Smartphones can be a curse for a few people while for others; they are gadgets that have shared their life. The fact is everything comes with some cons including the pros. Generally, cons are ignored by the users as they really don’t matter to them. With a brand new smartphone, there is hardly any chance of a problem. When it comes to Vivo, there is nothing to worry about. One of the gadgets that they have launched as a style icon for the budget users is the U1. If you are planning to buy it, simply go ahead with your decision. Here is some useful information and guide on the common Vivo U1 problems and their fixes. This guide helps you to get the best out of your device all the time.

It’s not always necessary that the common problems in your phone are present because of manufacturing defects in the same. Well, there is hardly any chance for the same. The actual reason to the problem is Android basic bugs and the issues present in various apps on the Play Store. Depending on the apps installed, the overall attention paid to the general maintenance of the device, as well as on the general care given to the phone, some problems often declare their presence. They are generally considered as common problems. Read the common problems in Vivo U1 and how to fix them.

Common Vivo U1 Problems and Solutions

To address the problems in your device effectively, you simply need to keep this thing in your mind that different problems have different nature. Also, the problems are not always necessary to unveil their true identity and source directly. The methods listed in this post help you to easily overcome the common Vivo U1 problems. To get the favorable results, you must apply them in their actual format and manner without molding. will not entertain any request or complaint if the things get wrong with your device because of this reason.

Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Various connectivity problems including the Bluetooth are caused in the phone when you manually disable some features. Check if this is the reason to the problem
  • There are chances that the actual fault is present just because your device is having a fault in the Bluetooth antenna
  • Many users face this problem just because of customizing the default Bluetooth settings
  • Check if the actual fault is present in the other gadget you are connecting your Vivo U1 with
  • Simply make sure the fault is not caused just because of any blocked or unsupported data in your device
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not having any concern with the temporary files stored in your device
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but the radiation around the phone which can stop the Bluetooth to perform its task
  • This problem is experienced when the power saving mode or the safe mode is activated by the users on the phone
  • Simply check and make sure the problem is not caused just because communication restrictions are imposed on your device
  • There are chances that the actual fault is present in the phone just because it is having a restriction imposed on its Bluetooth visibility
  • Do check if a general reboot help you to deal with the problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that both the devices are having Bluetooth version installed on them which is supported by each other
  • While pairing the devices for the very first time, simply pay attention to the various pairing bugs. Also, make sure the pass code that appears on the screen is entered correctly
  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the devices are placed away from the defined Bluetooth range of each other

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • There are chances that the Wi-Fi router is busy hosting other devices connected to the network. Simply disconnect a few and check
  • The problem might be there just because there is an installed app in your phone which is accessing the Wi-Fi at the same time you are using it to connect your device to a network
  • Limited Wi-Fi signal strength or a weak connection can be a reason to this problem
  • Keep the hotspot OFF when you are connecting your phone to a Wi-Fi network
  • Check the Wi-Fi antennas on both the router, as well as on the device you are using
  • One of the leading reasons to this problem is a bug in the phone browser. It can have a bad impact on your internet surfing experience
  • Sometimes the website you try to open is barred or restricted by the internet service provider. Check if this is the reason to this problem
  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused just because the default Wi-Fi drivers are faulty
  • The problem might be there just because your smartphone is running in the safe mode. Disable it and check if this works
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but having your device IP mismatched on the network
  • Check if the actual problem is caused just because your device is suffering from a hardware problem
  • The Wi-Fi password you entered in the phone might be incorrect or outdated. Check
  • You are allowed to download a limited data only in s specific time period on most of the internet connections. Check if you have crossed the same and the problem is caused because of the same reason

Slow Performance

  • The slow performance of the device can be triggered by a recently downloaded or installed theme in the phone. Delete it and check if this helps you
  • Make sure the phone internet connection is not weak. The same is often confused with this problem by many users
  • One of the reasons to the common Vivo U1 problems is phone bloatware. If you don’t use it, disable the same and this will probably boost the overall performance
  • There are chances that the problem is caused just because the installed apps in your phone are faulty. Check and take the action required
  • Sometimes the slow performance of the phone is because of a virus in the same. Check and delete it. This will fix the issue for sure
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but multitasking. Close all the apps running in the background and check if this boosts the overall performance
  • Delete the cache data of the phone and the temporary files too. Check if this helps to deal with the problem
  • The slow performance of your device might be due to installation of third-party apps in the same. Check and disable them
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because of customization of the phone settings. Restore them if you did it recently
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused just because the phone is having a problem in the RAM. Check the other hardware components also
  • A hard reset always helps you to deal with this problem in case other methods wouldn’t

