Life is actually a group of a very large number of moments which are truly meant to be enjoyed at every stage. However, the things are not always necessary to remain in our favor. There are certain reasons for the same. Since the last recent years, a Smartphone has become one of the very essential parts of the life of us all. In other words, it has helped us a lot to enjoy every moment in the way we truly want. It is one of the major reasons smartphones are wanted and demanded at every phase of the life. If you are planning to buy the one, simply go ahead with the Umidigi S3 Pro. It is a reliable Smartphone with some of the excellent features loaded in it. This post guides you on the common Umidigi S3 Pro problems and their fixes through the best possible methods.

The problems in the smartphones are not always necessary to be there due to the reasons which are daunting such as manufacturing defects. Actually, this Smartphone is totally free from all such glitches. You might be wondering to know what these issues are all about then. Well, these are the common bugs which are present in every Smartphone powered by Android technology. If are not aware of them, they can cause big troubles in the phone. Therefore, dealing with these issues is necessary. It is simple and doesn’t consume a lot of time when you actually go ahead with the troubleshooting. These Android-related bugs can be present in the phone due to some random reasons and you can eliminate them from your phone just by focusing on the methods you are going to read below. Check out below the solutions to the common Umidigi S3 Pro problems.

Why these problems occur?

Actually, one of the major reasons for them is the Android’s open source nature. Probably you have an idea about this. When the manufacturers design their phones, they have to made changes in this OS to fit the same with the existing hardware and other software. Because different manufacturers prefer different kind of hardware with different class and features related to them, these issues declare their presence often. However, as already mentioned, there is nothing you need to worry about them. They can be fixed easily through this guide on the common Umidigi S3 Pro problems.

Common Umidigi S3 Pro problems and Fixes

No solution can be a perfect solution until you know how to apply the same. The users often made mistakes while understanding and actually applying the specific methods against the concerned problems. You need to keep this thing in your mind that the things can actually go wrong with this. A proper attention is to be paid on the formulation method before you actually apply it. There is a strong probability that you can face additional bugs and issues if you don’t keep this thing in your mind. cannot be blamed for the same in any situation. You can no go ahead with the solutions to the common Umidigi S3 Pro problems.

Connectivity Problems

The two types of connectivity problems which can declare their presence in any Smartphone are listed below to help you restore the functionality of your phone easily and reliably.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check and make sure your phone’s Bluetooth antenna is performing its task and is not causing any type of obstruction
  • Do check if the data which you are exchanging through the Bluetooth is having something wrong with it
  • There are chances that your smartphone Bluetooth version is not supported by the version on the other phone
  • Check if the problem can be solved by clearing the cache data of the apps and then restarting the phone simply
  • A lot of chances are there that the phone default memory is completely filled and the same is causing the problem
  • In case there are any kind of restrictions imposed on your phone as well as on the Bluetooth feature, you need to remove the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users impose a time limit on the visibility of the Bluetooth connection
  • Check if the phone is not having anything actually wrong with its Operating System
  • You might be facing this problem just because you have enabled the power saving mode on the phone
  • The exact size of the data which you are sending can also influence the working of the Bluetooth. Don’t exceed a specific limit on data size which you are going to share with this feature
  • There are certain chances that your phone is not having everything in perfect working condition with its other hardware components
  • You need to make sure that the Bluetooth user policies are not getting violated when you access this feature
  • Check if the devices have been paired correctly and this is not the reason to the problem
  • Erase a few names from the list of Bluetooth history. This can avoid the problem for sure
  • The actual problem might be with the other device which you are trying to connect with. Check

