Entertainment has become very important in the life of us all. There is nothing wrong to say that the same matters a lot when all we need is happiness. Well, everyone has reasons to cheer in the present time and people can often be seen enjoying their best moments with the closed ones. One fact that could be denied is we all are widely dependent on technology for entertaining our self and for enjoying our precious moments. Of course, there are gadgets that are always known to add more to our happiness. A Smartphone can easily be considered as one of the finest examples of this. Currently, there are so many phones available in the market that you can purchase for this purpose and the Vivo X23 is simply an example. Here in this post, we will discuss the common Vivo X23 problems and fixes.

It is not always necessary that when the common problems of a Smartphone are discussed, the same can be expected to have so of the problems associated with its hardware. It’s quite rare that a Smartphone which is recently launched have hardware problems reported in mass number. In such an incident the manufacturer often pay attention and take appropriate action. The other issues like the ones discussed in this post are common in almost every smartphone. If you are an owner of Vivo X23, simply knowing about the common Vivo X23 problems make it easy for you to maintain the efficiency as well as the reliability of this gadget.

Is Vivo X23 worth buying in 2018?

Well, the answer is yes. You need not to worry about anything which is related to the problem in this gadget. It has already been tested by the Vivo itself to assure reliability and the quality. Also, Vivo is known already to offer quality to their fans simply. Like all other devices they have ever provided, this is also the one that is perfect in every aspect. You can now simply go ahead for understating the common Vivo X23 problems that are not as complex as you might be thinking right now.

Common Vivo X23 problems and fixes

Basically, a Smartphone is a gadget that you always need and thus it is necessary that extreme attention is being paid to fix the issues it usually report to have. Doing this is not at all a complex task if you follow what is mentioned in this post. The information is simple and accurate. However, www.getdroidtips.com cannot be held responsible if you don’t take the same into the consideration in a manner which is not specified or recommended. Follow everything carefully and don’t mold the methods and instructions.

Connectivity issues

Connectivity could be one of the most common problems in any smartphone. It usually happens due to multiple reasons in most of the cases. Well, if the problem is observed in your Vivo X23, the following methods prove to be useful for you. Follow them simply

Bluetooth connectivity issues

  • Perform a basic reboot to your phone and check if this can solve your problem. Many users are able to get the things back on track with this simple trick
  • The problem you are facing is because of no other reason than improper functionality of the Bluetooth app in the phone
  • Check in case your phone has  a serious hardware problem in it due to any random reason
  • Check if the power saving mode is enabled and the phone Bluetooth is not operational due to very same reason
  • When it comes to sharing the data through Bluetooth, you simply need to pay attention to some important facts such as the Data size, compatibility with both gadgets involved in the process and overall number of files that can be sent one time
  • Check if you are directly or indirectly violating the Bluetooth or the phone’s security policies
  • Sometimes when the Bluetooth of your phone is under the control of any other app which has the permission to access the same, you can experience this problem. Close all background running apps in this case
  • Make sure to check if the problem is truly associated with the Bluetooth antenna on the phone
  • Check if the problem is right there just because you haven’t installed the latest updates on your Vivo X23
  • There might be some restriction on any of the phones to communicate or share data with the other gadgets
  • Check and make sure both the gadgets have been paired correctly. While doing this for the first time, you might be asked to enter a pass code that appears on the screen of other gadget
  • Any of the two phones might be running low on space. Check it out properly

Wi-Fi connectivity issues

  • For the Wi-Fi issues in the phone, you need to make sure that the phone is not having any restriction to access the same
  • Sometimes when there are additional requirements/needs to register a phone on a Wi-Fi network, the problems are often experienced by the user. Check this with the network administrator if you are connecting to a public network
  • Close all the other apps running in the background and especially the ones that have direct access to Wi-Fi
  • Always keep this thing in your phone that many times the problems are observed directly because of entering the wrong password (authentication details). You might have forgotten to change the same. Check properly
  • Make sure the phone is not showing the problem in it just because the phone have some problem with the Wi-Fi drivers
  • Check if the problem is related with the Wi-Fi modem and not with the phone. Improper configuration, wrong cable connection on the same and other factors can cause this problem
  • Most Wi-Fi modems have a limit to host and allow the number of devices. Exceeding the same can be the reason you have this problem active with you
  • Check in case the network bandwidth usage has been already exceed
  • Make sure to check the phone compatibility with the network. Although rare, this can also be the reason to the problem
  • Check the LAN settings of the network and disable any restrictions from the same
  • Update the device if the same is available and restart it. This can solve your concern
  • Slow internet speed can also be the reason you are facing this issue
  • Make sure the particular website you are trying to open is not having network downtime

Performance issues

Performance is something that needs your attention on priority. In a nutshell, performance is everything. The same can be maintained if things are not under your control easily by following ways.

