Change is not always easy to accept. Yes, this is really true. However, when it comes to smartphones, many people really don’t mind changing their existing gadgets. Actually, it has been seen since a last few years that people do so most of the time just because to access the latest features. This clearly means many people prefer changing their phones even when the smartphone they have can still stand with them for more time. The fact is the features in the smartphones are changing day by day. As manufacturers are blooming, the overall number of smartphones available in the market presently is expanding. They have attracted many attentions towards them. Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi has recently introduced a budget range phone and Redmi GO. Here are the common Redmi GO problems and their solutions.

As already mentioned, this is a budget range phone which has been introduced to let everyone afford and own a smartphone. The best part of this phone is it has been made available with android Oreo GO edition. It is believed to be one of the best points about this phone which is getting the attraction of the users. The simplicity of this gadget has been widely appreciated and the users are finding it simply the best in every aspect. In case you have a plan to own a smartphone with basic configuration and the budget that you really not to worry about, this is a perfect choice. In case, you are wondering to know why this gadget has common Redmi GO problems in it just check the below sections.

Reasons to the common Redmi GO problems

This is something about which you really need not to worry. The fact is the problems are the ones that can simply be avoided by the users just by following this guide. However, this really doesn’t mean that there are manufacturing bugs in this smartphone. The fact is this gadget is good enough to be owned presently. The problems that are discussed in this post are all about the software domain. Actually, these are the minor bugs which are present in almost every version of Android and therefore almost every smartphone has a few of them in them. They are generally there due to compatibility bugs of phone OS and apps. Here are their solutions.

Common Redmi GO Problems and Fixes

Problems generally don’t have the same nature. Even when similar problems declare their presence in different smartphones, they can be quite different from one another. Because most users really don’t have any idea regarding this, they start applying the methods they may have tried on other gadgets. This creates additional problems sometimes. Another trouble creator for them could be applying methods by molding them in their own ways. You are recommended to not to do the same. aims to help you to avoid all the common Redmi GO problems effectively. You cannot held us responsible if anything goes wrong just because you didn’t follow this guide carefully or mold the methods before applying. Check out now the solutions to the concerned problems.

Connectivity Problems

It is really important for you to understand the true nature of the problem first. Here are some helping methods that work against the connectivity-related common Redmi GO problems.

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • An unsecured connection could be one of the leading reasons to this problem in case you are unable to locate any other fault. Check the same
  • Simply reboot your phone and try connecting again
  • Make sure multiple devices are not connected with your modem at the same time which can be another reason to this problem
  • Sometimes when you are already downloading a lot of data one device connected to the same network can cause this problem in the other
  • Do check and make sure the entered Wi-Fi password in the phone is correct and updated
  • There are chances that this problem is caused just because an application that can access Wi-Fi is running in the background
  • There are chances that the service provider has stopped or suspended the services on your internet connection
  • Check if this problem is there just because the bandwidth limit has been crossed by you
  • When the cable connection on the router is not proper or if its configuration is having some errors in the same, the Wi-Fi problems are experienced
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not with the browser or with the server of the domain you are opening
  • There are chances that the device Wi-Fi antenna is not functioning its task properly
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the Wi-Fi drivers on the same
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because the LAN settings have been customized by you
  • The Wi-Fi might not be working due to placing the router away from the phone and the limited range is causing the trouble

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Sometimes the problem arrives when users turn ON both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at the same time and try to connect their phone with another gadget. Multiple connections with both these features may not be possible at the same time
  • Check if the cache data of the installed apps in your Redmi GO has not been cleaned and the same is causing this problem
  • There are chances that the presence of a virus in any of the devices connected with each other is stopping the data exchange
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there due to not charging your phone. When it runs low, you may face this problem
  • This problem could be due to not entering the pass-code that appears on the screen correctly
  • Pairing of both the phones should be performed carefully and accurately
  • There are chances that the problem is caused due to not running the phone in the general settings
  • Check and make sure the safe mode is not turned ON which can stop the Bluetooth to perform its task
  • Erase the name of few recently connected devices with the phone in the Bluetooth history list. Check if this solves your problem
  • Check if the visibility of your Redmi Go Bluetooth is hidden and the same is the reason you are facing the problem
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there due to a faulty Bluetooth antenna on your phone
  • Sometimes the problem declares its presence when users try to send the data in bulk through Bluetooth
  • Sometimes the users violate the security policies of the phone when it comes to exchanging the data through the Bluetooth. The same can be one of the reasons to the common Redmi GO problems

