Smartphones are widely purchased by users all over the world. When it comes to purchasing them, everyone is having some expectations from the brand and from the model. Sometimes providers fail to meet the expectations of the users and this happens due to a diverse array of reasons. You might have no idea but the fact is this is something that is very daunting and in some cases, it simply results in permanently saying no to a specific manufacturer by a user. However, it is not always necessary that the problem which you are facing is there due to manufacturer negligence. The common problems are the perfect examples of this statement. Here in this post, the common Realme C2 problems are discussed along with their solutions.

When it comes to solving the common problems in Realme C2, there are some important things which users have to keep in their mind. The very first thing and as already mentioned in manufacturers cannot be blamed for every single problem you are facing. In several cases, it’s nothing but the Android or other software issues that cause common problems. They affect the users experience upto some extent. However, they cannot give you any reason to say no to any smartphone. It is possible to fix the common problems without dragging yourself much into technical concepts related to a smartphone. All you have to make sure is to understand how exactly a smartphone performs its operations. Check more details about the common Realme C2 problems below.

Common Realme C2 Problems and Solutions

This post let you deal with all the problems which you are facing with your smartphone easily and without doing much. However, there are a few basic conditions you need to fulfill for this. The very first and I fact, the most important is to make sure the phone is not having the hardware fault which is causing the fault. In such a situation, we recommended you to go for the professional support at any of the nearby Realme authorized repair center.

In case of software concern when you are sure, simply follow this guide. The methods mentioned in this post should be applied properly and in the way recommended. Not doing so causes other issues in your Realme C2 and cannot be blamed for the same if this happens only because you mold or change any method. You can now check the solutions to the common Realme C2 problems.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Keep the Bluetooth enabled devices as close as possible. Sometimes placing them away can be the reason you have to face this problem
  • Make sure the problem is not caused just because the phone cache data is not cleaned for a long time
  • In some cases, users have to make sure their device and the one with which they are trying to create a Bluetooth connection is not having any security concern such as the presence of a virus
  • In some cases, the users have to make sure that the problem is not there just because the phone is running in the safe mode
  • This problem can be solved by rebooting your device. Try the same
  • Make sure the problem is not caused by any glitch associated with the Bluetooth antenna
  • The data format on your device might be causing the trouble. Check if the same is supported by both the gadgets
  • It is not always necessary that the problem is there in your phone. It can be in the other device as well you are trying to connect with
  • In some cases, the users need to make sure that the problem is not there just because they have something wrong in their device which is related to the default Bluetooth drivers
  • Check if you turned OFF the device security or imposed any kind of restrictions on the same which can raise a Bluetooth concern
  • There are chances that the actual problem is related to the phone OS. Update the same and check if this helps
  • The phone battery might be low and you are running the device in the power saving mode. This can affect the Bluetooth functionality for sure

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Check if the security of the internet connection is disabled or is having a concern with the same
  • Make sure the LAN settings of the connection are not customized which can stop the internet on your device
  • Make sure the Wi-Fi password entered by you in the device for the authentication purpose is right
  • Do check if this problem is only there because a number of devices are connected already to the same network
  • Make sure the browser, the app or the domain which you are opening are not having any of the problem related to them
  • It is always suggested to you to place the router at a central location in your arena to assure the problem is not caused due to improper Wi-Fi signal strength
  • Turn OFF the phone and the Wi-Fi router. Start them again and try connecting one more time
  • This problem might be associated with the Wi-Fi antenna on the router or on your phone. Check the same
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem because of no other reason than running the device in the power saving mode all the time
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused just because the problem is there with the configuration of the router. Check
  • In some cases, users have to face this problem because of consuming the entire bandwidth on their internet connection
  • Check if the phone security is turned OFF manually and the same is causing the problem
  • Sometimes the Wi-Fi/internet problems declare their presence just because the services are suspended on your connection
  • The administrator of the network might have imposed some additional restrictions after entering the password. Check if your device is fulfilling them