Wi-Fi connectivity Problems

  • In case you made any changes to the LAN settings or to the recommended setting of the network, restore the same
  • There are chances that you might have forgotten to update the password in the device after changing the same
  • Be very careful about the phone security as this can be the reason to this problem. Check if the same is disabled
  • Your internet connection should be free from all the possible issues that can largely impact its working
  • Remove all the restrictions imposed on your phone
  • Make sure you are within the defined range of the Wi-Fi modem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the user exceeds their data bandwidth limit
  • There are chances that the phone is having something wrong with its Wi-Fi antenna
  • There are other apps running in the background and might be accessing the Wi-Fi of your phone
  • Check if a simple reboot can solve this problem
  • Make sure the upper limit of the modem on hosting more devices have not been reached
  • You need to make it sure that your phone is not suffering from a parallel hardware problem
  • You might have not installed the latest available updates for the phone
  • Do check if the cable connection on the modem is not proper
  • The various errors and the bugs related to the configuration of the Wi-Fi modem can be the reason to this problem
  • You need to make it sure that your phone is not having anything wrong with the Wi-Fi drivers as the same can be the reason to this problem
  • The problem might be there just because the app which you are accessing is not in a functional state
  • Check your phone signal antenna and make sure it is in proper working condition
  • You might be facing this problem just because you haven’t installed the latest available updates in the phone
  • You might have not selected the network selection mode to the automatic mode
  • There are chances that the SIM card which you are using is having a minor or a major damage on it. Check
  • If the SIM card was not used for a long time, there are certain chances that the services are no longer valid on it
  • Do check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the same is causing this problem
  • You need to make it sure that the problem is not there just because you have turned OFF the SIM card in the SIM settings
  • While traveling, the signal fluctuation may occur. Restart the phone simply and wait for a while
  • You might be in the basement of a building where the signal is not reaching properly
  • The variant of the Umidigi S3 Pro might not support the services of the network provider and the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Do check if a simple reboot can solve this problem
  • You need to make it sure that the SIM with internet connection is inserted in the Slot number 1
  • The improper insertion of the SIM card in the phone and problems related to the SIM slot & tray can be the reason you are facing this problem
  • Do check and make sure that the SIM card is not having its access locked with the PIN or with a password

Apps not performing well

  • This can happen when you don’t prefer to install the latest available updates for the install apps in your phone
  • If some changes have been made in the default settings of the apps, the same can be the reason to your problem
  • Check if the actual problem is with the UI of the app which you are using
  • While installing the apps, make sure don’t deny any permission asked by the application. This can affect its working at a later stage
  • Sometimes when you disable any feature in your phone, it may affect the working of an app. Check if this is the reason to the problem
  • Always prefer Play Store when it comes to installing and updating the apps
  • You need to make it sure that the OS related bugs are not causing this problem in your phone
  • You need to be careful about the various viruses and the malwares that can have a very bad impact on the working of the apps in your phone
  • Do check if the application is not working well just because the internet speed on your phone is low
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with its hardware
  • Remove the app and re-install the same

Quick Battery drainage and slow charging

  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with its charging port. Clean the same gently and check if this solves the problem
  • The improper functionality of the charger can also be the reason to this problem. Always prefer using the charger that belongs to your own phone and not the other
  • Check if the phone is having something wrong with its software domain. Install the available updates if any and check if the problem is gone
  • The screen brightness should not be increased to its top level which often drains the battery too quickly
  • The battery backup is largely affected by factors such as continuous data downloading, using Google maps, turning ON Bluetooth and sharing your Wi-Fi connection
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with any other component of the hardware
  • Keep the mobile data OFF while you actually don’t need the same
  • In case you have installed any third-party app that claims to increase the battery backup, the same should be removed from the phone
  • Check if a lot of apps are running in the background
  • Try not to use the phone while charging the same as this can be the reason to this problem

Doesn’t Recognize the Windows PC

  • Check if this problem can be solved simply by restarting your phone after connecting it with the PC
  • Check and make sure the Windows related bugs are not responsible for this problem
  • Make sure the copy of Windows installed on the PC is genuine
  • You might have disabled your phone security or might have locked its access. Check
  • All the restrictions should be removed from the phone if you have imposed any
  • Check if the connecting cable you are using is causing this problem just because it is not supported by the phone or by the PC
  • The data which you are dealing with can also cause this problem
  • Be careful with the pairing of the phone with the PC if you are using a Bluetooth connection to connect the devices
  • Make sure your phone and the PC have latest USB drivers installed on it
  • Check if this problem is there just because the connection is loose and
  • There are certain chances that your phone is having an active virus causing this problem in the same
  • Simply make sure to select the right mode on the phone after connecting it with the PC
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have its storage space completely full

