Almost all of us are using a smartphone currently. It is true that it help us in getting a number of tasks being performed smoothly. However, we as a user of a smartphone never think the efforts the designers, developers, researchers and engineers have to make in order to shape the device in its true form. Of course, their efforts are very complex. The fact couldn’t be denied that they should be thanked at every stage but honestly speaking, we as a user never did that. Have we? If you think it’s not important, obviously you are wrong. The users sometimes blame the manufacturing team for the errors they don’t create or the ones which are present in the phone due to other reasons. Such issues are commonly tagged as common problems. The common Vivo Nex problems and solutions are mentioned below to help you.

When it is all about the elimination of a problem from a smartphone, the users are required to understand a few important things. The very first thing is it really doesn’t matter how fine or perfect your phone will be, there are certain chances of having some common problems in the same. The reasons behind them in most of the cases are Android bugs and the developing errors in the installed applications. When both integrate, the unexpected behavior of the phone usually begins. The users really don’t want to experience them for a long time. Thus, proper elimination is important. Here are the fixes to the common Vivo Nex problems to make your phone superior and is capable to perform its actual task.

Common Vivo Nex Problems and Fixes

The Smartphone users sometimes think that they the actual reasons to the common problems are easily visible. The same is not true in every case. The true reason might not be visible to you directly in all the cases. In fact, most problems don’t even reflect their true identity and confuse the users. One of the effective ways to deal with such issues is to follow a right guide like this on the common Vivo Nex problems. Everything has been compiled easily in this post.

You simply need to follow the information in the right manner. The various methods and the solutions to the common Vivo Nex problems you will find in the below section assure favorable results when the problem is actually related with the software domain. Also, the methods should be applied carefully and after understanding them properly. Violation of this condition can cause additional issues in your Vivo Nex and cannot be blamed for the same.

Connectivity problems

Here is the right and the easily available solutions to the connectivity related faults in your gadget.

 Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the Bluetooth is turned ON. If it is allowed to connected automatically to a nearby authorized device, disable the same temporarily
  • Make sure a software bug related with the Bluetooth drivers in the phone is not responsible for this problem
  • There are chances that this problem has arrived just because the size of data which you are sending or receiving is in Gigabytes. Such a large size of data cannot be transferred smoothly with Bluetooth
  • Check if you haven’t allowed your Bluetooth connection to be visible to all nearby Bluetooth enabled devices
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the phone is made to run in the safe mode which disables many important features including the Bluetooth
  • Chances are that the antenna on the phone responsible for data exchange is having a problem with the same
  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because one of the device is infected with a virus
  • Many users have to face this problem just because of very limit storage space availability in the phone
  • The Bluetooth might not be operating properly because your device is already connected with another device through any of the possible mediums
  • Manually changing the default Bluetooth settings or disabling some of the phone features can sometimes be the reason to this problem
  • Users often have to face this problem just because they don’t update their phone when a new update arrives
  • Clean the cache data of all the installed applications and this may help you to solve the issue
  • Check if this problem is there just because the list of Bluetooth devices connected with the phone recently is too long
  • A software reboot may help you eliminate this problem completely

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Check and make sure you are not facing this problem just because the phone is having something wrong with the router installed at your place. Check its cable connection and the Wi-Fi antenna. Make sure they are not the trouble creators
  • The password imposed on the network due to security reasons might be the reason to this problem when you enter it incorrectly in the phone
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem only because they download a lot of data and cross their bandwidth limit
  • The services might have been shut down by the internet provider temporarily. Check if this is the reason
  • The Wi-Fi device might be placed away and is not within the range of the signal. Check if the same is the reason to this problem
  • Make sure the phone Wi-Fi antenna is in proper working condition
  • This problem can be the result of a software glitch in the phone and can be fixed upon installing the latest available updates
  • Check and make sure your phone is totally active in terms of working of the hardware components which can stop the Wi-Fi to operate properly
  • The router which you are using might be unable to connect more devices as its limit might have exceeded. Check the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the security of the network is not up or when the phone security is disabled
  • Making any changes to the recommended LAN settings or disabling it can cause this problem
  • Don’t run your phone in the power saving mode
  • Certain chances are there that the phone you are using is having something wrong with the default Wi-Fi driver software. Check

