In the present year, some of the big smartphones have arrived in the market. Every manufacturer has tried their best and their aim is to attract large and large audience. There are many who become successful up to a great extent. Actually, something that is becoming one of the major factors to the success of many manufacturers is their attention towards building a phone with a specific specialization. Yes, that’s true. A lot of manufacturers have started manufacturing smartphones with full attention on a specific feature that is widely demanded. For example, Xiaomi has realized that there are many game freaks in the world and they love enjoying games on a smartphone. This is exactly what that makes them launch Xiaomi Black Shark 2 which is actually the successor of Black Shark launched by them last year. Check the details about the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems below.

If you are looking to own a smartphone which is good in gaming, this is exactly what you can trust and purchase. There will be no chances for you to worry about the decision you made. This is because Xiaomi Black Shark 2 is a perfect gadget. Meant specifically for gaming, this phone comes with amazing hardware configuration and has been designed to perform well in all the aspects. However, it has been powered by Android. This means there are chances depending on your usage about facing the common issues. Well, they are not much complex to deal with. Here are the facts and information about the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems you need to keep in your mind.

What kind of issues this phone can suffer?

You first need to keep this thing in your mind that this gadget is not having those major problems associated with it which you might be thinking right now. The problems are actually associated with the Android technology and not with the phone itself. There are almost no users who repaired about any problem in the predecessor of this phone i.e. Xiaomi Black Shark. Thus, there is nothing to worry as Black Shark 2 is much better than its first version. The problems you can face are mostly related with the software domain and they usually arrive just because the phone may not find compatibility with the games or with some specific apps. There are other factors as well that contribute in bringing those common issues.

The good thing is you can troubleshoot them without making a lot of efforts. It is therefore, a good decision to buy this phone without worrying. Check out the solutions to the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems below.

Common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 Problems and Fixes

The problems are necessary to be eliminated properly and with full attention from the phone. Else, they may arrive again at a later stage and affect your experience. It has been seen that many users while avoiding the common problems from their phone apply some random methods than following a specific guide. This is the reason they have to face many other problems in the phone. It is because of this reason, you need to keep this thing in mind that when you are following this guide, it’s necessary to follow it properly and carefully. Read the method carefully before you apply it and do exactly what that is instructed. If any problem arrives due to not following such a practice, cannot be held responsible for the same. Go ahead now and read the more about the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems and their fixes.

Connectivity Issues

The methods that can help you to deal with these problems are mentioned below.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Turn the Bluetooth OFF and restart your phone. Turn it ON again when the restart completes. Try connecting it now
  • There might be a bug in the phone OS which can cause interruption and can be blamed for this problem
  • Check if phone Bluetooth compatibility is a reason to this problem
  • The device with which you are trying to connect your phone can have something wrong with it. Check it
  • There are chances that the actual glitch is with the hardware of the phone. Check the Bluetooth antenna and all other hardware components in the phone
  • Make sure the Google Play Services are updated else the Bluetooth problem can arrive in the phone and
  • The default Bluetooth driver software can have something wrong with the same. Check it
  • The data you are sharing can have something wrong with it. Check the same properly
  • Many users face this problem due to temporary disabling the phone communication ability
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but hiding the Bluetooth visibility of your phone from other gadgets
  • Don’t turn ON the power saving mode or the safe mode manually. In case any of them is already turn ON, disable them. the problem can be avoided with this
  • There are chances that the devices have not been paired in the way they have to be and the actual problem is arriving because of the very same reason
  • You simply need to make sure that any installed application in the phone is not causing this problem
  • Reboot your phone and check if this basic method helps
  • Sometimes the Bluetooth problems are caused in the phone when the cache data of the apps is not cleaned for a long time

