One of the easiest ways to add years in life is maintaining the present health. However, for most of the people it has become a supreme challenge. The reasons are many and one among them is the busiest schedules the working people have ever faced. The present century has everything based largely on technology and humans needs to be superior to use the same. This sometimes makes them compromise their health which in fact creates a lot of issues in the long run. Therefore maintaining the health is very important. A Smartphone is one of the easily available tools that can help you to maintain the same especially when other options seem inaccessible. You might have no idea but this is true that a lot of things and tasks can easily be accomplished with a phone that largely matters for the health. If you need a Smartphone, the Vivo Z1 Lite is one of the finest available options. Here are the solutions to the common Vivo Z1 Lite problems.

This Smartphone comes with simply the best features . The Vivo has already secured a great level of popularity in some of the smartphone markets across the globe. You actually need not to think a lot about the common Vivo Z1 Lite problems. This is because this Smartphone doesn’t have any of them due to manufacturing negligence. The fact is Android-based common errors and the reason for the same. This clearly means you can easily avoid them. It must be kept in mind that in all the cases the Android-related bugs cannot be blamed for these issues. They can occur due to random reason as well. You can simply go ahead with the information mentioned in this post for the solutions to get the best out for this gadget.

Why Vivo Z1 Lite is a good option?

It is one of the newest Smartphone in the market right now. It has already attracted the attention of many loyal users of the Smartphone who are currently looking to switch their gadgets and the first time buyers. As already mentioned, it has excellent looks and features. You can simply get the best out of this smartphone. It is a perfect balance of everything and therefore you have no reasons for the cost you are going to invest on it. Probably you can have more than the same in a very short span of time. Thus, you can purchase this smartphone with no reasons. Here are the common Vivo Z1 Lite problems and fixes.

Common Vivo Z1 Lite Problems and Fixes

Certain number of times it has been seen that the users often adopt and apply their own methods whenever anything goes wrong in their phones. You need to avoid such a practice. It is actually and always good to follow a professional guide than applying the methods one may think can bring the favorable fortune. As those methods are not always necessary to work on all the smartphones, sometimes they invite the additional problems and the users have to bear additional cost for the same. To make sure such an incident don’t happen with you, simply follow this guide without molding the same. cannot be blamed for the problems that arrive in the phone after following the methods and instructions mentioned in this post in a different manner. Check now the solutions to the common Vivo Z1 Lite problems below.

Connectivity Problems

There are so many reasons why this problem declares its true presence in any of the Smartphone which is powered by the Android technology. Exploring the reason may consume additional times. Simply apply the mentioned methods and instructions below.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if the power saving mode is enabled on the phone which can automatically disable the Bluetooth feature in most of the cases
  • Make sure the device default memory is not fully loaded which can also cause Bluetooth problems
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and erase a few recently paired devices. This may solve the problem
  • Do check if this problem is just because the Bluetooth drivers are not working in a proper manner
  • There are chances that your phone is suffering from a hardware problem in it
  • Failure of the Bluetooth antenna can also cause this problem
  • Do check and make sure this problem is not because of reasons related with the data you are exchanging through the Bluetooth
  • If any of the devices is infected with a the virus, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Clear the cache data of the apps and restart the phone. This can help you to avoid the problem
  • There are chances that you have made any changes to the default Bluetooth settings. If so, restore them to custom
  • Check if the visibility of any of the device is hidden and is causing this problem
  • Make sure you haven’t imposed any kind of restrictions on your phone connectivity that can cause this problem
  • If the Bluetooth connection is getting terminated automatically, the same could be due to the reason that the phone is infected with the virus
  • Do check if this problem can be solved with a simple reboot
  • Sometimes the unexpected behavior of the installed apps can affect the Bluetooth functionality up to some extent
  • If your device is already connected with another, disconnect it first
  • If this problem is still there, get the device checked

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • First check if the internet services are valid and are not suspended from your connection
  • Do check if there are some restrictions on connecting with the network. If the same have been imposed on your phone, remove them
  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not because of a glitch with the Wi-Fi drivers in the phone
  • Don’t disable the phone security which can also cause this problem
  • There are chances that your phone is suffering from a hardware problem that can affect the Wi-Fi functionality
  • Make sure no limit has been set on the internet connection exceeding which can disable the internet
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem is with the modem which you are using
  • Carefully check the cable connection on the modem and make sure it has been configured properly
  • You might be facing this problem just because the Wi-Fi access is grabbed by any of the installed apps
  • Do check if the problem is there because you haven’t entered the correct and the updated password
  • Make sure there are no additional restrictions on the connection which can also cause this problem
  • There are chances that the phone Wi-Fi antenna is not functional and is responsible for this problem
  • Make sure the app or the domain you are opening is actually working
  • Simply reboot your phone and the modem. Check if this solves the problem
  • If you have made any chances to the network settings, restore them

