The beauty of a Smartphone is now widely considered as one of its prime features. These days many people pay attention to the same while buying a brand new phone. Well, the fact is millions of smartphone users want to own something that can be a style icon. This has even made the manufacturer to pay a lot of attention to the beauty and the appearance of a gadget. As per one of the studies on smart gadgets, manufacturers which have provided stylish phones and have paid attention to the appearance are more successful in the present time. Xiaomi like all the time is almost grabbing the top position in that race of manufacturers. The launch of Mix 3 has already attracted the attention of so many Smartphone users. This post is useful to you if you own the same and is experiencing some Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 common problems in it.

If you think you will never face these issues, probably you are wrong. It is true that Android-based gadgets often have these problems pretty common in them. This is mainly due to a large spectrum of tasks which are dependent on Play Store apps where the reliability, quality and the efficiency of the same cannot be put equal. Of course, different apps don’t behave in a manner which is similar for all the gadgets. When the issues declare their presence, they are often tagged as common problems. However, you really had no reason to worry about anything. This is because these problems have multiple solutions available provided they are not due to a major hardware problem.

What makes Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 a good option?

As already mentioned, this is a style icon. If the same matters to you a lot, this is one of the finest options available to consider. Moreover, it is best in hardware configuration. The same makes it an excellent device in every aspect right now. You can simply have a chance to explore the latest Android 9.0 (pie). Xiaomi has loaded it with a 6.39-inch big screen that simply brings an excellent screen resolution. The 3200mAh battery, dual 12 MP cameras and 4 x 208 GHz Octa-core processor are other good features of this phone which you can enjoy. This really makes it one of the best available options to consider if you have plans to change your phone. Now let us know about the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 common problems and their solutions.

Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 Common Problems and Fixes

Each problem has a solution that can actually restore the device in its best working mode. Well, this can happen to those who know how to apply the methods and the instructions in a right manner. Others often end up getting additional issues in their phone. This usually happens to those who don’t pay proper attention to the various troubleshooting methods or when the mold them as per their knowledge. doesn’t recommend the same with this guide. We cannot be held responsible if any kind of additional glitch appears due to your own mistake.

Connectivity issues

If you are facing a lot of issues while connecting your phone with another or to a network, possibly this could be due to a reason that your phone is suffering from connectivity related issues. They can be avoided through the below information regarding the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 common problems and fixes.

Bluetooth connectivity issues

  • Do check if the things are only wrong just because your device is already connected with another device through Bluetooth or through any other mode. You simply need to terminate the current connection as not all the devices support multi-connectivity
  • Make sure to check if the Bluetooth antenna is facing a major or a minor hardware glitch
  • The problem can be due to reasons related to the Bluetooth driver software or any other software fault in the phone
  • Make sure to delete some data from your phone if the memory is almost full
  • Do check if the very basic method to avoid this problem i.e. restarting the phone works for you
  • Make sure to check whether the phone doesn’t support the Bluetooth version on the other device
  • Check and make sure the connection is secure for both the gadgets else you may face this issue
  • Make sure to impose a limit on the data size you need to send or receive in your phone. Files more than 50 to 100MB (depending on the type of data) can cause problems
  • Make sure to check if the device is already involved in performing some other task in your phone
  • You might have restricted the Bluetooth access with a PIN or a password and same can be the reason to this problem. Also, check if you have completely disabled the same
  • Sometimes when the phone suffers from any kind of hardware fault, the Bluetooth problem might declare their presence
  • You simply need to make sure if the things are wrong just because the pairing has not been done in a correct manner
  • Do check if the overall number of devices that can be paired with the phone has their limit already reached. You simply need to erase a few names from the history