  • This can be restored in some cases simply by performing a restart
  • Check if the problem is related with the hardware in the phone. Sometimes a minor flitch can directly be held responsible for the same
  • Check in case the problem is related with the OS. There are so many bugs that doesn’t let the phone perform well for the long run
  • The problem might be due to using the phone for downloading files from the internet that are too heavy
  • Running multiple apps at the same time highly degrade the performance and wouldn’t let your device maintain the required threshold for performance
  • Check in case a simple restart can avoid this problem from your phone
  • Avoid placing calls from the phone when it is charging already
  • The problem might be due to apps which are not functional in the phone. Update them all simply
  • Avoid keeping a lot of data in the phone as this can largely affect the performance
  • Clear the cache data of the phone at least once a week. This is really important to assure smooth functionality
  • The last option is to perform a hard reset. This needs you to take backup of data first if it is important.

Elimination of this problem from the phone is really very important and it is for the obvious reasons. You can do this with the below information.

  • Make sure to check if the SIM card you are using is having the problem in it just because you haven’t check its compatibility with the variant of Vivo X23 owned by you
  • Check in case the SIM card hasn’t been inserted in the phone properly
  • Service suspension from the same is another big reason that could be the trouble creator
  • Check in case the problem is there just because the phone really doesn’t have support available for the SIM
  • Make sure the problem is not associated with something not associated with the SIM and the phone such as the fault in the SIM tray, OS or with the network
  • Make sure your present location doesn’t have any restriction on the services
  • A physical damaged caused to the phone network antenna recently can also be held responsible for this
  • Simply check and make sure your phone doesn’t have a liquid damaged caused to it recently
  • Avoid using the toured SIM card in your phone
  • Sometimes forgetting to turn OFF the Airplane mode from the phone can cause this issue
  • Simply check if the phone just needs a basic reboot. Do it and there are chances that the problem would be gone
  • Make sure that you haven’t manually selected to register on another network by performing the network search
  • Check if the problem is there just because the SIM card has been turned OFF
  • Check the SIM card in another phone and if its works fine, you may need to contact the phone hardware support

Doesn’t recognize Windows PC

When it comes to connecting two electronic gadgets together, there are certain things the user needs to be careful about. You can simply go ahead with below instructions to keep up the pace.

  • To make sure the phone and the PC recognize each other, first check if the USB drivers are installed and in proper working condition in both the gadgets. Update them if required
  • Make sure to select the appropriate mode on the phone while connecting it with the computer
  • Make sure the connection is secure for both the gadgets
  • Check in case the cable you have used is not in functional mode or have compatibility problem with the phone or PC
  • The problem might be there due to missing drivers in the phone
  • Sometimes the problem is observed because the phone is not allowed to connect with other gadgets. Check the security section of this phone to know more. You may even read the user manual to boost your knowledge on this subject
  • Make sure the connection is not loose
  • Always check if the data you are transferring is not causing the problem due to an active virus or similar reasons
  • Restart the phone and the PC if they fail to recognize each other

Apps not functioning properly

Apps installed in the phone usually have an expiry date and if you don’t update them on time, they will no longer remain functional or fails to give you 100%. Well, there are other factors too that can cause this issue. Check and explore them below.

  • First as already mentioned, update the apps which you haven’t. Remove the ones no longer need
  • You might have installed them from a different source than Play Store by compromising your phone security. Simply don’t follow such practice
  • If the app data has been stored to the microSD card, copy the same in the phone as you can face unexpected behavior or other issues due to the same reason
  • Don’t change the settings of the apps to Custom. This is another leading factor responsible to this problem
  • Simply make sure your phone is not having any kind of virus present in it causing this issue
  • Apps shows problems when the phone run low on the memory

Bad camera quality

While handling a phone, its camera is the most visible hardware and because it is widely used by most of the users, it always needs the extra care. Thus while exploring this post on common Vivo X23 problems and their fixes; there are strong chances that you need to explore this section.

  • Make sure to use the camera zoom feature wisely and properly. More zoom simply downgrades the quality
  • Check if the images are blurry just because the camera needs cleanliness
  • Make it sure that your phone is not having OS related problems and the ones related with the camera app
  • It would always be good to access the camera from the default app only
  • Make sure the camera lens is not having any kind of issue with the same
  • Check and make it sure that the problem is not associated with the lack of cleanliness of the screen
  • Select the high Definition mode in the camera settings on the phone
  • In the camera settings, make sure simply to select the shooting mode that is best suited to the situation
  • Don’t capture images in burst mode as you need to compromise with the quality
  • Simply make sure that the phone doesn’t have problem with the flashlight

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

Device need to be charged so that they can be used. While charging, phones should be avoided to use and thus during the time being, you need to spend time without your phone. Thus, no one really likes to charge the phone again and again. Also, when the battery backup is not proper, the situation is daunting. Here is the fast battery draining related common Vivo X23 problems and their fixes.

