At certain stages, life is nothing but repeating several tasks one after another. Well, the fact couldn’t be denied that most of us have to follow similar routines. This is something that makes many people feel as if their life is completely empty. If you too are facing this situation, the time has come to pay attention to your smartphone. You might be wondering what exactly the idea which the last sentence conveyed to you. It simply means involving your smartphone for some tasks in your life can make it interesting. You can also save a lot of your valuable time without putting yourself in trouble. All you have to do is to make sure your gadget is totally free from the basic troubles. If you are a user of OnePlus 7T, this post is for you. Here are the solutions to the common problems in OnePlus 7T.

Making your smartphone free from the concerned troubles is not at all a big deal. You only have to follow what you will be reading in the next sections to achieve the desired results for the same. There is not even a need to worry if these issues are present in your smartphone from the very first day. The basic problems related to the software can declare their presence in any android smartphone at any time interval. Finding their causes is something that doesn’t matter at all. The only thing that matters is to make sure the phone runs smoothly all the time. You can simply rely on the solutions against the common problems in OnePlus 7T listed in this post as already mentioned. We will first be reading the reviews and specifications of this smartphone. Check the details below.

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OnePlus 7T Specifications and Reviews

OnePlus 7T is one of the best smartphones that has been made available till date. There are a lot of new things in this gadget which are better than the previous gadgets launched by OnePlus. The phone reflects a 90Hz fluid display which no other brand has ever launched till date. The powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 plus processor makes this device really fast and capable to give error-free outcomes. The phone is also getting a lot of appreciation from the users due to the fantastic cameras it has been loaded with. There are a few negative sides of this gadget as well. Like modern smartphones, it doesn’t have a higher battery life. No wireless charging (although the phone is provided with quick charging) and No headphone jack is another thing that makes you not to buy this phone if these features are a must for you.

It’s actually the wireless charging that many OnePlus fans were expecting from this smartphone. The phone packs a 6.55-inch screen is simply the best in reflecting the content without facing any problem. The 2,400 x 1,080 Full HD+ resolutions is another good thing about the same. If you are looking for a smartphone with great performance, this is exactly what you can go ahead with. The massive 8GB RAM lets you keep up the pace with all your tasks. You can store upto 128GB of data in this phone. Moreover, it is having UFS 3.0 storage just like OnePlus 7. This let users store data at a faster rate in the phone. It is actually a smartphone that you not be missed to experience if you can afford it. We will now be checking the solutions that will help you to solve the common problems in OnePlus 7T.

Common Problems in OnePlus 7T and Solutions

It is very much true that you have invested a lot of money on this smartphone and any problem you are experiencing in your gadget seems something that can make you think to give bad ratings to this gadget. It is better to keep this thing in your mind that common problems are not always necessary to be there due to manufacturing defects. They can simply be there just because you haven’t updated your phone or have violated several policies while using the same. The solutions to the common problems in OnePlus 7T listed below promise favorable results if you apply them effectively. It would be good for you to make sure the things should be cleared to you when you read them as cannot be blamed for any problem you face post following this guide. Also, they must be applied without any modification to get the favorable outcomes.

Connectivity problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the problem is existing because the device you are connecting to your phone is having an older version of Bluetooth which is not compatible with the same
  • Make sure the actual fault is not present just because you are using your phone in the safe mode. This can disable the Bluetooth and other features on your OnePlus 7T
  • Make sure the Bluetooth devices are closed enough to transfer the data smoothly
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users disable the phone security. Check and take the action required
  • The visibility of your Bluetooth connection might be hidden. Open Bluetooth settings and restore the same. This can solve the problem
  • Make sure you haven’t imposed any restriction on your phone which can act as the barrier for the Bluetooth
  • Improper pairing or the bugs in the same can be a leading reason to this problem
  • Make sure the actual fault is not present just because the cache data of the phone is not cleaned for a long time
  • Don’t confuse this problem with the slow performance or any other similar issue
  • Perform a software reset and this will definitely solve the problem
  • The users have to face the Bluetooth problem just because of a minor hardware issue in the phone. Check if the Bluetooth antenna is in proper working condition
  • One of the leading reasons to this problem is nothing but not entering the correct passcode while pairing the devices for the first time with each other
  • Make sure the list of devices recently paired is not too long. Erase the ones which are no longer required. Reboot the phone and this will solve the issue