Wi-Fi connectivity issues

  • Try limiting the number of gadgets connected with the same internet connection if you are the administrator. This may works for you
  • If you have imposed additional restrictions or requirements on the network to allow the Wi-Fi enabled devices to be connected, remove them once and check if this solves the problem
  • Make sure your phone is not running in the power saving mode or in the safe mode. This might be the reason you are not able to connected to a Wi-Fi connection
  • Do check if the connection is secure. Modern phones often terminates the connection automatically if they find any thread to the device security
  • The reason to this problem might be problem in the Wi-Fi antenna or in the Wi-Fi drivers
  • Do check if the things are wrong just because you are not entering the correct password required to authenticate your phone on the network
  • Clashing of IP address of the two devices on the network can be the reason to this problem
  • In some cases this problem is there when the network services are not completely enabled on the phone. Do check if the phone variant support the services of your network provider
  • Make sure to check if the problem is only because you have allowed other apps in your phone to access the Wi-Fi automatically
  • Sometimes the problem is related to the Wi-Fi modem. Check all the cable connections, configuration related bugs and its limit to host the Wi-Fi enabled gadgets
  • Check if you exceed the limit on the bandwidth usage imposed by the internet service provider
  • Do check if there are problems with the internet connection
  • Do not change the recommended settings of the network

Performance issues

  • This might be happening just because the phone is running low on the memory as there is a lot of data in your phone. Make some space free and check the status of the problem after restarting the device
  • Do check if the things are wrong just because the phone is having a major hardware problem as this is one of the leading reasons that can affect the overall performance
  • It would be good to keep this thing in your mind that the overall number of apps in your Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 and their quality largely decides its performance
  • Simply analyze the factors that can slow down the overall performance of this phone
  • Do check if you are using accessories which are really cheap in terms of quality and is causing this problem
  • Make sure not to run your phone in the safe mode all the time as you may face this problem
  • Check if there are so many applications are made to run at the same time
  • Do check whether the problem is due to presence of any auspicious file or a malware in the phone memory
  • Avoid downloading multiple files from the internet at the same time
  • Clear the cache data of the apps and update the ones which are pending
  • Do check if you can solve the problem just by restarting your phone once
  • Erase everything from the phone after taking the backup. This can be done by performing a hard reset which is one of the key methods to restore the performance related issues in the phone

Bad camera quality

  • Check if the problem is there just because you are accessing third-party apps for opening and capturing the pictures. Better is to proceed with the default application only
  • Do check and make sure if the things are wrong just because you haven’t enabled the HD mode in the camera settings
  • You need to switch to the night mode if the visibility is really low. Also, set the flashlight to automatic mode
  • Better is to focus on the object properly before clicking the pictures to make sure of the desired quality of the pictures
  • Do check and make sure if the things are wrong just because the camera lens needs cleanliness. It might have dust in it or fingerprint marks causing this problem
  • The quality might be low due to enhancing the zoom beyond a limit or due to capturing the pictures in the burst mode
  • Make sure if the phone is having the things OK with its OS
  • It is always better to capture the snaps following some basic guidelines on operating the camera
  • The SIM card you are using is not under the standards prescribed by the Xiaomi. Check and make sure of this
  • Do check if your SIM card has some technical problems in it and same is the reason you are facing the problem
  • Make sure to check the phone signal antenna is working fine and is not responsible for this glitch
  • Do check if the phone doesn’t have the SIM card inserted in it properly. Remove the same and re-insert it
  • Do check if the SIM card is having damage on it. Even a minor one can be the reason you are facing the problem
  • Check the SIM slot properly and make sure if the same is not causing the problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the network services are not running. Make sure of this as well
  • Check and make sure the problem is not just because you have enabled the Airplane mode or have turned the SIM card OFF
  • Do check if the network selection mode is set to manual in your phone. Change it to automatic
  • Make sure you have enabled the phone roaming and concerned services are active on your SIM
  • You might be at a location where the network services are not valid
  • Do check if the SIM card runs perfectly when inserted in another phone

Doesn’t recognize Windows PC

  • The connecting cable which you are using might have a lot of issues associated with the same. Check and make sure everything is perfect with it before you create the connection
  • Do check if the outdated USB drivers are the reason you are facing the problem
  • The data which you want to copy in any of the gadget might also be responsible for this problem.
  • Check and make sure to select the MTP mode on your phone
  • Make sure the Windows related bugs in the PC are not responsible for this problem
  • Don’t disable the security of your computer and the phone when they are connected to each other
  • Do check if the actual reason to this problem is the presence of any virus in any of the gadgets
  • Check if the phone drivers are working perfectly
  • Do check if the USB port you have connected your phone with on the PC is not in proper working condition
  • Simply check and disable all the restrictions from your phone
  • Sometimes a loose connection can be the reason to this issue