SIM/Network Problems

  • Carefully inspect if you can locate damage or a crack on the SIM card. The same if located can cause the problem
  • Continuous signal interruption due to changing your location frequently can cause this problem. Check
  • In some cases, if you don’t log-in to your Google account in the phone, the signal problems could be there because of the very same reason
  • Make sure the SIM card is turned ON in the network settings
  • Check if the phone Airplane mode is turned ON and the same is the actual trouble creator
  • Make restrict the access of the SIM card with a password which can cause this problem in many cases
  • Sometimes this problem arrives due to the failure of the phone signal antenna
  • Check if the SIM card services have been suspended due to any of the possible reasons
  • You might not have inserted the SIM card correctly in the phone. Remove it and insert once again
  • This problem can be solved by performing a basic restart to the device. Try
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not related to the SIM card slot on the phone
  • Sometimes the problem declare its presence when the users purchase a wrong variant of the phone
  • Check if the phone bootloader is unlocked. The problem can exist due to the same reason as it installs the unwanted updates in the phone often
  • The SIM card you are using might be in a bad condition and need replacement. Check the same

Apps not working properly

  • Check and make sure the problem is not there due to running the phone in the safe mode. This disables installed applications in the device
  • Do check if the apps are installed in the micro SD card and not in the phone default memory. The same can create the trouble
  • An active virus in the phone can directly be blamed when the apps are not behaving properly
  • Make sure the OS bugs are not responsible for the problem you are facing
  • There are chances that the phone features are manually turned OFF and the same is causing the problem
  • One of the app-related common Realme C2 problems is denying the necessary permission to the apps for accessing phone data or features
  • Check if the apps are not updated to the latest available version. Install them
  • Sometimes this problem is experienced due to overheating of the device. Check the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but installing the apps from the third-party sources in the device
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the phone RAM is having something wrong with the same
  • Remove the apps which is causing the trouble and install it again in the device
  • Check if you changed the important settings of the installed apps to the custom which often creates the trouble
  • Perform a software reset to your phone and check if this helps to avoid the problem
  • Check and make sure the app which is causing the trouble is not having any coding error in the same

Poor Camera Quality

  • The phone might be running in the power saving mode or in the safe mode. The same can limit the camera functions
  • Your device might not have sufficient storage space available in the same which makes it store the images in the low-quality format
  • Image stabilization option always helps you to keep up the pace all the time when it comes to picture quality
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because of any Operating System bug. If the screen appears totally blank upon opening the camera app, OS bugs are often held responsible for this
  • Don’t use camera zoom feature beyond a limit as this often cut down the picture quality
  • Image resolution selected by you in the camera settings can impact the quality largely
  • This problem often appears during a video call because of signal issues. Check the same
  • There are chances that the camera lens is having some moisture, oil or grease particles on the same which are affecting the quality. Gently clean the same and check
  • Capturing the pictures or videos in the burst mode often affect the quality in several cases. Avoid the same
  • Select the shooting mode as per the nearby visibility and other factors that decide the picture quality
  • There are chances that the phone is suffering from a hardware issue. Get it checked properly
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused due to not capturing the images keeping the phone totally still

Overheating Problems

  • Factors related to the environment often cause this problem. Check if the same is the reason in your case as well
  • Check if this problem is created by the power bank which you are using. Pay attention to the power specifications of the phone and the power bank which must be same
  • The overheating problem could be there because you are running the device in the safe mode or in the power saving mode all the time
  • An active virus in your Realme C2 might be the reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure the problem is not caused just because you have connected it with any accessory
  • Using a low-quality or a third-party charger can be the reason to the overheating issues
  • Sometimes this problem is caused when you change the important/recommended settings of your device
  • Check if the actual reason to this problem is installing a lot of apps in it from the third-party sources
  • Sometimes the overheating is caused by the installed games in the device. Check them properly and make sure the ones installed are supported by the phone
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your device is having something wrong with the data stored in the same
  • Check if the phone battery is having something wrong with the same which is causing this problem
  • The ventilation system of your phone might have stopped working and is causing this problem. Check the same

