So many smartphones are present around us these days. These gadgets are simply the best in every aspect and are expanding their applications in almost every phase of our life. Upon looking, many smartphones look similar in terms of design and specifications. However, there are a lot of things that make them completely different from one another. The leading example is the way they perform a similar task. It is true that a smartphone can perform a task in a better way than the other. This is exactly what that makes users to consider the options when it comes to buying a new gadget like this. Huawei is one of the best manufacturers of smartphones in the present time. They have always offered the best features in their gadgets to the users. Check out the solutions to common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e.

It is one of their recently introduced gadgets and has started attracting the attention of the users. A lot of things are there which makes it simply the best. Although it doesn’t seem to have any fault in the same, the common problems are exactly what some users can experience. It is to be noted before proceeding ahead that these issues are no way related to the hardware of the phone. Actually, common problems are the bugs present in Android Operating System as well as in some applications available on the Play Store. These issues can affect the software domain of the phone and can thus affect the performance and functionality of a device. Therefore, dealing with them is quite essential. Here are more details on how to fix the common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e simply.

Common Problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e and Solutions

If common problems are present in your smartphone, they can have a large impact on its overall life. Your device can simply become useless in a very short period of time. Of course, it can happen if these issues are ignored. Thus, attention is to be paid carefully on the common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e and how to fix them. In addition to applying methods quickly, you must also make sure that they are applied carefully as well. Making any changes to them can be a major mistake that can bring additional problems in the phone. If this happens, cannot be blamed for anything. Go ahead now and check the details on fixing these issues effectively.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

Mobile data not working

SIM/Network Problems

Overheating Problems

Slow Performance

Poor Camera Quality

Screen not working properly

Slow Charging

Apps not working properly

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

Poor Battery Life

Huawei Enjoy 10e Fingerprint Sensor Issue

Huawei Enjoy 10e Not Turning ON

Huawei Enjoy 10e Not getting charged via cable/charger

Unfortunately camera has stopped

After applying these solutions, you may hardly face common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e. However, it alls depends on how well you have followed this guide. In case you find the problems have gone nowhere but are still present in the device, there are chances that it is suffering from a hardware fault. You need to rush a nearby authorized support center or seek online support. Scroll down and comment below if you have any other questions to be answered about this post.


  • Your device might be running in the power-saving mode. It can be a reason to this problem

  • Check if any form of radiation level around your device is too high. The same can be a reason to this problem

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but hiding the visibility of your Bluetooth connection around you

  • Check and make sure the data which you are exchanging is not supported by any of the devices

  • This problem could be there due to imposing any form of restrictions on your device

  • The reason you have to face this problem is nothing but the incompatibility of the Bluetooth version on both the devices

  • You might be facing this problem just because your device is having something wrong with the Bluetooth antenna. Check the default Bluetooth drivers as well

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you are trying to send a very large amount of data in one go

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because your Huawei Enjoy 10e is having something wrong in the OS

  • Clear the cache data of the device and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • Check and make sure this problem is not caused just because you imposed any time limit on your Bluetooth connection

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but not pairing the devices correctly to each other

  • Sometimes this problem is caused just because of the presence of any virus in the devices connected to each other

  • Check if there is no storage space available on your device. The same can be a reason to this problem

  • A basic reboot can fix this problem. Try the same

  • Go for a basic troubleshoot to your internet connection in the network settings. Check if this helps to deal with the problem

  • Check the overall number of devices connected to the router. Disconnect a few and check if this helps to fix the problem

  • You might have forgotten or entered an outdated password in the device to connect it with the phone

  • The reason you are experiencing this problem is nothing but a fault related to the Wi-Fi antenna on the device

  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused just because your Huawei Enjoy 10e is running in the safe mode

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but not configuring the Wi-Fi router properly which can cause this problem

  • Make sure the actual problem is not related to the IP address of your device which is causing any conflict on the network

  • Your internet connection bandwidth limit might have crossed and the problem is caused because of the very same reason

  • Check if this problem us there just because your device is having something wrong with the hardware components inside

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because of limited or weak connectivity. This happens when the router is placed away from the device

  • There are chances that the actual problem is with the phone browser you are using

  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because of opening a web address banned by the network provide

  • Don’t customize the LAN Area Network settings on the device. The same can stop the internet

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the services are withdrawn from your internet connection

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a fault in the Wi-Fi router you are using

  • Your data pack might have expired. Check the same and make sure it is not the reason to this problem

  • This might be happening due to crossing your daily bandwidth limit usage. Check if this is the case