Screen not working properly

  • Do check if the glass guard installed on the screen is the one which is creating the trouble
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because of a software issue which many users confuse with the screen
  • Check if there is a damage on the screen which has stopped it from performing its task
  • Sometimes the presence of a virus ion the phone can be blamed for this problem. Scan your device for the same
  • Do check if the oil and the grease particles are there on the screen which is causing this glitch
  • Any kind of dirt on your hands can also be the reason to this problem as the screen is always skin sensitive
  • Make sure the screen sensors are in working condition and is not responsible for this problem
  • Do check the storage of your phone is not filled completely with the data which can stop it to perform the task
  • Sometimes the problem arrives in your phone just because the users don’t operate the screen reliably
  • Sharing the screen of your device with another can also be the reason to this issue
  • Make sure this problem is not there due to Operating System related bugs
  • The accessories which you are using with your phone might not be of good quality and is responsible for this problem
  • Perform a basic reboot and check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that you haven’t captured the images properly. Make sure the camera remains still. This is important for the quality pictures
  • Select the maximum level of pixel density in the camera settings
  • Make sure the HDR option is enabled while you capture the images
  • The limited or no visibility can cause this problem when you don’t turn ON the camera flashlight. Turning On the night mode would be a good contributor to the quality at such a situation
  • Clean the cache data of the apps installed in your phone
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because the lens is not cleaned properly and gently
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because the storage space in the phone is not available
  • Make sure you are not using a third-party application to access the camera on your phone and to capture the images
  • This problem could be there when the users capture all the videos and the pictures by turning On the burst mode on their phone
  • There are chances of a software issue in the phone. Update the OS and check if this helps you to solve the problem

Apps not working properly

  • Check if restarting your Redmi Go solves the problem you are facing with the installed applications
  • Update the apps you have installed in your phone and check if this helps you to eliminate the concerned problem permanently
  • If your phone is suffering from a hardware problem or in case some of its features are turned OFF by you manually, this problem could be there due to the same reason
  • The Play Store is always the trusted source of the apps. Avoid installing them from other sources as this automatically eliminates all the problems
  • In case some changes to the recommended settings have taken place recently, the same might be the reason to this problem. Restore them and check
  • Uninstall the application which is having something wrong with the same. again install it and check the problem
  • Your phone might be running low with the storage space and this can be the possible reason to the problem
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem caused in your phone has its source in the code of the application. Make sure it is fully compatible with the Redmi Go
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users fail to give permission to access the features and the data stored in the phone

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Of course, you need to first check the battery and have to make sure nothing is wrong with the same
  • Running the same application on your phone again and again can be the reason to this problem. Try not to do so
  • Check if the installed applications in the phone are responsible for this problem. This can happen when they are blocked or made to run in the outdated versions
  • Sometimes using a different charger than the one that comes with the phone creates this slow charging
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because your phone doesn’t have the latest updates installed in it
  • There are chances that you are using your phone too often while charging the same
  • Avoid downloading data while charging. It would even better to turn OFF the mobile data while doing so
  • The screen brightness should not be enhanced to a high level which can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because your phone is having its camera flashlight turned ON and is being used as a torch light
  • The unwanted files stored in your phone should be removed as this can help dealing with this problem
  • In case any application is installed for quick charging of the phone, the same in an actual sense can be the reason to this problem
  • Turn OFF all the notifications of the apps which are not mandatory for you