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Turn OFF the phone Wi-Fi and turn it ON again. Try connecting now. At the same time, simply restart your router as well. Check if this basic trick works
  • The reason to this problem is activating the safe mode on your phone
  • Check if the internet connection you connected your device with is having the limited access to the services
  • Make sure the data bandwidth limit on your internet connection has not been reached
  • Your OnePlus 7T smartphone can refuse connecting to a network which is having its security disabled
  • In certain cases, this problem arrives due to entering a wrong password on the device and trying to connect it with the network
  • The problem might have been caused by some blocked apps. Check the same
  • Changing the LAN settings of your connection is another major reason that can invite the trouble
  • Do check if the router is having the cables properly connected on the same and the same is placed on a central location
  • Make sure the limit of your router to host the devices on a connection has not been reached
  • There are chances that the fault is caused just because the phone is having something wrong with its Wi-Fi antenna
  • In case you recently changed the browser or the settings of the same, it can be a reason to this problem
  • The problem might be with a specific domain which you are tarrying to open. Enter another web address and check if this works
  • Some data-hungry apps can put an extra burden on the internet connection and can slow down or stop its operations

Overheating Problems

  • Make sure the overheating of the device is not caused by any factor which is related with the environment such as rise in temperature and so on
  • Do check the problem is not caused just because you are running the device in the power saving mode and performing multitasking
  • There are a lot of power banks which can cause this problem in your device in case you don’t select them wisely
  • The overheating-related common problems in OnePlus 7T can be caused due to the installation of third-party applications
  • Make sure you use the original charger to charge your device
  • A lot of streaming applications are known to cause overheating problems in smartphones. Check if they are also the reason in your case as well
  • Installation of software updates which are pending can fix this problem. Try the same
  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because the system apps are having something wrong with them
  • Installation of so many apps in the phone and running them all together is another reason possible for the overheating
  • Games can cause trouble when you install them in your device without knowing whether it actually supports the same or not
  • The unused apps and data should be erased from the phone with immediate effect. The same can be a reason you are facing the fault

Slow Charging

  • Make sure a bad cable is not the reason to this problem. Check and replace the same if required
  • The slow charging of your OnePlus 7T could be due to turning ON the features such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you are not using them
  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not with the charger you are using
  • Sometimes this problem is there due to making calls or downloading the data from the World Wide Web while charging your device
  • The charging port can have something wrong with the same. Check if the pins are damaged or if there is some corrosion in it
  • Don’t run the phone in the safe mode which is often a reason for the slow charging of any gadget
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because of continuous data synchronization
  • The power source you use should not have any problem associated with it. Check the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running multiple applications in the background

Poor battery life

  • Check if the problem exists due to screen brightness which is too high. This drains the battery quickly than anything else
  • More are the apps in the device, less would be the overall backup of the battery
  • Check if this problem is caused due to turning ON Google maps, GPS, and other features with more power requirement
  • Make sure there are no power-hungry apps in your phone which are actually responsible for this fault
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but sharing the internet connection of your device with others by turning ON the hotspot
  • Check and make sure the phone battery is not faulty
  • Using the camera flashlight continuously can have an impact on the battery life of your device
  • One of the reasons to the battery-related common problems in OnePlus 7T is not imposing a limit on the screen-down time
  • Install an antivirus application in your device and check if there is a virus which is causing the real trouble
  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the hardware inside

Slow Performance

  • In some cases, this problem only arrives when you don’t restart your device after installing the new apps. Try the same
  • Make sure the phone RAM is not processing a lot of data at the same time which can cut down the overall performance
  • One of the reasons to the common problems in OnePlus 7T is outdated apps. Install their latest updates and check if this helps
  • Do check if the phone is having something wrong with its Operating system. Install the pending update if any
  • Don’t change the recommended settings to custom. This affects the overall performance for sure
  • One of the leading reason to this problem is nothing but the apps which can have any problem in them
  • Prefer the light version for a few apps in your device
  • Check if the internet connection is slow and you are confusing it with the slow performance of your OnePlus 7T
  • The reason you have to face this problem could be completing filling the phone storage space. Erase some data and check
  • Don’t install the applications from the third-party sources as the same can slow down the speed of various operations
  • Simply turn OFF the device and again turn it ON. Check if this helps
  • The last option is to perform a hardware reset. Save data and go ahead with it