  • Make sure the actual problem is not with the phone SIM card. Refer to the solutions listed under the headline “SIM/Network Problems” in this post

  • Make sure if the internet services are facing an obstacle on your phone due to any of the possible reason

  • This can happen in some cases when the phone is updating the installed apps or is downloading the OS updates. Check if this is the reason

  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the storage space is not available in the phone. This can happen in certain cases

  • A problem with the service provider or with the network can be a reason you have to face this fault in your phone

  • Make sure you are not confusing this problem with the slow internet speed

  • Check if the problem is caused by a poor signal strength on your Huawei Enjoy 10e

  • Reset the network setting to the recommended mode in case you customize them. This can solve the problem for sure

  • Simply restart the phone and check if this helps you to fix the issue

  • Turning the roaming services OFF can be a reason to this problem on your device

  • Check if the network mode selection on the phone is wrong. You might have selected a 2G network in the same when you are using a 3G SIM

  • Clear the cache partition of the device and check if this solves the problem on your device

  • Simply eject the SIM card from your phone. Check if it is having damage on the same. Make sure the SIM tray is also in proper working condition

  • Sometimes the SIM card is having stain on the same or the moisture which causes this problem. Simply clean it gently and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • One of the SIM/Network related common Huawei Enjoy 10e problems is locking the access to the SIM card with a pin. Check and remove the same

  • The reason you are facing this problem is either because some services are suspended or not activated on your SIM card

  • The reason to this problem is your presence at a location where phone networks are restricted

  • Check and make sure the phone bootloader is not unlocked. If you do so, it may invite a wrong update and can cause this problem

  • Open the network settings and check if the network selection key is set to automatic mode

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a physically damaged network antenna on the device. Check other problem also which can affect its working

  • This problem might be there just because the Airplane mode is turned ON. Check and disable the same

  • Sometimes users have to face this problem just because of not turning ON the roaming services while going outside the city/provision

  • Do check and make sure the 4G enabled SIM card is not inserted in slot 2 when there is no SIM in the first slot

  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because the SIM card is manually turned OFF

  • The overheating of the device might be due to using a power bank of high output power

  • There are chances that the actual problem is not caused just because of installation of multiple games in the device by customizing its settings

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but the factors related to the environment around

  • Check if a forced restart can help you to fix this problem easily

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but a battery glitch in the phone which causes this problem

  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem is not caused in the Huawei Enjoy 10e just because its power settings are customized

  • Check and make sure the problem is not associated with a phone virus

  • You simply need to make it sure that the cache data of the apps is not causing this problem

  • Check and make sure any previously installed app is not the actual trouble creator

  • Check if this problem is there just because your smartphone is running in the power saving mode all the time

  • Many users have to face this problem just because of overheating their device

  • Check if a charger you are using is having something wrong with the same. A third-party charger can be the actual reason to this problem

  • Your smartphone might not be releasing the excess heat generated by the phone hardware inside

  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • Simply make sure the reason to this problem is not associated with the phone OS. Update it and check if the problem is gone

  • This can happen due to not clearing the cache data of your device. Do it now and check if this works

  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because your device is not having any problem in the RAM. This can slow down the performance for sure

  • Do check if the actual problem is there just because your smartphone Operating system is having a bug in the same

  • The installed apps in the Huawei Enjoy 10e are largely responsible for the slow performance in most of the cases. Update them and check if there is anything in them which needs to be addressed

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but slow operating internet on your device. It is often confused with the slow performance

  • A recently installed theme on the device can sometimes slow down the overall performance of the device. Check if this is the reason

  • Make sure the phone browser is not having multiple tabs open in the same

  • Check if it is nothing but multitasking which is causing this problem

  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because the phone is running in customized settings

  • Simply delete the temporary files stored in the phone and check if this helps you to fix the problem

  • Make sure the actual problem is not caused by a phone virus

  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not related to any of the accessories you are using with the device

  • This problem could be there just because you are running the phone in the power-saving mode. Check and disable it. The problem will probably be gone after doing this

  • The reason you are facing this problem might be because of opening the Huawei Enjoy 10e camera through any other app than the default

  • The camera-related common Huawei Enjoy 10e problems are often caused by OS bugs. Check and fix them

  • Check and make sure the camera lens is not having any debris or moisture on the same which can cause this problem

  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a problem in any of the hardware components in the phone

  • Simply make sure the problem is not having any relation with the installed apps in the device. They can block some features the phone camera needs to operate reliably

  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because your device image stabilization option is disabled. Use it to get the quality images