Overheating problem

  • This can happen when you use a third-party accessory with the phone
  • The apps installed from the third-party sources can also cause this problem
  • You need to make sure that the problem is not there just because your phone is not having something actually wrong with the battery inside
  • Do check if this problem is there just because the phone ventilation system is not performing its task properly
  • There are chances that you are downloading a lot of data from the internet for a long time. This can cause overheating
  • If you make use of a power bank, the same should be selected as per the power specifications mentioned on the phone battery
  • Make sure the power source is not having fluctuation or any other problem with the same
  • You need to make it sure that your phone is not having a lot of blocked apps in it
  • Multitasking beyond a limit can be another reason you are facing this problem
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by closing all the background running apps and restarting the phone once
  • Avoid playing games on your phone which it actually doesn’t support

Slow Performance

  • Make sure the problem is not associated with the software domain which is often the reason in most of the cases when this problem is felt by the users
  • One of the slow performance related common Umidigi S3 Pro problems is not updating the phone apps
  • Make sure there is no virus in the phone which is causing this problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that your phone default memory is not completely filled which can be another reason you are facing the problem
  • Check if the phone is not having everything in proper working condition with its RAM
  • In case any app has been installed from a source the phone actually couldn’t trust, the same should be removed from it
  • Check if the safe mode is active on the phone and the same is causing this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a hardware problem which is responsible for this
  • Don’t confuse this problem with the slow operating speed of the internet
  • Make sure your phone is actually not suffering from a OS-related bug
  • Certain chances are there that you are using a pirated accessory with the phone which is causing this problem
  • Close all the background running apps and check if this solves the problem
  • Check if your phone camera lens is not cleaned. Perform this task gently
  • Do check if the actual reason to this problem is the fully loaded phone drive
  • Make sure not to select a very low pixel density which can be the reason you are facing this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not having something wrong with the OS. This might be the reason you are unable to open the phone camera
  • The default camera apps should be preferred over others t make sure you will not face this problem
  • The camera zoom feature is used only when the same is required
  • Do check if a simple restart can solve this problem
  • Open the camera settings and enable the HD mode in the same
  • Make sure your phone camera lens is not having a physical damage on the same
  • You might be capturing the pictures by not focusing on the object first which can affect its quality
  • The phone camera might be giving a problem when your phone is in motion or when you capture the images from a moving vehicle

Touchscreen problems

  • You might be facing this problem just because you have turned ON the power saving mode or the safe mode in the phone
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is having its storage space almost filled
  • There are certain chances that the slow performance of the phone is being confused with the touch screen problem
  • You need to make sure that your hands are cleaned and are not covered by mittens and the gloves while accessing the screen
  • Be careful with the phone virus. They can disable the phone screen
  • Check and turn OFF the screen sharing option if the same is enabled on the phone
  • You need to make sit sure that your phone is not having an internal screen damage which is truly responsible for this problem
  • If there are a certain number of apps in the phone which are not functional, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Do check if this problem is there just because your phone is having something wrong with one of its hardware component
  • Remove the screen guard if installed on the phone and check if this solves the problem
  • Check if this problem can be solved with a force restart

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Check if the phone sounds are disabled and the same is causing this problem
  • Your phone might have something wrong with the earpiece connector. Check the same
  • Make sure the sound quality which you are playing is not too low. This can be the reason you are facing the problem
  • A damage to the earpiece wire which might not be noticed by you can be the reason to this problem
  • Clean the speakers of the earpiece gently and check if this helps eliminating the problem up to some extent
  • Your phone might have something actually wrong with the OS. Check and take the appropriate action
  • Open the sound settings of the phone and select the appropriate mode for the earpiece
  • Check if the earpiece works perfectly when used with another device
  • The earpiece you are using should be supported by the phone

So this is the information about the methods to the common Umidigi S3 Pro problems. If the problem which you are facing is not listed above, simply let us know through the below comment section.