Many things are there which have become a part of our life and when we use them daily, it naturally forms a bond with them. Losing them is not actually easy. However, many times we need to make decisions to let the old go and welcome the new. Actually, change is not always easy to accept. The same is applicable to the smartphone as well. It is true that a lot of people really don’t like to switch to the new one. However, the present-day smartphones are very powerful and superior and probably make you a fan of them even when you use them just one. The ZTE Nubia Red Magic is one among them. Meant especially for the gamers, this smartphone is simply the best in every aspect. Check out the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and their solutions below.

When it comes to buying a new smartphone, there are actually, certain things that you as a user have to pay attention to. The very first them is the problems associated. Well, most of the modern gadgets are free from major troubles. However, this really doesn’t mean you need not do your homework post selecting the one. Actually, a few common bugs related to the software domain are common with most of the gadgets and so does with the ZTE Nubia Red Magic. This is not actually a reason to neglect this gadget if you are interested to buy the same. These problems are very much common with almost all the phones present in the current time. They can be avoided easily provided the source is restricted with the software only. Check the solutions to the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems below.

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How this smartphone is different?

There are many options available in the market currently. This doesn’t always mean you as a user can go ahead with any. The best thing about the ZTE Nubia Red Magic is it serves two different purposes and i.e. a smartphone and a powerful gaming gadget. If you really love gaming, you need not to buy a separate gadget in addition to your phone. This is one of the major reasons to the success of this gadget. More about its functioning can be grabbed by reading the opinion of the current users. You can now go ahead with the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and the solutions.

Common ZTE Nubia Red Magic Problems and Fixes

Every smartphone ever manufactured has a core specialization which manufacturers focus on. This is to boost the customer segment of that particular device. However, this doesn’t always work for them. The reasons are extreme competition, high costs and most importantly the Android bugs. Well, this post probably helps you with the last issue and you can simply solve all the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems in no time. One of the important things you need to keep in your mind about this post is to understand the methods carefully which are listed in the below sections against the concerned problem. This is important.

If you don’t pay appropriate attention to them and apply them in a wrongful manner, you can cause other problems in your phone. is a platform where we work to help you boost your smartphone efficiency and make it better. We don’t want you to face any problem while you apply the methods in a customized manner. Therefore, molding of these methods is not recommended by us as we cannot be held responsible for any trouble caused to your gadget after doing so. Check out now the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and their fixes.

Connectivity problems

Here are the two connectivity related common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and their solutions

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • First of all, check if this problem is there due to a software bug in your phone. Pay close attention to the Bluetooth drivers and install the pending updates for all the apps and the OS
  • Check if any of the hardware problems in your gadget is causing this problem
  • Simply restart your phone and check if this solves the problem
  • The Bluetooth device you are trying to connect with your phone might have a problem associated with its working or there can be another problem in the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the Bluetooth enabled gadgets you try to connected doesn’t support each other
  • Make sure the errors related with the data you are sending such as a format not supported by any of the gadgets or if the size of the same is too large to be transferred through Bluetooth are causing this problem
  • Check if your ZTE Nubia Red Magic is having some of its features turned ON or if there is any kind of restriction imposed on its communication
  • This problem might be there just because you have set the visibility of your gadget to hidden mode
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when you take both the gadgets away from each other after connecting them together. Of course, they should be within the area where the Bluetooth signal is proper
  • This problem might be there just because the Bluetooth antenna on the phone is not in proper working condition
  • Do check if this problem can be avoided by erasing the history of Bluetooth devices you connected with your ZTE Nubia Red Magic
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the cache data of the Bluetooth is not cleared by the users

