In the recent years, human life has seen significant growth and wellness in terms of quality. Almost everything has become accessible to the modern people which they once imaged. This has also loaded the routine of many people with the tasks that should be accomplished on time. Despite making a lot of efforts, many of us fail to keep the pace up with all the things. Something that can help us in managing the tasks and our schedule is a smartphone. It is widely acting as one of the superior gadgets that are helping the people. You might have no idea but the present-day phones are simply the best. You can go ahead with the Samsung Galaxy A8s which is an option that you can consider in case you have plans to change your gadget. Here are the common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems and solutions.

Not all the smartphones can be put equal to each other in all the aspects. Actually, certain smartphones come with certain specialization and the Samsung gadgets are always user-friendly. In fact, it’s this Korean manufacturer which has played a significant role in making this device reachable to one and all. Presently, a huge population of the world is using smartphones and they are actually amazing in every aspect. When it comes to Samsung, you need not to worry about anything. If you recently owned this model or is planning to own it anytime in future, there is nothing to raise the heartbeat as this device is not having any of the major problems associated with the same. All the problems which you are reading in this post along with their solutions are the basic ones. Check out below the best working methods against the common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems.

What exactly these issues are?

They are actually the problems which are related with the Android technology. In some of the cases, these are the problems that declare their presence in a Smartphone due to the negligence of the user. It is possible to avoid them through some simple steps and methods. All you need to pay attention to is applying the method carefully when it comes to formulating any problem you are facing in your gadget. This guide on the common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems helps you unconditionally to eliminate all the bugs from your phone in a short span of time.

Common Samsung Galaxy A8s Problems and Fixes

Sometimes when it comes to avoiding the problems, it needs you to try multiple methods and instructions in a well-defined manner. Attention should be paid while doing so. We recommend you to understand the core method before you apply. Also, make sure that the step is taken in the same way as you are instructed in the method. If anything goes wrong just because of your own negligence or not applying the method in the manner justified in this post, you cannot blame for any additional problem or anything that causes more problems in your phone. Go ahead now with the solutions to the common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems and fixes.

Connectivity Problems

These are the problems which are related to the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in most of the cases. Check out below how to deal with them without worrying about anything.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the Bluetooth is disabled automatically just because your phone battery is not charged enough to use this feature
  • Make sure the power saving mode is disabled as you might be facing the problem with Bluetooth feature just because of the same reason
  • Do check if there are bugs and malfunctioning in the phone which are related with the Android. Update to the latest available version
  • Make sure the data sending and receiving is as per the Bluetooth user’s policies. You might be sending more data or the format of the same is not supported by any of the devices
  • Check if the Bluetooth version in any of the phone is not supported by the other
  • There are chances that your phone memory is completely full and it cannot accept more data
  • Check if you have hidden the Bluetooth visibility from the other devices or have imposed restrictions on this feature.
  • Do check if the phone security violation is responsible for this problem
  • Clear the cache data of the Bluetooth app and restart your phone. Check if this solves the problem
  • Do check if this problem is because of no other reason than the various bugs and errors related to device pairing
  • There are chances that the Bluetooth antenna on your phone is not working properly
  • Check and make sure the phone is not having any of the other hardware problems in it
  • Erase a few names from the list of recently paired devices and check if this solves the problem
  • Try pairing the phone with another device and check if everything works reliably
  • Any of the above-listed problems might be with the other device you are connecting your Samsung Galaxy A8s

Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems

  • First check if your internet connection is not having something wrong with it. Make sure the services are not suspended temporarily
  • In case you have made any kind of changes in the network settings on your phone, better is to restore the same to the custom as you can face this problem
  • Check if the problem is there just because of entering an old/outdated password in it
  • There are chances that the phone Wi-Fi antenna is not in working condition
  • Make sure you are not too away from the Wi-Fi modem
  • There are chances that the app which you are using is not operational and you are confusing the same as Wi-Fi problem
  • If you are unable to connect your phone with the Wi-Fi, check if the limit of your Wi-Fi modem is exceeded as there might be other devices connected with the same
  • If your internet connection has a bandwidth limit, exceeding the same can sometimes automatically shut down the services. Check
  • Your Wi-Fi modem might have not been configured in the proper manner. Check all the errors and the bugs related to the same
  • You simply need to make sure that other features or the apps of the phone are not accessing the Wi-Fi just when you turned it ON for connecting with the internet
  • Be careful with the security of the device. Disabling the same may not allow you to connect it with any network
  • Check if there are some additional requirements/restrictions for connecting your phone with the network you are trying to connect
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings and choose to forget the connection. Add it again and check if this solve the problem

