU G9.

When you really need to fix these problems, you first need to make it sure that it’s actually present in your device. Many users just confuse it with some other glitches and end up facing the trouble. It is also true that you couldn’t make your device completely free from the common problems. Later or sooner you have to experience them in your gadget. This is because of a very large number of reasons. Check the more information regarding how the problems can be eliminated upto the maximum extent below.

Common Problems in BLU G9 and Solutions

Immediate attention is something which is required when a problem declare its presence. You have to make sure the things remain under your control all the time. Well, if this guide is to be followed perfectly, there is a great probability that the problems will be fixed reliably. However, you can face additional problems if you mold the instructions and methods mentioned in this post. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be blamed for the same. Read out more about the common problems in BLU G9 and their solutions below.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problem

Slow Performance

Overheating Problems

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

Apps not working properly

SIM/Network Problems

Slow Charging

Poor Battery Life

Screen not working properly

Poor Camera Quality

You can simply save a lot of time by following this guide on the common problems in BLU G9 and their solutions. These methods are easy to apply and assure output without causing any damage to the phone. Keep visiting us for more similar posts.


  • Restore your device to the general settings and restart it. Check if this solves the problem

  • Check if you are directly or indirectly violating the Bluetooth policies while using this feature

  • The problem might be there just because your phone Bluetooth visibility is hidden. Check

  • Remove any restriction imposed on the phone. Check if any feature is manually disabled. The same can be a reason to this problem

  • Make sure your device is not facing this problem just because any nearby radiation is stopping the Bluetooth to operate

  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the phone is not in the defined Bluetooth range. Keep it out from your pocket or bag while using this feature

  • Delete the Bluetooth history. Simply removing the recently paired devices can help you to keep up the pace against this problem

  • There are certain chances that this problem is caused just because the system storage is completely filled

  • Switch to the general mode in case the power-saving mode is active

  • Perform a general restart and check if this helps you to solve the problem

  • This problem might be there just because you are sending data in bulk. Diving the same into smaller segments is something that eliminates this problem

  • Clean the cache data of the device and check if this helps to restore the Bluetooth functionality

  • Many users have to face this problem just because of not pairing the devices to each other correctly

  • Check if the problem is there in the other device you are trying to connect to

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but a software fault in the phone i.e. in the OS which causes this problem

  • One of the common reasons to this problem is nothing but a weak internet connection. Check the same

  • There are chances that the router you are using is faulty or is not placed at a central location

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running it in the safe mode

  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because the network security is disabled manually

  • Do check and make sure the phone browser you are using is in a proper working state

  • Check if the website you are opening is barred or restricted to open by the internet service provider

  • Check if the network password stored in the phone you are trying to connect to the network is wrong

  • There are chances that the router is unable to host more devices on the network. Simply disconnect a few devices and check if this helps

  • The bandwidth allotted on your internet connection might have crossed. Check if this is causing the problem

  • Simply make sure the device Wi-Fi antenna is not having something wrong with the same

  • This problem is often caused when a device with a similar IP address as your phone is already connected to the same network

  • You can face this problem just because the Local Area Network settings are customized

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the installation of an app in the phone which can access the Wi-Fi feature

  • Simply restart the router and your device. Check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Simply forget the Wi-Fi connection and add it again on your device. This can eliminate the problem for sure

  • The problem might be there due to a problem in the phone hardware. Check

  • Your phone might be operating slowly because of not clearing the cache data for a long time. Check and do it now

  • Simply reboot your device and check if this helps you

  • One of the major reasons for the common problems in BLU G9 which causes slow performance is customizing the recommended settings to custom

  • Check and make sure the problem is not related to a phone virus

  • The reason you have to face this issue might be related to the phone OS. Check if it is having a bug in the same

  • Make sure your device RAM and other hardware components are in perfect working condition

  • The slow performance of your BLU G9 might be caused just because you are running it in the safe mode

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but downloading a third-party theme in the phone and using it