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Check and make sure you are not facing this problem just because your phone is having safe mode activated on the same which doesn’t allow internet connectivity
  • The actual problem could be due to any of the background running app when it is having access to use phone Wi-Fi feature
  • The services might have been withdrawn from your connection and the same can be the reason you are not able to access them
  • Don’t make any changes to the default Local Area Network connection settings. You can face this problem if you change them to custom
  • In case you are not able to connect your phone with the Wi-Fi despite several attempts, check if the password you entered is incorrect
  • The phone might not be allowing you to use Wi-Fi just because of a security glitch with the connection. Check it properly
  • Simply make sure the problem has not arrived due to turning OFF the phone security
  • Check and make sure the router you are having is not responsible for this problem. A wrong cable connection on it or a bad configuration of the same can be a reason to the actual problem
  • In some cases, the users have to face this problem just because the Wi-Fi router is placed away from their location and lack of signal strength is causing the problem
  • Crossing the defined limit for data downloading or surfing on your connection could be a reason to the problem. Check it
  • Make sure the actual problem is not created just because your phone is having something wrong with any hardware component
  • The network might be loaded with queries/congestion and the same is causing the trouble

Slow Performance

  • First, pay attention to the software domain. Check if there are multiple updates which are pending for the apps
  • A faulty RAM in the phone can cause the slow performance of every task you perform on the phone
  • The storage space in the phone when remains fully filled can slow down the performance of many operations performed by a gadget. Check the same
  • Limiting the overall number of apps and the ones which are hefty can definitely improve the speed of your phone to perform different tasks
  • A problem that might be related with the hardware in the phone can be the reason for the slow performance
  • In certain cases, this problem arrives only when you change the important settings of your phone or operate them in a custom manner
  • There might be a virus in the phone or an infected data with the same that can be held responsible for the problem
  • There are chances that you are facing this problem just because the phone is running in the safe mode. Disable it
  • A basic reboot can definitely improve the overall performance of the phone
  • If the above-listed methods don’t work, simply go ahead with a hard reset. Save your phone data before doing so

Apps not working properly

  • Erase the app which is causing the problem and install it again. This can solve the problem
  • One of the leading reason to this problem is nothing but the installation of bad apps in the phone or the ones that the phone actually doesn’t support
  • You simply need to make it sure that the app which is causing the problem is not operating in custom settings
  • One of the leading reasons to this problem is manually disabling any of the features of your phone
  • Do check if the Google Play Service in your phone is having something wrong with the same
  • It is always significant to give permission to the app to access your phone location, data, contacts, features or anything that is demanded. When not given, the apps may not perform well
  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not related with the phone OS which may not allow the apps to work properly
  • It is necessary to update the apps when the newer versions are released. Update them simply
  • Sometimes the problem arrives when you run the phone in the safe mode which disables the apps
  • A certain number of apps installed in the phone can have another source than the Play Store. Such apps may not run properly always
  • Check if you have installed the apps in a third-party storage space. If so, move them to default phone memory
  • There are chances that this problem has arrived just because the apps are having something wrong with the UI

SIM/Network Problems

  • Your SIM card might have not been inserted in the slot properly or might have displaced. Eject and reinsert. This can solve the problem
  • Do check if the problem is caused by the fault signal antenna
  • You simply need to make sure that the service which you are accessing is actually active on your SIM card
  • Check if you have a variant of the phone which doesn’t support the SIM card or the network you are using
  • Some users have to face this problem just because they installed custom ROM or install an update which is for a different version of the phone
  • The actual problem might be due to turning ON and Airplane mode and forgetting to disable it
  • Do check if the SIM card is having its access locked with a PIN. If so, remove the same
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem is caused just because you are at a remote location where the services are not available
  • Many users face this problem due to not turning the roaming services ON while travelling
  • Check if the fault is related with the SIM slot in the phone
  • Restart the phone and check if this works
  • Try using another SIM card to check if something is wrong with the phone or its with the SIM card

Screen not working properly

  • Make sure to clean the phone screen gently. A lot of particles keep depositing on the same which when not cleaned start causing this problem
  • Make sure all the sensors that play a role in deriving the phone screen are in actual working condition
  • A physical damage is one of the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems related with the screen which makes it non-functional
  • Check if the phone memory is totally filled. Erase some data and probably this will help
  • Simply make sure the problem is not caused just because the screen guard installed is not of good quality or simply needs a replacement
  • The phone can have something actually wrong with the OS which can affect the screen sensitivity
  • Do check if not cleaning your hands or covering them is the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem when they turn the screen sharing option ON and share the device screen with another widget
  • Make sure to close the apps running in the background and turn OFF the features not in use. Multitasking sometimes cause this problem
  • A forced restart can definitely help you in eliminating this trouble and restoring the functionality of your screen
  • Turn ON the safe mode to check if the actual problem is with the software domain