Touchscreen Problems

  • First check if there is a software problem in your phone. A lot of people often confuse the same problem as touchscreen faults
  • Perform a force restart and check if this problem is gone after doing the same
  • Make sure the power saving mode is not turned ON in the phone
  • Your phone screen should be cleaned from all the oil and grease particles. Also, make sure you operate the phone with bare hands only
  • Sometimes the phone screen have internal physical damage on it not visible to the users and the same can be the reason to this problem in your case as well
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have anything wrong with the data stored in it. Impose a limit on the same and check if this problem is gone
  • You might be using pirated accessories with your phone which can be the reason to this problem
  • Don’t turn ON the screen sharing option when it is not required.
  • Check if the transparent glass guard installed on the screen is responsible for this problem
  • There are chances that your phone screen is facing a technical problem due to the charging source
  • Try updating the phone software by opening it I the safe mode. Check if this method works in avoiding the problem
  • Your phone might be operating slowly and you are confusing this with the screen-related glitches. Check
  • In case the phone is connected with a parallel gadget, the same should be disconnected from it
  • First of all, check if you are taking the snaps in the burst mode which is often the reason to this problem
  • The Android-related bugs can be the reason if you are unable to open the camera or black screen appears when you do so
  • Check and make sure that the phone remains completely still when you click on the capture button
  • Make sure not to select the low pixel density in the camera settings
  • Always select the shooting mode which is best for the moment as per visibility
  • Make sure the camera lens is totally clean and is not having any physical damage on the same
  • There are chances that you are using the zoom feature which can also have an impact on the picture quality
  • In case there is no storage space available in the phone, you can face the problem due to the very same reason
  • Check if this problem is there just because you are using a third-party app to operate camera which might not be supported by the phone
  • Increase the screen brightness and check if the problem is solved
  • Always turn ON the High Definition mode in the camera settings

Apps not working properly

  • Do check if this problem is only because of outdated apps in the phone
  • Make sure you have given all the permissions to the apps which they actually need to operate. Don’t deny such permissions when they are asked after the installation of the apps
  • Check if the feature the apps need to operate is disabled n your phone
  • It is always recommended to you to install the apps only in the phone memory and not in the microSD card
  • The application causing the problem might have something wrong with its User Interface
  • Remove the app which is causing this problem and install it again in the phone
  • Check if the problem is there just because the apps have been installed from the third-party source in the phone
  • There are chances that your phone is working in the safe mode which often disables all the installed apps in it
  • Be sure that the app which you are installing is actually supported by your phone
  • The phone might not have enough storage space available in it which can also be the reason you are facing this problem
  • The actual reason to this problem might be a bug with the OS in your phone. Check and take the appropriate action

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Clear the cache data of your phone and check if this problem is gone
  • Make sure the sound or the music file which you are playing is of good quality. The other may make you feel that there is a problem with the earpiece
  • There are chances that the phone is not having the sound drivers installed properly or is not working in the required manner
  • Do check if the phone sounds are turned OFF or are disabled
  • Make sure the earpiece has been connected properly with the phone and is supported by the same
  • There are chances that the earpiece might have something wrong with its cable. Check if you find a physical damage on the wire
  • Make sure there is no dust and debris in the speaker of the earpiece which can also be held responsible for this problem
  • One of the earpiece related common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems is the non-functionality of the earpiece connector on the phone
  • You need to make sure that the pairing-related bugs are not responsible for this issue in case you are using a Bluetooth enabled earpiece

