For six years, Community followed a close-knit group of friends who helped each other achieve their dreams. Yet, they sometimes proved to be a little toxic in terms of how they treated one another. This is particularly relevant to Britta (Gillian Jacobs), who finds herself at the butt-end of the study group’s jokes.

Britta started as a confident, self-assured student, who enrolled at Greendale to find a sense of direction. Yet somewhere along the way, she became a form of comic relief. As the study group expected her to fail, she began to mess up every opportunity available. It’s not the only time the group has proven to be unsupportive as they take several opportunities to mock her. From her tap dancing class to the use of “Britta’d,” here are the 10 worst things the study group did to her.

The Pronunciation Of The Word “Bagel”

A running gag in the episode “Physical Education” sees the study group relentlessly tease Britta for pronouncing the word “bagel” wrong. Britta seems fine with the group teasing her at first; however, fans can see their continuous mocking begins to upset her.

They force her to tell Chang (Ken Jeong) how she pronounces it and keep reminding her about butchering the word. At the very end, she tells the group that she doesn’t care about them winding her up, but her face says otherwise. Britta ends up in near tears as the group continues to laugh at her expense.

Her Relationship With Vaughn

One of the worst things the study group did to Britta was insult her boyfriend, Vaughn (Eric Christian Olsen). Vaughn was a Greendale student who could often be seen playing hacky sack or his guitar; he first made an appearance in the episode “Social Psychology” when Jeff (Joel McHale) and Shirley (Yvette Nicole Brown) spot him kissing Britta.

However, instead of supporting Britta’s new relationship, they decide to make fun of Vaughn. The worst part about it is when Jeff betrays her trust and shares Vaughn’s poem with the study group. Vaughn ends up hearing the group mocking him and breaks up with Britta, believing she was part of the antics too. None of the members in the study group defend her here either.

Dismissing Her Absence

In the aftermath of Britta confessing her love for Jeff, she spends the majority of the summer trying to avoid the study group’s calls. It is still the talk of the college when they all return, which leads to her trying to hide out in the library.

When the study group finally find their way to their room, they all catch up about their summers. When the topic turns toward Britta, they wonder if she would be coming back. They contemplate what would happen if she didn’t for about ten seconds before they change the subject to Toy Story 3. Considering they are friends, one would think they would be a lot more upset with her absence.

Their Insults

Sometimes the study group is way too harsh on Britta. Every time she tries to help them, they find a way to insult her. She has been compared to “human tennis elbow”, “a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth” and “the absolute worst” because they believe her to be a buzz kill.

It’s not as if Britta does anything bad either, as evident in the episode “Biology 101”. After Abed (Danny Pudi) freaks out about Cougar Town being moved to mid-season, Britta is the only one who tries to help him; she introduces him to Cougarton Abbey. When this show finishes, Abed doesn’t take it well and Troy (Donald Glover) verbally lashes out at her. Britta is more upset by the insults when they are undeserving.

Not Supporting Her Hobby In The Performance Arts

In the episode “Interpretive Dance”, Britta and Troy are surprised to find they have a shared passion for dance. Troy is afraid of what would happen if the college found out their star quarterback is into interpretive dance; this leads to Britta revealing her secret first.

The study group thinks it’s hilarious that she is taking tap class because it’s not like her. Troy also throws her under the bus saying his secret was that he knew she did tap dance and look ridiculous in her outfit. Fans can see Shirley and Annie (Alison Brie) laughing at the thought of Britta in a tutu.

Shirley Didn’t Trust Her To Arrange Her Wedding

In the episode “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts”, Shirley and Andre (Malcolm Jamal-Warner) get married. However, she runs into a dilemma after the Dean (Jim Rash) and Pierce (Chevy Chase) want her to pitch her business idea.

When Britta hears she would put her plans on hold for the wedding, she offers to help organize the wedding. Instead of thanking her, Shirley laughs for two minutes straight. Shirley also stares at her in silence when she realizes how serious Britta is. She only agrees if Annie overlooks the decisions. Despite the lack of faith, Britta did organize a beautiful wedding.

Criticize Her Interest In Politics

Throughout the six seasons, the study group is seen to disengage with Britta’s interests in politics. From season 1, Britta has shown to hold strong political and feminist views; she has been seen taking part in a silent protest (“Spanish 101”), a fundraising campaign (“The Psychology of Letting Go”) and the activist group An-her-cists (“Heroic Origins”).

However, whenever she seems to bring it up in a conversation, the study group usually let out a collective moan. This can be seen as strange considering both Annie and Shirley have been actively involved in her campaigns. It’s got to be confusing for her if they continue to blow hot-and-cold.

Criticizing Her Profession

Britta has said numerous times that she would like to be a psychologist; however, the study group constantly knocks her confidence every chance they get by calling her “the worst”. Whenever Britta talks about her psychology classes, Jeff is the first person to interrupt her. When she declared she was returning to Greendale to earn her psychology degree, Annie and Shirley tried to discourage her (“Repilot”).

It’s not like she was a terrible therapist. Britta was one of the few members who would go out of her way to help others. She helped Jeff get closure with his father (“Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations”) and Abed with his fear of change. They should be supporting her endeavours.

They Expect The Worst Of Her

In reality, if someone continuously expects the worst of you, can you consider them to be true friends? This was another issue that arose with the study group, who expected Britta to be terrible at everything. Fans can tell that it gets to Britta sometimes, as evident in the episode “Herstory of Dance”.

Britta decides to arrange a Sophie B. Hawkins dance after accidentally getting her mixed up with Susan B Anthony. Jeff sets out to publicly humiliate her, expecting her to fail in getting the singer to turn up. However, he is surprised when Sophie does turn up and wonders how she pulled it off. Pierce admits to helping her because she didn’t want to admit to messing up again.

Using Her Name To Mean A Mistake

It would be the biggest kick to your self-confidence to find out your friends use your name to mean a mistake. On many occasions, fans have seen the study group say they have ‘Britta’d’ a situation. This was first referenced in season 3 when Britta believes one of their group could be homicidal (“Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps!)

She tells them to stop using her name to mean a mistake. However, three seasons later and fans see even Britta using it herself. She probably believes they all expect her to fail and seems to accept it herself (“Basic RV Repair & Palmistry). That’s not the Britta fans had met in season 1.