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Make sure your internet connection is active and the services have not been disabled on the same
  • Check if you have turned ON the Wi-Fi but forget to turn ON the mobile data on the other device in case you are connecting your phone with a Wi-Fi hotspot connection
  • There are chances that the network administrator needs to approve your device or have performed additional restriction on the network for allowing the new devices to get connected
  • The location of the Wi-Fi router should be central when the maximum area in your arena get covered. Many times the Wi-Fi problems are due to the very same reason
  • There can be configuration or installation-related errors with the router you are using. Check the same
  • Make sure your Wi-Fi router is in proper working condition and its maximum upper limit to host the gadgets has not been reached
  • You might have crossed your bandwidth limit and the same might have stopped/restricted the data services on your phone
  • Do check if a simple restart to your phone is enough to deal with this problem
  • There are certain changes that a software problem in the phone is actually responsible for this
  • You simply need to make sure that the network security is not causing a concern and the device security has not been turned OFF
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users enter an outdated password imposed on the network for its security
  • The ZTE Nubia Red Magic owned by you might have a problem with its Wi-Fi antenna. Check
  • Make sure the problem has not been caused just because you are using your phone in the power-saving mode
  • Check if your LAN connection settings have been customized by you and the same is the reason to this problem

Overheating problems

  • Check if your ZTE Nubia Red Magic heat ventilation system has some problem in the same or it has completely stopped working
  • Be very careful about charging your phone. Avoid the sources you cannot trust and simply make sure that you are not using a third-party charger
  • There are chances that the problem has been caused just because of a reason associated with the apps in your phone. Check them all one after one
  • The presence of a virus in the phone is another clear indication on its random overheating
  • The power banks which are not meant to be used with this smartphone can cause overheating especially if you make use of the same regularly
  • Check if the actual problem is related with the battery of your phone
  • Do check if a simple restart can solve this problem
  • In some cases, this problem is observed when the phone is used for downloading the data continuously for long time
  • Although ZTE Nubia Red Magic is a phone which has been designed for gaming, sometimes running many of them in the background can cause overheating
  • The overheating of the hardware might be due to using third-party accessories with the phone. Check
  • Make sure your phone is not having something wrong with its charging port

Slow performance

  • Check if a basic reboot to your ZTE Nubia Red Magic is enough to eliminate this problem
  • The working state of the apps installed in your phone might not be good. This can happen you install the apps from sources which are not recommended.
  • Update all the apps in the phone and check if this solves the problem
  • There are certain chances that the problem has been caused in the phone RAM
  • Sometimes the problem is associated with the slow speed of the internet or when the same is having something wrong with the same
  • Do check if this problem has been caused just because you make use of pirated accessories with your gadget
  • In certain cases, the slow performance of the phone is there when the users don’t install the latest available updates for the Operating system
  • Close all the apps running in the background and check if this solves the problem
  • Another leading reason to the slow performance is nothing but changing the recommended phone settings to the custom mode
  • Check if your phone is having the power saving mode active on the same
  • The data storage capacity of your ZTE Nubia Red Magic might be full. Check the same
  • Don’t connect your phone with all the devices without scanning them for the viruses. The presence of a virus can be the reason to this problem

Apps not working properly

  • All the necessary and required permission should be given to the apps after installing them in your phone for their proper functionality
  • Remove the app which is causing the problem and once again install the same. this may solve the problem
  • Do check if the app is supported by the ZTE Nubia Red Magic before you install the same
  • There are chances that the issue is related with the UI of the applications which are not working reliably
  • There can be a problem in your phone which is related with the internet connection. Do check the same
  • Check if the apps are not installed properly and have been stored in the third-party storage locations such as in a micro SD card
  • The problem might be associated with the phone software when you face the glitch with multiple apps at the same time
  • Remove the last app you installed in your phone and check if this solves the problem
  • One of the reasons to the apps related common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems is not clearing the cache data of the installed apps
  • Update the phone OS and check if this solves the problem
  • You need to make sure that the problem is not related with the source from where you are installing most of the apps in your phone

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • First, check if your phone battery is in proper working condition and is free from all the glitches
  • There are chances that you haven’t turned ON the screen brightness sensor or have disabled the same. More brightness simply means quick battery drainage and slow charging of your ZTE Nubia Red Magic
  • The problem might be there with the charger you are using. Check if the same is faulty or the power source you usually trust has something wrong with the same
  • Don’t allow multiple notifications to run in the background as they can cause the problem
  • There are certain chances that the problem has been caused in the software domain of the phone.
  • Check if any of the blocked apps in your phone is responsible for this problem
  • You need to make sure that the notifications are not continuously waking the phone screen again and again
  • The mobile data should be turned OFF while charging your phone
  • Running the features such as Wi-Fi hot spot and GPS for long hours usually have an impact on the charging speed and battery backup of your ZTE Nubia Red Magic
  • Do check if a simple reboot is enough to solve this problem
  • Close the apps running in the background and check if the problem is gone
  • The problem might be associated with the charging port of the phone. Check