  • Sometimes this problem is caused just because you are using the burst mode to capture the images

  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because a wrong shooting mode has been selected by you in the camera settings

  • Select the HD mode in the camera settings and this will probably fix the problem

  • Make sure the camera flashlight is turned ON whenever there is a need of the same

  • Not using the camera zoom feature can help you to capture quality images very easily

  • Select the maximum camera pixel density and check if this helps you to fix this problem


  • In case your phone experience a sudden jerk recently, the same can be a reason to this problem

  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the glass guard on the screen. Remove it and check if this works

  • There are chances that the actual problem is directly related with the screen sensors. They might not be operating accurately

  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because of sharing their device screen with any other gadget around. Turn OFF the screen mirroring option and check if this helps

  • The storage space in your Huawei Enjoy 10e might be filled completely and the same can be the reason to this problem

  • In case any app has been installed recently, remove it and check if this helps

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but blocked apps and data in the device that causes this glitch. Remove them and check if the problem is gone

  • Try to wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to eliminate the problem

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a physical or a liquid damage caused to the device screen

  • A forced restart can help you to eliminate the problem in the device

  • There are chances that the screen is having something wrong with the hardware components inside

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused by general overheating of the phone

  • Avoid using a low-quality charger or the one which actually doesn’t belong to your phone. This can be a reason you are experiencing the problem

  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused just because your Huawei Enjoy 10e is running in the power-saving mode

  • Sometimes turning ON some specific feature such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other can cause this problem while charging your device

  • The reason you are facing this problem is running multiple apps in the phone. Check

  • Do check and make sure the problem is not related caused by the installed apps in the phone

  • Disabling the system bloatware can help you to fix this problem

  • Always keep the mobile data OFF while charging your device

  • It would be good to not to download any data when the phone is charging

  • Many users face this problem just because of not updating the phone OS when a new update arrives

  • Perform a software reset to your device and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Don’t use any pirated accessory with your device. Disconnect it from any other gadget around with which it is connected through a cable

  • Perform a basic restart and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Install an antivirus application in your phone and scan it. Check if a virus is detected. The same might be causing the problem

  • Do check and make sure the safe mode is not turned ON. This can disable a few or all the apps in the phone and can be a reason to this problem

  • One of the reasons to the common Huawei Enjoy 10e problems related to apps is nothing but installing them in any third-party storage space than in the phone

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but customizing the phone or app settings that causes this problem. Check the same

  • There are certain chances that this problem is caused just because the installed apps have not been given the permission to access the phone features and the data stored in it

  • You might have imposed restrictions on your Huawei Enjoy 10e and the same can be a reason to this problem. Check if any feature is disabled

  • The installed apps in your device might be having coding errors. Check their reviews and rating before you install

  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because the installed apps are infected with a phone virus

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but a fault in the phone RAM which causes this problem

  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the OS

  • Remove the problem-causing app from your device and once again install it. Check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but not installing the apps in the phone in a recommended manner

  • If you are using a wireless earpiece, simply make sure to connect them properly with the phone. Follow the recommended procedure for the same

  • Check and make sure the phone sound card is not having any of the problems in it

  • The actual trouble creator might be the music app you have installed in your device. Check and take the action required

  • Simply make sure the phone sound settings are not customized. Sometimes this can be a reason you have to face this problem

  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because your phone is running in the safe mode. Disable it and check if this works

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the presence of a bug in the phone Operating system

  • The earpiece you are using might not be compatible with the Huawei Enjoy 10e. Check if this is the actual reason

  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because of non-working earpiece connector due to any issue in the same

  • The earpiece might be giving the robotic sound due to a signal attenuation problem. Check the same

  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the hardware components inside

  • You might be playing low-quality music in your phone and is experiencing the problem because of the very same reason

  • Simply check and make sure the fault is not caused just because the earpiece speakers are not in working condition

  • Sometimes a low-network signal causes this problem when you are experiencing it during a voice call

  • Check if restarting to the device can solve this problem

  • Make sure the problem is not caused due to a battery fault in the device

  • Check if there is a virus in your Huawei Enjoy 10e

  • Do check and make sure the phone GPS is not turned ON all the time

  • It’s nothing but the background notifications sent by the installed apps in the phone which can affect the battery performance. Clear them all

  • Disable anything that wakes your phone screen without any reason

  • Sometimes it’s nothing but the background running apps that causes this problem

  • Make sure the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not turned ON without any use. They might be searching for the nearby Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices continuously. This can affect the battery performance for sure

  • Make sure there are no power-hungry apps installed in your device

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but sharing your device internet connection through Wi-Fi hotspot

  • Downloading data in your device continuously can be the reason you are facing this problem

  • Check if the phone is having a battery problem in the same

  • First of all, simply clean your hands. Dust or debris on the fingers can be a reason to the problem

  • Gently clean the fingerprint scanner on the phone with a soft cloth and check if this solves the problem

  • This problem can sometimes declare its presence due to completely filling the storage space of the phone

  • The fingerprint scanner might not be working due to a bug in the Operating System. Check and take the required action.