Camera Problems/ Blurry images

  • Check if you haven’t cleaned the camera lens after touching it with dirty hands. There are also chances that oil and grease particles get deposited on the same
  • Check if you are capturing the images in the burst mode which often degrades the picture quality
  • Selection of the night mode and enabling the HD pictures mode in the camera settings is always useful when the overall visibility is not so good
  • Check and make sure the zoom feature is not used beyond a specific level which can cause this issue
  • Make sure to remove the pre-installed screen guard to ensure the camera picture quality
  • Capture the images by focusing on the object only to avoid the low quality of the same
  • There are chances that your Vivo Z1 Lite has a problem in its OS. Update if a new version is available
  • Prefer capturing the images by accessing eh camera through its default app only and not the other ones
  • Make sure the lack of storage space in your phone is not the reason to this problem
  • Make sure phone remains in no motion while you capture the pictures
  • There are chances that your phone is having something wrong with its lens internally. Check the same
  • Always prefer using the camera flashlight when the same is required
  • Check if your SIM card is torn or damaged and the same is causing the problem.
  • Do check if the variant of Vivo Z1 Lite support the network operator services or not
  • Make sure the problem is not due to network fluctuation while at a remote location or while traveling
  • There are chances that the SIM card is not showing the proper signal due to not inserting it in the phone properly. Remove and insert it again
  • You might have turned ON the Airplane mode recently and have forgetten to disable it. Check if this is causing the problem
  • Make sure the SIM card has not been turned OFF in the settings
  • Do check if you can solve the problem by restarting the phone simply
  • If the SIM card is locked with a PIN, you need to remove the same and then again insert it in your phone
  • Make sure to check if the signal antenna of the phone is causing some problem
  • Sometimes when the internet enabled SIM is not inserted in the slot number 1, this problem arrives
  • Check and make sure the network services all applicable on your SIM card and has not been withdrawn
  • Search the home network manually and register on the same. Keep the network selection mode to automatic after doing so
  • Check if the only reason to this problem is the damage caused to the SIM slot

Apps not performing well

  • This can happen when the mass apps are not updated on time or when they are not installed from the Play Store
  • Make sure you haven’t made any changes to the default settings of the app you are using
  • Make sure to keep them in the phone memory only and not in the microSD card for their smooth function
  • Do check if you have given the access to the apps which they need for the functionality. If not, do it
  • Uninstall the app and then again install it from the Play Store
  • Make sure if the phone memory is not enough which can also cause this problem
  • Never use multiple apps at the same time
  • There are chances that the problem is there due to Android-related bugs. Install the updates available for the same if any
  • A virus infection in the phone can be the reason to this problem
  • Make sure the app you are installing/using actually support the phone
  • Improper functionality could be due to a hardware problem in the phone.

Earpiece Sounds robotic

  • This problem might be due to not using an earpiece which is actually supported by the phone
  • Do check if this problem is there just because the sounds have been disabled or set to level zero
  • Check if the earpiece connector is causing this problem due to a fault in it or just due to a loose connection
  • Check and make sure your phone doesn’t have a problem in any of its hardware component which can cause this problem
  • Your phone might has its memory completely filled and the same is causing this problem
  • Do check if this problem can be solved by restarting your phone
  • Make sure to pair the earpiece correctly if they are operated via Bluetooth
  • The problem might be there just because you are playing a low quality music or a sound file. Do check if the same is supported by the phone

MicroSD card problems

  • Check if the problem is you are using a card which is not supported by your phone
  • Make sure the device security is not disabled which can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the problem is there just because the data stored in the card has some restrictions on it and the phone simply cannot detect the card or read the same
  • You need to make sure the data in the microSD card is not affected with a virus
  • There are chances of a manufacturing defect in the brand new card as well if it is of a low quality. Keep it in your mind
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the phone default memory and the SD card you inserted both have no free space in them
  • You must check if the microSD card is inserted correctly and in the correct slot
  • The problem might be there just because of an internal or an external damage on the card
  • Don’t use a memory card which is having a storage capacity imposed by Vivo on this phone
  • There are chances that the microSD card is empty and you are confusing it with this problem
  • Check if the problem can be solved upon removing and re-inserting the same in the phone
  • Simply check if the card works perfectly on another phone

