The needs of smartphone users are widely changing and manufacturers are struggling to meet this need. The fact is there are a lot of smartphone providers these days that can stand alone against others and can attract new customers. It is also necessary that the newcomers in the International market have also diverted the customers of other brands towards them. Due to the very same reason, expanding the customer database for every manufacturer has become important to survive in the competition. They are doing so by expanding their smartphone list. Well, Samsung has just added more in their A series. Some new smartphones have been added in the list and the A50 is one among them. In this post, the common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems are listed along with their solutions.

Well, common problems don’t always mean your smartphone will soon be experiencing them. They don’t even reflect that there are major problems present in this phone. The only reason for their presence in most of the cases is nothing but the errors and the basic bugs which are related to the Android technology. The Android is an open-source OS and usually faces some compatibility issues with different apps and hardware. It is because of this reason the common issues declare their presence in most of the gadgets these days. The best part is they can easily be avoided simply by doing nothing. Here in this post, some of the best methods that work against the common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems have been spotlighted to help you.

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What makes Samsung Galaxy A50 a stunning gadget?

Samsung has loaded this phone with a lot of new features. A lot of attention has been made to make it superior in every aspect. Experts have called this device one of the best ones which are launched in the current year. If you are looking for a phone that really helps you in performing your tasks smoothly and with efficiency, this is the one you should buy. The common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems can be ignored at this point. This is because these are the basic problems and can easily be avoided with any external help. Here are the solutions to the common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems.

Common Samsung Galaxy A50 Problems and Fixes

When it comes to fixing the problems, it always seems challenging until it’s done. This is really true and that is one of the leading reasons why most of the users avoid making efforts. It would be good for you to first explore the problem and apply the method after understanding the same in case you really don’t have an idea about the working of a smartphone. This is exactly what that assures guaranteed outcome in the desired manner. If methods are applied in the wrong way than recommended and any additional bug arrives in your phone, we at cannot be blamed for the same. Also, keep it in your mind that this post on the solutions to the common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems works against the software issues only and not the ones which are related to the hardware.

Connectivity problems

Of course, you know why phone connectivity is important. Without the same, your gadget is almost nothing more than a piece of brick. Check out below the solutions to the problems related to connectivity.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if your phone is having a security glitch that has disabled the working of the Bluetooth. One of the common reason to this problem is nothing but the presence of a virus in the phone
  • Try a simple restart and check if this helps you to eliminate the problem from your phone
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there due to not clearing the cache data. Do it and check again
  • Sometimes the improper pairing between both the gadgets causes the issues related to the Bluetooth functionality. Check properly f this is the case
  • Make sure your device is not operating in the safe mode and its battery should be more than 20% charged. The Bluetooth may not work properly if these conditions are not meet
  • There are chances that the Bluetooth visibility for your Samsung Galaxy A50 is hidden from the other devices
  • In case any restrictions are imposed on the Bluetooth by you, the same should be removed with immediate effect
  • Check if this problem is there just because you haven’t performed a reboot to your phone after installing new apps or updating the ones already there in the phone
  • The improper functionality of the Bluetooth feature could be due to sending a lot of data in one go
  • Make sure your phone is not having any problem with the OS or with the default Bluetooth drivers software
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the list of gadgets connected with your phone becomes too large. Simply erase a few names from the same
  • Check if the Bluetooth settings in the phone are not set to recommended but to the custom which is causing this problem

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Check if you have shared your Wi-Fi connection with multiple devices. This can cause the problem due to various reasons. Disconnect a few devices simply and check again
  • There are chances that the Wi-Fi password which you are entering in your phone is wrong as you may have changed it recently
  • Sometimes the improper installation of the router or placing it away from the phone can be the reason to the Wi-Fi problems
  • Make sure the internet settings in your phone or in the browser are not changed to custom which can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes users confuse this problem with the non-functionality of an app or a specific website. Make sure the same is not the case with you
  • There are chances that the phone or the security of the network has been shut down and the Wi-Fi issues are because of the same reason
  • Know your bandwidth limit and make sure the same has not been crossed when these issues are active
  • Check if the problem is there just because your phone is suffering from a hardware problem that might be related to the Wi-Fi antenna
  • Updating your phone OS may solve this problem. check if the same is pending
  • Make sure the LAN settings on your connection are not changed which can sometimes stop the Wi-Fi to operate properly
  • Make sure there are is no add-on eligibility or conditions on your network to allow the new devices to communicate
  • An old basic bug which is there in the phone might have caused this issue if the same was ignored by you. Check the same
  • It is necessary that your Wi-Fi router should be configured by an expert only