Slow Performance

  • First, check if the internet connection is operating slowly and the same is the reason you are experiencing this issue in your phone
  • The type and kind of apps you installed in your device can largely affect the performance of the same
  • Sometimes the blocked apps are the reason you have to face the problem. Check and remove them
  • When the installed application in your device is having a problem associated with them, the performance often becomes slow. Check and install the latest available updates
  • One of the performance-related common Realme C2 problems is nothing but virus infection in the same
  • The speed of all the operations can become slow all of a sudden when an application is installed by you which is not supported by the same
  • There are chances that the phone is active in the safe mode which also limit its performance and operations
  • In case you turned OFF some phone features or imposed any kind of recursions on the same, it can be a reason to this problem
  • In some cases, running the charging pattern of your device affects its performance
  • Make sure the RAM of your device is not suffering from any kind of fault
  • Running a lot of applications in your device can be the reason you are facing this problem. Check
  • This problem can be solved by disabling the phone bloatware in case you have complex needs of applications
  • Perform a hardware reset and this will probably solve the problem. Save the phone data before going ahead.

Slow Charging

  • Make sure the problem is not caused due to a faulty charger. Check the network adapter as well as the charging cable
  • Your device might be having a problem in the charging port of the same. Check the same
  • This problem could be solved by performing a software reset. Try the same
  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps to fix the problem
  • Do check and make sure the apps are not running in the background which often slows down its charging speed
  • Sometimes this problem is caused just because the Wi-Fi hotspot is turned ON and sharing the internet connection with other devices
  • Cut down the screen turn OFF time. Keep the lowest limit on the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a weak power source.
  • In case you are downloading the data while charging your phone, the same can be a reason it is taking more time to charge
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because you are using your device for any purpose while charging the same
  • Bad apps in your device can cause this problem. Check the same
  • Corrosion or moisture in the charging port can boost its charging time. Check and take the action required

Poor Battery Life

  • Turn OFF the phone data and applications data synchronization. The same can be a reason it is not giving properly backup
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault with the battery inside. Check
  • You simply need to make sure the problem is not caused just because a lot of app notifications are running in the background. Close the apps running in the background as well
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi features are turned ON and searching for new devices continuously
  • The poor battery life is a problem which is often caused when the phone GPS is turned ON when there is no need of the same
  • Sometimes the problem is caused by a virus or a malware in your device. Check the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a software problem in the phone. Install the pending updates and this will fix the problem. Check
  • There are chances that the actual fault is there due to installing power-hungry apps in your device
  • Check if the screen brightness level is too high and the problem is caused because of the very same reason
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this helps you to fix the problem

Screen not working properly

  • Clean the device screen and check if this helps you to fix the problem. The oil and sweat particles on the screen can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the problem is there due to sharing the device screen with another device through the screen sharing option
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because your device is running in the power saving mode
  • Remove the glass guard installed on your device screen and check if this helps to fix the problem
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the failure of screen sensors
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused by a virus in the phone default memory
  • One of the screen-related common Realme C2 problems completely filled phone memory. This can be a reason to the problem
  • Check and make sure your hands are totally clean and are not covered with either mittens or gloves
  • The reason you have to face this problem is nothing but a physical damage on the screen which can be internal
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem because of no other reason than installing bad apps or the ones from the Play Store
  • A forced restart can help you to fix the problem. Try the same

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Perform a basic restart and check if this helps you to fix the problem
  • Make sure there is no sharp bend on the earpiece wire which can cause signal blockage and cause robotic sound
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because of bad signal strength due to a phone call
  • The phone sound card might be having a problem in the same. Check
  • Sometimes the phone sound drivers when not in proper working condition can cause this problem. Check the same
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because the phone is having something wrong with the earpiece connector
  • Do check the problem is not there just because the earpiece is not connected or paired properly with the phone. Check
  • Sometimes the problem is caused due to liquid damage caused to the earpiece speakers due to body sweat
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there because you are playing low-quality music in the phone
  • The earpiece you are using might not be supported by the phone. Check the same
  • This problem might be there just because the earpiece mode selected by you in the sound settings is wrong
  • Check if the earpiece works perfectly when used with another device

Formulation of all the above problems is simple with the methods you just introduced yourself with. For more information regarding the common Realme C2 problems, you can let us know by posting a comment below.