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Check if the earpiece meets all the eligibility criteria to be used with the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
  • Check if the problem is there in the phone earpiece connector
  • Make sure disabling the phone sounds is not responsible for this problem
  • Check and make sure if the things are wrong just because the sound drivers are totally outdated
  • Do check if the problem is there just because you have enabled the power saving mode on your phone
  • The earpiece might not be supported by your phone
  • You might be playing a music file that is of really poor quality in terms of sounds and same can be the reason to this problem
  • Use the earpiece with another phone and check if the problem is gone

Apps not functioning properly

  • Simply update the pending apps in your phone and restart it. Check if this solves your concern
  • Your phone might have any of the blocked app in it. Check and remove them
  • Don’t install apps from the unreliable sources
  • Check if you changed the recommended settings of the apps in the phone
  • Do check if the various permissions the apps need to work are not actually given to them and the same is the reason to this problem
  • Clear cache data of the apps and check if this solves your concern
  • Your phone might be running in the safe mode and this might be the reason to the problem
  • Erase some data from the phone if the same is completely filled

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

  • Make sure you are paying proper attention to all the factors that really matters while charging your phone
  • Check if the things are not wrong just because your phone has a lot of data in it. This can increase the charging time
  • Make sure if the problem is there only because the charging adapter or the cable is not performing their task properly
  • Sometimes when you install apps in your phone beyond a limit and that too from sources cannot be trusted, this is the problem you usually face
  • Make sure if the things are wrong just because the phone is running in the power saving mode
  • Do check if the apps are putting some extra burden on the battery
  • Something that can significantly affect the battery backup is the games which users often play in the phone
  • Make sure to keep the mobile data OFF when not in use. 4G internet services often consumes more juice from the battery
  • Check if the power source is responsible for this issue
  • The phone battery might be unable to give the backup just because it is not in a proper working condition
  • Turn OFF the notifications which often runs in the background and are not always of any importance
  • Do check if there are so many applications in the phone that you have not updated for a long time.
  • Make sure you download and install the OS patches and updates on time
  • The problem could be due to the slow performance of your phone. Check if you are not confusing both these issues
  • In most of the cases, all the apps related-bugs make the device screen non-functional. Therefore you need to pay attention to this. You can take help of instructions mentioned above for restoring the apps functionality in your phone
  • Clean your hands, as well as your device screen
  • Do check if the problem is related to any of the software problem in your phone
  • Don’t completely fill the phone memory as this could be the reason to this problem
  • Make sure to check if the problem is there just because your phone has screen mirroring option enabled
  • Never operate the phone screen with wet hands
  • Do check if the transparent glass installed on the screen is responsible for this problem
  • Open the phone in the safe mode and check if the things are now running fine
  • The problem might be due to a hardware damage caused to the screen externally. Bring your phone to Xiaomi nearby service center

Overheating problems

  • Don’t run your phone in the safe mode as this can cause overheating
  • check if the phone is totally free from all the software and the hardware problems in it
  • Don’t prefer any parallel charger that actually doesn’t belong to your own phone for charging the same
  • Make sure the charging source such as the power bank is not causing this problem
  • Your phone might have all its memory completely filled which in addition to others can also cause overheating
  • The phone ventilation system needs to be checked as this can be the reason to this problem
  • The phone might have a lot of unused data or the one it actually don’t support. Make sure the same is not causing the problem
  • Check if the apps in the phone are supported by it
  • The games is you have installed in your phone might be the reason to its overheating
  • Check no multiple files have seen set for downloading as you may face the problem due to the very same reason
  • Don’t make use of any accessory with the phone which is not supported by it

There are certain reasons for the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 common problems. This guide probably helps you to analyze and explore the same in a detailed and accurate manner. If still you find them active in your phone after following and applying all the instructions, there are certain of a serious hardware issue in it. Well, it is recommended to you to take your phone to an authorized service center of Xiaomi around you in such a case.