Overheating Problems

  • Many users face this problem just because of software issues in the device. Check and install the latest available updates. The problem will probably be gone post doing the same
  • The reason you are experiencing this problem in your phone can have a direct link with the phone battery. Check the same
  • If you recently installed any game or an app in your device, make sure the same is not contributing for this issue
  • Check if you are facing this problem just because you are using a charger with higher output power. Generally, the ones which claim to boost the charging speed of the phone causes this issue
  • Simply check and make sure the device is not getting overheated just because of factors related to the general environment around
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but continuous data downloading in the phone that causes the overheating
  • Check the phone heat sink properly. The same might not be performing its actual task
  • Many users face this problem just because of changing the power settings of the device
  • Disconnect your device is it is connected to a nearby gadget through a power cable
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but blocked apps or data in your device
  • Check if the only reason to this problem is a phone virus. Install an antivirus app and check if it get detected
  • You can fix this problem simply by performing a basic restart to your device
  • The streaming apps in the smartphones are often responsible for overheating. Check if this is also the reason in your case

Screen not working properly

  • Check the screen sensors first of all. They can have a problem with them which is not letting the screen work reliably
  • You can face this problem just because the device screen sharing option is turned ON. Disable it from any other gadget with which its screen is shared. Check if this helps
  • Performing a forced restart to your Vivo U1 can fix this problem. Check the same
  • In some cases, it’s nothing but mistakenly installing a wrong update in the phone that can stop the screen and other hardware to operate reliably
  • Make sure the device OS is not having any bug in the same which is contributing for this problem
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused in the phone just because the installed apps are faulty
  • Sometimes the problem is triggered by the type of data stored in the phone and the overall storage space it acquired. Erase the unwanted files and keep at least 2 GB free space in the device
  • Make sure you are not using a low quality accessory with your device
  • Check if this problem is experienced only when you charge your device through a power bank. Higher voltage from the same can be a reason in such a case
  • Simply make sure the device screen is not having a physical damage on the same
  • Body sweat, grease, oil and dust particles are the prime contributors to this problem when they already deposited themselves on the screen
  • This problem might be caused by the glass guard which you have installed on the screen. Remove it and check if this makes a difference

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • A general software update or a patch can fix this problem. Check if the same is pending to be installed
  • Make sure the device is not having any problem in the sound card installed inside. It can be a reason to this problem
  • The general and the common Vivo U1 problems related to the earpiece are caused due to signal attenuation. This can happen due to a damaged wire or a bend on the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but the installation of a music app your device couldn’t support
  • Check if the earpiece is not connected or paired to your phone correctly. Simply remove and reconnect. Check if this works
  • The reason you are facing this problem in your device is customized phone sound settings. Restore them and this will fix the problem for sure
  • Your earpiece might be having a manufacturing defect. Get it checked
  • In some cases, this problem is experienced when the speakers are caused damaged by the body sweat or any other liquid
  • You simply need to make it sure that the problem is not experienced just because of playing bad quality music in the phone
  • Check if the earpiece connector is faulty and the same is the reason you are facing this problem
  • Check if the phone sounds are disabled and the problem is caused because of the very same reason

Poor Camera Quality

  • Your device camera lens may need cleanliness. Check if it is having oil and fingerprints on the same
  • Preferring any other camera app than the default one can be the reason you are facing this problem
  • Make sure to remove the glass guard which comes pre-installed on the screen of brand new device
  • Make sure the image pixel density selected in the phone camera settings is not too low
  • Keep the HDR mode enabled all the time when it comes to getting quality pictures
  • Avoid using the zoom feature. This can have a bad impact on the quality
  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not caused just because of poor network signal strength during a video call
  • You might be facing this problem just because the image stabilization option is not used
  • Check if the actual reason to this problem is limited storage space availability on your device. The captured images are stored in compressed form in such a case
  • There are chances that the images are captured in burst mode. This degrades the quality often
  • Select the shooting mod according to the nearby visibility and other factors that matters for the quality images
  • Simply make sure the fault is not there just because your smartphone is suffering from a hardware problem
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because the image resolution selected is low
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not there just because the phone is not stable at a specific location while capturing the images