SIM/Network problems

  • Carefully check if the phone SIM slot is having a physical damage on the same or something else is stopping it to operate properly
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the signal antenna
  • Check and make sure you are not facing this problem just because the internet enabled SIM card is placed in the SIM slot 2
  • The network provider might have stopped some or all the services on your SIM due to not using it for a long time or due to any of the possible reason
  • Open the network settings on the phone and select the automatic network selection mode. Selecting the home network probably works when you are away or at a remote location
  • The service which you are accessing might need special access to operate. Check and confirm from the network provider
  • This problem could be there just because your phone is suffering from a hardware fault.
  • One of the reasons to this problem is installing a wrong firmware by unlocking your phone bootloader
  • Check and make sure the Airplane mode is not turned ON which is often a common mistake and is the reason to this problem
  • Remove the SIM card and reinsert it in the phone. Check if this works
  • The variant of the Vivo Nex owned by you might not be supported by the SIM service provider. Check and confirm

Slow performance

  • Download and install the latest available updates for your phone and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • Slow performance of the phone is generally caused by the installed applications. Make sure everything is OK with them
  • Erase the data from the phone which is not useful to you anymore
  • Sometimes when the users load the default storage space fully, the performance goes down up to a high extent.
  • Certain chances are there that this is a software fault in the phone. Perform a software reset and check if this helps
  • Check if wiping the data partition helps you to restore your phone performance
  • Scan your device properly and check if this helps eliminating this problem
  • One of the performance-related reasons to the common Vivo Nex problems is changing the important settings of the phone and operating it in a customized manner
  • The third-party applications should be restricted when it comes to installing them in the phone. They may cause slow performance
  • The phone might be facing this problem just because you haven’ restarted it for a long time. Try it and check if this helps
  • This problem could be there just because your phone is having something wrong with the RAM. Check the same properly
  • For restoring the performance, a hard reset is the last option that will probably work. You need to save all your phone data before going ahead with the same

Screen not working properly

  • A problem with the screen sensors can be the reason you are not able to operate it properly. Check the same
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the screen guard installed for protection
  • Check and make sure this problem is not caused just because you installed a lot of apps in the phone from other sources than Play Store
  • A virus or a malware in the phone could be another reason why the screen fails to operate properly
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there just because you covered your hands with something before operating the screen. The hands should be cleaned properly
  • The device screen should not have oil particles on it that may get transferred from your hands. They can stop it completely
  • Check if an internal damage to the screen is responsible for this trouble
  • Check and make sure the phone storage space is not the reason to this problem when it is completely filled with data
  • The phone might be suffering from a software fault and the same is one of the reasons to this problem
  • Check if your phone operates perfectly when opened in the safe mode which clearly indicates that something is wrong with the installed applications

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Dust or debris in the speakers of the earpiece might be responsible for this problem. Check and clean
  • If you are using them while attending or placing a call, the disturbance caused by the fluctuating signal might be the reason to the robotic sound
  • Pay attention to the default sound drivers and make sure they are in perfect working condition
  • One of the reasons you are facing this problem is nothing but playing a low-quality music file on the phone while you have attached the earpiece with the same
  • Don’t disable the phone sounds as the same can confuse you with this problem in the phone
  • Check if the universal jack on the phone is the actual trouble creator
  • You might be facing this problem just because your phone is operating in the safe mode
  • Robotic sounds often come from the earpiece due to the liquid damage if it is caused to them. An indirect reason for the same is body sweat
  • Check if the earpiece is properly connected with the phone and is supported by it
  • Sometimes the robotic sounds come when the wire of the earpiece block the signal due to a sharp bend. Check the same
  • An internal damage to the earpiece might be the reason to this problem. Check if it works well when used on another phone
  • The phone Operating System might be the trouble creator and the problem you are facing might be interconnected to the same. Check if installing a new update eliminates this problem
  • Make sure the burst mode is not considered while capturing the images especially when the visibility is low. The low quality of the pictures might be due to the very same reason
  • Certain chances are there that the problem you are facing is because of no other reason than unclean lens
  • If the screen becomes totally blank when you open the phone camera, this indicates that something I actually wrong with the camera itself. You need to get it checked properly
  • This problem might have been triggered just because your phone is operating in the power saving mode which may not allow to capture quality pictures
  • The low pixel density selection for the captured images in the camera settings might be a reason to this problem
  • Check if the camera lens is having a moisture in the same which is responsible for this problem
  • Make sure the shooting mode which has been selected is based on the visibility and other factors that can influence the picture quality
  • The HDR mode should always be turned ON when you operate the phone camera
  • A basic reboot to the phone may help to solve this problem. Try the same