Doesn’t Recognize the Windows PC

  • First, make sure both the devices are connected properly through a medium or a channel which is actually supported by the both
  • There are chances that the security of any of the devices is disabled or turned OFF which causes automatic termination of the connection
  • There are chances that your phone USB drivers are outdated or the ones on the PC are not in working condition
  • This problem might be there just because the cable connection is loose. Check
  • The bugs which are related with the Windows or with the Android can be responsible for the same
  • Make sure there is enough free space available in the phone which is required by the task you are performing
  • Check if the phone is having any kind of restrictions imposed on it which are not allowing the same to be connected with the PC
  • The connecting mode selected on the phone might not be appropriate and the same can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the data which you are sharing between the two devices is having something wrong with the same
  • Restart the phone simply after connecting it with your computer. This may solve the problem if it a temporary one
  • The basic reason to this problem is the improper insertion of the SIM card in the phone. Check and re-insert if required
  • You might have locked the access to the SIM card with a password or a PIN. The same should be removed before you insert it in your Samsung Galaxy A8s
  • Check if this problem is due to permanent service suspension or a temporary reason
  • The network services might not be available or are limited at your exact location
  • Do check if you need to turn ON the roaming services in your SIM settings while traveling as per the policies of the network provider
  • The variant of the Samsung Galaxy A8s which you own might not support the SIM card frequency
  • Open the SIM settings and check if the SIM card is turned OFF in it
  • Make sure you haven’t forgetten to disable the Airplane mode it was enabled by you recently
  • The phone might have something wrong with its duplexer (signal antenna)
  • Check and make sure if the problem is with the SIM slot or with the SIM tray
  • The SIM with the active internet services should be inserted only in the first SIM slot of the phone
  • Open the network settings and make sure the network selection mode is set to automatic

Overheating problem

  • Your phone might have something wrong with the battery inside. Check and make sure of this
  • Restart the phone simply and check if this solves the problem
  • The phone might be unable to release the heat generated by the hardware due to the failure of the system responsible for the same or due to the blockage of the heat due to the back cover
  • Check and make sure your phone is completely free from all the viruses and malwares that can cause this problem
  • You need to make it sure that there is no moisture around the hardware components including the battery inside the phone
  • When the accessories used with the phone are not of good quality, this problem often declare its presence
  • The phone might be having a lot of blocked apps in the same
  • Check if a general update is available for the OS installing which can solve the problem
  • Your phone might be having a lot of games installed in it which it don’t support and can be the reason to the overheating of the hardware
  • If you use a power bank, it should be supported by the phone in all the aspects

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if you have enhanced the screen brightness to the maximum level which can cause this problem in any of the phones
  • It is necessary that your phone has all the apps installed from the Play Store only. The ones from other sources can be blamed for this issue
  • Check the working condition of the phone battery and make sure the same is not causing this problem.
  • The charger which you are using to charge your phone if doesn’t belong to it can cause this problem
  • Turning ON the features of the phone and running the apps in the background when they are not required can be another factor responsible for both quick battery drainage and slow charging of your phone
  • Check if the problem is there just because the phone is having its Wi-Fi hotspot turned ON and is shared with multiple devices
  • Avoid using your phone while charging the same
  • Check if the problem is in the charging port of your Samsung Galaxy A8s
  • There are chances that this problem is caused by a software failure in the phone. Install all the updates and check if the problem is gone
  • Simply make sure that the problem is not associated with any other hardware component in your phone
  • Keep the mobile data OFF when there is no need of the same

Slow Performance

  • Turn OFF the phone and again turn it ON
  • Limit the data stored in the phone by erasing the files and the apps you actually don’t need anymore
  • Update all the apps in the phone and check if this solves the problem you are facing
  • Analyze all the parameters in the phone which can be held responsible for this problem
  • Make sure the actual reason to this problem is not a software bug or not installing the latest available updates for the OS
  • If the phone memory is completely filled, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Clear the cache data of the apps and check if this solves the problem
  • Your phone might be having something wrong with its RAM or with another hardware component
  • The problem might be faced when you connect your phone with another device around you
  • Make sure there is no virus infection in the phone which is actually causing this problem
  • Close all the apps running in the background and check if this problem is gone
  • Disable the power saving mode if the same is active
  • Perform a hard restart by first saving the important data. This can restore the phone functionality for sure.

These methods about the common Samsung Galaxy A8s problems work reliably and are simple to understand. Do let us know about your experience through the below comment section.