Overheating problems

  • This might be due to using the unauthorized accessories or the ones which the phone doesn’t support in a real sense
  • Make sure your phone memory is not fully loaded with the data
  • Sometimes installing and playing too much games can be the reason to the overheating of the hardware
  • There are chances that something is not good with the phone OS
  • Check if the problem is caused due to the failure of a hardware component or due to battery related fault in the phone
  • The blocked apps in the phone or the ones not updated to the latest version can also cause overheating
  • Make sure to check if your phone has a lot of virus present in its default memory
  • Remove the microSD card if you have inserted the same and check if this solves the problem
  • Make sure to check the problem is not there just because the phone ventilation system is not working
  • Check if this problem is due to using a third-party charger for charging the phone
  • The very first thing is to check whether this problem is due to not removing the pre-installed glass guard on the screen
  • Make sure your phone is not operating in the power saving mode which can be the reason to this problem
  • Check if your phone is connected with another gadget which can also affect its functionality and the screen-related problems are observed
  • Make sure to check if the problem is there just because you haven’t downloaded and installed the latest available updates on the phone
  • The problem might be due to internal screen damage. Check and make sure of this
  • You might be operating the device with wet hands or by covering them through gloves/mittens
  • Check if the problem can be solved simply by opening your phone in the safe mode
  • Remove the glass guard installed by you on the screen and check if the things are back on track
  • Make sure no apps or the software are installed from the sources your device cannot trust
  • Do check if you can avoid this problem simply by removing the microSD card inserted in it as more data in the phone can also affect the screen functionality

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if there is a fault in the charger you are using
  • There are chances that the problem is just because of not installing the latest updates and the software
  • If your phone charging cable and the power source are not reliable, you can face this problem
  • Keep the screen brightness set to the automatic mode always
  • Check and make sure your phone doesn’t have any virus present in it
  • The fast battery drainage might be due to running the features without any use
  • Close all the apps running in the background
  • Restart your phone and check if this solves your problem
  • Don’t allow all the installed apps in your Vivo Z1 Lite to send you notifications. Disable them for the apps with no priority or the ones you rarely use
  • Make sure to check if this problem is just because of using a power bank most of the time and that’s too the one your phone doesn’t support
  • Do check if the phone battery is faulty and the same is the cause to this problem
  • It is necessary to disable all the third-party apps to get the best out from the phone battery
  • Limiting the phone data also works upto a good extent in solving this problem
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t have a lot of dust or lint in its charging port
  • Make sure to keep the phone data OFF when you are not using the phone

Performance problems

  • Check if this problem is there just because your phone has multiple OS and other software related problems
  • Install the pending updates for the apps and check if this solves the problem
  • Make sure to check your Vivo Z1 Lite is not facing a hardware fault
  • Don’t use any accessory which is not of good quality with it
  • Make sure the third-party apps or the ones which are blocked are not causing this problem in your phone
  • Certain factors about the data stored in the phone can limit its performance. Keep this thing in your mind
  • A limit should be imposed on the overall number of apps in your phone
  • Check if you can solve this problem simply by removing some apps from the phone which are no longer required
  • Sometimes this problem is observed only when the phone is connected with another phone/device
  • Make sure the actual cause of the problem is not related to the charging manner you prefer
  • Do check if your phone RAM is experiencing some issue
  • A hard reset can solve this problem if the other methods cannot

Doesn’t recognize Windows

  • Make sure the phone and the PC both are having the recognition software for each other installed in them
  • Check if the problem can be solved simply by opening the phone in the safe mode when connected with a PC
  • You need to make it sure that the selected mode is not wrong which can be the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes when the Windows copy is not genuine, this problem is observed
  • Check if your phone has a lot of issues in its OS causing this problem
  • The connecting cable you are using might be faulty or the device pairing has not been done properly in case of a Bluetooth connection (refer Bluetooth connectivity problems for more information)
  • Do check if the connecting port on the phone or on the PC are not in working position
  • There are chances of a hardware fault in the phone
  • Make sure the data you are exchanging is not causing this problem
  • Reboot your phone once after connecting it with the PC

With all these instructions and methods, avoiding the common Vivo Z1 Lite problems is not a big deal. You can let us know about the more issues if you are facing them in the below comment section. In case these methods don’t work, your phone might have a serious hardware issue and you need to bring it to the nearby authorized Vivo service center.