Apps not working properly

  • Simply turn OFF the phone and again turn it ON after 2 minutes. Check if the things are back on the track
  • If the applications in the phone are operating in the customized settings, restore them to the normal. Check if this helps you
  • Outdated apps in the phone may cause unexpected or poor behavior. Update them on time always
  • The UI of the application which is causing the trouble might be having something wrong with the same
  • Check if the application has bought a virus or another file which has caused the trouble. To make sure of safe installation, prefer Play Store and always keep the phone security ON
  • If the applications ask for the permissions to access any feature of the device, don’t restrict the same as this can cause the problem
  • You need to make sure that the problem is not caused just because the phone is suffering from a hardware fault or the one in the software domain
  • Uninstalling the application and once again installing it in the phone is a basic method that may work. Try the same
  • Don’t install the application in a third-party location. Prefer the default storage space only
  • Check if the overall performance of the phone is slow due to a third-party reason and you are blaming it all on the apps. One of the trouble creators in this regard in your internet connection which might be slow
  • The applications you have installed in your phone might have a bug in them. Check this properly

Poor Battery life & Slow charging

  • The way you are charging the phone could be the reason to this problem. don’t interrupt the phone once placed to charge on a source
  • Make sure the GPS is not turned ON without any use
  • The Wi-Fi might be turned ON and it is searching for the devices continuously
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having a lot of applications installed in the same which you usually run at the same time
  • Gaming is one of the key factors that can affect the overall battery performance
  • Do check and make sure if this problem is caused just because your phone is suffering from a fault which is having its origin in the battery itself
  • The screen brightness should be controlled as enhancing it beyond a limit is one of the key factors responsible for this problem
  • The phone charger might be faulty and is experiencing a problem about which you might have no idea
  • Do check and make sure if the app notifications are not running in the background and are causing this problem
  • There are certain chances that the problem is there just because the phone charging port is not in proper working condition
  • The slow speed of charging could be due to either using the phone while charging it or downloading the data at the same time
  • Certain chances are there that a software fault in the phone or a virus is the reason to this problem
  • The applications data if keep synchronizing with the apps all the time can cause this problem. Check the same
  • Sometimes the battery juice consumes more quickly when the phone is allowed to automatically connect to nearby devices

Overheating problems

  • Don’t overcharge your phone. Turn OFF the charger once it reached 90%. This is one of the best ways to avoid this problem
  • Play Store is having so many games and applications which your Vivo Nex may not support. Installing them can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes running multiple applications in the background when you are not actually using them causes this problem
  • Sharing the internet connection by turning ON the hotspot is another possible reason to this problem
  • The power bank you owned can cause this problem if you select it with closed eyes. The same should match the phone battery/power specifications
  • Make sure the battery itself is not the trouble creator
  • The phone should be free from any kind of virus infection as the same can cause this problem
  • Check if a reboot to the phone helps bringing it in the actual working condition
  • The phone ventilation system might have stopped working and is causing the overheating. Check the same
  • You might be operating your Vivo Nex in the customized settings as the overheating could be due to the very same reason
  • Don’t prefer any random charger when it comes to charging your gadget. The same can be a reason to this problem

You can assure the true and the expected outcomes with the help of this guide on the common Vivo Nex problems. We are one of the emerging platforms to search all the latest news and Android related information. Keep visiting us.