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Check and make sure this problem is not caused just because the earpiece is not connected accurately with the phone
  • Make sure the earpiece you are using is actually in a working condition and the same is not the reason to this problem
  • Certain chances are there that the phone owned by you is having something wrong with the Operating System
  • In case the phone sounds are disabled, the same can be one of the reasons to this problem
  • Check and make sure the sound drivers on your Redmi Go are not responsible for this fault.
  • One of the earpiece-related reasons common Redmi Go problems is nothing but a liquid damage which might have been caused to them without your knowledge
  • Check and locate if there is a fault on the earpiece connector to your phone which is the true reason to this problem
  • Make sure the music quality you are playing is not having any additional noise in it which may make you feel of having this problem
  • The earpiece you buy should be of good quality and is supported by the Redmi GO
  • Make sure the problem is not there due to a sharp bend on the wire of the earpiece owned by you. This can block the signal and can cause robotic sound in the speakers

Slow performance

  • Make sure the phone is not working in the safe mode which can really slow down its performance in some cases
  • Clean your phone against all the viruses or infected files with malware which can also be the reason to this problem
  • Restart the phone simply and check if the problem is still there
  • You might be running a lot of application on your phone at the same time when you are experiencing this problem. Close them and check if the problem is gone
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS. It should always be updated to the latest available version
  • Do check and make sure your phone RAM is working perfectly and is not responsible fully or a contributor for the slow performance
  • Check if the actual problem is with the phone applications. They can largely affect the performance when the things are not good with them. Update them from the Play Store and check if this solves the problem
  • This problem could be there just because of the slower operations of the internet. Check if the speed is too low to run the phone applications properly
  • There are chances that you have installed a lot of apps from the other sources than the Play Store and the same is the reason to the slow performance
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there in your phone just because of software customization performed beyond a limit
  • Eject the SIM tray and remove the SIM card from the same. Check it for a physical damage and insert it again if you didn’t find that. Restart the phone and check if the problem is gone
  • Make sure the network selection mode in the phone settings will always be set to automatic
  • Sometimes you need to turn ON the roaming services when you are traveling or changing the phone location frequently
  • In case any kind of PIN or password is set on the SIM card due to a security-related reason, the same should be turned OFF
  • Do check and make sure the actual problem in your phone is not there just because the variant of the Redmi GO doesn’t support the network your SIM card is based ON
  • Sometimes unlocking the bootloader of the phone can be the reason to this problem. Explore more about this in case you have no idea what exactly it is
  • Do check and make sure the SIM card is having all the services active on the same
  • Sometimes the problem arrives just because of turning OFF the SIM card manually in the phone settings
  • The internet should not be active on both the SIM card at the same time. This can be one of the reasons to the SIM related common Remdi Go problems
  • Make sure the SIM slot and the SIM tray are not physically damaged and the problem is there due to the very same reason
  • Certain chances are there that your phone is having a problem with the network antenna if you are unable to locate any other fault

Overheating Problems

  • Clear the cache data of the apps and check if this helps solving the problem
  • In case you are using any accessory with your phone which is not supported by it, the overheating could be due to the very same reason
  • Check and make sure the actual problem doesn’t have its origin in the charger which might be faulty. Check the charging cable as well
  • Always use a power bank which is supported by the Redmi GO if you use the one to charge your phone
  • There are chances that a number of games have been installed in your phone that are not compatible with the same
  • The overheating of the hardware is caused when the users don’t pay attention to ventilation system failure
  • Do check if this problem has been caused just because the phone is often overcharging
  • Make sure not to keep the blocked apps and useless data in your phone
  • A faulty which is related with the phone battery might be the reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because your phone has something wrong with the charging port on the same
  • Overheating of the hardware could be due to not updating the OS
  • Restart your device and check if this solves the problem

This guide on the common Redmi GO problems and fixes is very helpful in dealing with the problems which are related with the software. You can post a comment below if you wish to know anything else.