Poor Camera Quality

  • You might be capturing the pictures or the videos in the low visibility. Check if this is the reason to the problem
  • Selection of a shooting mode which is not relevant to the nearby conditions can cause this problem
  • Remove the pre-installed transparent glass guard from the screen and check if this helps in fixing the issue
  • Don’t confuse this problem with lack of cleanliness on the screen of your phone
  • Always capture the images in high resolution and make sure the flashlight is turned ON when required
  • The image stabilization option should be used always to make sure of the quality
  • Check if you are facing this problem just because of using the zoom feature
  • There are chances that the actual fault is there just because your OnePlus 7T is having something wrong with the OS
  • The app you are using to access the phone camera might be the actual trouble creator. Check the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running the phone in the safe mode
  • In case this problem exists only during a video call, the same can happen due to low signal quality
  • Clean the camera lens simply as the finger marks and the oil particles often becomes a reason to this problem
  • Your phone should have at least 10% charging left to use the phone camera properly and with high resolution

Apps not working properly

  • Detain all the apps installed from the sources which are not allowed by the manufacturer. Check if this helps
  • The problem might be there just because the power saving mode or the safe mode is turned ON. This disables some features of the phone and limits the functionality of the device
  • Make sure any of the features of your OnePlus 7T is not disabled manually. This can be the reason you have to face the problem
  • In some cases, the actual problem arrives when the required and the necessary permissions are not given to the phone apps. These permission include accessing the phone data and the features
  • Do check and make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your phone is having a serious trouble either with the OS or with the hardware
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because a specific app causing the problem is having a coding bug or any other problem associated with the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a virus in the phone. Check and take the action required
  • Update the apps which are pending. This can definitely solve the problem you are facing
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this helps to fix the problem
  • Make sure the variant of OnePlus 7T purchased by you is for the specific reason you are living. Buying a wrong one can cause the trouble
  • You might be facing this problem just because the phone bootloader has been unlocked by you
  • Check if the actual fault is with the signal antenna on your phone
  • Remove the SIM card and insert it correctly in the device. In case its access is locked with a password, disable the same
  • Sometimes the problem is caused by stains on the SIM card. Check and replace it if they are beyond a limit
  • The problem might be there in the SIM slot with the SIM tray as well. Check them properly
  • One of the reasons to the SIM-related common problems in OnePlus 7T is nothing but disabling the roaming services while going away from the hometown
  • Check if the Airplane mode was mistakenly turned ON
  • Open network settings and select the automatic option for the network selection mode. Restart the device after this
  • One of the major reason that causes this problem is limited or no access to the services at your present location
  • Check if the signal strength is low just because you are in a basement
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the suspension of services from your SIM card

Screen not working properly

  • Clean the screen of your OnePlus 7T very gently. Grease and oil particles can be there on the same which can stop its function
  • Make sure the device is not having a liquid damage caused to the same. This can stop the functionality of the screen
  • Turn OFF the screen sharing option if enabled and check if this helps to solve the problem
  • The screen sensors on your phone might have a problem associated with them. check and take the action required
  • You might be facing this problem just because your phone screen is having an internal damage caused to the same if strikes with the floor or any other hard object
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a specific blocked app in the phone which might have been installed from a third-party source
  • Check and make sure the fault is not there due to completely filling the storage space
  • This problem could be there just because of overcharging the phone in a few cases
  • In case you installed a glass guard on the screen recently or if the same is of low quality, remove and check if this helps
  • One of the major reasons to this problem is nothing but an issue with the hardware inside. Get it checked
  • Perform a force restart and check if this helps in fixing this problem
  • Sometimes turning ON the power saving mode can limit the functionality of the screen

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Terminate the phone and earpiece connection. Establish the same once again. Check if this works
  • The reason you are facing this problem is attenuation caused in the earpiece due to low signal strength while on a call
  • Make sure the sound card of the phone is not having a problem associated to the same
  • The music quality which you are playing might be too bad. The same can be a reason you have to face this fault
  • Make sure the sounds of your device are not turned down
  • A problem with the earpiece itself can be a reason for the robotic sound. Check the same
  • In case you use a third-party device, check its compatibility with the OnePlus 7T
  • You can face this problem in some cases when the phone OS or the default sound drivers of your phone is having something wrong with the same
  • Make sure the actual fault is not related to the installation of any app that is causing the problem with the sound
  • The ability of the earpiece to not to process the sound signal properly can be a reason to this problem. this happens mostly when the quality of the product is too low
  • There are chances that the earpiece is faulty. Check them with another phone

We are sure you will be having a wonderful experience with the solutions listed in this post. They can eliminate all the common problems in OnePlus 7T easily and without making you to spend a lot of time. If you wish to know more about this post or if you are facing a problem which is not mentioned in this post, simply let us know by posting comment below. We will be replying you with the complete details. Thanks and keep visiting our blog.