  • Check and make sure the phone applications are updated. The slow performance is often experienced when they run in the older versions

  • This problem could be there because your internet connection is weak or is having limited access. Check the same

  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because the system storage space is completely filled

  • Disable all the third-party applications which are installed from other sources than Play Store

  • This problem could be there just because you are using an accessory with a very low-quality

  • Take the data backup and perform a hard reset. This will restore the performance for sure. Try it

  • You might be facing this issue because of overcharging your phone. Don’t exceed beyond 95% charge

  • It is recommended to once check if the installed apps in the phone and actually supported by it. If not, the problem could be there because of the very same reason

  • Make sure the phone heat sink is performing its actual task and i.e. releasing the excess heat generated inside

  • Check if any of the games installed in the phone is the actual trouble creator

  • In certain cases, overheating is not at all a big issue and is caused by the general environment around. Check if this is the reason in your case

  • Make sure there are no blocked apps installed in your device. They can cause this problem

  • Perform a software reset and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • Make sure the actual trouble is not associated with the phone battery. Check it properly

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but the presence of a virus or malware. Scan the device and delete them if traced

  • Check if this problem is caused just because of using a faulty charger or the one which doesn’t belong to your device

  • Make sure the phone is not having multiple accessories attached to the same

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but charging the power settings of the device which causes this problem

  • Users often have to face this problem just because of installing multiple streaming applications in the phone

  • There are chances that this problem is caused because of using a low-quality power bank. Check if you use the one

  • If you are using a third-party product, there are chances that it is not compatible with the phone. Check the same

  • Check if the earpiece is faulty. It is not at all a surprise that a brand new product can have a manufacturing defect in the same

  • Make sure to connect or pair the earpiece to the device correctly. The robotic sound is experienced often because of the very same reason

  • Simply make sure the fault is not actually related to the earpiece connector. The same might be physically damaged or is having a parallel issue

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because you are using a music app which is not supported by the phone

  • The quality of the music file you are playing might be poor. The same is often confused with the robotic sound

  • Check if this problem is caused just because your smartphone is having something wrong with the sound card

  • This problem is often experienced by the users because of signal attenuation that takes place in the earpiece

  • Make sure a physical damage to the product or to the speakers of the earpiece is not responsible for this fault

  • Check if the phone is running in the safe mode. This often creates a problem with the sound quality

  • Simply check and make sure the fault is not there just because of an OS bug

  • The phone applications might be outdated. Check if this is the reason to the problem

  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your smartphone is having something wrong with the RAM

  • This problem could be there just because your phone is running in the safe mode. It actually disables the installed apps

  • The common problems in BLU G9 which stops the apps to perform their task can be fixed by performing a software reset to the device

  • Make sure the system storage is not completely filled. This is one of the factors that stop phone applications to perform their actual task

  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this solves the problem

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but installing third-party apps in your device

  • You simply need to make sure that no feature of your phone is manually disabled

  • The phone applications cause certain problems when they are not given the permission to access the phone features as well as data stored in the same

  • You must install the applications in the default system storage and not in a third-party storage

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running the apps in the custom settings

  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not related to the phone OS. The same can have a bug in it

  • Check if your SIM card is having a stain on the same. This can block the signal and can be a reason to the problem

  • Check if improper insertion of the SIM card in the tray or in the SIM slot of the phone is causing the trouble

  • Make sure a custom ROM, if installed, is not the reason to this problem

  • Do check if the phone bootloader is unlocked. In some cases, this can invite an update which is not for the variant of the phone you own. The problem is there because of the very same reason

  • Don’t lock the SIM card access with a PIN r a password. If already imposed, remove it before inserting the SIM in the phone

  • Check if the Airplane mode is turned ON. This can be a reason to the problem

  • Make sure the SIM card is not manually turned OFF in the settings

  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the SIM card is physically damaged

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but running not turning ON the roaming services when they are required