Poor Camera Quality

  • Make sure to click the pictures by paying attention to the visibility nearby. If the same is not proper. Use the proper shooting mode and turn the camera flashlight ON
  • Using phone zoom feature while capturing your favorite images can sometimes degrade the overall quality
  • The users have to face this problem in certain cases when they really don’t turn ON the HDR mode in the camera settings
  • Your Xiaomi Black Shark 2 needs at least 10% charge to use the camera. In some cases, it automatically shut down when the phone is not charged sufficiency
  • One of the biggest reasons to this problem is nothing but a faulty lens. Get it checked properly
  • If you are using a different app then the default to operate the phone camera, the same can be a reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the actual fault is with the Operating System and updating it can automatically eliminate the camera quality issues
  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem is not caused just because your phone is having something actually wrong with the camera sensors
  • The users can face this problem just because of not allowing the camera lens to accurately and properly focus on the object

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Check if the Bluetooth earpiece you are using is not compatible with the phone
  • A problem in the default sound drivers can cause this problem. Make sure to check the same properly
  • Sometimes the reason to this problem is using the earpiece while accepting or making a call when the signal strength is low
  • Check if the problem is caused by the sound mode you have selected
  • Playing a sound file or music which is of a very low quality often makes the users feel as if there is a robotic sound in the earpiece
  • There are various factors that can cause the attenuation or noise in the sound. Check them
  • The earpiece you are using should be of fine quality
  • Try connecting another earpiece with the phone to check if the problem continues. If this happens, it’s obvious that the fault is in the phone
  • One reason to this problem is not installing the general updates for the phone which are necessary. Such updates often fix the basic issues including the ones related with the phone sound quality

Overheating problems

  • Don’t overcharge your device to avoid this problem in the long run
  • Although Xiaomi Black Shark 2 is a gaming gadget, not all the games can be made to run smoothly on the same. Issues related to the compatibility can cause the problem
  • Be choosy while selecting the games to be installed on your device
  • Simply make sure if the actual problem is caused just because your phone is having its Safe mode turned ON and you are charging it
  • Do check if the charger you are using is different than the one you get in the phone box
  • Overheating is a serious problem which can be there due to using a low-quality accessory with the phone or when you use a power bank of bad quality
  • One of the leading reason to this problem is nothing but a fault associated with the phone battery itself
  • Presence of a virus in the phone is another factor that can actually cause this problem
  • The phone might be unable to lose the access heat generated inside due to failure of the components responsible for the same
  • You simply need to make sure that the problem is not caused just because you change some recommended settings of the phone
  • Close the apps running in the background and check if this helps
  • Perform a simple restart. The problem can be solved with the same

Poor battery life

  • Close the features which are turned ON but are not in use
  • Simply turn OFF the phone and the data synchronization as the same can be a reason to this problem
  • Make sure the actual reason to this problem is not the battery itself which can suffer a glitch
  • The screen brightness must not be enhanced beyond a specific limit else the battery drains too quickly
  • The users sometimes face this problem due to running a lot of apps in the phone at the same time
  • One reason that drains the battery too quickly is nothing but a virus or a malware that is present in the default storage space of the phone
  • Gaming can have an impact on the battery life. The battery drains out at a fast speed while doing so than while performing other tasks
  • Turn OFF the Wi-Fi hotspot if the same is turned ON
  • Update your phone as the same fixes any of the problems related with the overall battery performance

Slow Charging

  • The users have to face this problem when they don’t charge their phone specifically as per the instructions for the same
  • The problem could be related with the power source. Check the same
  • On your Xiaomi Black Shark 2 phone, the problems can exist if you forget to close a game that you were playing. When it keeps running, the charging speed usually get affected
  • Make sure if the actual problem is caused due to using the device for purpose when you put it on charging
  • Do check if the charging port on your Xiaomi Black Shark 2 is having a problem with the same or if the charging is responsible for this trouble
  • Downloading the data in the phone for a long time can be a reason why it is getting charged slowly
  • Close the apps running at the same time and check if this helps in solving the issue
  • The kind of apps installed in the phone can make a big difference on the charging time

If the problems are there in your device even after following this guide, we recommend you to contact the official support. If more information is needed regarding the common Xiaomi Black Shark 2 problems, post a comment below.