Screen not working properly

  • Check if the screen is not functioning just because the phone memory is completely full
  • There are chances that the actual problem is because of no other reason than a software issue in the phone. Check if the problem is eliminated when you turn ON the safe mode
  • Make sure to remove the glass guard from the screen when you are facing this problem and check again if it is gone
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is not having something OK with the memory card inserted in it. the same can be the reason to this problem
  • The improper functioning of the screen could be due to sharing it with another gadget by turning ON the screen-sharing option
  • Your phone might have a hardware problem or there is an internal damage to the screen causing this problem
  • Do check multiple notifications are not pending in the background which can sometimes cause this problem
  • Disconcert your phone from all nearby gadgets when you are facing this problem and check if the functionality is restored
  • The screen might not be functioning properly due to connecting a pirated accessory with the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because the screen has a lot of dust and grease particles on the same
  • Your hands should be cleaned properly and are not covered by anything when it comes to operating the phone screen

Overheating problems

  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because you are downloading the files in your phone for a long time
  • In case your device is connected with another for more than 30 minutes, this problem could be there due to the very same reason
  • Check and make sure the battery inside the phone is not responsible for this problem
  • Scan your device completely with an antivirus application and make sure the security no longer remains a concern
  • Do check if the phone ventilation system has stopped working permanently or if there is a temporary glitch is stopping the same to perform its task
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the charging port or with the charger you are using
  • Check if the overheating is because of overcharging your Samsung Galaxy A50
  • The problem might be there just because you haven’t updated your phone to the latest updates released for the same
  • Installing a lot of games in your phone can also be the reason to this problem
  • In case you use a power bank to charge your phone, don’t trust any brand randomly. Choose the one that best fits your phone
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because of changing the recommended phone settings
  • Perform a restart to the phone and check if the problem is gone

Camera problems/Blurry images

  • Check if the things can be made favorable just by cleaning the lens of your phone camera as the same can have a layer of dust on the same
  • Make sure your phone is having enough space available in its storage to store the captured images
  • Turn ON the camera flashlight and HDR option in the camera settings. Choose the shooting mode depending on the overall visibility
  • Remove the glass guard installed on the screen of your brand new gadget to make sure the same is not the cause to this problem
  • Open the camera settings and select the highest level for the pixel density
  • Avoid using the zoom feature as the same can be the reason to this problem. Avoid it up to the possible extent
  • Check and make sure the phone OS is not having a bug which is the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes when you use a third-party camera application to access the same, the problem remains there due to the very same reason
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because you didn’t give enough time to the lens to focus on the object
  • The picture or the videos might be captured n a wrong manner that what is recommended when it comes to using the phone camera
  • One of the reasons to the Camera related common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems is capturing the images in the burst mode

SIM/Network Problems

  • Check if simply by turning OFF your phone and then again turning it solves this problem
  • There are chances that the actual problem is because of no other reason than not inserting the SIM correctly in the phone
  • Make sure the SIM is not turned OFF manually in the SIM settings
  • Always select the automatic network selection mode in the network settings and make it the default preference
  • Do check if the SIM card is physically damaged and the same is the reason to the problem
  • The services on your SIM card might have stopped or interrupted due to any of the possible reason
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because the SIM slot or the Tray in which the SIM is kept is damaged
  • Check if the SIM card with internet connection active on it is inserted in the first SIM slot
  • Make sure you haven’t installed an update in your phone by unlocking its bootloader. The problem could be due to the very same reason
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when you are in the basement of a building
  • Do check if this problem can be solved just by turning ON the roaming services when you are away from the home town
  • Check if the SIM card works perfectly when inserted in another phone