  • It is necessary that all apps should be closed while charging the phone or while using it for any general purpose
  • Make sure there are no large number of apps in your phone causing any problem
  • Simply make sure the problem is not there just because you are not charging your phone with its actual charger
  • When the accessories used with the phone are not genuine or compatible, this problem is often observed
  • When there is no need of any feature, the same should be kept OFF else they cause more battery consumption. Examples are Wi-Fi hot spot and Bluetooth
  • Turn OFF notifications lights if they are not important
  • If the internet is not always required to too, turn OFF mobile data. This can help boosting the overall battery backup
  • Make sure not to download so many files while phone is charging
  • The problem might be there with the device battery or another hardware problem in the phone

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

Get this problem fixed simply with the help of below mentioned instructions.

  • Make sure to use the earpiece that are genuine and compatible
  • The problem might be there in the phone sound drivers
  • Update them and check if the problem is gone
  • You might have disabled the sounds in the phone and this can be the reason to the problem
  • Make sure the phone doesn’t have any kind of fault or a damage on its USB connector
  • Try using the earpiece on another phone to know the exact cause of this problem
  • Check if the earpiece are not functional
  • If they are connected through Bluetooth, pair them properly with the phone

Well, this one is really not among the common Vivo X23 problems. However, there are lots of other factors due to which it can be active in the device. Explore more details on this below.

  • The screen might have a liquid damaged caused to it with or without your knowledge. This is the strongest possible reason to this problem
  • Make sure the transparent glass covered installed on the screen is not actually responsible for this. Remove it and check
  • If you haven’t cleaned the screen of your Vivo X23 for long, there are chances of this problem in it
  • Apps that are not useful/required anymore should be removed from the phone. Sometimes they can be held responsible for this problem too
  • A minor error in the OS can result in screen-related issues in the phone. Check this and update the same if a new version is there
  • Make sure the phone screen is not shared with any other gadget
  • You can face this problem if your hands are covered with gloves or if they are not wet
  • Open the phone in the safe mode and if things are all good, it’s a clear indication that the actual problem is with the software domain
  • If your phone memory is full, erase some data and make sure to have at least 5GB free space. Restart the phone after erasing the same and check if the things are now under your control
  • Make sure not to confuse this fault with any other

MicroSD card not detected in the phone

Sometimes problems related with the microSD card largely affect the other functions of the phone. Of course they doesn’t let you get the best out from the same. To get them fixed manually, you can follow below guide simply.

  • Dust, stain, or a physical damaged are among the common problems associated with a microSD card
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having a problem with the memory card just because both of them are not compatible with each other
  • There might be restrictions on using the same in your phone. Check device security settings and remove them
  • There are chances of manufacturing defects if you use a low quality microSD card in your phone
  • Keep this thing in your mind that a microSD card is actually a very sensitive thing. Improper handling, leaving it in moisture, under heat or direct sunlight make it totally useless
  • The data present in the phone might be hidden or it might not be accessed due to copyright and other similar issues. Check this simply
  • Make it sure that your phone doesn’t have a problem associated with the microSD card slot.
  • You need to insert it carefully in the phone. Sometimes it needs a simple reboot after doing so. Perform this and check
  • Last thing which you can do is formatting your card and it no problem is there with the hardware, you can get it back in its proper working condition after this. However, makes you lose all your data and therefore take backup if the same is important

Overheating problems

The phone may release more heat when the users fail to use it in the recommended manner. Other common reasons along with the best possible solutions are spotlighted below.

  • Restart the phone after closing all the active apps in it
  • Check if the phone back cover is not allowing the proper ventilation
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because the hardware has to cop up with the old versions of apps and the OS. This could be the most common reason to this problem
  • Check if you have installed third-party software or an app in the phone.
  • Playing games frequently can sometimes cause this problem
  • Make it sure that the problem is not actually associated with the cache memory or the auspicious files in the phone. Clean both of them
  • Your phone must have all the features disabled when they are not in use
  • Check if you can simply solve this concern simply by limiting the phone data
  • Don’t prefer using pirated or low quality accessories with the phone
  • Those who make use of power banks should prefer the ones that are totally compatible and have same power ratings as the Vivo X23 have.

The common Vivo X23 problems and their best possible solutions which you have just explored can simply be trusted for the long run. In case what you were looking for is not mentioned here, post a comment below simply.