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • This problem might be there due to not connecting the earpiece properly with the phone. In case of a Bluetooth enabled product, follow the procedure to connect properly
  • Check if there is a sharp bend on the wire of your earpiece which can also cause this problem
  • Always make sure that the phone sounds have not been disabled in the phone
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when there is a disturbance related with the network during the call
  • The robotic sound in any earpiece may come when the same is not supported by the ZTE Nubia Red Magic when you have purchased a third-party product
  • Check if the phone sound drivers and the sound card in your phone is working properly and is not having any of the problem related with them
  • Make sure to check if this problem has been caused due to a liquid damage in the earpiece
  • Another leading reason to the robotic sound is nothing but a loose connection or when the universal jack on the phone is faulty
  • The earpiece might not be in proper working condition. check
  • While checking the earpiece, always select to play the music files that are of good quality
  • Check if the phone battery is too low which can cause this problem in some cases
  • Check if you are using the zoom feature in your phone when the objects are already too close and there is actually no need of the same. More zoom can affect the quality of the pictures
  • Improper or random capturing of the images by not following the basic tips to use the phone camera can be another reason to this problem
  • There are chances that the system OS bug is responsible for this problem when you are unable to open the phone camera
  • The problem might be there just because you are using an app which is actually not supported by the phone to operate its camera
  • The phone data storage capacity might be full and the same might be the reason to this problem
  • Open the camera settings and turn ON the HD mode
  • Do check if the problem is caused just because you choose to capture most of the pictures with the burst mode
  • There are chances that the problem has been caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the camera lens. Try cleaning it gently and check if the things are back on track
  • Make sure your phone is actually not suffering from a software problem which is another leading reason for the blurry images
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the pictures are captured in very low visibility
  • Select the shooting mode as per the circumstances at your location
  • Do check if this problem is there just because you have selected the low pixel density for all the captured images
  • Restart your phone and check if the problem is gone
  • Make sure the SIM card’s improper insertion in the phone is not responsible for this problem
  • Do check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the same is the reason to this problem
  • Take the opinion of your service provider if you need to turn the roaming services ON while away from your home town
  • The improper or no signal strength while in the basement or at any location can be the reason to this problem
  • If you are unable to place any call, check if all the services are valid and has not been stopped by the network provider
  • In case your SIM card is new, check if it has been activated
  • Open the network selection mode and choose the automatic selection of the network
  • The problem might be there just because your phone is having something wrong with the SIM slot or with the SIM tray. Check the same
  • Eject the SIM tray and carefully check if the tray or the SIM card has a physical damage on the same. this can be the reason to the problem
  • Make sure the problem is not here just because you have locked the access to the SIM card with a key or with a password

Screen not working properly

  • Try performing a force restart to the phone and check if the things are back on track
  • The slow performance of your ZTE Nubia Red Magic should not be confused with this problem
  • There are certain chances that you haven’t installed the latest available updates for the OS and the same has caused this problem
  • Remove the glass guard installed on the screen and check the same is not responsible for this problem
  • The device screen should be kept cleaned against the grease and oil particles
  • Make sure to check if this problem has been caused just because the storage space in your phone is completely filled
  • There are chances that the problem is there due to an internal screen damage which is not visible directly
  • In some cases, the problem is observed when the screen sharing option is turned ON by the users unnecessarily
  • Avid using the third-party chargers and other accessories with the phone
  • This problem might be associated with the apps installed in your phone. Check and take the action required
  • Sometimes the problem arrives when the touchscreen sensors stop performing their function
  • Clean your hands properly and remove the mittens if you are wearing them

This guide helps you to solve most of the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and you can have the performance and functionality of it get restored. For more information about the common ZTE Nubia Red Magic problems and their working solutions, you can post a comment below.