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Your phone might be suffering from a problem which is related to the battery inside. Check the same
  • Don’t use a pirated charger or the one which doesn’t belong to your Samsung Galaxy A50
  • In case you recently enhanced the screen brightness of the phone, the same might have started this problem. Always keep the same on the automatic mode
  • Do check if this problem is there just because a lot of applications are running in the phone. Close them and check the status of the problem again
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the phone is not charged in a proper manner or if the source of power is faulty
  • There are chances that a lot of notifications are yet to be read. Close them and probably this will improve the battery performance
  • Check and make sure the charging port or the cable connector of your Samsung Galaxy A50 is not the actual trouble creator
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with the apps installed in it
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because the phone internet connection is shared with other gadgets
  • Downloading the data in the phone can be the reason for this problem if you are doing so for more than the last 30 minutes

Apps not working properly

  • The apps in the phone should be updated whenever a new version arrives. This is the key to keep up the pace with their performance
  • Make sure the apps are allowed to access the data and the other features in the phone. The same is often a requirement with many apps
  • Sometimes when there is a hardware problem in the phone or the OS is suffering from a technical glitch, the working of the apps get influenced
  • Make sure the problem is not there in your phone just because the applications are running in the custom settings
  • The app data should be kept in the default storage of the phone and not in a third-party memory
  • Make sure you are not facing this problem just because the apps in the phone are installed from the other sources than the Play Store
  • Check if a basic reboot can solve this problem
  • Make sure the apps are not giving problem just because some of the features in your Samsung Galaxy A50 have been manually disabled
  • There are chances that the app UI is having something wrong with the same
  • Remove the app and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • Do check if this problem is caused by a virus which is there in the default memory of your phone

Slow Performance

  • Check if this problem is caused just because of some recent changes that you allowed to take place in your phone
  • Sometimes the slow performance is because of no other reason than slow internet speed on your connection
  • Make sure the actual problem is not caused just because multiple apps are running in the background
  • The overall health of the apps installed in the phone and the system apps can have an impact on the performance of any smartphone. Keep this thing in your mind
  • Avoid installing any game or an app in your phone which is not supported by it
  • Do check if this problem can be solved when you simply restart your phone
  • There are chances that the problem has been caused just because a virus has found a way to enter your Samsung Galaxy A50
  • The problem could be there just because the RAM is overburden as you are running so many features at the same time
  • Sometimes the slow performance of the phone is there just because of not clearing the cache data of the phone
  • Make sure there is at least 3GB free space in the default storage of your phone
  • Changing the recommended settings of your Samsung Galaxy A50 could be one of the reasons to this problem
  • A hard reset is one of the best ways to solve this problem. However, the phone data should be saved first. Also, keep this thing in mind that the same will take your phone in its default settings

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • The earpiece which is of low quality or doesn’t support the Samsung Galaxy A50 should not be used with the same
  • The robotic sound might be due to liquid damage caused to the earpiece. Check the same
  • Make sure the phone sounds are not disabled as the same can be the reason to this problem
  • You need to select the earpiece type in the phone settings to get the best sound quality in it else you may experience this problem
  • Make sure the earpiece speakers are in working condition and this is not the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the sound card in the phone is not functioning properly and the problem is there due to the very same reason
  • Sometimes this problem arrives just because of improperly connecting/pairing your earpiece with the phone
  • If a new update is available, the same might have a fix to this problem. Install the same and check the problem
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is suffering from a hardware problem which is there in the earpiece connector
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because the earpiece is having a technical problem with the same.

It is to be kept in mind that all of the above solutions to the common Samsung Galaxy A50 problems works best only if your phone is suffering from a software issue as already mentioned. You are recommended to get your phone checked at an authorized repair shop if the problem is still there. Keep visiting our website for all the latest news about Android technology.