Slow Charging

  • Your smartphone’s charging port might be physically damaged or is having something wrong with the same
  • Check and make sure he actual problem is not caused just because the phone data is getting synchronized with the installed apps
  • The reason to this problem in some cases is nothing but outdated apps in your phone. Check and update them
  • Sometimes this problem is caused just because the source of the power given as input to the phone is weak
  • Make sure the charger which you are using is not having any fault in it. Check the cable and the adapter
  • The reason to this problem is downloading data in your device for a long time while charging the same
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because they don’t run the phone in the generally mode
  • Make sure the actual fault is not there just because you often play games in your phone while charging the same
  • Do check if a lot of apps are running in the phone while you are charging it
  • There are chances that a battery problem in your device is the actual trouble creator
  • Slow charging of your Vivo U1 might be due to having a virus in the same. Check it properly
  • Perform a software reset and check if this helps you to completely avoid the problem

Apps not working properly

  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault associated with the app manager. Check the same
  • A hardware problem in the device such as a faulty RAM can largely impact the working of installed apps. Check if this is causing the problem
  • If you recently customized the settings of any app, the same can be a reason you are facing this problem
  • One of the reasons to the app-related common Vivo U1 problems is running the phone in the safe mode all the time
  • There are chances that an OS bug in your device is causing the actual trouble. Check the same
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but not installing the latest available updates for the apps is exactly what that causes the trouble
  • Don’t ignore any installation error that occurred, the same can later cause the problem
  • Simply make sure the actual problem is not having any concern with the storage space in your device. The same might be full
  • The installed app might be having a coding bug in the same which is causing the problem
  • Simply make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the features on the phone are manually disabled
  • Delete the app which is causing the trouble. Now install it again from the Play Store. This can fix the problem for sure
  • Wipe the cache partition and check if this helps you to deal with the problem
  • The apps can easily be infected by a phone virus. Check if this is causing the trouble
  • Try to solve this issue by performing a basic reboot

SIM/Network Problems

  • The network signal antenna on your device might be causing this problem
  • Signal fluctuation can occur when you change your location continuously such as while driving. Don’t confuse it with a network problem
  • The reason to this problem might be inserting the SIM card in the phone in an incorrect manner
  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the SIM port or tray
  • You might have inserted the 4G enabled SIM card in the second slot when the first is empty. This can be a reason to the problem in some cases
  • Make sure the services have not been withdrawn from the SIM card
  • Check if the network frequency is not suitable with the phone just because of purchasing wrong variant
  • It’s the phone bootloader which you unlock recently that has caused this problem. Check
  • Make sure a custom ROM if installed on your device is not the reason to this problem
  • Basements in the apartments usually have weak or poor signal strength. Check if this is the reason to your problem
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having any damage on the same
  • Sometimes the reason to this problem is nothing but locking the SIM card access with a password
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because the roaming services needs to be activated on your SIM card
  • Check if a basic restart to the device solves this problem

Poor Battery Life

  • Avoid charging your device beyond 95%. It would be good for the battery in the long run
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused in your device just because of outdated OS or apps
  • Sometimes it’s nothing but the boosted level of brightness on your device screen which causes the actual problem
  • Simply make sure the fault is not present in the phone battery due to which you are experiencing this problem
  • The exact battery backup your phone gives depend largely on the type and number of apps installed in the same
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but various unread background notifications send by apps
  • Turn OFF the mobile data when the same is not required
  • You might be facing this problem just because the Wi-Fi hotspot on your device is turned ON. The battery will drain quickly depending on the number of devices sharing its internet connection
  • Do check and make sure the phone GPS is turned OFF
  • This is one of the problems caused by a software fault in your device. Check the same
  • Make sure the games and other apps are not running in the background
  • Do check and make sure the actual reason to this problem is not associated with the data stored in the phone

It is not necessary always that common Vivo U1 problems are experienced only when the device get old. You can face them anytime. These methods can be applied easily by you provided your device is not suffering from any hardware fault. For more information, just post a comment below.