Benjamin Franklin Chang, known to the many students of Greendale Community College as Señor Chang, was one of the most intense teachers they had.

It was his Spanish class that brought together the study group members who were the focus of Community. That was in no small part due to the fact you needed a support group to survive Chang, no matter what role he played at Greendale. The number of terrible things he did during his long and winding tenure there were almost innumerable.

Burned Down Part Of The Cafeteria

During a time when Chang had been ousted from his role as a teacher at Greendale, he became an unpaid security guard at the community college. This appealed to Dean Pelton as he operated on a shoestring budget and could not afford to pay actual security guards anymore. In exchange for his services, Chang received room and board on campus behind one of the kiosks in the cafeteria. While following leads on a case that existed only in his own head, Chang accidentally burned that kiosk down. He was lucky he didn’t take the whole school with it, though that might have made him happy on some level.

Cheated On His Wife

In season one, viewers found out that someone was actually willing to marry Chang. It was much less of a surprise when Chang revealed to Jeff that they were separated. With Jeff’s help, they reunited and Chang was his version of happy for a period of time.

Later on, the Dean accidentally caused a zombie-like outbreak during a Halloween party. Chang and Shirley got together in a moment of fear and passion, though the government made them all forget the incident. But when Shirley found out she was pregnant and that Chang might be the father, everything came to light and Chang’s wife left him once again. Given everything that went down after that at Greendale, it was probably for the best.

Punched Out Ian Duncan

Professor Ian Duncan is the main reason Jeff Winger chose Greendale in the first place. A psychology professor at Greendale, Duncan was an old friend of Jeff’s. When it was revealed that Winger faked his law school credentials and needed to actually complete his degree, he figured his old friend Ian Duncan would help him cheat his way through Greendale. He didn’t. By the end of the first season, Chang was also outed for faking his credentials as a Spanish teacher. Apparently, knowing Spanish is a key part of teaching it. Unfortunately for Duncan, he got drunk and suspended at the last dance of the year which gave Chang an opening to pop him in the mouth with a roll of quarters hiding in his fist.

Took Pierce And Troy To A Dance

On Valentine’s Day, Greendale staff and students were able to buy Valentines to send to their respective love interests. But they were delivered by the always creepy Greendale mascot so that wiped out a lot of the romance. After not receiving any, Pierce and Troy sent themselves some fake Valentines. Chang caught on immediately and busted them in front of the class.

Shirley and Annie tried to get revenge but Chang figured it out and blamed Pierce and Troy. As a punishment, he made the two men go to the Valentine’s Day Dance with him while wearing elegant lady’s pants suits. Even after finding out what Shirley and Annie did, Pierce and Troy still dressed the part and danced the night away with Chang.

Faked His Changnesia

Changnesia is a devastating medical condition that is a lot like amnesia except that it only impacts Ben Chang. Also, it’s completely fake. After his bid to rule over Greendale with an iron fist and ultimately destroy the college after a blistering keytar solo failed, he returned with a case of Changnesia. While most people believed it to be fake, many of those same people chose not to care and gave Chang the opportunity to redeem himself. As it turned out, he was conspiring with the dean of a nearby competing community college to take down Greendale. In the end, Chang didn’t help the enemy dean but faking Changnesia to trick everyone at Greendale still wasn’t cool.

Sneakily Moved Into Jeff’s Apartment

Chang’s life has gone through many ups and downs, but mostly downs created by his own insanity. He has found himself homeless on more than one occasion, which has led to some creative solutions on his part. Chang spent a good amount of time living in a pile of boxes in the study room. He even put a lot of time into living in the vents of the college, which has come in handy a few times.

But his boldest move involved becoming Jeff’s roommate. Duncan was over to watch a soccer game when Chang showed up for ostensibly the same reason. In reality, he was engineering a party that would provide cover for him to subtly move in. The worst part is that it actually worked.

Faked His Death

When he was still allowed to teach Spanish at Greendale, Chang took a vacation over the Christmas break. When the students returned, they discovered that Chang had died on that vacation and they had a new teacher. While they kind of mourned in their own way, the class was more excited that they might have the opportunity to learn Spanish from a sane person. But it just wasn’t meant to be. Chang kicked the door open and informed the students that he faked the whole thing to mess with them. After all, Chang is a man who cannot die.

Faked His Spanish Credentials

The sheer horror of this entry is that it goes way beyond what fans see in the series of Community. The reality is that Chang only taught Spanish during season one as the fact he faked his credentials came out at the end of that season. He has nothing that qualifies him to be a teacher of anything. Also, he doesn’t speak Spanish.

That revelation explains a lot of the insane things he tells his class, which seem wrong even if everything you know about Spanish came from Sesame Street. What makes this one of the worst things he did is the fact that he taught multiple classes for years before Jeff and his study group showed up. It’s hard to imagine how many people Chang sent out into the world with no grasp of the language.

Kidnapped The Dean

Chang parlayed his role as a security guard into being the dictator who ruled over Greendale. He had a child army and a fake Dean Pelton that he managed from behind the scenes. It was his most devious and nefarious plan by far. Doctor Doom would have been proud. But the worst part of his plan was kidnapping and holding the real Dean Pelton hostage for months in the basement of the college. While no one would ever suggest that any of his actions during this time were right, or even remotely logical, imprisoning the Dean was by far the worst of it all.

Kidnapped The Wrong Kids

As Shirley’s due date approached, she did everything she could to cut Chang out of her life. Regardless of who the father of the baby was, Shirley wanted it to be raised by her and her husband. Given Chang’s actions and generally unstable demeanor, this wasn’t necessarily the worst idea. Proving her point further, Chang decided to show Shirley how good a father he could be by trying to be a father to her older kids. He did this by kidnapping them. To make matters worse, Chang also kidnapped the wrong kids and essentially framed Jeff for the whole thing. It’s a good thing for everyone that the baby did not turn out to be his.