  • You might be at a location where the services are not applicable or barred

  • Check if the services have been withdrawn from your SIM card and the same is the reason to this problem

  • Sometimes the problem is caused just because you are in a basement. Come out and check if this helps

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the 4G enabled SIM card is inserted in the SLOT 2 when the first slot is empty

  • Check if it’s the phone charger which is causing the real trouble. Make sure it’s in perfect working condition

  • Check if the phone battery is dead or is having a problem in the same

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a corroded charging port. Check and take the action required

  • Make sure not to download the data from the internet when you are charging your device

  • This problem can be solved by restarting your device simply. Try the same

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but changing the power settings of the device which causes the trouble

  • There are chances that the fault is caused just because your smartphone is having a virus in the same

  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because of allowing the synchronization between the phone data and the apps

  • In some cases, it’s nothing but a phone virus that causes the problem. Scan your device and check if a virus is traced

  • The slow charging of the device might be due to running a lot of applications while charging

  • Keep the mobile data OFF while charging your device

  • It is also recommended to you to avoid playing games while charging your device

  • The slow charging is often caused when the phone is suffering from a problem in the OS. Update the same and check if this helps


  • If your device is having more than 35 applications installed in the same, this is a problem you can experience

  • The reasons to the common problems in BLU G9 which cases poor battery backup is turning ON the device GPS all the time

  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi hotspot is turned OFF when there is no need of the same

  • Check if the phone Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are searching for the nearby devices continuously

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a hardware fault in the phone. Check if it is related to the battery

  • Do check and make sure the fault is not caused just because your device is having a problem with the installed apps

  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the phone is made to run in the power saving mode all the time

  • Check if the screen brightness level is too high. It can affect the overall battery performance

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a lot of unread notifications in the background. Check and close them

  • Imposing no time limit on the screen out is one of the leading reason to this problem

  • Check and make sure your device is having no power-hungry applications installed in the same

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but turning the camera flashlight ON for long hours

  • Close the applications running in the background and reboot your device. Check if this solves the problem

  • In certain cases, it’s nothing but the oil, sweat and grease particles that form a layer on the screen and causes this problem. Gently clean the screen and check if this helps

  • Make sure the screen sensors on your phone are in perfect working condition

  • Check if this problem is only caused just because the device screen is shared to a nearby smart gadget

  • You can face this problem just because of overcharging your gadget. Simply disconnect it from the power source and check if this helps

  • There are chances that the system storage is full. The same can cause this problem

  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not there just because the device screen is physically damaged

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running the phone in the safe mode. Check and disable it. The problem will be fixed for sure

  • There are certain chances that the screen is not performing its task just because the transparent glass guard installed on the same has tampered. Remove it and check if this helps

  • Do check and make sure you are not wearing any gloves or mittens while operating the device screen

  • This problem can be fixed simply by performing a forced restart to your device. Check if this helps

  • Check if there is a virus in the device which is actually causing the trouble

  • There are chances that the device Operating system is having a bug in the same which is causing this problem

  • Delete any app which is recently installed i9n the phone. Check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Check if this problem is caused just because your smartphone is having a problem in the hardware components inside

  • Make sure you are accessing the phone camera only through the default app. The others often affect the overall quality

  • Check if the camera lens is having fingerprints or dust deposited on the same. Clean it and check if this helps

  • Open the camera settings and select the shooting mode which is relevant to the nearby condition

  • You can fix this problem by using the image stabilization option in your device

  • Check if the HD camera mode is turned ON

  • The low quality of the pictures might be due to using the zoom feature beyond a limit

  • There are chances that the problem is there just because the phone is running in the power-saving mode. Check and disable the same

  • Simply make sure the camera flashlight is set to the automatic mode

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but an OS bug in the phone. Check and take the action required

  • Avoid burst mode image capturing. This is one of the major trouble creators to this problem

  • Do check if the problem is there just because your phone is having no storage available on the same

  • Check the internet connectivity on the phone if this problem is caused during a video call