  • Simply delete the saved fingerprint from your Huawei Enjoy 10e and add it again. This can solve the problem

  • One of the reasons to the fingerprint-related common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e is nothing but putting pressure on the fingerprint scanner very softly. Put a bit more pressure on the same with your finger and check if this works

  • Always make sure to add more than one fingerprint

  • Your fingers might be wet and the same can be a reason to this problem

  • Always give priority to the phone updates. Installing them make sure the problem wouldn’t declare its presence

  • Check if there is a minor injury on your finger which might be acting as a barrier for the scanner when it try to read the information from the same

  • Performing a factory restart can solve this problem. If this doesn’t work, the reason to this problem might be a hardware fault in the phone.

  • Sometimes this problem could be there due to allowing multiple apps installed in the phone to access the fingerprint scanner on the phone. Check and take the action required

  • Check if the phone battery is charged. This could be due to the consumption of entire juice from the same

  • An issue with the third-party app can cause this problem. Thus, check all the apps before you install them in the phone and make sure they are compatible with the same

  • Make sure to press the power button a bit harder and check if this helps

  • Sometimes this problem would be due to a fault in the power button. Check and take the action required

  • An unknown software glitch in the device can be a reason to this problem. Check and take the action required

  • There are chances that the phone is getting turned but it’s the screen which is not. Check and make sure this is not the actual issue in your case

  • This might be happening because you restarted or turned OFF your device when it was updating

  • Know the exact number of seconds for which you need to press the power button. Sometimes this problem is there just because you are pressing the same for a very short span of time

  • A liquid damage to your Huawei Enjoy 10e can be a reason to this problem. Check and take the action required

  • A hardware damage in your phone can be the reason to this problem. Check and get it repaired

  • Overheating can sometimes turn off the device automatically and you cannot turn it ON unless the inner temperature comes down the normal range

  • Check if the phone can be turned ON in the safe mode. Press the power button with the volume up/down button for the same. If this doesn’t work, try opening it in the recovery mode

  • Check if this is a problem just because the phone battery is faulty

  • Make sure the phone charger is in proper working condition

  • A loose connection between the phone and the charging cable can be a reason to this problem. Thus, make sure to connect them properly

  • A bad app or the one installed from a third-party source can be the reason to this problem

  • Don’t use a third-party charger as this can be a reason to this problem

  • Check if dust or debris is there in the charging port and clean it. The same can be a reason you have to face this problem in your device

  • In some cases, the phone gets charged but the charging percentage icon which doesn’t give the correct information. This can happen due to a software bug. Check and install the latest updates if the same is pending

  • Sometimes the charging-related common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e are experienced when the charging socket/power source you are using to charge your widget is faulty

  • Check if the actual fault is with the charging cable. Check and replace the same if required

  • This problem could be due to the detection of moisture in your Huawei Enjoy 10e. Check its level and take the required action

  • Remove the last application you installed and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • An issue with the phone motherboard can be the reason you have to face this problem

  • The pins in the phone socket might be damaged and the same is causing this problem. Check the same

  • Drain the phone battery completely and charge it again. Check if the problems is solved

  • Performing a forced restart to the phone can fix this issue. Simply try the same

  • One possible reason for this problem is an issue with the default camera driver software in the phone. Check if installing the new updates for the OS fixes this problem

  • Make sure you aren’t using a third-party camera application which is not compatible with your Huawei Enjoy 10e

  • Disable the safe mode if your phone is running in the same

  • This problem could be there just because the phone has something wrong with any of the hardware components inside

  • Close the camera application if it is running in the background and open it again after 30 seconds. Check if this solves the problem

  • Delete the cache of the camera application and check if this helps you to deal with the problem

  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the camera lens is faulty or is having a damage on the same

  • There might be no storage space available in the phone or in the memory selected for storing the camera files and the same can cause this problem. Most of the times the camera-related common problems in Huawei Enjoy 10e are because of no other reason than this